10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Baker Municipal Airport Commission Minutes January 10th 2024

Baker Municipal Airport Commission Minutes January 10th 2024


Baker Municipal Commission

January 10, 2024

Convene:  Called to order at 12:15 by Mark Jacobsen


Mark Jacobsen – Member

John Tronstead – Member

Darin Meggers – Asst. Manager

Roger Meggers – Airport Manager

Sheila Ware – Acting Board Secretary


Dennis Twedt – Chairman – available by phone

Dale Hinton – Member

Rod Johnson – Member

Minutes/Financials Review & Approval:

Minutes from the last meeting on October 11, 2023, and the Financials Report for December 2023 were reviewed.  Roger confirmed the accuracy of the financials.  Dennis suggested a motion to approve via telephone.  John motioned to approve as written, seconded by Mark Jacobsen.  All voted aye.

Airport Updates:

 Roger informed the board that the new beacon light had been installed.  John inquired if the new beacon was fully covered by Grant.  Roger replied Yes, almost all of it except a very small portion was covered by the Grant and the remaining balance would be covered in the Airport budget.   The cost for the new beacon was $14,350, installation fees of $2,107 and fees due KLJ amounting to $1,200.00 for a total of $17,657.  Craig Canfield confirmed the final cost and requested the $16,000 disbursement of the Grant fund.  Funds should arrive in a few days.

Mark questioned if the new beacon is clearly visible.  Roger confirmed that the beacon’s visibility surpasses the old beacon. Joh inquired as to the age of the old beacon.  Roger replied that the old beacon was approximately 20 years old.  John added that he thought the beacons had a longer life span than that.  Mark asked if the new beacon light was an LED.  Roger confirmed that it was.  Mark asked how long the life of an LED light might be.  Roger responded that the LED should last for approximately 30 years.

Darin questioned if there were any complaints from the community about the new beacon.  Mark rejoined that there was none that he was made aware.  Darin commented that despite overcast weather, the new beacon provided brilliant lighting and visibility was excellent.  John stated that the new beacon in Ekalaka is also clearly visible now even if the weather is overcast.  Mark remarked that the new beacon really makes a difference.  Roger asserted that the new LED light is bright but does not blind a pilot. 

Mark inquired if the new fuel building had been completed and installed.  Darin confirmed that it was on site and fully functioning. Roger commented that is nice to be out of the wind and weather when refueling. Roger added that the customers seem to appreciate the attributes of the finished fuel building as well.  Roger stated that the final cost for the construction and installation was quite reasonable, $6952.

Roger informed the board that placards were placed on the building and were of reflective material, so night arrivals could clearly see the building and keep wing tips from contact with the new building.

Roger apprised the members of the first grant balance of $67,000 for the new fuel system should arrive soon. A second grant was submitted in June 2023 in the amount of $345,000.  The FAA should issue the remaining grant shortly to close out the expenses for the fuel system update.

New Business:

Roger notified the Board regarding the purchase and installation of weather cameras.  Roger informed the Board that a Memo of Understanding be sent to request funds for the purchase and installation.  Roger stated that the final cost would be about $8,800.  Half of the cost is paid for by MDOT, the remaining half to be paid by the County.  Mark asked if there was a grant available to offset the cost of the cameras.  Roger responded that the State would pay for half of the cost of the weather cameras and perform the installation, while the internet connection is provided by the airport.

John inquired if the cameras operated via Bluetooth.  Roger replied that he was not certain.  Darin inquired how the cameras relate the weather information.  Roger stated that a screen monitor is provided.  John asked where the cameras might be mounted.  Roger thought maybe place it on the SRE building.  John questioned if the cameras placed on the FBO building would it tie into the existing internet or if it would tie it up.  Roger informed the Board that Josh mentioned that the County would get its own internet due to security reasons. Darin suggested installing the camera on top of the hangar.  Roger agreed it would be high enough. 

John inquired if the 2023/2024 budget would accommodate the installation of the cameras.  Roger assumed that it would be assigned to the following year’s budget.  Roger believed that if they were installed in the spring, there is enough funds to cover the cost.  Mark asked if it was simply a matter of submitting a memo to the State.  Roger affirmed and a meeting with County Commissioners was also required to obtain formal approval.

John moved to proceed with the weather cameras, Mark seconded the motion to approve, 

Mark stated how useful it is that Ekalaka, Miles City and Glendive all had weather cameras.  Roger agreed that they provide good information, but at times, it is hard to determine visibility and distance. Darin affirmed that the cameras provide a good idea of conditions for reference but does not trump ASOS.  Roger stated that the cameras will work in conjunction with ASOS.  Roger explained that the cameras pick prominent points in the area to give a point of reference.

Roger wondered as to the feasibility of placing a camera on the BAS building as there is a 10 ft difference.  Darin mentioned that if the camera pointed w or SW if would not provide clear visibility.  John asked if the State would provide recommendations for camera location.  Roger thought that attending the Montana Aviation Conference in February would be the perfect opportunity to present those questions. Roger stated that he would speak with Derrick to get some guidance.

 Roger added that there was no way to get a cable across the gate unless Bluetooth was an option.  Mark inquired if it requires extra equipment to go wireless.  Roger responded maybe. John mentioned that wireless can work very well if the distance is not too great.


At 12:50 PM, Mark moves to adjourn.  John seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

The next meeting is set for February14, 2024, at 12:00 PM.

__________________________                                            _____________________________

s\ Member, Mark Jacobsen                                                        a\ Act. Secy. Sheila Ware

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