10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Commission Minutes

Commission Minutes



PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin, Kevin Braun, Members; Kelsey DuCharme, Recording Secretary


The Pledge of Allegiance was held in the Commissioner’s Office to start off the week. PUBLIC COMMENT –AGENDA/NON-AGENDA ITEMS

9:02 AM Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder joined the meeting.

County Auction- Discussion on the upcoming County Auction in September. There is no time left for departments to switch around items, as Kinsey Auctioneers is needing to start advertising. If County employees are wanting anything at the Auction for their departments from other entities outside the County, they can go to the Auction and use the County credit card. Once the digital advertisement is created, it will be sent to surrounding counties to update them on items that will be available to purchase.

9:13 AM Debbie left the meeting.

Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to approve the minutes from July 26-30, 2021, as presented. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3

Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

9:26 AM Robbie Christiaens, Outside Maintenance Supervisor joined the meeting.

Outside Maintenance Updates- The Maintenance Crew is outside this morning picking up goose droppings near the Baker Lake Beach. They are working on picking up the seaweed as well. Discussion on the County cleaning up the City RV Park bathrooms. The Commission will discuss with the City to figure out if that should be taken care of by the County or the City. Robbie will also look through the Parks contract with the City to see if there are other items that need to be taken off or added to.

9:47 AM Robbie left the meeting.

9:57 AM Mitch Overn, Shop Mechanic; Mark Sieler, Road Foreman joined the meeting.

Road/Shop Updates- The Road Crew is working on the DuCharme Access Road while they have some time this week. They are also pruning trees this morning. The Road Crew will take care of the weeds at the Workforce Housing Camp for TC Energy if the Commissioner’s decide to take over the area as is.

County Auction- The Road Department would like to start receiving items being sold at the County Auction about a week or two before the Auction. The items will start to be delivered on September 7th to the County Shop. All items must be gone by the weekend of the 24th.

10:18 AM Mitch and Mark left the meeting.

10:25 AM Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering; Rich Menger, Sanitarian joined the meeting.

Post Office Water- The water that is coming up by the Post Office is ground water. It has been confirmed that it is not City water. A drain is being put in to remediate the issue. There is seepage from underneath the


Millennium Sidewalk Project- A pay application has been received for the Millennium Sidewalk Project from Kratzer Construction. It is requesting payment for work completed to the date of July 24th in the amount of

$70,514.24. About 50% of the project is completed. The foundation for the lights are in, as well as the cement for the pathways. Shannon will coordinate with the Road Crew and Kratzer Construction about removing the vegetation and putting sand into the area near the new boat dock. Additional trenching costs are included into the pay application.

Commissioner Braun made the motion to accept the Pay Application #2 – Millennium Sidewalk Project to Kratzer Construction in the amount of $70,514.24. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

Bridge Projects- Shannon has heard back from Ethnoscience regarding the Ismay Bridge. The draft report is written, and the photographs are done. The printing of the photos is about four weeks out. Shannon is hoping that by the end of the month it can be send to the National Parks Service. He is hopeful that the bid will be out by

the end of this year. We are still waiting on an easement for the Bonnievale Bridge.  Discussion on the remaining punch list items at Parkview.

11:07 AM Barb Ketterling, Treasurer joined the meeting.

11:09 AM Shannon left the meeting.

Discuss Assisting as Acting Certified Pool Operator and Training- When Rich became a Certified Pool Operator, it was before Robbie Christiaens, Maintenance Supervisor, was a CPO for the Splash Park. A pool closure Rich recently made was questioned, and he explained that it was entirely justified. The heater for the spa was down, among multiple other reasons. The pool is now open and will be closed again in a few weeks. Rich cannot be a CPO for a private institution, due to liability reasons.

11:12 AM Julie Straub, HRM joined the meeting.

11:14 AM Dale Butori, DES/911 Coordinator; Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder; Kimberly Jensen, AP Clerk joined the meeting.

11:15 AM Rich and Barb left the meeting.

County Building Signage Discussion- There have been a couple different instances where people are getting keys for the County buildings, making reservations at the Parks, etc., and there is confusion on the

names of buildings being described. It would be beneficial to put signage on the County buildings to better direct people. It would be helpful for insurance, reservations, labeling keys, and emergency responses. The Fairgrounds and the Ambulance building already has signage. Debbie and Kimberly would also like to talk with Dustan Davis, IT TECH, about adding locations and other departments onto the County website. The signage will be expensive and may need to be budgeted for in the next fiscal year.

11:39 AM Debbie, Dale, Julie, and Kimberly left the meeting.


The Commission reviewed, revenues received, reports, emails and other correspondence, board minutes and agendas. They also signed the Master Service Agreement with Mid-Rivers. The Airport Fuel System Project Agreement between Fallon County and Young Gun Construction, LLC, was signed as well.

Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to appoint Randy Ketterling to the Baker Lake Advisory Board. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3

Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

Pay Application from SDI Architects-

Commissioner Braun made the motion to pay TW Clark for Pay Application #13 in the amount of $63,568.89. This is not the final pay application. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

The Commission reviewed and approved timesheets for the month of July 2021 in the amount of $620,175.44.

They are filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office.

12:05 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to take a noon recess. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.



PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin, Kevin Braun, Members; Kelsey DuCharme, Recording Secretary



No one appeared for public comment.


Permission to Change Two Dispatcher’s Hours- There is currently a 36-hour Dispatcher position open. Brenda would like to ask to move the two part-time employees to full time and not hire out for another employee. It would equal out to eight hours less of coverage. There will be no change to the cost of insurance and the employee would receive more holiday, vacation and sick leave pay. Both the employees are excited about the change and willing to accept. The Commission agreed. This would be effective August 1st.

Commissioner Braun made the motion to change two of the part-time Dispatchers to full-time and not hire out another employee. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

1:45 PM Julie, Dale, and Brenda left the meeting.

1:37 PM Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney joined the meeting.

FMC Proposed Management Agreement- Last week, David Espeland, FMC CEO, sent the Commission a revised proposed agreement for the lease for the Healthcare Facilities. The Commission and Darcy reviewed and discussed the proposed agreement. After the revisions are made by Darcy, it will be sent back to the FMC Board for their review.

30x30 Land Grab Resolutions- The Commission would like to sign the 30 x 30 Land Grab Resolutions, where the land is primarily privately owned. By completing the resolutions, it will make a statement from Fallon County. Darcy will review and revise the resolutions to Fallon County for the Commission to approve.

Plevna Interlocal Planning Agreement- Darcy updated the Plevna Interlocal Planning agreement. They will pay each hour of the Planning Assistant’s time designated to Plevna. The County will submit an invoice when there is Planning services needed.

School Nurse Contract- The School Nurse contract will be between the Schools and Fallon County. It will be a 5-year term.

2:40 PM Darcy left the meeting.


The Commission reviewed and approved the end of the month claims for the end of the month of July 2021 in the amount of $416,206.87. They are filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office.

3:25 PM Tom Bruha, Baker Fire Chief joined the meeting.

Stage 1 Fire Restrictions and Resolution- The Commission reviewed the proposed resolution for Sage 1 Fire

Restrictions for Fallon County. Another resolution will need to be done when the restrictions are lifted.

3:28 PM Dustan Davis, Dale Butori, Baker Firefighters joined the meeting.

The fire restrictions are recommended from both the Plevna and Baker Fire Departments. The purpose is to try and eliminate as many man-made fires as possible. It will be in effect as of 3:45 PM today.  The DNRC, FWP, BLM, etc. will be notified. It will also be posted on the radio, Facebook pages, the County website, newspaper, etc.

Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to adopt Resolution #1067 – Resolution for Stage 1 Fire Restrictions in Fallon County. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

3:48 PM Tom, Dale, and Dustan left the meeting.

3:58 PM Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder; Julie Straub, HRM: Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder joined the meeting.

Payroll Discussion- Clarification is needed on the upcoming stipend for Fallon County employees, that is

available from COVID funds. Employees hired for permanent positions as of June 30th, 2021, will receive the stipend. Seasonal employees still working during the October pay period will receive the stipend. The Road Department will receive the stipend for a 40-hour week as this is the weekly hour requirement for full time

employees. Temporary employees are not eligible as they are not permanent. Intermittent employees and EMT’s

are not eligible as they are not required to meet a weekly hour requirement.

4:13 PM Debbie, Julie, and Brenda left the meeting.

4:15 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess for the evening. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion

carried unanimously.





PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin, Kevin Braun, Members; Kelsey DuCharme, Recording Secretary



10:04 AM Randy Wolentez, Member of the Public; Jeff Frank, Manager of Landfill Operations joined the meeting.

Car Gate Request- Randy has previously asked the County to install two car gates near his property. He explained that now he is only requesting the one, as it used to be a car gate and the County removed it, quite a long time ago. It was the north end car gate that was removed. The Commission agreed that this will be re- installed by the County, as it was removed by them. They will be in contact with Mark Sieler, Road Foreman. Randy will purchase the car gate.

10:16 AM Randy left the meeting.

Landfill Updates- The Landfill is under a contract with Aramark and they would like to get out of it. It costs about $145 a month for the rugs to be cleaned by them. The Commission will call and try to cancel the agreement. Jeff has looked into new containers for the Container Site; however, the prices are extremely inflated right now. The Commission would like to hold off on purchasing until the pricing eventually goes down.

10:24 AM Sara Berger, Weed Control Coordinator joined the meeting.

Jeff will talk with Barry Damschen, Landfill Consultant, about requesting a letter to be sent to the DEQ for the Landfill closure funds to be sent to a local bank, rather than being held at Wells Fargo. The equipment is running well, and they are trying Barry Damschen’s method on saving on dirt with the amount of covering put on each load.

10:25 AM Jeff left the meeting.

Weed Department Updates- Sara explained that the Weed Department will be losing a Crew Hand this week and will be losing another one after the week of Fair. They will have plenty of chemical to start the season next year. The John Deere is ready to be delivered, and they will pick up the old one as well. There is no delivery charge. The Crew is working on the north and south highways. They have gotten caught up on the right-of-ways. Sara plans to get her license this winter for Aquatics and Turf and Lawn spraying.

10:33 AM Sara left the meeting.

10:44 AM Kathy Newell, Elections Clerk; Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder joined the meeting.

Holding a Special Election- Last week, the Elections Department received a call asking guidance and advice of how to hold a special election to commercialize Fallon County to be able to sell recreational marijuana. The Elections Department cannot give any advice. The individual will need to contact their own attorney to follow the laws and the process involved. The City has been informed as well.

10:55 AM Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder joined the meeting.

11:03 AM Debbie, Brenda and Kathy left the meeting.

11:05 AM Commissioner Braun made the motion to take a noon recess. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.



PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin, Kevin Braun, Members; Kelsey DuCharme, Recording Secretary



No one appeared for public comment.

1:20 PM Vaughn Zenko, SMART Director joined the meeting.

Childcare Project Updates- Vaughn gave the Commission the economic impact information for the Early Child Care Facility in Fallon County. The Fallon County local economy would benefit from additional childcare capacity that would allow more parents to enter the labor force. There are only four total licensed daycares east of Billings in Montana. There were 171 licensed daycare providers lost in Montana in 2020. The facility is currently planned for 96 open slots for students and would create 10 full time jobs and 16 part-time jobs. They

are in the process of starting a Capital Campaign Committee of local people to continue building the plans for the facility. An estimate for the cost of the facility is around $7 million, which is believed to be a high estimate. They would like it to be used as a community facility as well. A blueprint of the facility was reviewed. Once they start the capital campaign, they would like to know if the County is able to provide any funds for the facility. The Committee is planning on finding grants, speaking with businesses, etc. Grant funds are limited due to the financial status of Fallon County. Vaughn expressed again that this opportunity would create jobs, expands work force, expands tax base, and is not oilfield dependent. The general idea is to have it built and to pass off to a national childcare facility, such as Head Start. SMART/EMEDA would then maintain ownership, but the operating expenses would be passed off. They plan to set the facility on all three County lots that are in that area because

of the parking area and the outdoor play space. The County does plan to help with some funding once the time comes.

Main Street Program- The SMART Board filled out the quarterly report for the Montana Main Street

Program. They were excited about what has been done with the Façade Improvement Grant within the County. Last year, SMART granted over $36,000.00, which in turn is a matched grant, equaling over $70,000.00. the program has been running over three years and has now expanded to Plevna. There are a few more outstanding applications at this time. The Montana Main Street Program affiliates will be in town on August 10th for a workshop/meeting at Thee Garage.

Montana Co-Op Board- The Montana Co-Op Board is coming to town on August 11th at Thee Garage for an

informational meeting. They encourage community building projects and getting the citizens to invest, then the money then goes back to the investors. It encourages community building projects to get a jumpstart.

Old Insurance Store Building- The abatement has been completed on the old Insurance Store Building. All

the lead paint and the asbestos is out of the building. SMART’s plan is to start working out of that building in September, as well as the Chamber and the EPEDC. There has been some discussion of a personal building being put into the old Wosepka building.

2:24 PM Mary Grube, Administrative Assistant Planner joined the meeting.

Rentals Listing- A rental list is being kept at the SMART Office again. Vaughn has received many calls regarding available rentals.

2:29 PM Vaughn and Mary left the meeting.

3:00 PM Sharon Clarke, EBMS Director of Client Banking joined the meeting via teleconference.

3:00 PM Debbie Wyrick, Health Insurance Committee Member joined the meeting.

3:02 PM Brett Fellows, EBMS Senior Manager of Client Development joined the meeting via teleconference.

EBMS Banking- There have been a couple of questions about the trust account and the interest rate that is set up with Wells Fargo through EBMS. The Commission asked the question if it would be possible to switch to a different account that is no longer involved with Wells Fargo, as the current interest rate is set at .01%. Sharon

explained that because EBMS has access through the Wells Fargo portal for desktop deposits and transfers, they are able to do these functions on Fallon Counties behalf when requested. If the accounts themselves are moved to a different banking entity, these functions would solely become the responsibility of Fallon County because EBMS would not have access. EBMS does not perform banking for clients through other banks outside of Wells Fargo. The accounts has seen some fees in the past when the balance begins to drop on the trust savings account. They have not seen any service charges on it. The dollar amount is exceeding the amount of the fees, making it seem as though there are no fees involved. The savings account is credited the interest amount.

Sharon explained that Fallon County is under a standard fee but will check with negotiating the interest rate. The fees are being waved due to the balance in the account. Dollar wise, the fees are calculated as part of an analyzation. Sharon advised that the fees themselves wouldn’t change if they were able to negotiate a better rate. Sharon will start the negotiation process with Wells Fargo and put the EBMS CFO on that communication as well. There are not currently other accounts that are making a better interest rate. Fallon County has been at this interest rate for quite some time.

3:18 PM Sharon and Brett hung up the phone, therefore leaving the meeting.

3:20 PM Chad Sutter, SDI Architects joined the meeting.

3:25 PM Debbie left the meeting.

Change Order Proposal 506 – Parkview 1 – Transformer and Power Vault- The transformer and power

vault change order for Parkview 1 was discussed. The vault change order is the concrete that was stuck under the transformer when it was moved. The idea of moving the transformer was through TW Clark and Wyrick Construction. Chad didn’t receive a proposal until a few weeks ago. The total cost of this change order was


Change Order Proposal 507 – Parkview 1 – Landscaping- The landscaping change order for Parkview 1 from TW Clark was reviewed. Chad explained the quote from Yellowstone Environmental and why there is hydroseeding on the estimate. Some of the area was disturbed by MDU by bringing the power around the other end of the building. This includes the park where it was torn up with the Storm Sewer Project. The sod will start

on towards the trenching and towards the Courtyard.

3:29 PM Karol Zachmann, FMC Employee; Steve Zachmann, City Mayor joined the meeting.

This change order includes everywhere that sprinklers are needing fixed, including the Courtyard. Chad needs to re-access the boulders, as there is a steep drop off from the sidewalk down to the manhole. He explained that they might be able to get away with a shallower slope instead of a sleep slope that is difficult to mow.

3:31 PM Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering joined the meeting via teleconference.

Boulders will not need to be purchased as long as it is shallow enough. They are working to replace the items that were once there but were damaged. They are planning to use fiber mulch that will lock together the moisture. Chad feels the credit allotted should be more from TW Clark then what is included. Donation bricks will be set on the Gazebo on the south side of Parkview 1. It is an 11×11 area and the area for the brick is 8 foot x 8 foot. The bollards will be taken off of the Change Order proposal, as the Commission does not want them in place. Discussion on the different types of seed and there is a seed mix in the project specifications. This Change Order will be brought back to TW Clark to discuss further.

Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to approve Change Order Proposal #506 – New Power Vault and New Transformer Pad in the amount of $10,388.70 to TW Clark. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

4:03 PM Shannon hung up the phone, therefore leaving the meeting.

4:06 PM Chad, Karol and Steve left the meeting.

4:15 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess for the evening. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.




PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Kevin Braun, Member; Kelsey DuCharme, Recording Secretary

ABSENT: Steve Baldwin, Member



9:00 AM Kevin Hill, Golf Course Superintendent joined the meeting.

Golf Course Updates- The Commission is receiving many compliments regarding the work Kevin and the Golf Course Crew have been putting forth recently. Kevin explained that they are planning to aerate some of the fairways to get back some of the dead grass. The bunkers plan to be finished up before the golf tournament in September. He is working closely with other counties for the winterkill issues and advice on planning for the greens. They are planning to plant seed on the greens in the next few weeks. Kevin would like to purchase an aerator attachment called Job Saver that attaches to the Toro aerator. It will cost about $1,200.00. It does the work of a drill seeder and saves time. The Commission agreed to the purchase. Discussion on the sand that is planned to be purchased from Fischer Sand and Gravel.

9:13 AM Amanda Williams, Extension Agent joined the meeting.

The Commission is fine with shutting the greens down after this process takes place for re-seeding. They will

leave it up to Kevin’s discretion to do what needs to be done.

9:16 AM Dale Butori, DES/911 Coordinator joined the meeting.

9:18 AM Kevin left the meeting.

Extension Updates- The Extension Office is short employees for both the Ekalaka and Baker Fair. There is an emergency 4-H and Livestock Council meeting tonight in preparation for the events. Amanda has been busy working on getting things ready for Fair. They do have additional help that is planning to work the Baker Fair, including a few previous staff members in the Extension Office. They have been seeing multiple nitrate and water samples coming in.

9:28 AM Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder joined the meeting.

The Commission asked Debbie how people will be paid for the Fair that are stepping in to help. Debbie recommends hiring them as temporary employees, but will need to check with Julie Straub, HRM.

9:35 AM Kimberly Jensen, AP Clerk joined the meeting.

Kimberly explained to the group how payments work for employees for the Fair, including the judges. A list of workers will be provided to Amanda for some ideas of help and who the County has paid previously.

9:40 AM Steve Baldwin, Commissioner joined the meeting.

9:40 AM Amanda, Debbie, Kimberly, and Dale left the meeting.

Payment Offer from TC Keystone for Workforce Housing Camp/Agreement-

Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to accept and sign the agreement between Fallon County and TC Keystone to accept the Workforce Housing Camp in As-Is Condition. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

9:59 AM Margie Losing, FMC CFO; David Espeland, FMC CEO joined the meeting.

FMC Financials- Margie reviewed the FMC June financial numbers. Some of the adjusting entries are still needing to be made and will make a difference on the report. June was an average month for FMC, with 21 inpatient days and 38 skilled days.

FMC Updates- The Clinic is seeing an increase in numbers with the pipelines that are in town. The

Emergency Room hasn’t seen much of a change yet at this time. The audit is set for the week of September 20th-

24th. The Commission signed the agreement with Johnson Controls for the sprinkler systems, ancillary systems, etc. This includes the services at Parkview and FMC. The hood in the kitchen at FMC was excluded; the Commission will call and check on this, as well as a few different items.

10:25 AM David and Margie left the meeting.

10:58 AM Julie Straub, HRM; Dale Butori, DES/911 Coordinator; Dustan Davis, IT TECH joined the meeting.

11:00 AM Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder joined the meeting.

11:06 AM Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder; Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney, joined the meeting.

Discuss Changes to Sick Leave Policy Practices- In the past few weeks, a decision was made by the Commission that didn’t follow the Fallon County Policy regarding sick leave. Julie started the conversation by asking how grief can be measured, as some deaths are more impactful to employees than others, not always family related. Discussion on the possibility of changing the County to Paid Time Off (PTO), instead of Sick and Vacation Time. Commissioner Rost explained that he would like County employees to be able to use sick leave instead of vacation for any funerals, it doesn’t matter the relationship. Policy currently states, in line with the definitions from FMLA, that funerals of immediate family is covered by sick leave. If they are not immediate family, the employee must use vacation time. Discussion on the pros and cons of eventually possibly switching to PTO. Julie brought up the discussion of bereavement pay, which would specifically be set aside from funerals, planning funerals, etc. After a lengthy discussion. the Commission made the decision that effective July 1, 2021, the policy will change to state that employees may use 40 hours or up to 5 days (whichever comes first) in a calendar year for attendance and preparation of a funeral. This change will take out the statement explaining

that sick leave can only be taken for a funeral of an immediate family member. Because this is a change to the policy, it will be needed to do a Resolution of Intent and a comment period is needing to be held for two weeks.

11:51 AM Debbie, Dale, Dustan, and Brenda left the meeting.

11:57 AM Julie and Darcy left the meeting.

12:00 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to take a noon recess. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.



PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin, Member; Kelsey DuCharme, Recording Secretary ABSENT: Kevin Braun, Member – Attending meeting with Montana Department of Transportation FALLON COUNTY COURTHOUSE


No one appeared for public comment.

1:28 PM Lisa Mitchell, EMS Director joined the meeting.

EMS Updates- EMS is busy doing multiple COVID transports again. They are back to wearing their full PPE attire on the calls. The gowns and gloves are in good supply. There has been five runs so far for August. The Fair is already 100% covered by EMT’s for the scheduling. They taught 26 individuals CPR last month. Lisa is working on

a grant with Cenex to receive an AED on hand. Shirts have been ordered for the Fair for EMS employees because they are running very low on uniforms. Discussion on Lisa’s hours and on-call hours. The Commission clarified that Lisa is allowed to take on-call shifts; however, it cannot be her primary work because her position is exempt.

1:43 PM Kevin Braun, Commissioner joined the meeting.

1:47 PM Lisa left the meeting.

2:00 PM Mary Grube, Administrative Assistant Planner; Rod Morris, City of Baker Public Works; Steve

Zachmann, City Mayor joined the meeting.

2:00 PM – PRESENT VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS – Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering; Karen Hoffmann, Robert Molecek; Michelle Gorder, Jennifer Poppas, Paul Sanford, Terry Heck, Department of Natural Resource Conservation Service (DNRCS) Employees

Upper Lake Dam Meeting- The DNRCS is trying to reconnect with the sponsors of their Watershed Projects.

The Operational Agreement is what ties together the NRCS with Baker Lake. The program that originally funded the construction has recently been re-funded, furthering the opportunities for Baker Lake. The signed agreement for the operation of the structure also defines each responsibility of the entities. The Operation of Maintenance Plans last until the service life of the structure is over. Baker Lake currently has a 100-year service life. It was built in 1975 with the NRCS. There is opportunity at this time for Fallon County to have a dam assessment performed on the structure by the NRCS at no cost.  They are trying to get a further understanding of these structures. A letter from the City is needed to apply for the funding if that is the direction that they choose to do. The State is also on board with these assessments. It would bring the structure up to new safety standards. The cost of the planning process would be 100% covered, and up to 65% of the construction process for the rehabilitation program of the structure. It would also extend the life of it as well. The NRCS would also like to make sponsors aware that there is a software package developed by the NRCS to help manage these high hazard areas. It is used as a library to store information on the dams. It is also a good way to manage reports for the Operation Agreement with the State. They are busy updating the Emergency Action Plans for all high hazard structures. The City received a grant for this update however it has not yet been signed nor adopted. If they decide to complete a dam assessment, the data is currently being updated by the State.  They are hoping to have it updated by 2023. Robert recommended waiting until the new data comes out before completing the assessment.  An example of the assessment has been sent to Forrest Sanderson, Contract Planner. Shannon is currently working on the 5-year inspection. The NRCS would like to be involved in any improvements, specifically major improvements.

2:43 PM Shannon, Karen, Robert, Jennifer, Michelle, Paul and Terry all left the TEAMS meeting.

2:49 PM Mary, Steve, Rod and Shannon left the meeting.

3:25 PM Melissa Higbee, Downtown Development Specialist; Alissa Miller, Food and Ag Development Assistant joined the meeting.

Re-Imagining Rural Partnership with Plevna- The EPEDC is working with Plevna, and they are planning to host the Re-imagining Rural. They are needing 10 partners on the application, which would include someone coming to the event from the County. It is a three-night event. It starts September 13th at 6:00 PM at the Plevna Community Center. They have partnered with MSU Extension to bring in speakers to talk about rural America. At the end of the series, they generally offer a grant type of program. This year, the grant was used on the Baker Branding Project. The Chamber, SMART and EMEDA have already partnered with the event. The Commission agreed that the County will also partner and will send a representative.

3:37 PM Melissa and Alissa left the meeting.

Commissioner Braun made the motion to accept Resolution #1068 – Resolution of Intent to Revise Fallon County Employee Policy No 3.02 Sick Leave. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

3:55 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.



s/Kelsey DuCharme, Recording Clerk


s/Brenda J. Wood, Clerk and Recorder

s/Roy Rost, Presiding Officer

Welcome to our NEW website address: FALLONCOUNTYMT.GOV
Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving