10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Commission Minutes

Commission Minutes





PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin, Kevin Braun, Members; Kelsey DuCharme, Recording Secretary


9:30 AM The Pledge of Allegiance was held in the Commissioner’s Office to start off the week. PUBLIC COMMENT –AGENDA/NON-AGENDA ITEMS

No one appeared for public comment.

9:43 AM Todd Adamson, Adamson and Sons Construction; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder joined the meeting.

Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to approve the minutes from March 29 – April 2, 2021, as presented. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3

Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to approve the closed minutes from April 1, 2021, with corrections. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3

Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

Invoice Review Discussion/Decision- The Commission called Todd in to discuss the handrail claim that was turned into the County from Adamson and Sons Construction for the privately owned building on 1st Street that was damaged during the County Sidewalk Project. Todd explained that the foundation needed to be fixed and had to flash the whole pipe down the wall. The amount of $10,500 was what was agreed upon during the Commission meeting previously where it was explained what needed to be done to the building. The Commission was under the understanding that new concrete would be poured for that amount as well. Todd explained that the $10,500 was for the flashing and the handrail. The handrail needed to be added to meet

code. The bill that was sent to the County was not itemized, however Todd explained there was more than just

the handrail added but he is still charging the County the original price. He stated that $7,100 is rebuilding the handrail, and the remaining cost went towards labor, meeting with the code inspector, and the flashing. Commissioner Braun stated that he is not comfortable with paying for a powder coated railing for a private entity. No new concrete was poured. The Commission reviewed the pictures of the project before Adamson and Sons Construction worked on it.

10:11 AM Julie Straub, HRM joined the meeting.

10:18 AM Brenda and Todd left the meeting.

Permission to Recruit Manager of Landfill Operation- The current job description for the Manager of Landfill Operations was reviewed. Julie gave the Commission the proposed changes to the job description. Site maintenance was added to the description. It will be required to have experience on operating heavy equipment. It will be preferred to have experience in a supervisory role. This wage is currently identified at $23, after probation is $24, and after 6 additional months is $25. Julie would advocate that the wage is reflective upon the Maintenance Supervisor position wage, which starts at $23.50, after 6 months is $24.50, and after an additional 6 months is $25.50. The Commission agreed to make this change. DEQ offers various types of training for the new manager once they are hired. This position will be advertised on the County website and various newspapers.

Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to start Recruitment for the Manager of Landfill Operations. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3

Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

10:55 AM Julie left the meeting.

The Commission reviewed and approved the End of the Month March 2021 Claims in the amount of

$378,632.77 and they are filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office.

11:41 AM Trenton Harbaugh, Sheriff joined the meeting.

Shop Quote Review/Decision- Trenton brought in two quotes for the storage building going in by the

County shop for extra storage for the Sheriff’s Office. The funding for the building was approved in the 2020-

2021 fiscal year budget. Electrical would be tied into the Weed Department so that another meter would not need to be added. It would be no cost for MDU to hook onto the outlet.

Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to accept the quote from Graham Welding Service, LLC in the amount of $42,900.00 for extra storage for the Sheriff’s Office, as well as $10,233.00 from Direct Electric and

$2,500.00 for the furnace and $1,350.00 from Prairie Fuels for a propane tank. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

12:02 PM Trent left the meeting.

12:03 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to take a noon recess. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.



PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin, Kevin Braun, Members; Kelsey DuCharme, Recording Secretary



No one appeared for public comment.

1:26 PM Eric Kary, Golf Course Superintendent joined the meeting.

Golf Course Updates- The Golf Course Crew is starting to get going for the season. The aerators have been put into the water. Wibaux is planning to have their tournament at the Golf Course next week. All the pins have been put onto the greens. Eric plans to wait until the next budget year to plan for a new mower. Discussion on chip sealing the cart paths. The Commission will speak with the City about using their packer and hot oiler machine.

1:41 PM Eric left the meeting.

1:56 PM Rich Menger, Sanitarian joined the meeting.

1:58 PM Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering joined the meeting.

Millennium Sidewalk Project- Shannon has sent Kratzer Construction the Pay Application and Change Order for the Millennium Sidewalk Project. It will be added to the agenda next week for Commission approval.

South Parking Lot at FMC- The preliminary plans for the South parking lot at FMC are all put together. The north half of the parking lot will have to be closed for a few weeks for construction.

Project Updates- Shannon is working on the bids for the Waterfall Project. The invite to bid will be able to

be put on the agenda next week. It will be called 2021 Improvement Projects, which will include the Waterfall

Project, the Senior Center asphalt, and the FMC parking lot.

2:22 PM Kodie Olsen, 4-H Program Assistant joined the meeting.

The stakes for the grid have been placed at Baker Lake. The strings still need to be installed.

2:27 PM Julie Straub, HRM joined the meeting.

2:32 PM Shannon and Rich left the meeting.

Coverage for Staff Absence- Kodie would like some help in the Extension Office due to staff absences. She put together a calendar of what events and meetings are going on in the next few months, as well as a list of items that could keep a temporary employee busy. Julie explained that it would also be an option to potentially ask other employees from different departments that currently work part-time to help out. Kodie stated that it would be most ideal to have someone in the office in the mornings, and for about 30 hours a week. Julie will check with a few different County employees that may be able to fill in.

CellphoneKodie would like a County cell phone for the Extension Office. She is currently using her personal cell phone number and feels it would be more beneficial to utilize a County phone and number. The Commission gave their approval and will check with the Clerk and Recorder about extra phones.

2:36 PM Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering joined the meeting.

Extension Updates- Kodie reported that about 500 pounds of seed potatoes were sold this year. The Interstate Exchange members are going on a trip in July and Kodie would like to utilize about $1,300 of the travel budget to chaperone the trip. The Commission agreed. She plans to use the County 12-person van for travel. Clover Buds is still being held on Mondays. She is also helping with camp counselor training.

2:53 PM Julie, Shannon and Kodie left the meeting.

2:57 PM Shyla Hadley, Fairgrounds Manager joined the meeting.

Fairgrounds Updates- The Commission reviewed the months events at the Fairgrounds. They are just starting up with summer activities and events. Riley Schultz is wanting to start early as a Crew Hand for the Fairgrounds. It is in the budget and he plans to start next Monday.

MowerThe funding for the mower for the Fairgrounds is in the 2020- 2021 fiscal budget. Shyla does not believe that they necessarily need a commercial grade mower. Commissioner Braun called Gooseneck Implement in Bowman and was able to get a quote in the amount of $6,000 for a 2021 John Deere Z545R ZTrak non- commercial grade mower. Shyla will run the new quote by the Fair Board.

Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to allow the Fair Board to purchase a 60-inch non-commercial grade John Deere mower for $6,000.00 from Gooseneck Implement, after the Fair Board views the quote. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3

Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

3:18 PM Shyla left the meeting. COMMISSION WORK SESSION

The Commission reviewed, revenues received, reports, emails and other correspondence, board minutes and agendas.

Trade-In Airport Bobcat Quote-

Commissioner Braun made the motion to trade in the Airport Bobcat for $1,500. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

Juvenile Detention Board Replacement-

Commissioner Braun made the decision to appoint Commissioner Baldwin to the Juvenile Detention Board. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3

Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

The Commission reviewed and approved the March 2021 timesheets, with holdings and benefits in the amount of $580,909.69 and they are filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office.

4:00 PM Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to recess for the evening. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.




PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin, Kevin Braun, Members; Kelsey DuCharme, Recording Secretary



No one appeared for public comment.

9:41 AM Julie Straub, HRM joined the meeting.

9:42 AM Robbie Christiaens, Maintenance Supervisor joined the meeting.

Permission to Recall Seasonal Employee- One of the seasonal employees that has worked for the County for the last few years would like to be recalled this year for the Maintenance Seasonal Crew Hand position.

9:45 AM Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder joined the meeting.

Commissioner Braun made the motion to recall Ethan Reichenberg as a Seasonal Crew Hand for the Outside Maintenance Department. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

9:47 AM Julie left the meeting.

Maintenance Updates- The grid to keep the geese off Baker Lake is just about finished up. Robbie stated that they used more biodegradable twine than expected.

9:49 AM Steve Zachmann, City Mayor; Kevin Dukart, City Clerk joined the meeting.

Jasen Wyrick will be bringing back a truck load from Billings and will be able to pick up the sod for the County to lay at Iron Horse Park. Robbie asked the Commission about the County purchasing safety boots for the Outside Maintenance Department, as they do for the Road Department. The Commission will talk with Julie Straub, HRM. The mowers are ready to go for the summer.

First Aid Supply Funding Question- There is a billing question regarding first aid supply kits at both the City Park and the baseball fields. Placements of the first aid kits that are around the parks and baseball fields were discussed. The kits were already there, but they are City buildings, however the County has taken over the maintenance. The City will pay for the kits at the Legion baseball field and the County will pay for the rest.

10:00 AM Brenda left the meeting.

10:06 AM Robbie left the meeting.

City Updates- Steve stated that the $500,000 bond has been taken care of in the agreement with the contractor for the Watermain Project. It will be the contractor’s responsibility until September of 2022. The milling that was supposed to take place early this week will now happen on Friday due to other work happening. The community notification system is up and running. Patrons will need to go onto their cellphone App Store and search MyCityPocket to receive the notifications. The City will post notifications for street closings, water shut offs, etc. Another draw from the County for the Watermain Project should not be until the next fiscal year. The boring for the project has just started near the railroad. The City will be taking over the annual maintenance on the sewer line that goes to the Country Club. They will not, however, accept it as City infrastructure until it meets DEQ standards. The invoice for the waterline on the north side of Parkview was reviewed. A meter is required to be put onto the line and the City strongly recommends getting on a schedule to flush that line. The retaining wall will stay in the City Park and will not be removed. Kevin will check and see if the City still owns the hot oiler and the packer for the Golf Course to use on the cart paths.

10:25 AM Steve and Kevin left the meeting.

10:30 AM – The Commission attended a meeting at Parkview with SDI Architects/TW Clark.

12:00 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to take a noon recess. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.



PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin, Kevin Braun, Members; Kelsey DuCharme, Recording Secretary



No one appeared for public comment.

1:51 PM Alissa Miller, Eastern Plains Economic Development Corporation joined the meeting.

EPEDC Updates- An Oilfield Strong sign has been placed by C & S. Another one will be put up by the Insurance Store. According to the permits, the signs can only be up for about three weeks at a time. EPEDC has been working on the Montana Tourism route for motorcycles, as well as the signage. Alissa is hoping to get the Farm to Table in Glendive as a food hub in our region as well. The EPEDC Board meeting will be held at Thee Garage on April 14th at 9:30 AM. The Chamber and EPEDC have teamed up to put on a job fair for students to be able to see what jobs are available in the community after college. The Baker Branding Project is almost complete. They hope to be ordering the banners in the next month or so.

2:15 PM Alissa left the meeting.

2:25 PM Julie Straub, HRM; Lynda Herbst, Inside Maintenance Supervisor joined the meeting.

Requesting Leave without Pay- Lynda is asking permission to be away from work using leave without pay. The total number of hours for both vacation and sick leave remaining were reviewed. She is also able to receive donated sick leave. There may be potentially hours where there would be no vacation or sick leave available, resulting in leave without pay. The Commission agreed.

Commissioner Braun made the motion to allow Lynda to use sick leave without pay. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

2:33 PM Lynda and Julie left the meeting.

2:39 PM Lisa Mitchell, Ambulance Director joined the meeting.

2:43 PM Julie Straub, HRM; Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder joined the meeting.

Job Description Review- The classification of the EMS Director is currently an exempt position. Julie explained that the work Lisa is primarily doing is non-exempt, which would in turn cause the job to be re- classified and restructured. By taking on-call shifts, it would make the position non-exempt. The current job description is primarily supervisory work, teaching classes, recruitment, etc. It is not hands-on. Julie reviewed the number of on-call hours that have been recorded on timesheets over the last few years. The Commission will

need to decide if this position will remain exempt and change the way the department runs or switch the position

to non-exempt and change the job description to match.  Julie feels the best solution would be to change this position to non-exempt and to restructure the position. Discussion on the differences between private company rules and different EMS structures throughout the State. The Commission could potentially set a total number of hours Lisa is scheduled, with allotted overtime, and that would be set with an hourly wage. Another option could potentially be holding a formal recruitment for EMT’s by putting it into the newspaper and advertise in different places. Discussion on the number of hours each EMT is scheduled. Julie will create a model of a potential restructured position. Another meeting will be held on Monday the 19th to discuss further.

4:00 PM Lisa, Debbie and Julie left the meeting.

4:15 PM Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to recess for the day. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.




PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin, Kevin Braun, Members; Kelsey DuCharme, Recording Secretary



No one appeared for public comment.

9:35 AM Dale Butori, DES/911 Coordinator joined the meeting.

DES/911 Updates- Dale reported a slower month with COVID activities. He helped Julie Straub, HRM, with safety inspections with various departments. An issue arose with a few addresses in Wibaux County, which have now been resolved. The Request for Proposals for the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plans have been sent out. Dale is optimistic to receive at least four bids for the project. FEMA has offered 16 hours of classes for the RFP’s as well. The COVID website for the County is no longer being updated. Dale is interested in hosting a “gathering” of the different DES regions this year. The Commission agreed. The 911 grant Dale and KLJ were working on was submitted for payment last week. The Eastern DES Field Officer came to Baker last week and gave Dale orientation and swore him into office. Dale plans to attend a DES meeting/training on April 21st in Belle Fourche.

9:58 AM Dale left the meeting.

9:59 AM Bobby Wiedmer, Road Superintendent; Alba Higgins, Shop Foreman joined the meeting.

Road and Shop Updates- Bobby gave the Commission the cost of the Gun Range Project for the construction of the berms. The berms have been completely constructed and are finished. Alba handed out a spreadsheet on what trucks are used for the Road Department, the price they were purchased for, work that has been done, the mileage, etc. Details on the trucks were reviewed and discussed in depth, as well as the equipment. Alba will also create a spreadsheet with the information of the Landfill equipment and trucks as well. Bobby attended MACRs Convention last week. He invited the Commissioners to attend in the next coming years, as there is a lot to learn, and many other Commissioners attend. The fuel for the Road Department is coming from Prairie Fuels and the additive is coming from Farmers Union.

10:26 AM Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder; Stacey Moore, Director of Library Services joined the meeting.

10:28 AM Bobby and Alba left the meeting.

10:29 AM; Lynda Herbst, Inside Maintenance Supervisor; Trenton Harbaugh, Sheriff; Brenda Hoeger, Dispatch

Supervisor joined the meeting.

Invoice Coding Questions- There are multiple questions regarding invoices that come in from vendors that are not broken down by department, specifically the repair and servicing vendors. There have been questions from the departments on what budgets these repairs are coming out of. For budget purposes, all departments will need to be on the same page. The department heads are unsure if they should budget for this money or if it would come out of the Building Maintenance budget. The claims have been broken out to the different departments to try and keep track of what it costs to run each department. Discussion on specific instances where it is unknown what items should go to what budget. It was asked if the Commission could budget more money to the specific departments for these repairs. The Commission will continue to budget for any known projects.

10:45 AM Stacey, Lynda, Trenton, Brenda W. and Brenda H. left the meeting.

11:30 AM Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder joined the meeting.

11:30 AM PUBLIC HEARING – APPROVE RESOLUTION AMENDING PREDATORY ANIMAL CONTROL BUDGET No public comment has been received for the Amended Predatory Animal Control budget hearing. The public hearing was called to a close.

Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to adopt Resolution #1060 – Amending Predatory Animal Control Budget for the amount of $10,000. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

11:33 AM Brenda left the meeting.

11:35 AM Commissioner Braun made the motion to take a noon recess. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.



PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin, Kevin Braun, Members; Kelsey DuCharme, Recording Secretary



No one appeared for public comment.

2:00 PM Jeremy Fix, Fireman’s Company; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder joined the meeting.

Parkview 1 and 2 Alarm Monitoring- The dedicated line for the Mid-Rivers phone system will be hooked up and working next week, which is also what the fire alarms are installed through. The service contract with Fireman’s Company is to service the systems once a year. Fireman’s Company currently does all the monitoring at the Fairgrounds as well, except for the kitchen fire suppression system. Ostlund’s Fire Protection does the service on the sprinkler systems. The Parkview apartments will need to be worked on immediately, as the inspector is coming next week. The contracts with Fireman’s Company are needing to be renewed. Jeremy would also like to take on monitoring the kitchen fire suppression system at the Fairgrounds. He will send an updated contract to the Commission.

2:17 PM Jeremy and Brenda left the meeting.

2:25 PM Sue Stevens, Karol Zachmann, Judy McWilliams, Teresa Myers, FMC Employees joined the meeting.

2:27 PM David Espeland, FMC CEO; Margie Losing, FMC CFO joined the meeting.

FMC Financials- Margie reviewed the February financials for FMC. It was a slower month, with a total of 15 inpatient days and no skilled days. The financials were discussed in depth. Discussion on the COVID relief money that was received during the beginning of the pandemic. They are expecting to have to send most of those funds back. The 2019-2020 fiscal year audit was also reviewed.  Discussion of the effect that pipelines have previously added to the bad debt of FMC. The Commission will be sure to speak with the companies coming in and try to remediate the issue before it begins. 2019 and 2020 were both decent years for FMC, even with COVID.

FMC Updates- Discussion on the FMC Management Agreement contract with Fallon County. David has gone

through the contract and red lined items. The majority of the items added or taken out are in coordination with Parkview 1 and 2. He would like to see two different agreements; one as a property management agreement for the Parkview apartments and one for a Healthcare facilities management agreement. The Commission will read through the proposed agreements and discuss with Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney. They informed David that the County will be hosting a County auction in September, if there is anything FMC would like to add to it.

3:29 PM David, Judy, Sue, Teresa, Karol and Margie left the meeting.

3:30 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.


s/Kelsey DuCharme, Recording Clerk


s/Brenda J. Wood, Clerk and Recorder

s/Roy Rost, Presiding Officer

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving