10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Baker Municipal Airport Commission Minutes August 9th 2023

Baker Municipal Airport Commission Minutes August 9th 2023


Baker Municipal Commission

August 9. 2023

Convene:  Called to order at 12:05 by Chairman Dennis Twedt


Dale Hinton – Member

Mark Jacobsen – Member

Dennis Twedt – Chairman

Roger Meggers – Airport Manager

Sheila Ware – Acting Board Secretary


John Tronstead – Member

Rod Johnson – Member

Minutes/Financials Review & Approval:

Minutes from the last meeting on May 10, 2023, and the Financial Report for June 2023 were reviewed.  Roger confirmed the accuracy of the financials.  Dennis suggested a motion to approve.  Dale Hinton motioned to approve as written, seconded by Mark Jacobsen. All voted Aye.

Airport Updates:

Roger informed the Board that the newly installed fuel system is 99% complete.  Minor repairs to include fencing, gate stops and door latches remain incomplete to date.

Mark inquired if there were any residual water issues from the recent heavy rains.  Roger replied that the area north of the hangar remained water laden.  Roger stated that the size of the swampy area has increased resulting in negotiations between Roger and the Road Department to reduce the level and area of wet land by the investiture of topsoil placed in that sector.

Unfinished Business:

Roger notified the Board that the culvert has been successfully replaced, the results are favorable and relatively smooth.

New Business:

Roger advised the Members that the County Commissioners recommend an increase in hangar lease rates in November or December.  Dennis queried for the average hangar lease rate.  Roger responded that rates will most likely increase to $75-$100 for annual leases. Roger stated that in addition, the lessee will also pay taxes on the building.

Dennis probed if an increase in the heated Hangar rates is anticipated.  Roger countered that an increase in rates for the cold hangar and leases are expected, but not for the heated hangar.

Dennis stated that despite the slight anticipated increase, rates at Baker Municipal Airport appeared reasonable and affordable.

Mark requested the lease rate for Billings or Miles City.  Roger commented that lease rates are $200/year for Billings.  He remains unaware of Miles City rates, but Forsyth and approximately half of smaller airports maintain no cost hangars.  Dale inquired how the smaller airports generate income for maintenance if they are no cost.  Roger stated that most do not have much maintenance and run themselves.

Roger updated the Board that the newly purchased LED Beacon Light is in the SRA building and awaiting installation.  Mark inquired what could be the delay for Direct Electric to complete the installation process.  Roger speculated that Direct Electric is busy in the oil field, which might account for the delay.  Mark questioned if the new beacon is an LED.  Roger asserted that it is an LED, provides increased visibility, is not too bright and is long lasting.

Dennis questioned if there were any additional new business not previously addressed.  Roger updated the Members that Tom Sparks had hayed and baled the Airport property.  Approximately 100 bales had been removed from the premises within 2-3 days after baling.  Dennis noted that past bales had been on property for a longer period.  Additionally, he stated that the rapid removal of hay bales improved the overall appearance of the airport property


At 12:30 PM, Dennis proposes motion to adjourn.  Dale motioned to adjourn meeting, seconded by Mark.  Motion carried.

The next meeting is set for September 13, 2023, at 12:00 PM.

s\ Chairman, Dennis Twedt                                                            s\ Act. Secy. Sheila Ware

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