10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Baker Municipal Airport Commission Minutes May 10th 2023

Baker Municipal Airport Commission Minutes May 10th 2023


Baker Municipal Airport Commission

May 10, 2023

Convene: Called to order at 12:20 PM by Airport Manager Roger Meggers


John Tronstead – Member

Mark Jacobsen: Member

Dale Hinton – Member

Roger Meggers – Airport Manager

Darin Meggers – Asst. Manager

Sheila Ware – Acting Board Secretary


Dennis Twedt – Chairman

Rod Johnson – Member

Minutes/Financials review & Approval:

Minutes of the last meeting on April 12, 2023, and the financial report for April 2023 were reviewed.  Roger confirmed the accuracy of the financials.  Dale Hinton motioned to approve as written, seconded by John Tronstead.

Airport Updates:

Roger informed the Board of his conversation with Fallon County in reference to Baker Airport Annual Hangar Lease.  The cost associated with the hangars situated on County owned property has not been increased in several years.  He inquired how the Board viewed an increase in the annual fee.

John asked how much is charged per year for the annual lease?  Roger replied $50 /hangar.  Darin added that the County concern is that annual hangar lease fee is not current with competing airports.  Roger stated that the County wanted to see incremental increases every 2-3 years.  John agreed that an increase every 20 years would be outdated and in line with current costs.

Dale inquired as to the ownership of the hangars.  Roger responded that various persons possess their own individual hangar.  John queried how many acres are dedicated to the individually owned hangars?  Roger rejoined that approximately 1 acre is designated for all the hangars.  John asked how much revenue was received by Fallon County for the Annual Hangar lease fees?  Roger replied that roughly $1000/year was paid to Fallon County for using their land.  He added that about 1/10 of an acre is dedicated /hangar and there are 10 privately owned hangars located on County property.  John reiterated that $1000/acre was received by Fallon County for leasing County-owned property.  

Roger conjectured that raising the Annual Hangar lease fee to $75/year would most likely be well received by the individual owners. John inquired what the hangar lease fee might be at other airports?  Roger stated that costs vary from 2 cents/sq ft – $2000/year, depending on the airport.  Darin added that commercial airports tend to charge more, with several small airports that do not charge lease rates.    Local competing airports such as Ekalaka do not charge as Ekalaka owns the hangars rather than individually owned.  In addition, Roger informed the members that there is room on the property for 20 hangars. Darin added that all 10 Baker hangars are all owned and occupied.

Furthermore, Roger advised the Board of the County’s concern over the Municipal Hangar rent.  The cold storage hanger is approximately $125/month Roger stated that the Heated Hangar  charge is reasonable and does not really need to be adjusted.  John asked if a decision needed to be made to increase the monthly and heated hangar rates? Roger believed it should remain open for further discussion with a final decision made by November, with an increase, likely for next year.

Dale asked for clarification on what result was needed by the Board for the April meeting in regards to hangar fees.  Roger asked is $50/year for Annual Hangar Lease fee for County property, and $125/ month for cold storage hangar is competitive or if it needs to be increased.  Darin stated that the County would like to see both fees increase.  He considers Baker nightly rates are competitive, just the Annual Hangar Lease and Municipal Hangar rates need to be addressed. Roger informed the Board that Baker charges $50/night depending on type of aircraft, and that there is flexibility in pricing depending on hangar use such as whether aircraft is in and out and raising the doors. Darin stated that there is a nice tradeoff between the increased nightly hangar fee depending on hangar usage and the no cost courtesy car use, so most are willing to pay the adjusted hangar fee.

 Mark inquired if hangar rates needed to be increased before the end of 2023.  Roger affirmed that before the end of the year in order to be in place for 2024.  Roger presented a potential $65 or $75/year for the Annual Hangar Lease for the members to consider.  John agreed that $75/year with an increase every 5 years would be in order.  Roger suggested $135/month for the Municipal Hangar.  Dale recommended raising to $150/ month.

Roger enlightened the Board about a new issue with a culvert collapse and the difficulties with repair.  Mark asked when it was originally installed.  Roger thought around 1950. He added that Steve Baldwin inspected the settling issue.

Unfinished Business:

Dale questions if the new fuel system installation is still in progress? Roger affirmed that it is.  John inquired if the concrete has been poured.  Roger asserted that it was poured last week and are waiting for it to set and install fencing. Mark queried how the concrete is testing this time.  Roger replied that the testing process is just beginning now.  Darin explained the issue with obtaining quality concrete that possesses the strength needed to support the weight of the filled fuel tanks.  Roger explained the KLJ inspector, Duane Rood knows his concrete and has been on site to ensure Young Gun Construction follows the specifications explicitly.  Darin stated that if concrete passes the strength test, all that is left for Young Gun Construction is to clean up the site, install the fence and wait for mascot to move the tanks.

Roger explained the difficulty with moving the tanks to their final location.  There is no baffle in the tank so no liquid can be present in order to move the 45,000 lb. tank.  He stated that Mitchell’s will move the tanks and the complexities involving two separate moves and two separate swings with the crane to get the tanks to their final location. Darin stated that Mascot will oversee  the tank move and ensure tanks are level once placed.

New Business:

Roger shared with the Board the 2023-2024 proposed budget.  Office Supplies – $750/ year will stay the same.  Office equipment – $500 allotment for future purchase of a new printer.  The new computer purchased with the current 2022-2023 budget allotment has been ordered, but not received.  Repairs & Maintenance – $17,000 to include windsocks, runway lights and beacon light.  Purchased Services – increase to $100,000 to cover culvert repair, pave parking lot, install new beacon light.  Utilities – $10,000.  Professional Services – $58,000 to cover David Turch Consulting, and KLJ miscellaneous project advisement and oversight. The Fallon County Commissioners will determine the final Budget.

Dale motioned to approve the preliminary budget, seconded by John. Motion carried.

Mark asked about the extent of sagging to the second culvert along the runway.  Roger responded that he will be able to provide more detailed information at the next board meeting, once he has a chance to do some digging around the sunken, sagging location. 

Roger notified the Board that Craig Canfield has all the financials on capital outlay for the next few years and he will provide that in a future meeting with the Board.


At 1:19 PM Mark motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by John.  Motion carried. 

The next meeting is set for June 12, 2023, at 12:00 PM

S\ Member, Mark Jacobsen                                                                                                        
S\ Act. Secy. Sheila Ware

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