Baker Rural District February 2023 Meeting
PRESENT: Chairman; Turk Stark, Treasurer; Dick Chester, Trustee; Fred Hoff, Fire Chief; Tom Bruha, Secretary; Stephanie Croy
ABSENT: Vice Chairman; Randy Hoenke, Trustee; Chris Meccage
VISTOR: Bryce Kramlick
Motion was made by Dick to approve the presented minutes of the January 5, 2023 meeting. Motion was 2nd by Fred. Motion carried. All Aye
The removal of the Def systems, Kyle, is working on coming out. There is some ranchers that need one removed so working with them on dates.
The tower radio license is finally here and has been approved since September 2022 for the North Tower.
The generator is still working and TAB’s is still working on coming to do the annual service.
The city is planning some work on the water lines on 6th street. The board would like to have a fire hydrant placed on the lot of theirs to the south of the hall. The city is wanting the Fire Department pay for all the project. After much discussion the board approve and fund the 6th street water line project with the understanding that after seeing the bid and presenting it to the commissioners that they agree to replenish the funds in our Capital Project used on the 6th street project. Motion was made by Fred and 2nd by Dick. Motion carried. All Aye.
This week Tom and Turk stopped in the Bank of Baker to research the department getting a Safety Deposit Box for the Donation and Memorial Fund. They found that for the size we would like would be $16.00 a year. After some discussion Fred made the motion to purchase the box and in order to put in or take out funds from the box there needs to be 2 there. At least one of them needs to be a board member. The following are to be on the list who can complete this task. Board members are: Turk, Randy, Dick, Fred, Chris. Tom and Stephanie may also with at least one of the board members.
In this visit they found they need to update the Debit card holders. There was some discussion followed by Fred making the motion to removed Dave Meccage and add Dick Chester and keep everyone else the same. There for having Turk, Fred, Randy, and Dick allowed on Debit card. Stepping down from the chair Turk 2nd the motion. Motion carried. All Aye.
The Debit card holders also needing some changes. The discussion was for to remove Dale and Dick from card holders and adding Bryce Kramlick and Riley Chaska. There fore making Tom, Tyler, Bryce, and Riley debit card holders. Fred made the motion to go with changes for card holders. Turk stepping down from the chair 2nd the motion. Motion carried. All Aye.
Tom mentions they are hoping to have some rope training with Ekalaka’s fire department sometime in April. There will also be some Ice Rescue training maybe in the future also.
They have a new app for cell phones for the emergency calls the DES is putting a meeting together to introduce “I AM RESPONDING.” Dates for this are unknown. Dick made the motion to pay the bills. Fred 2nd the motion.
The following claims were approved to be paid:

s\ Turk Stark, chairman s\ Stephanie Croy, secretary