10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Baker Gun Range Board Meeting Minutes – February 2024

Baker Gun Range Board Meeting Minutes – February 2024

Baker Gun Range Board |MEETING Minutes

 2-12-24 | 18:00 |  Indoor range classroom

Meeting called by Carl Overland Type of meeting Regularly scheduled Facilitator Carl Overland Notes / Timekeeper Marty Setinc    MEMBERS PRESENT Carl Overland Matt Webber Steve Bryan Kirk Lineback Marty Setinc  NON-MEMBERS PRESENT       Jim Leischner Shane Bettenhausen  

18:00 | Meeting called to order | Carl Overland

Prior month’s meeting minutes were reviewed. No corrections or additions. Minutes approved.

18:02 | Review Old Business | Group

  • Sign for the rifle range has been received and installed.
  • Direct has completed the electrical wiring for the heating and installed heaters.
    • Heating portion of grant is complete and came in under budget!!
  • Parts have been gathered for the bathroom ADA compliance needs in the trap clubhouse.
  • Open discussion around use of snow fence to help with bits of drifting near the trap house.
  • USPSA section match at the indoor facility last weekend – 17 shooters showed up for the event
  • Open discussion about using some of the old steel in storage on the rifle range for the closer distance berms
    • Matt will ask Baker Metal about building some stands / racks
  • Facility dumpster needs to be emptied
    • Carl will make the notification

Old Business Closing

18:07  | Discuss New Business | Group

  • Both “new” used trap machines have been received at the facility. All seems to be in order and looks good.
  • Gate Update
    • New codes are input, making notifications now.
    • Getting more traction with the county on the Key fob idea for gate entry.
    • Consensus to make a sign for the entry gate detailing directions for entry of folks that we haven’t been able to contact.
      • Jim will get the sign made and installed.
  • We are going to give the rubber belting a try at the 25 yd rifle stand
  • Open discussion about planning for budget allocation to purchase a plow for a 4-wheeler to move snow.
    • Marty to draft and submit an email for board approval.
    • Jim will make an appointment to get commissioner approval and advice.  
  • Trap budget review
    • The board is seeking clarification on allocation of budgetary funds against grant funds. Allocation of the cost for the new machines under the general trap allocation will not allow next purchase of targets without going into the red.
    • Consensus is that negative line items will be reconciled with general fund and not reflect negatively on the management of the trap portion of the range.
  • Matt raised query about adding in some material in old dumpster area to allow for back-in parking for trap events.
    • Should be able to work it in with general road / dirt work maintenance
  • New bathrooms are complete in trap house. Trim and paint remaining.

New Business Closing

18:51 | Motion to adjourn made by Matt Webber| Kirk Lineback seconded the motion.

Meeting Adjourned – Carl Overland

Events / Action ItemsPerson responsibleTimeline

Additional notes / comments:

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