10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Commission Minutes

Commission Minutes



PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin, Kevin Braun, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder


The Pledge of Allegiance was held in the Commissioner’s Office to start off the week.


John Geving met to get updated information pertaining to the detour route on Highway 12 East.

9:33 AM John left the meeting.

9:33 AM Iven Felt, Cemetery Caretaker met to discuss the thistles covering the fence at Bonnievale Cemetery. Iven is concerned about damages to the fence. Iven would like permission to return to work to remove the thistles. The Commission stated they would need to give this some thought and will get back to Iven. Since Iven is no longer in Seasonal work status the Commission will contact Human Resources.

9:35 AM Iven left the meeting.

9:36 AM Julie Straub, HRM was asked to join. Julie had asked Iven to visit with the Commission about returning to work for this project. The Commission can grant permission without creating any problems for the employee or employer; any hours worked will be reflected through reporting. Iven would need to fill out and turn in his

timesheet like he normally would. If Iven needs assistance, they just need to be sure they both fill out timesheets and turn them in to Payroll. The Commission will contact Iven and let him know permission is granted to return to work for this project. If Iven needs assistance, permission is granted to have an employee assist him.

9:38 AM Julie left the meeting.


Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to approve the minutes from November 8-12, 2021, as written. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

The Clerk and Recorder received a correction to the November 1-5, 2021, Commissioner minutes. November 2nd at 1:30 PM Jeff Frank, Manager of Landfill Operations joined the meeting and discussed quarterly tests. It was written into the minutes that Mary, Damschen Consulting completed the quarterly well tests. After conferring with Barry Damschen, Damchen Consulting; (Mary is-Mary Louise Hendrickson), she does not work for Barry, but is subcontracted to Damschen Consulting. The Clerk and Recorder is sorry for any inconveniences caused by this error.


Bobby Wiedmer, Road Superintendent and Mitch Overn, Shop Mechanic joined the meeting.

Road updatesBlades-One of the new blades is ready to be brought to Baker, but they are hopeful the other blade will be ready so they can both be brought at the same time. They will make sure to have one blade here by Thanksgiving, ready for snow removal.

Workforce Housing approaches-Keith Bithell, MT-DOT came to inspect the approaches and asked that the east approach be reduced some more. Keith will be back to re-inspect.

Various road work-Culvert needs replaced with a plastic culvert on Reservoir Trail and will also pull the

edges up on this road. School House Road will have the edges pulled up as well. Will clean a cattleguard called in by landowner. Completed packing the road by South Sandstone.

Detour route-Discussed the repairs that need to be made to the County Roads on the Highway 12 detour

route. Bobby will contact the Foreman from Martin Construction and produce a plan to repair before it gets too cold. The Commission would agree to have the County Road crew repair the county roads, on the detour route, if the State of Montana will agree to pay for the materials.

Shop updates-Discussed repairs that need to be made to the Landfill dozer. Permission granted to contact RDO to complete the repairs. The Road Department has a truck that is getting aligned. The repairs to the Ambulance are complete and it is back in service.

10:15AM Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering joined.

10:19 AM Bobby and Mitch left the meeting. PROJECT UPDATES

2021 Improvement projects-Shannon stated the contractor has asked for an extension for the waterfall

project and the South FMC parking lot. The contractor plans to start the waterfall project this week. Commissioner Braun stated the contractor needs to at least get the pipe in the lake before freeze up. The Commission wants all projects related to the Parkview remodel and water damage to be completed by the contractor, (i.e., City Park cement work, etc.), with the exception of the south parking lot. The extension for completion of the south parking lot will be June 1, 2022, with a $500 per day caveat if not completed by that


Other miscellaneous-The Commission will contact Robbie Christiaens, Maintenance Supervisor to complete the handrails at Parkview, (which was not part of the projects).

10:27 AM Rich Menger, Sanitarian joined.

Commissioner Rost wanted to be sure to notate Fallon County will not be completing the Senior Citizen Parking lot portion of the 2021 Improvement Projects and also reiterated, the waterfall piping needs to be completed this Fall, no exceptions.

11:30 AM Rich left the meeting.

Shannon explained the Certificate of Substantial Completion was amended to include a 3-year warranty on the curb and gutter because the contractor changed the cement mix.

Commissioner Braun made the motion to approve the Certificate of Substantial Completion for the Millennium Sidewalk Project. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion Carried unanimously.

Millennium Sidewalk change orders were discussed. Overall, some quantity changes were made; asphalt surfacing was removed; additional trees had to be removed; and additional electrical had to be completed. This change order increased the project by an additional $4,751.50.

Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to approve the Final Change order, for the Millennium Sidewalk Project, in the amount of $4,751.50. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.

Shannon reviewed the Final Pay Application for the Millennium Sidewalk project with the Commission.

Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to approve the final pay application for Kratzer Construction, for completion of the Millennium Sidewalk Project, in the amount of $24,453.89. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. O Nays. Motion carried unanimously.

Bypass Route-Shannon stated the bypass route looks really good this morning. Discussed chloride would probably not come out until next spring. Commissioner Braun feels if the shoulders were pulled to cover the roads, they could make them drivable this winter. Discussion regarding the State being responsible for the roads used for the detour route. The Commission asked if Shannon had any idea how much gravel would be needed for the roads. Shannon thought approximately 10,000 yards would be needed. The Commission has discussed doing the work and asking the State of Montana to pay for the gravel.

BridgesIsmay box culvert, Shannon is working on a few remaining items and will need to meet with John Medearis to get an easement signed. Discussed the bypass route for the construction of this bridge. Bonnievale Road Precast box culvert-waiting for SHPO to get back to the Corp of Engineers and will also need to get the DNRC permit updated. North Plevna Bridge is finished, Shannon needs to drive out and check on the seeding.

City of Baker Projects-George Avenue Project came in just under $100,000; the city is wrapping up the watermain projects.

10:50 AM Shannon left the meeting.

10:51 AM Cindy Irgens, Recording Clerk joined.

Cindy brought road research she has been working on for the Commission. After some discussion

Commissioner Braun stated he would be in contact with the Landowners.

11:15 AM PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE & HEALTH INSURANCE UPDATES Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder joined.

EBMS/Self Health Insurance-Debbie explained when EBMS updated the plan document it stated if there was an internal appeal, the process would start with Fallon County. Debbie explained the first step for the appeal process is through Claims Review process. Fallon County is the final step in the appeal process. EBMS corrected the language in the plan document and submitted it for approval by the Commission.

Commissioner Baldwin approved Amendment #34 to the Plan Document and Summary Plan Description for the Fallon County/Fallon Medical Complex Employee Medical Benefit Plan. This amendment corrects the language for the Internal Appeals Process. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.

Property and Casualty Insurance-Debbie and Kimberly, AP Clerk have been meeting with County Departments to review property, equipment and vehicle information in conjunction with inventory and Fixed Asset review. Debbie discussed it has been a few years since this has been completed and we have several new Department Heads that had several questions.

Debbie discussed reviewing the current policy and noticed the Insurance Store had missed several

changes she had submitted. Debbie would like to review the insurance listings with the Commission and discuss the coverage for each item in detail. Hopefully, there is a methodical way to change coverages at a beneficial cost savings to the County. Debbie would like to get a quote before changing coverage to liability only on vehicles


Discussed setting aside budget for repairs to vehicles/equipment, not covered by insurance. Discussed establishing a value threshold and possibly changing coverages from full to liability for certain items. The Commission will review the lists and Debbie will meet to review these items with the Commission at a later date.

11:56 AM Debbie left the meeting.

12:00 PM Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to take a noon recess. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.



PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin, Kevin Braun, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder



No one appeared for Public Comment.


The Commission reviewed and approved the mid-month claims for November 2021 in the amount of

$287,779.74. They are filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office.

2:20 PM Stevie and Cody Mills joined to ask questions regarding a road into the Duffield Residence. In discussing this with a member of the Duffield family, it was recommended the Mills’ visit with the Commission to make sure this is a county road. The Commission stated the road in question is a County Road.

2:30 PM Stevie and Cody left the meeting.


The Commission reviewed, revenues received, reports, emails and other correspondence, board minutes and agendas. The Commission signed the FAA Airport Rescue Grant, it is on record in the Clerk and Recorder’s office; there was no decision made on the Public Health Department carpet shampooing quote.

3:00 PM Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder took minutes in the absence of the Clerk and Recorder.


Carla Brown, Council on Aging Coordinator and Julie Straub, HRM met to ask permission to recruit for a Program Assistant. This position is currently scheduled to work 25 hours per week. Carla asked if the hours for this position could be increased to 30 hours per week, working 5 days a week. After some discussion regarding the budget, the Commission feels that budget should be okay.

Commissioner Baldwin made the motion recruit for a Program Assistant at 30 hours per week/5 days per week. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any discussion; being none. 3

Ayes 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.

3:10 PM Carla and Julie left the meeting.

3:15 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess until Wednesday at 9:00 AM. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.



12:00 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Rost seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any discussion; being none. 3 Ayes 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.


s/Roy Rost, Chairman


s/Brenda J. Wood, Clerk and Recorder s/Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving