10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Commission Minutes

Commission Minutes



PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin, Kevin Braun, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder


The Pledge of Allegiance was held in the Commissioner’s Office to start off the week.


Parkview 1 Projects-Chad Sutter, SDI phoned regarding the tentative meeting scheduled for Wednesday, November 3, 2021. Brandon Janshen, SDI joined the call. The meeting has been postponed; Commission was informed the subcontractors are onsite working through the punch list items. At this time, the Commission plans to allow one more week to complete the punch list items.


Commissioner Braun made the motion to approve the minutes from October 25-29, 2021, as presented. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3

Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.


The Commission reviewed and approved timesheets and signed payroll and withholding vouchers for the month of October 2021 in the amount of $683,948.14. They are filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office.

9:58 AM Bobby Wiedmer, Road Superintendent and Mitch Overn, Shop Mechanic joined the meeting.

Shop Updates-A turbo blew on the Ambulance; they are removing it now to see if any other parts may be needed. They are in hopes to get the turbo within a week but there is no way to know if or when parts will be available.

-Acadia used by Public Health has been repaired; the back window shattered and has been replaced.

Road Updates- Bobby viewed the detour road (Windy View Road) for the East Highway 12 Project is failing. Commissioner Baldwin will contact Shane Mintz, MT DOT-District Administrator regarding the road issue. Commissioner Braun reported the culvert project area has been dug out and a gravel base is currently being


Pine Creek Road-Discussed the gravel pile, measured by Brosz Engineering; some of the gravel is being used on Pine Creek Road.

Road going to Lame Jones cemetery-Bobby feels they may start hauling scoria to this road sometime this


Sandstone Road-Commissioner Braun received a few complaints about this road being in rough shape.

Bobby stated the road was just bladed, so it is rough; if the weather is good, they will go out with a packer and try to break up the rock.

Ollie Road-Commissioner Rost received a compliment on the work completed on the Ollie Road.

Dance Hall Road-Commissioner Braun commented this road is in poor condition; it received a high volume of use during the Denbury CO2 project.

Miscellaneous-Protocol for COVID was discussed. Bobby stated the F550 used when they were crushing is

no longer needed by their department; discussed possibly listing online.

10:15 AM Bobby and Mitch left the meeting.

10:30 AM Rich Menger, Sanitarian joined.

10:40 AM Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering joined the meeting.

Project Updates-Discussed remaining Parkview 1 project items to be completed. Shannon stated the Subcontractor is working on the steps going down into the City Park. The Subcontractor plans to work on the County projects next week due to nicer weather. Shannon has asked for a current list of supplies needed for the waterfall project because the supply list is incomplete; as the supplies come in, they will be marked off the list.

Parking lot on southside of FMC-Shannon stated he was not sure if the Commission wanted to open the parking lot this year or wait; will depend upon the weather.

Millennium Project-This project is finished and has a 1-year warranty. Currently the road is saturated; the Contractor may have to finish packing the road next year. Currently the new lights are on full time, no complaints have been received from the neighbors.

Bonnievale Bridge-This project is still waiting on the Army Corp of Engineers.

Ismay Road Bridge-This project is waiting on Fish Wildlife & Parks.

Storm Water Administrator-Rich wanted to let Shannon know he is new the Storm Water Administrator for Fallon County. Shannon reiterated closing out permits as soon as possible.

North Baker Water Sewer-Shannon brought an opinion of cost for the water main replacement project for the North Baker Water Sewer District. Currently the Cemetery owns the 4” line which will be replaced with a

6” line. The line connects at the city limits and runs in a Northeast direction toward the Bonnievale Cemetery. There are a few residents currently receiving services from this line, as soon as the line is replaced the NBWS District will take it over.

11:03 AM Rich left the meeting.

North Plevna Bridge-Shannon will go out and view this bridge and report back. Bobby Wiedmer, Road

Superintendent had earlier viewed the bridge and stated the seeding was starting to take.

11:05 AM Shannon left the meeting.


The Commission reviewed and approved the end of the month claims for October 2021 in the amount of

$260,983.42. They are filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office.

12:00 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess until tomorrow morning. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.





PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin, Member; Brenda Wood, Clerk & Recorder

ABSENT: Kevin Braun, Member



Matt Borchgrevink, Denbury phoned to get permission to survey and stake on County land (Section 18). Denbury is proposing a CO2 line from ELOB through various other sections in the County. The Commission granted permission.

9:35 AM Robbie Christiaens, Maintenance Supervisor; Derrick DeHaan, Maintenance Assistant joined the meeting.

Updates-Finishing putting gypsum and fertilizer down; tying up a few odds and ends; all sprinkler

systems have been blown-out. Most pieces of equipment are ready for snow removal, with the exception of one. Robbie plans to do a little more mowing in a few areas, then that piece of equipment will also be ready for snow removal.

Project-Commissioner Rost discussed an upcoming project for this winter-giving county buildings an identification number/name. The group discussed keying ideas for the county buildings.

Conex Box-Commissioner Baldwin met with the City of Baker, asked about moving the conex box. The

County would need to get a variance to move the conex box from softball fields to an area by the metal Museum building. The Commission will view the site and discuss further.

Maintenance areas-Discussed various areas County Maintenance is currently maintaining. Discussed who

is maintaining areas around FMC. Derrick stated he and FMC Maintenance Supervisor have discussed the areas each of them will keep maintained.

Parkview Alarms-A router will be installed tomorrow for the key fob system at Parkview and Mid Rivers will come next Monday to install the system.

Public Health-Public Health Nurse’s desk is together, and painting is complete.

Snow Removal-Discussed snow removal plans for various County building areas.

Waterfall Project-The Commission will make sure they are notified when the contractor starts the waterfall project.

Parkview boilers-The Commission is getting a few quotes for a Parkview boiler replacement.

Assistance-Robbie and Derrick will assist the Golf Course Superintendent with projects.

10:05 AM Robbie and Derrick left the meeting.

10:10 AM Kevin Hill, Golf Course Superintendent joined the meeting.

Sprinklers-Sprinkler system was blown-out last week and will complete the process one more time this


Greens Projects-After the sand comes in, they will finish prepping the greens before winter. Kevin would

like to do some extra work on some of the greens if the weather holds out.

Lagoon Pumphouse-Pipe repairs need to be made at the lagoon; the pumphouse may need to be replaced soon.

Budget-Discussed areas in the budget that are low on funding. The budget will be closely watched, and projects will be completed, only as time and budget will allow.

10:25 AM Commissioner Braun joined the meeting.

Golf Carts-Discussed storage of golf carts in the shop. The Commission stated there will be no carts kept inside County buildings due to liability issues. The bobcat will be kept at the Golf Course shop for snow removal this winter.

Bunker-Would like to build a bunker, feels the cost would be approximately $5,000. The Commission feels this is a good idea but would like to budget for this next fiscal year.

T boxes-Plans to lay bricks for the T boxes on 4 & 8; only cost should be glue, as the bricks are already


Pumps-Rich Menger plans to help Kevin set up a waterfall, using the extra pumps from the Baker Lake

waterfall projects. There are rocks at the workforce housing site that can be used for this project. Commissioner

Rost asked about electricity; this will be the largest cost for the projects. Will get quotes for the budget.

Golf Course Pond-Discussed removal of trees and silt from the pond near the Airport.

Budget-Commissioner Braun wants to be sure to watch the budget due to unforeseen items that may come up. Kevin will get some numbers together for projects for next year’s budget.

Solar bee-Decision was to shut it down for the winter but leave in the water.

Greens-Kevin completed some research on how to leave the greens for the winter and has been cutting the greens down gradually before final winter prepping. Commission appreciated Kevin taking time to research.

10:45 AM Kevin left the meeting.

10:45 AM Joey Borracci, TRC joined the meeting.

10:50 AM Rich Menger, Sanitarian was asked to join the meeting.


11:00 AM Jean Riley and Keith Bithell, MT DOT joined via phone; Brock Taylor, TC Energy joined via phone.

Approaches-The group discussion will revolve around the workforce housing camp site approaches. Jean explained the west approach has to be removed and reclaimed. East approach will need to be reduced to 24’ top, remove and replace the large rock surface with regular road gravel so it is designed like a farm field road. Jean explained this is part what Keystone needs to do to close out the permits. Jean stated as far as MT DOT, TransCanada is responsible for the approaches and Keith will inspect and approve them. After they pass inspection, they will be moved into the County’s name.

Brock explained Keystone has a supplemental agreement with Fallon County stating they have agreed to accept the funding and the site in an as-is condition. Brock feels the approaches are a part of the as-is; Keystone would like the County to reclaim the approaches. Jean reiterated, the approaches are in TransCanada’s name and that is why it is their responsibility. The west approach can never be transferred; the east approach can be transferred when reclamation is complete.

Joey asked if this would be completed the same way as the Circle, MT site. Jean said yes, it would be. Brock stated TransCanada had the landowner do the work due to the supplemental agreement. Jean stated MT DOT does not care who does the work, as long as it is completed to the MT DOT District standards and before the permits will be transferred. Keith will inspect, Jean will be notified, and she will close out the approach permits and release Keystone’s Bond.

Commissioner’s Braun and Baldwin feel Fallon County will need to come to an agreement with TransCanada

regarding who will complete the work. Jean would like to be contacted, as well as Keith, when the work is complete. Jean will send a letter to TransCanada as soon as all requirements are met.

11:13 AM Jean and Keith hung up the phone, therefore leaving the meeting.

Completion of work-Commissioner Baldwin stated he does not remember going over the approaches in any of the prior conversations. Commissioner’s Braun and Rost did not remember that either. Brock felt it was discussed but it may not have; feels the County is receiving the site in as-is condition and feels the approaches

are part of that. Brock also feels this was resolved in the compensation the County is receiving.

The Commission asked if they had a cost associated with this work. Joey felt it cost McCone County $5,000 per entrance or $10,000 for 2 approaches. The Commissioners feels the road crew could complete the work per specifications. Joey stated Jean, MT DOT stated there are no specs for the approaches. Rich stated he has all of the as-built specs and will bring them in to be viewed by the Commission. Bobby Wiedmer, Road Superintendent was phoned; Bobby feels the road crew could complete the job in a couple of days. Bobby will schedule it to be completed this week. If topsoil is needed, Rich stated there is a stockpile stored onsite, but cautioned to watch so soil does not fall out of the silt fence.

The Commission agreed to have the road crew remove and reclaim the approaches and will keep TC

abreast of this. As soon as approaches are placed in County’s name, TransCanada will exchange the final check for the letter written by the Commission.

10:25 AM Brock hung up the phone and Joey also left the meeting.

Rich will review specs to see if he can find anything on the approaches.

10:26 AM Rich left the meeting.

11:30AM Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to take a noon recess. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.



PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin and Kevin Braun Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk & Recorder


1:30 PM Jeff Frank, Manager of Landfill Operations joined the meeting. LANDFILL UPDATES

Expansion area-Jeff asked if the Commission had a map of the Landfill pertaining to the possible location of

pits for wind tower blades/solar panels. Commission gave Jeff a copy of the map.

Quarterly tests-Mary, Damschen Consulting completed quarterly well tests and said everything was looking good.

Software update-Waste works software update should be completed soon. Jeff is waiting for IT and Waste works representative.

DEQ letter-Jeff stated Tim Stepp, DEQ asked if the letter to move the funds from Wells Fargo to the Bank of

Baker had been completed. Will find out what the letter needs to contain and submit to DEQ.

Safety Inspection checkups-Jeff has all necessary corrections made so is ready whenever the Safety Team comes to inspect.

Surfacing for Landfill-The Commission would like Jeff to contact the Road Superintendent when surfacing is needed.

Accounts Receivables-Accounts Receivable are looking good; one of the oldest is paid in full. Discussed the

policy regarding out of area companies need to provide a credit card for payment.

Maintenance-They are now working on the trash screens and getting them rotated through.

1:40 PM Jeff left the meeting.

1:59 PM Commissioner Baldwin left the meeting.

2:00 PM Dale Butori, DES/911 Coordinator joined the meeting.

2:03 PM Brenda Hoeger, Dispatch Supervisor joined the meeting via phone.

Proposal-Dale presented the Commission with a proposal from “Third Signal.” Dale explained he and Brenda met with Ryan Olsen, Owner of Third Signal. Third Signal completed all of the procedure and policy manuals, quick glance guides, etc. several years ago, when Chuck Lee was DES/911 Coordinator. Dale explained the proposal is 3-fold.

#1-Would be to update all Policy and Procedure manuals which needs to be completed ASAP.

#2-Call routing analysis-The proposal lays out how Third Signal would work with telecom systems. This

would help with the issue we currently have with Prairie County. Ryan is also working with Prairie County to assist with the costs. There are also problems, due to sharing our PSAP with 3 other bordering states. Calls from these states also come into our Dispatch Center. Brenda explained they receive many calls from Wyoming in addition to the ones still received from Prairie County. This can cause huge issues in critical situations; this would help fix that issue.

Commissioner Rost wondered if the total proposal is a guaranteed fix. Dale stated it will fix the Prairie County issue and should fix some of the other issues with other states. This has never been completed that Dale or Brenda are aware of. Commissioner Braun asked if this would be paid using 911 funds. Dale stated this would qualify and be paid from 911 funds.

Dale discussed the procurement policy and the portion in the policy that discusses sole sourcing, (Section

D). This was not put out to bid, nor did Dale ask for other quotes, based on sole sourcing. Dale was informed that Ryan will be working with the Department of Justice matters, which will be a benefit to us as well. Brenda expressed to the Commission, Ryan is easy to work with, will not do anything unless it is okayed by her, through the Commission.

Commission asked if Prairie County should be part of the cost sharing. Dale feels they should be and that is part of what Ryan is working on with Prairie County.

2:10 PM Ryan Olson, Third Signal, LLC was phoned to join the meeting.

Commission questioned Section 2 of the proposal; wondering how much of the $7,000 is Prairie County’s responsibility. This cost is the set-up fee for the other three (3) Counties, for the towers near the border. The Commission asked, if Prairie County is not going to resolve issues on their end, will this fix our issues? Ryan will get all the information from the Companies because he feels the companies probably think Fallon County is still taking care of all four (4) counties. Ryan also commented, Custer County will need to take care of their Counties. Ryan stated the quoted amounts should not be exceeded.

Commission asked how often Fallon County would need to update. Ryan explained the 3rd part of the

proposal is the reoccurring software license, of which Third Signal manages the data and sends updates to the software routinely for the mapping, etc.; the County can wait on this portion of the quote. Third Signal will also complete trainings on all updates. The Commission asked if the software updates can be cancelled at any time. Ryan stated yes.

2:20PM-Ryan hung up the phone, therefore leaving the meeting.

Dale stated Ryan is also going to help with an issue Dale has with Century link. This billing is based on the number of landlines. The cost has been the same all along, but our landlines have dropped considerably. Dale feels the billing from Century Link does not reflect that change.

The Commission asked if Third Signal would need to be paid upfront or would they wait until the work is completed. Ryan was phoned again and stated he would invoice as each stage was completed.

2:25 PM Ryan hung up the phone, therefore leaving the meeting.

Commissioner Braun made the motion to accept the quote received from Third Signal in the amount of

$23,000 for Policies and Procedures Updates, Tower Sector Maps with 911 Call Routing Analysis and Annual ESRI Licensing and Support. Commissioner Rost seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). Motion Carried.

2:30 PM Commissioner Baldwin returned, Vaughn Zenko, SMART Director; Ashley Heiser, Chamber Director joined the meeting.

DES/911 Updates-Dale asked for permission to use vacation for the remainder of the week. Permission


Meetings-Dale will be meeting with Ryan Olson, Third Signal to gather information regarding Department of

Justice meetings. Dale would like to attend the State Emergency Response Committee meeting with Georgia

Bruski, DES/911 Coordinator from Carter County. Dale explained Homeland Security funds are received through this Committee and is in hopes one day to be part of the Committee. The Commission agreed this would be beneficial.

Signage for out buildings-The Commission has asked Robbie Christiaens and Derrick DeHaan, Maintenance to assist with signage of County buildings. Everyone, with input, will sit down to discuss and make decisions before starting this project.

2:37 PM Dale left the meeting.

SMART Updates-October was a busy month. Over 400 people went through the haunted house; this was a

$2,600 fund raiser and it also helped the downtown businesses. Would like to do a ghost tour, possibly year- round. Discussed upcoming items: Childcare facility fund raiser at the Christmas Bazaar; Black Friday movie for the kids while parents are shopping; there is a need for more volunteers, Vaughn feels people volunteer after getting excited about projects. An application was sent to the State of Montana to do a feasibility study for a “Pilot Program.”  Vaughn would like to try to get businesses to pool their money for childcare, for their employees. They do not currently have a facility located for this; they should know by November 5th if the application was accepted. The first meeting of the Real Estate Coop Steering Committee will be held next Wednesday. This committee will identify possible properties to purchase; Vaughn stated they are excited to have a BPA representative, (student or an advisor), on the Committee. They will hold public meetings, set up by-laws and get investors involved. Vaughn spoke to Senator Daines about the red tape issues the County has had with this bridge. The Commission thanked Vaugh; Daines’ office did contact the Commission. Vaughn is trying to get a grant, through “Reimagine Rural,” to be used for the Plevna Jamboree. Jodi Varner stepped into the Chairperson position on the SMART Board. Discussed whether there is to be a County Representative on the SMART board. The Commission stated, no, there is no need.

Chamber Updates- The Fall Festival will be held soon; Calcutta ticket sales were down, and attendance was up; last year ticket sales were up, and attendance was done; Ashley is confused by the numbers so is doing some more research on that. They raised more money at this Calcutta than in previous years. The Montana History Foundation opened a new grant. Ashley needs to get a letter of support to the State Historic Preservation Office for this grant. The funds (up to $10,000) would be used for a façade for the old Baker State Bank Building. Discussed where to get more historic information regarding this building. Grasslands Federal Credit Union wants to donate $5,000 to the Chamber; Chamber will have to submit a letter letting them know what the funds will be used for. Ashley feels the funds will be used for the Rec Department.

2:57 PM Sara Berger, Weed Control Coordinator joined.

Ashley finished Quick Books training last week and hopes to get the Chamber’s books up to date. Christmas in the

Park is scheduled for November 27th; Christmas Stroll is tentatively scheduled for December 9th.

3:00 Ashley and Vaugh left the meeting.

Weed Coordinator Updates/Approve Weed Building Quote

Quotes were received from various businesses for placing a heater in the Weed Chemical Building. The reason for installation of heat is to keep chemical from freezing. This year there was a large carryover of chemical; weed crew was unable to spray as normal because of extremely dry conditions. This will be a benefit next year because a shortage of some chemicals is expected.

Discussed propane being the best solution for this building as there would be no meter, no minimum

charges, and eliminates the cost of installing natural gas line. Sara also stated MDU did not know when they would be available to run the gas line. The Weed Board agreed to use $10,000 from the Noxious Weed Grant Fund; Sara will use what was budgeted in the operating budget first. Commissioner Braun would like to find out if the tank would be supplied if we purchase propane from the vendor.

Commissioner Braun made the motion to accept the quote from Allied Plumbing, Inc to install two (2) heaters, venting, t-stats and piping in the amount of $7,400; quote from Direct Electric to wire heaters in the amount of

$1,197.04; and used 500-gallon tank from Prairie Fuels-$2,000 (unless provided to Fallon County at no cost, in lieu of future Prairie Fuels propane purchases). Noxious Weed Grant budget funds to be used for any amount over that budgeted in Weed Operating Budget. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any further discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.

Updates-Sara presented her Winter checklist with various completed and remaining maintenance items, discussed grants, (completed the 2021 grant, after Weed Management Plan was completed), and will work on the current fiscal year grants available; Sara is testing for extra licensures, i.e., aquatic, etc.; currently working on

the billing, County Department billing is all that is left to complete. Discussed meetings and conferences attended and those remaining to attend.

3:14 PM Sara left the meeting.

3:15 PM Dustan Davis, IT TECH joined the meeting.

IT Updates-Working on getting inventory completed. Attended the DES Conference the second week of October and felt it was very informative. Dustan realizes there is more to the Deputy DES position than he first thought. Dustan has been doing a lot of critical patching lately; completed a few sonic license renewals. Discussed assisting with the internet portion of the Parkview Retirement Complex Key Fob system. Discussed Dustan also being involved in the programming, etc. Discussion regarding purchase of an Active Directory Server; he had earlier felt going to full cloud would be the best way to go, after further research Dustan stated there are many things we would lose by going that route, so will leave our set-up as is.

3:30 PM Dustan left the meeting.

3:45 PM Joey Borracci, TRC phoned.

Transformer meters-Joey discussed the transformer meters at the Workforce Housing Camp. The meters

are still in TransCanada’s name. The Commission will contact Southeast Electric regarding this matter.

3:48 PM Joey hung up the phone, leaving the meeting.

Southeast Electric-The Commission phoned Tye Williams of Southeast Electric to let him know they would like all the meters removed and power shut off to the workforce housing camp. Tye explained the minimum charge has to remain in place; $1,000 per month for large meter and $30 per month for small meter. The Commission explained, presently the County is having the property appraised; the County’s intention is to sell the property, (timeframe of this is unknown). If that happens, the service will be placed in the new owner’s name; if the County keeps it there will be no need for electricity. Tye will do some checking to see if they can get the monthly meter costs down. Tye will send paperwork to change the service over into Fallon County’s name.

Sage-grouse issue-Tye asked if the Commission would write a letter to Senator Tester and the Committee regarding the rider the Federal Legislature plans to remove. The rider effectively blocked sage-grouse from the endangered species status. The Commission will gather information to write a letter regarding the sage grouse rider.

3:58PM Lynda Herbst, Inside Maintenance joined.

Inside Maintenance Updates-Discussed a sink in the jail kitchen that had been plugged. Work was completed by the plumber; the sink drains properly, and they were able to hook up the new dishwasher. Derrick DeHaan, Maintenance checked the vents to make sure they were not blocked with nests, etc.; all vents were clear. Public Health Department was looking for some baseboard. Lynda has some extra; they can use what is

needed. Permission granted to give this to Public Health to use. Discussed replacement of some of the toilets; the

Commission would like to wait on that at this time.

4:08 PM Lynda left the meeting.


The Commission reviewed, revenues received, reports, emails and other correspondence, board minutes and agendas. The Commission also signed the Employee Certificate of Appreciation for Roger Meggers 15 years’ service as Fallon County’s Airport Manager. Thank you for your dedication and service to Fallon County; Water user annual status report, for the upper dam was signed; signed the Construction Outlay reimbursement request for the Airport Fuel Project; signed the Federal Financial Report for the Airport Fuel Project.

Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to approve the Change in rate of pay for Jeff Frank from $23.50 to

$24.50 due to successful completion of his probationary period. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

4:15 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess for the evening. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion

carried unanimously.




PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin, Kevin Braun, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk & Recorder



No one appeared for public comment.

9:55 AM Tracey Goerndt, Prairie Hills Recovery and Trenton Harbaugh, Sheriff/Coroner joined the meeting.

UPDATES-Tracey stated they have been very busy in Baker; the Baker office is open 1 day per week and the rest of the time is spent in Glendive. Tracey gets calls after hours and if necessary, they would add more days for Fallon County residents. Discussed funding-The funds from Fallon County are only spent here, as Dawson County has their own funds. If any funds are left over Fallon County would have to send them back to the State of Montana. Tracey stated she documents her time spent on everything she does. Some of the funding is used to do sober activities with the individuals. They give clients phones and phone cards for contact purposes. Tracey is available by phone 24 hours per day/7 days per week.

Some of the funds are also used for services such Addiction Counseling; Presentence Investigation Assessment (PSI) for Alcohol, (she can do assessments while individuals are incarcerated); they can conduct group or individual sessions as well as those incarcerated for extended periods of time. Trenton asked if they have an action plan; Tracey stated they have quarterly reports that explain what they do. Tracey will get her

information to Trent. Monday is her Fallon County Day; she is not available Tuesday and Thursday nights because she stays in Glendive and helps them out.

Commission asked if she could assist Law Enforcement with Mental Health issues when admitted to the Hospital. Tracey can assess the individual if they are at the Hospital; Tracey explained most often Mental Health issues are substance induced. Trenton stated Law Enforcement would need to stay with them until such time as they are evaluated and sent on; usually to Glendive because it is the closest place with proper accommodations.

Discussed the Counties Prairie Hills Recovery services include Wibaux, Fallon, Prairie, McCone, Richland and Dawson. Discussed what costs the individuals are responsible to pay; the Alcohol Tax funds are not used to pay for client classes, fines, amongst other items.

10:20 AM Tracey and Trenton left the meeting.

10:30 AM Tracey returned to the meeting.

Tracey submitted the quarterly report for the Commission to review.

10:35 AM Tracey left the meeting.

11:00 AM Beth Epley, Melissa Higbee Eastern Plains Economic Development Corporation joined the meeting.

Updates-Beth discussed various trainings attended. Today Alissa is attending a meat processing training in

Circle, this assists with communications between the processors and producers.

Attended or will attend: E-Commerce training; Google for Business; social media and marketing; 25 people attended the Board of Governance, which assists with roles and leadership training. Beth submitted the CDBG grant application for the Growth Policy; Montana Economic Developers was awarded for the Baker Branding Project. Congratulations!! Glendive is now doing a Branding Project. EPEDC is going to do a Food Subscription project with EDA Funding. The products will be purchased locally (Montana Only) and those who subscribe will receive a box; EPEDC will be filling the boxes and sending them out along with information on each product and where they can be purchased. Beth explained the majority of our food comes from three (3) warehouses located in Oregon. Subscription sales will generate money for the Food and Ag Center. They will be working on a five (5) year development strategy, this will involve meetings with a lot of Community Members and the Commission.

The Commission is invited to attend their Annual Meeting Jan 19th in Glendive. They will present items EPEDC has

completed throughout the year, items they are working on presently and what their goals are for the new year.

Downtown Development Updates-Melissa discussed a housing Grant that is available through CDBG. The total of the grant can be up to $450,000; there is no match and the funds do not have to be paid back. The County or City would have to be the applicant. The Property has to be City or County owned, or a private homeowner. The owner has to agree to the updates and the property could then be rented or sold (with stipulations). Melissa stated they have currently identified the upstairs apartments located in the old Baker State Bank building, SMART/EPEDC would do the administration portion. They would like to identify eight (8)

properties and spread it out over several years. This is a way to get abandoned properties updated and eligible to buy or rent. Commissioner Braun asked how it works if a property were to be updated, the property owner sells the property and leaves. There are terms stating the money would have to come back to the County or City; that money would then be used for other projects. Some terms are flexible; discussed household income is a factor

for qualification. Discussed income stipulations for the old Baker State Bank as a starting project; Three (3) apartments have to be low to moderate income apartments and one (1) could be rented to someone else, regardless of their income.

Discussed the ARPA Workforce Training Grant-Businesses could qualify to receive grant funds to reimburse for training of new and existing full-time workers. The business must be able to demonstrate an increase in revenue and/or production/manufacturing as result of the training process. Businesses are required to provide a

$1 to $1 match. The wages of the trainee during training can be used for the match as long as other State agencies are not reimbursing on those same wages.

Discussed completing a remote working training through MEDA (Montana Economic Development

Association). The training assists in promoting remote workers to work in Montana. The training teaches time management, workflow, being organized when working from home. Now that Melissa has taken the training, she can promote it.

Beth discussed taking samples of assorted items from Sew What, (with the Baker Branding Logo), to Baker businesses. Several of the businesses are interested in selling items with the Logo. The Logo was created through grant funds received from the 2020 Re-Imagine Rural Virtual Event and TC Energy.

Beth stated the next large ARPA funding is slated for Irrigation Districts.

11:30 AM Beth and Melissa left the meeting.

11:30 AM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess for the evening. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.




PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Kevin Braun, Members; Kelsey DuCharme, Recording Secretary

ABSENT: Roy Rost, Chairman



No one appeared for Public Comment.

9:55 AM Lisa Mitchell, EMS Director joined the meeting.

9:59 AM Margie Losing, FMC CFO; David Espeland, FMC CEO, Katie DuCharme, FMC-Clinic Manager joined the meeting.

FMC Financials-Marjorie presented the September financials in detail; September was a busy month. Discussed grants received for COVID outreach and they are looking into using the grant funds to purchase equipment, such as beds.

Public Health-Commission asked that they look into the possibility the Hospital may have a thermostat

control for Public Health. David stated he would check into that.

Parkview Boilers-Commissioner Baldwin stated they are seeking quotes for boilers for Parkview and are waiting to receive one more quote.

Parkview Door Call System-Discussed reason new internet is being installed for the door call system. David felt they could bring Internet for door call system from the Public Health Department as a cost savings.

10:20 AM Derrick DeHaan, Maintenance was asked to join the group. Mid-Rivers installed a router for the

system and will be back next week to install the software. Discussed the reason a new router was installed rather than running from Public Health. Derrick further stated, if the system runs well and there isn’t a need for the software, we can discontinue at that time and save money. David stresses communicating well with the residents during the process. Derrick has been communicating with residents throughout the entire process.

10:23 Derrick DeHaan left the meeting.

Annual meeting-The Annual Meeting of FMC Membership will be held December 8th

Insurance Billing Discussion-David explained he had asked Katie and Lisa to sit in on this meeting because it will affect the Ambulance bookkeeping now completed by FMC. Due to all of the credentialing that has to be completed for the Doctors, FMC is looking into joining the Rocky Mountain Health Network. Accordingly, Ambulances are going to have to follow the credentialing protocol as well. The Commission may want to visit

with Rocky Mountain Network to see if this is something the County will want to do. FMC has a few residents that are Railroad Medicare, not credentialed and cannot bill for the services. FMC will turn all insurance credentialing over to Rocky Mountain Health Network and there will be no one in the Hospital to take care of the Ambulance Insurances. Katie further stated the Commission may decide the cost for Rocky Mountain Health Network may offset the write-offs the Ambulance would have (for non-credentialed) insurances.

No Surprise Billing Act-This Law goes into effect on January 1, 2022. If a patient is not in-network, medical facilities have to give the patient prior notice of the projected cost of the service. This is supposed to be completed within 72 hours of the service. The patient has to sign off on it and the hospital can only bill based on the estimate. The Federal law applies to individual, small group and large group full insured markets and self- insurance group plans including grandfathered plans. This caps patient cost-sharing for out-of-network items and services at in-network levels and requires providers to work with insurers and health plans to negotiate

remaining bills. Katie stated this is a gray area for Ambulance’s; if applicable this would have to be done within 72 hours of the time patient was picked up. Lisa discussed the information she has been receiving via webinars, etc. which discusses the extensive upcoming Medicare Audit for the Ambulance Department.

10:43 AM Julie Straub, HRM joined.

David will contact Rocky Mountain Health Network to start a dialog with the County pertaining to the Ambulance insurance credentialing.

10:48 AM Lisa, Katie, David and Marjorie left the meeting.

Lynda Herbst, Inside Custodian Supervisor-Asked permission to change the lighting in the Sanitarian’s office to LED lighting. Commission would like a cost before they start. Julie stated the lighting in the Sanitarians office was noted during the Safety Reviews.

10:50 AM Permission to Receive Extension of Leave Without Pay- Julie reported that Angel Wywras, COA Program Assistant, was approved for FMLA, which is/or will be exhausted soon. Angel had asked for permission to receive leave without pay previously on June 1st. The leave without pay will need to be extended to attend medical appointments through December 2nd. This will take Angel thorough the remainder of her employment with Fallon County as her resignation effective date is December 2nd, 2021.

Commissioner Braun made the motion to extend Angel Wyrwas’ leave without pay through December 2nd,

2021. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

10:57 AM Julie left the meeting.

11:00 AM Shyla Hadley, Fairgrounds Manager joined.

Fair Updates-The Fairgrounds is completely winterized; is currently working on inventory and safety review items. Eddie Coulter is the Board Chairman and Matt Plaisted is Vice Chairman. The Rodeo Appointees have been discussed in great detail by the Fair board; Appointees would have to be a Fair board Member. The current Board members are not interested in adding more board members at this time. The Commission is fine with whatever decision they decide to make. If they want to increase Board members to accommodate the Rodeo Committee, they are fine with that, otherwise leaving things as they are is also fine. Shyla stated they are going to possibly have a public meeting to see if anyone wants to volunteer for various things and go from there; they need volunteers to help during the Rodeo. Discussed updating the Fair Board By-Laws-to possibly include the

procurement policy. The Commission feels this is a County Policy that needs to be followed and should not have to be in their by-laws.

Miscellaneous-Conventions-Matt and Shyla are going to Billings; Wendy and Shyla are going to San Antonio,

Texas; Eddie and Karol are going to Vegas. Discussed changing dates to get a Carnival and no matter when they change the dates, there are other larger Fairs, so probably would not get a Carnival anyway. The Board has discussed having a Carnival earlier in the year. Thursday Night of the Fair will be the Rodeo; something else on Friday Night, Saturday afternoon Rodeo, Saturday Night Concert and Sunday the Derby. They plan to hold other events since such as a Dinner party event/dueling pianos and would like to have another drive-in movie in the Spring. The Commission discussed the fees for barn use, stalling and tack stalls. It is felt that our fees are exceptionally low and does not cover the electrical costs. This will be discussed further with the Fair Board.

11:26 AM Shyla left the meeting

11:26 AM Amanda Williams, Extension Agent joined.

Extension Updates-Fallon County Shooting sports starts November 15th and will be held on Mondays and Tuesdays. Sign up was November 1st; Rifle starts on November 15th and Pistol starts on November 16th and will continue to meet on Mondays and Tuesdays through December 13th and 14th. Fallon County held their 4H Achievement Night on October 24th and it was very well attended. Scheduling club visits: they will be going over record books and how to sign up with ZSuites; Extension Office is now setting up and advertising Initial Pesticide Applicator Training on December 1st. This is worth 6 private applicator points. This is the end of private applicator cycle for Eastern region. Extension Office will be sending out flyers and phoning applicators about the training. Upcoming travel includes SE Montana Stockgrowers Meeting November 5th in Miles City, and a Tenure meeting will be held on November 8th in Glendive.

11:32 AM Amanda left the meeting.

11:40 Barry Damschen, Damschen Consulting phoned the Commission.

Landfill expansion-Barry discussed the areas Brosz Engineering mapped out for possible wind tower blade disposal areas. Barry stated the smaller area by the new shop is already included in the existing plan. Barry feels there is approximately 30 acres of useable space of the other designated area chosen. Barry discussed trenches that would hold approximately 3.2 million cubic yards of volume to bury blades, would have to place dirt from time to time so that would decrease the volume to 2.6 million cubic yards. Barry was unsure how much space would be required per blade disposal. Commissioner Braun stated the Wyoming Landfill article shows approximately 45 cubic yards per blade.

11:43 AM Julie Straub, HRM joined.

11:44 AM Mary Grube, Planner Administrative Assistant joined.

Barry thinks this could work favorably for the County. Discussed costs for detention (run-off) pond, building up the road and engineering. Barry estimates $50,000 to $100,000 to get this licensed and $100,000 at the most to get it ready to accept blades. The Commission will need to discuss the fee to dispose of blades. Barry feels they could start building the expansion area if they know when it would be approved, even before the Environmental Assessment is completed by DEQ. Commissioner Braun stated the Wyoming Landfill charges $59 per ton and the blades are about 12 ton. Wyoming Landfill stores them, and the Company owns them. A better map of the area slated for the expansion will be mailed to Barry.

11:51 AM Barry hung up phone.

Mary brought a current Montana Road Laws book for the Commissioners use.

11:52 AM Mary left.


Julie stated the Museum Curator had previously visited with the Commission about changing the Museum- Aide hours, so she was available for times other than originally planned. In order to keep the position as Seasonal status, there needs to be minimum hours scheduled to work. The position hours are currently set at 24 hours per week. Due to the current workload, the Museum Curator would like to change the minimum hours to two (2) hours per week; then there will be a break of 30 days, upon returning to work the minimum hours would resume at 24 hours per week.

Commissioner Braun made the motion to allow the schedule for the Museum-Aide position to now be a minimum of two (2) hours per week, with a break of 30 days, upon returning to work, the minimum hours would resume at 24 hours per week. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent (Commissioner Rost). Motion carried.

11:55 AM Julie left the meeting.

11:56 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to adjourn for the week. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.


s/Roy Rost, Chairman

s/Steve Baldwin, Presiding Officer

November 4, 2021


s/Brenda J. Wood, Clerk and Recorder

Welcome to our NEW website address: FALLONCOUNTYMT.GOV
Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving