10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Baker Gun Range Board Meeting Minutes – July 2024

Baker Gun Range Board Meeting Minutes – July 2024

Baker Gun Range Board |MEETING Minutes

 7-1-24 | 18:00 |  Indoor range classroom

Meeting called by Carl Overland Type of meeting Regularly scheduled Facilitator Carl Overland Notes / Timekeeper Carl Overland    MEMBERS PRESENT Carl Overland Matt Webber Steve Bryan  NON-MEMBERS PRESENT       Jim Leischner  

18:04 | Meeting called to order | Carl Overland

Prior month’s meeting minutes were reviewed. No corrections or additions. Minutes approved.

18:11 | Review Old Business | Group

  • Matt is currently working on the belting backstop for the rifle range trial
  • Board received bid from county to repair drainage issues on trap parking lot for planning and budgetary consideration.
    • Kirk to get secondary bid from Griffith Excavation for comparison
  • Board would like to explore the potential to put something off the side of the entry gate to eliminate the ability for people to drive around the gate.
    • Consensus is that if post was in line with the end of the gate arm, that would eliminate the problem and still allow snow removal equipment access. 
    • Carl will work with the county to see what it will take to move the post.
    • Pipe has been installed at gate and on trap range
  • Trap range grant has been extended
  • Marty will draft a letter for use to submit to all members at time of membership purchase / renewal that details acceptable family use guidelines and general rules

Old Business Closing

18:12  | Discuss New Business | Group

  • Racing group commended on how well they cleaned up the facility after recent use.
  • Commission approved adding parking for trap range and to remove old bleachers in front of range.
  • Kirk and Matt are going to perform clay target inventory.
  • Report that annual shots and strokes event went very well with 11 teams participating
  • Unused electrical enclosures are being used as targets.
    • Carl to check with Direct Electric about removing them.

New Business Closing

18:30 | Motion to adjourn made by Matt Weber | Steve Bryan seconded the motion.

Meeting Adjourned – Carl Overland

Events / Action ItemsPerson responsibleTimeline
Request for 4-wheeler plow attachment – DraftMarty8-1-24
Member letter handout – DraftMarty8-1-24
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