10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Baker Municipal Airport Commission Minutes – November 13th 2024

Baker Municipal Airport Commission Minutes – November 13th 2024


Baker Municipal Commission

November 13, 2024

Convene:  Called to order at 12:07 PM by Mark Jacobsen


Mark Jacobsen – Member

Dale Hinton – Member

Darin Meggers – Asst. Manager

Roger Meggers – Airport Manager

Sheila Ware – Acting Board Secretary


Rod Johnson – Member

John Tronstad – Member

Dennis Twedt – Chairman


Justin Zindell – KLJ

Roy Rost – Fallon County Commissioner

Kevin Braun – Fallon County Commissioner

Minutes/Financials Review & Approval:

Mark Jacobsen asked if there were any questions regarding either the Minutes or Financials.  Roger replied that everything looked correct.  Mark asked if there was anything new regarding the financials.  Roger replied that the telephone lines have been removed, and the newly installed weather cameras, operating on the internet,  have reduced the airport expenditures by approximately $100/month. Dale motioned to accept financials and minutes as written, seconded by Mark.  All voted aye.

Airport Updates:

Mark moved to discuss any airport updates.  Roger stated that the newly installed weather camera lenses were cleaned with a bucket truck.  The camera located to the northeast was foggy and the camera located to the southeast was cloudy.  The camera visibility is much improved with the cleaning. Mark noted that they were indeed cloudy last time he had accessed the camera system.  Darin added that the view is much clearer.

Justin stated that the outstanding projects with Craig Canfield were being closed out.  Justin has no updates at present on receipt of any financial incentives to date.

Mark inquired about Darin’s position being finalized with the County.  Darin replied that it is still in process through December with all documentation being submitted to Julie Straub.

Roger informed the Board regarding the FAA Airport Inspection.  There are still water issues on the property.  In addition, there are issues with birds and wildlife, and the FAA is not content with the surrounding wetlands. The overgrowth of bushes in the culvert is problematic and the FAA wants them removed and the culverts cleared.

Roy inquired if spraying the bushes in the spring was an option rather than cutting them.  Darin noted that Milestone is effective in killing the bush overgrowth.  Roy added that whatever product used to eradicate thistles will work on the bushes.  Kevin stated it might be better to cut first, then spray in the spring when the shoots were coming up. 

Dale inquired about the water issues affecting the airport.  Roger informed him that water was coming in on the south ramp and taxi area. Dale asked if the water came from the gold course because gumbo does not leech much.  Roger stated that Justin would address this issue.

Ongoing Business:

Justin informed the Board that new program managers are proactive.  They have devised a schedule of when things are due, both project wise and pertaining to inspection correction.  New planners will submit changes to ADO office in Helena. 

Roy inquired about Tom Sparks cutting the hay.  Roy mentioned that the hay land can be insured through FSA if the crop gets damaged by hail, and if there is a draught, Tom can also collect through insurance coverage.  Kevin mentioned that Tom Sparks wants to improve the land to improve hay production.  Roy asked if Tom could improve what is already there. Kevin stated that Tom could improve the soil, spray and fix the holes. Justin stated that Tom should be successful in collecting any insurance because the airport is County owned.  Justin added that Sidney grows hay at the airport, which provides approximately $5000-$10,000 extra revenue for the airport. Roy expressed that all the expense for land improvement would be on Tom.  Justin suggested a call to Ryan at Sidney airport to answer any questions on how to do this. Justin reminded the Board that Tom will need to stay so far off the taxi and runway protection zones.  Justin recommended an agreement with Tom, that if either of those areas became damaged through his land improvement, Tom will replace and/or fix the damage.  Dale inquired if Tom would require the hay to be irrigated.  Roy replied that there will be no irrigation.

Kevin asked if all borrowed funds from other airports have been repaid.  Justin responded that they are in the process of verifying funds to ensure repayment of funds borrowed from surrounding airports.  Roger stated that Laurel was the last airport to be repaid.

Roger informed the Board about the status of the Qualification for Engineers, that the Commissioners signed off and that is why Justin is here today.

Roy inquired as to the term, if it was a 5-year contract.  Justin stated that KLJ can be replaced with another company at any time.  Kevin stated KLJ was indeed hired for the next 5 years.  Justin mentioned that there was a lot on the docket for airport improvements over the next 5 years. And KLJ was prepared with planning and met the required qualifications. Kevin stated that per Montana law, the County was required to advertise and were able to use various companies, but the County only received one application.

Justin added that if KLJ fees exceed $100,000, the fees will be negotiable.  Thorough and Independent Fee Examination. (IFE)  An IFE can be requested to see if KLJ fees are in line.  Any Fees over $100,00, automatically spurs an IFE.

Roger added that the FAA knows the type of projects that incur engineering fees of at least 10%-15%.  Justin replied that larger projects generally fall in the 10%-15% range for engineering fees.  15% for construction.  $75,000 – $80, 000 in engineering fees is the norm across the industry. Since geotechnical work will be performed at KBHK, that will add to the cost.  Justin stated that pavement maintenance is expensive, and the State is attempting to pool the money so it can be spent on larger projects.  KBHK automatically receives $150K/year.  They are trying to figure out ways to make larger projects doable. 

Justin stated that the Airport District Office (ADO) has new people in an effort to reduce waste and increase productivity to get bigger projects done.  The big project will be geotechnical engineering to figure out where the water comes from.  The apron needs to be assessed to mitigate and further water damage.  Roger stated that a pre-design construction meeting will be held.  Justi said the predesign meeting for 2025 projects was due November 12, 2024.  Justin was told everything looks good and concur that geotechnical can proceed.  There are 3 routes that can be taken:

  1. KLJ can be hired for one fee as subconsultants for around $15,000
  2.  County can get three different estimates
  3. To Use FAA grant money, must obtain 3 estimates

Kevin inquired if Geotech will be before pavement comes off.  Justin replied that pavement maintenance is performed every 3-5 years.  It can ‘t be done now as an individual project as no indication where water is coming from.  If it comes from the Gold Course, a possible liner in the pond might be a solution. Kevin inquired if the FAA would pay for the liner.  Justin asked if the pond is on County property.  Kevin stated it is on municipal property.  Justin thought that the FAA might pat for a barricade to keep water from entering airport. Justin stressed the importance of the geotechnical process to determine exactly where the water is coming from.  Roy wondered if it was from the pond overflow.  Darin added that the drainage could be going in the wrong direction.  Justin offered two solutions, divert the overflow or install a liner in the pond. 

Darin mentioned that across the runway by the trees, water is pooling. Kevin stated that water from the gold course is downhill towards the lake. Roy stated that the County does not want to solicit our own geotechnical assessment.  Justin added that crack sealing that area did not happen on unused runway by RPZ by the old hangar.

Justin informed the Board that the first grants issued in July 2025 are due to Montana House and Senate issues. If both houses have no division, we can start construction in July 2025.  The state Grant application was submitted 11/12/24.  A Federal Grant Application to ADO to pre-program final grant has been submitted to get the project started quicker.

Darin inquired if it would require drilling through the apron.  Justin replied that bore holes need to be drilled through the apron to obtain test results before a plan of action can be determined. Roger asked if a list was compiled to determine how much crack seal is required.  Justin will forward the linear footage for what was measured with 50% going to runway and 20% going to taxi lanes.  Roger stated the apron will take a lot of linear footage with mastic due to the wide cracks. Justin agreed the large crack will require mastic.


At 2:10 PM Dale motioned to conclude the meeting, seconded by Mark.  Motion carried.

The next meeting is scheduled for January  15, 2025, at 12:00 PM

s\Member, Mark Jacobsen                                                 s\Act. Secy. Sheila Ware

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving