Baker Gun Range Board Meeting Minutes – May 2023
Baker Gun Range Board |MEETING Minutes
5-1-23 | 18:11 | Indoor range classroom
Meeting called by Shane Bettenhausen Jim Leischner Type of meeting Regularly scheduled Regular Monthly meeting Facilitator Carl Overland Dave Kono Notes / Timekeeper Marty Setinc Marty Setinc | MEMBERS PRESENT Marty Setinc Carl Overland Matt Webber Kirk Lineback Steve Bryan | NON-MEMBERS PRESENT Shane Bettenhausen Jim Leischner |
18:16 | Meeting called to order | Carl Overland
Prior month’s meeting minutes were reviewed. No corrections or additions. Minutes approved.
18:04 | Review Old Business | Group
- FWP grant still pending according to recent update in the commissioner’s minutes.
- Snow removal open discussion
- Matt and Kirk received qualifications to be 4H trap leaders.
- Open house will be held Wednesday, May 3rd.
- First class will be Wednesday May 24th.
- Depending on class sizes, may roll the group in with the Thursday night trap club.
- 6:56 Kimberly Jensen joined the meeting to discuss the county fiscal budget and procurement policy.
- Review of Commissioner’s letter encouraging everyone to shop local and support local tax base.
- Review of Fallon County Procurement Policy
- Even for budgeted items, responsible member must notify commission at time of ultimate purchase.
- Competitive Quotes when possible. Bids required at >$80,000.
- No splitting of invoice line items for the same project.
- No pre-payment
- Shooting range operates out of the “general fund” (1000).
- Shooting range is an account under said general fund.
- “200” codes – supplies
- “300” codes – services
- “900” codes – capital purchases over $5,000 – Fixed Assets
- Make sure to notify Kimberly of decommissioning of items with asset tags.
- Inventory reports out to Jim and Shane in October.
- Budgets will be distributed in April, due back in June. Budgetary meetings to follow.
- How do we allocate any grants received?
- Board is responsible to allocate grant funds into the budget.
- Will be split and coded per County Guidelines.
- It would be a good practice for the board to complete and submit some revenue reports as demonstration of income.
- If we use a new vendor to perform any services on county property, Kimberly needs notified and a W9 to process a 1099. Will also need a certificate of liability insurance.
Old Business Closing
18:17 | Discuss New Business | Group
- Open review of updated range bylaws for those not present in last meeting.
- Steve – Question about current members and non-members having access to the facility.
- Can we prorate memberships?
- Code sharing?
- Fobs?
- Carl to resume discussion with County IT personnel for phone usage to gain entry.
- Jim to provide a list of current members for board review.
- Open discussion about new facility rules signage.
- Matt to provide quote to make sign.
- Matt brought up issue of garbage / trash in facility.
- Board members / users to haul off what we can until container is available.
- Container is in use but will be delivered as soon as available.
- Trap club budget
- Trap sports will get their own cost codes established for budgeting separate of the rest of the facility
- Sale per round of trap $5, cost is $3, profit $2.
- Runnings prices for clays will be going up 45% in June/July
- MC club has agreed to cost share for a whole truckload. $1096.40
18:52 | Motion to adjourn made by Kirk Lineback| Steve Bryan seconds (2nd)
Meeting Adjourned
Events / Action Items | Person responsible | Timeline |
USPSA match schedule | Shane B. | 2023 |