10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Baker Gun Range Board Meeting Minutes – December 2023

Baker Gun Range Board Meeting Minutes – December 2023

Baker Gun Range Board |MEETING Minutes

 12-4-23 | 18:00 |  Indoor range classroom

Meeting called by Carl Overland Type of meeting Regularly scheduled Facilitator Carl Overland Notes / Timekeeper Carl Overland    MEMBERS PRESENT
Carl Overland
Matt Webber
Steve Bryan      
Jim Leischner
Shane Bettenhausen  

17:53 | Meeting called to order | Carl Overland

Prior month’s meeting minutes were reviewed. No corrections or additions. Minutes approved.

18:04 | Review Old Business | Group

  • Update on sign for rifle range
    • Baker Metal is finishing up, should be done soon.

Old Business Closing

18:05  | Discuss New Business | Group

  • Entrance gate required $1265 in repairs from Dakota fence as an unknown party is messing with the keypads again.
    • Battery back-up cells were replaced in entrance gate
  • New trap machines are en route. They are on truck returning from Great Falls
  • Direct Electric has been selected to carry out the electrical work for the grant and has the work on their schedule this month. 

18:33 | Motion to adjourn made by Matt Webber| Steve Bryan (2nd)

Meeting Adjourned – Carl Overland

Events / Action ItemsPerson responsibleTimeline
Signs (parental supv. and no shotguns)Steve B.12-31-23
Out of order sign for outdoor bathroomJim L12-31-23

Additional notes / comments:

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving