10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Baker Municipal Airport Commission Minutes May 22nd 2024

Baker Municipal Airport Commission Minutes May 22nd 2024


Baker Municipal Commission

May 22, 2024

Convene:  Called to order at 12:10 PM by Dennis Twedt


Mark Jacobsen – Member

Dale Hinton – Member

Darin Meggers – Asst. Manager

Roger Meggers – Airport Manager

Dennis Twedt – Chairman

Sheila Ware – Acting Board Secretary


John Tronstead – Member

Rod Johnson – Member

Minutes/Financials Review & Approval:

Dennis Twedt called to review Minutes from the last meeting on March 13, 2024, and the Financials Report for April 2024 was reviewed.  Roger confirmed the accuracy of the financials.  Dennis suggested a motion to approve.  Mark motioned to approve as written, seconded by Dale Hinton.  All voted aye.

Airport Updates:

Roger apprised the Board that the two MRTC phone lines were successfully removed, and that the removal has changed the monthly utility cost. He stated there will be no MidRivers expenses until next month due to the installation of the weather cameras. Mark inquired if the airport was able to secure its own Internet line. Roger affirmed that a line designated solely for airport use was installed. Mark questioned if installation of the weather cameras had taken place. Roger confirmed that Derrick had completed the installation of the weather cameras. Dale inquired as to the number of installed cameras. Roger replied that a total of four weather cameras were installed across the premises. Mark inquired where the cameras were located. Roger stated that all four cameras were placed on the heated hangar building.  Roger added that there is direct camera access but was not yet available on the FAA website. Darin added that it will be a couple of weeks before cameras are live on the FAA website. Once the photos become verified, they will be available. Dennis stated that the weather cameras are a valuable tool for pilots. Roger noted that newly installed weather cameras have been placed not only in Baker, but also in Jordan, and Terry.  Roger added that there are a considerable number of cameras now installed in eastern Montana. Mark noted that the cameras are a good addition for this part of Montana to accurately determine weather conditions. Darin informed the Board that the cameras also provide good angles of site to accurately display up to date conditions.

New Business:

Roger informed the Board of the new budget changes for the airport.  Last year the budget for office supplies was $1,000.00, this year the allotted budget has been reduced to $813.24.  Roger requested that budget supplies be increased to $1000.00.  Airport Repair and Maintenance Supply was allotted $5,116.65, Roger has requested that the budget reflect $20,000 to allow for new tires for the front-end loader for a cost of $6,000.00, $7,000.00 to replace the 10-year-old batteries on the Tug and 4 new replacement scrubber batteries that are over five years old for a cost of $1,500.00 each.  Last year $15,000.00 was designated to Airport Purchase Service. Roger has requested $35,000.00 be allotted to cover $4,500.00 for the weather cameras, $10,000.00 for a gate opener, $1,500.00 for a heated hangar door opener and $5,000.00 for parts and labor. The County allotted $7,083.75 for utilities.  Roger has requested a total of $10,000 be approved for annual utility expenses. $62,491.66 has been allocated for Airport Professional Services by the County.  A total of $65,000 has been requested for those fees.  $574.57 had been apportioned for Travel expenses, $2,000 was used last fiscal year, so Roger has requested a total of $3,000 be allocated for the new year. The County proposed $14,350.75 for Capital Outlay, Roger asked for $100,000 be approved for the necessary geotechnical survey to address the influx of water from the golf course and the water damage. Roger informed the Board of a $325,000 credit to Airport Construction from the FAA Grant reimbursement for the newly installed fuel system.

Dennis motioned to approve the budget. Mark moved to approve.  Dale seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Mark inquired when the Tool Cat was due for trade update. Roger replied that the Bobcat update program is no longer available. Darin stated that a new filter is approximately $200. Dennis commented on the quality of airport equipment. Roger informed the Board that the loader is 18 years old, but in good condition. Darin added that the tires need replacing with a new set of radials. Dennis added that radials recommended to manage the significant weight, especially on the front of the loader. Darin inquired which establishment could replace tires of that size. Roger replied that the county shop could replace the old tires with new radials.

Roger apprised the Board of the ongoing maintenance to the airport included mowing the long grass and replacing the worn windsock. Dennis questioned the condition of the apron cement and any gaps in that area.  Roger replied that the apron will be assessed, and that portion is included in ramp repairs. Dennis questioned if a temporary fix is recommended. Roger said there is no temporary fix schedule as the entire section will have to be reconstructed to deal with subsurface water.

Mark questioned the performance of the new fuel system.  Roger affirmed that the new system is dependable and operates well. Dennis added that the new fuel building is well built, and it is much appreciated to be out of the wind and hail. Roger agreed that the building is a nice addition and is solidly built compared to the flimsy buildings at other airports. Roger added that the $6500 is easily recouped by reducing the wear and tear on the QT Pod. Roger stated that the new building is well worth the cost. Darin notified the Board that the fuel system will receive annual inspections, and this is the first year for an inspection.  Dennis asked how the inspection is conducted.  Roger responded that an inspection is mainly visual, but will also be checked for floating particulates and filter replacement. Darin apprised the Board that Kirk Marketing Specialties will conduct the annual inspection. Roger stated that Marketing Specialties completed the underground tank removal.  Roger added that weekly, monthly quarterly, and yearly inspections are performed on the fuel system. Mark questions if much water was removed from the system. Roger replied that not much water, a couple of ounces was removed. Dennis added that the system has a feature like a bowl for water removal. Roger stated that Jet fuel is known for retaining water.


At 1:00 PM, Dennis motions to adjourn. Dale moves to adjourn. Mark seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The next meeting is set for June 12, 2024, at 12:00 PM.

________________________                                 _________________________

s\ Chairman, Dennis Twedt                                         s\ Act. Secy. Sheila Ware

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