Commission Minutes
PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin, Kevin Braun, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder
The Pledge of Allegiance was held in the Commissioner’s Office to start off the week.
No one appeared for Public Comment.
Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to approve the minutes from March 28-April 1, 2022 as presented. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 1 Abstain-(Commissioner Rost). The motion carried.
The Commission reviewed and approved timesheets for the month of March, 2022 and approved payroll and withholdings in the amount of $576,007.79. They are filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office.
10:00 AM Bobby Wiedmer, Road Superintendent and Mitch Overn, Shop Mechanic joined the meeting.
Shop Updates-Arrangements have been made to order and replace windshields in various countyvehicles. They arewaiting for the heat pump for one of the ambulances; they bypassed the pump to allow the ambulance to be placed in service. There are continued issues with the Ambulance that had a turbo replacement; they are still researching the problem. Landfill Dozer-RDO was not sure when they will have time to look at it.
Road Updates-A Landowner approached Bobby about placement of stop signs in Stanhope Addition. They would like them placed on Becker and Stanhope and Becker and Russell. Discussed finding out the proper process that would need to be taken. Commissioner Braun was approached by a landowner from District 2 about placement of a yield sign on the Shelterbelt Road and the old Baker Highway. Bobby asked about hiring a crew member to replace an employee that retired. Commission would like to wait and see how it works. All of the blades are running today. Commissioner Rost reported the MACRS (MT Association of County Road Supervisors) conference was good. Discussed a culvert that needs to be replaced on Cabin Creek Loop Road; they are waiting to find out when a culvert would be available.
10:20 AM Bobby and Mitch left the meeting.
10:30 AM Rich Menger, Sanitarian joined.
Updates-Rich stated FWP will be stocking more fish in the Baker Lake. FWP will also be setting up nets in the near future to see what we have in the lake. There was no winter kill in the lake this year. The aerator is operating on a timer and can be turned off now that the lake is open. Discussed the time frame for opening the gate for the upper dam; this will happen soon and after the sediment settles.
10:35 AM Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering joined.
Project Updates-Bridge Project-Diamond J will get back to Shannon on a start date and information as to which bridge, they will start on. FMC parking lot-The contractor contacted Shannon regarding the FMC parking lot. The contractor would like to complete the curbing and tie it into the sidewalk before completion of the parking lot. Also discussed the sidewalk that leads into the City Park and portions that may need to be replaced. The Commission will view this area and visit with the City of Baker about how to move forward with that sidewalk. Waterfall Project-Direct Electric plans to start on the waterfall project this week or next week. Discussed moving the locked, control box due to the length of electrical wiring in the existing conduit. Wyrick Construction has until the first of May to complete his portion of this project. Commissioner Braun sent the contractor the design for the cement work at the Retirement Complex. That area will need to be completed before the turf arrives. Wetlands Discussion-Shannon stated if we have not heard back from the (EPA) by the 15th of May, Tom Parker with GEUM would like permission to speak with an EPA Supervisor. The Commission agreed to move forward with that. The Corp of Engineers is good with meeting on site and moving forward. We are in year 4 of the mitigation plan and would like some answers before we are in year 5, which is the final year. Shannon will contact Tom and get this moving forward.
10:47 AM Rich left the meeting.
Channel-Discussed completing the permit process to place some rock, in the channel, between the upper and lower lake to help with the erosion. The Commission would also like to permit the rock area at Triangle Park. Shannon will look into the new laws, just released the first part of this year, prepare the permit and return it to the Commission for review and signatures. Senior Center drainage-Discussedthe drainage for the Baker Senior Citizen property. The adjoining property owner will need to be notified about the plan and how it could affect both properties.
11:00 AM Cindy Irgens, Recording Clerk joined.
Commissioner Braun will contact the adjoining landowner; Brosz Engineering will complete the staking for this project and the road crew will complete the work.
11:04 AM Shannon left the meeting.
MAPLE LANE & ROAD PROCEDURE DISCUSSION-Discussion of Maple Lane in the Herbst Industrial Addition. Road names-If someone would like to know the process to name a county road, they should talk to Dale Butori, DES/911 Coordinator. Lake Drive Research-The work completed by Cindy will be reviewed and discussed later.
11:20 AM Cindy left the meeting.
11:30 AM Dale Butori, DES/911 Coordinator and Shannon Hewson joined.
FALLON COUNTY PREDISASTER MITIGATION PLAN-Dale stated FEMA met and reviewed the PDM plan and this meets all of the criteria.
Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to Approve Resolution #1080 Adopting the Fallon County Predisaster Mitigation Plan as presented. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked if there was further discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.
The Resolution is filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s office and Dale will send it to the required entities.
Named County Road-Discussion on the process to name a county road. Individuals may contact Dale with name suggestions, it will be reviewed and after a name is selected, Dale recommends the Commission name by Resolution.
Radio Equipment bid process-Discussed procurement process for the State and County. Dale feels after some research, the bid process may be the best option. The funds will come directly from Fallon County 911 funds, which will put a strain on the budget. The Sheriff and Emergency Communication Dispatch Supervisor would like a new CAD system. This is an eligible 911 expense; the Sheriff is looking for a grant. There are no more 911 grants available. Dale plans to bid for the equipment and installation of microwaves this fiscal year and new consoles next fiscal year.
Discussed departments budgeting for their own equipment and the other County’s may have to pay for their equipment or be billed for some items. Currently the 911 budget pays East-Mont Communications approximately $5000 per year for voice paging to cell phone for all of the County’s. Dale would like to purchase a couple PC’s; he and Dustan could do what East-Mont does and save the 911 budget some money.
Commissioner Braun, Custer County and Garfield County Commissioners discussed a communication issue between Dale and a Custer County employee.
The project with 3rd signal was completed. Dispatch still will get some bleed over from some areas out of our service area, but that number has significantly been reduced. Dale would like to work with the Fairgrounds Manager to obtain a grant to purchase a generator. The deadline for the Homeland Security grant has passed and will try to apply next year.
12:04 PM Dale land Shannon left the meeting.
12:00 PM Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to recess. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent. The motion carried unanimously.
PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin and Kevin Braun Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk & Recorder
No one appeared for Public Comment
1:30 PM PERMISSION TO ACCEPT PAINT QUOTE/Lynda Herbst, Inside Maintenance Supervisor
Paint Quote-Lynda would like permission to accept a quote to paint various areas in the Library and Courthouse. The Commission would like clarification whether the quote includes materials or not. As soon as Lynda has a firm quote, she will return.
1:35 PM INSIDE MAINTENANCE UPDATES/Lynda Herbst, Inside Maintenance Supervisor
Lynda is working on a list of items to complete from the safety review; also working on the SDS sheets for her Department and Dispatch. Lynda scheduled a contractor to look at and quote replacement of carpet in the Clerk of Court’s office, courtroom, law library, jury room and Judge’s chambers. Lynda will also get quotes to reupholster the courtroom benches. The quotes will be part of her budget for next FY. Since repairs were made to the pump, there has been no loss of glycol. Commissioner Braun will contact a contractor to re-pipe the sump pumps.
1:43 PM Lynda left the meeting.
1:45 PM SHOOTING RANGE UPDATES/Jim Leischner, Shooting Range Manager
The Fallon County Shooting Range will be the official name for the Range. They have changed the name on the webpage, Facebook and other places that would be affected.
Over the last 6 months, there have been Issues with the pressure system at the range allowing them to get online to troubleshoot. Dustan Davis, IT Tech first felt they may need to upgrade their server. Dustan was able to find a work around that works with the Carey’s software. Discussed possibly putting it in the budget in case the work around fails.
The Commission asked if they do price checks for propane. Yes, they do a price check before filling up. They had a shooting match last Thursday, with about 14 attendees. Discussed the voice activated trap machine; those that have used it say it works great. Discussed building usage by various groups and determining who should be present during those functions. Jim discussed PPE purchase after attending CPR/First Aid course. The Commission felt the PPE was necessary and should be purchased.
2:08 PM Jim left the meeting.
The Commission reviewed and approved end of month March, 2022 claims in the amount of $112,247.36. They are filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office.
The Commission reviewed, revenues received, reports, emails and other correspondence, board minutes and agendas. The letter terminating pharmacy services with Navitus will not be signed until further information is received. The Commission reviewed Fire Suppression reports from Johnson Controls for various Departments.
Commissioner Baldwin made the to accept the request for reimbursement for the #AIP-3-30-0004-022-2021 Airport Project in the amount of $1,224.65. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Rost signed the request for reimbursement for Airport Project #AIP-3-3-004-022-2021.
3:50 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess for the evening. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent. The motion carried unanimously.
PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin and Kevin Braun, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder
Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder joined.
The Commission had some questions relating to the letter to be sent to Navitus terminating our pharmacy benefits management services with them. After some research Debbie and Marjorie Losing, FMC-CFO determined Smith RX would better serve as the new pharmacy service provider for Fallon County and FMC. Smith RX is not a subsidiary of EBMS, so we have to request this.
Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to sign the letter terminating PBM services, with Navitus, effective June 30, 2022. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.
9:35 AM Debbie left the meeting.
No one appeared for Public Comment.
9:45 AM ELECTION UPDATES/Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Election Administrator and Kathy Newell, Election Clerk
Discussed the upcoming meeting regarding a possible Bond Election for a childcare facility. Discussed the Port Authority verses the County running the election. There was much discussion on the laws and the possible processes that may be taken.
9:55 AM Debbie and Kathy left the meeting.
9:57 AM Steve Zachmann, Mayor AND Kevin DuKart, City Clerk City of Baker joined.
CITY OF BAKER UPDATES-Chief Reddick is retiring from Law Enforcement. Public works has begun street sweeping; they are also cataloguing needed street repairs; then will begin on the alley issues needing attention. The City Engineer will work on area quantities in preparation of possible bidding projects. Crack sealing will be completed, weather permitting and when materials arrive. They have two new pieces of equipment that will increase efficiency. Watermain replacement project-they would like to replace the watermain from the wells to city and from water tanks to Center Avenue and 4th street. They will likely go out for bid; delays in material arrivals are expected and may force the project to start into late fall and completion possibly into next year.
Family dollar has connected to City sewer, near the lift station, and have extended City water service, from Texas Avenue to their property. The contemplated new railroad crossing, by the Fertilizer Plant, may not be feasible. Burlington Northern trains have been parking west of Baker as they wait for westbound trains, making this option less workable for emergency services. The Mayor feels the only viable option would be the open crossing on 3rd street. Mayor Zachmann is willing to secure an agreement by working with Senators, Railroad and David Turch.
The Baker Lake Tributary clean out project will probably be on hold until this fall/winter. Since the maintenance permit has not been received, the work would best be done when the ground is frozen again.
Discussed the North Parking lot area and drainage, south side of City Park. The contractor will work on the north parking lot first and curb and gutter.
Discussed the abuse of Park facilities and extra work this requires of the Parks (Maintenance) department; discussed installation of cameras for monitoring to stop the abuse and vandalism via prosecution. They want to be able to keep the facilities open for public use, instead of locking them out because of a those who abuse. Discussed who would monitor the cameras; this is work in progress.
Mayor Zachmann thanked Commissioner Baldwin for participating in the SID 36 Committee meetings.
The city appreciates the county’s collaboration to rebuild the surface and chip seal the streets in south/central Baker. Discussed replacement of water and sewer lines. Mayor Zachmann stated the sewer lines were taken care of; water lines are as ready as they can be. Public Works Director is going to contact the County Road Supervisor to work with the city regarding the streets in this area.
The city needs to know for planning purposes if and when the County will be available. Commissioner Braun stated the timeline depends on the Road Department lists of projects and the moisture we receive. The Commission feels those streets in question can be worked on in July, after the majority of county road work is completed. The city has a lot of crack sealing to do so as not to have to pay for scrub sealing.
The city did apply for two competitive ARPA grants. Regulations changed so Montana Avenue does not comply as a project, so they are asking to withdraw that grant. They plan to use the other competitive grant to cover the project with the water tanks. If they do not get the competitive grant they will apply for the minimum allocation, and they would have enough to cover the water tank project. The city is under the gun to get the city bids out; the worst-case scenario, they would have to come up with about $600,000.
Triangle Park drainage was discussed; Shannon, Brosz Engineering has plans for the drainage to be diverted. Discussed easements the County will need from various landowners in order to complete the project. Mayor Zachmann does not feel it will be a problem for the city to give easements and will contact the City Attorney to discuss. The State of Montana is fine with working it in with their storm drain project that was completed a while ago.
10:25 AM Steve Z and Kevin D left the meeting.
10:30 AM Shyla Hadley, Fairgrounds Manager joined.
FAIR UPDATES-They are getting busier with various upcoming events such as the bull sale, SNIP Fundraiser vendor show and some private events. Crew members-Due to the change in workload (without the High School Rodeo); it is felt they will only need three (3) summer youth this year. This will need to be discussed with Julie, HRM also. They would like to be able to get youth that are not so tied up during the summer and during the Fair. They will start selling tickets soon for the Extreme Broncs event which will be held May 27th. Shyla was contacted about the 4th of July events. There was not enough time to prepare for anything, there is not enough in the budget and most of the Fair Board will be gone that weekend. They can use the facilities, but they would have to hold the event themselves. Fair contracts are starting to trickle in. It is possible there will be a carnival this year. If that does happen, they hope to get a two (2) year contract. The next Fair Board meeting will be April 18th at 6:30 PM
10:52 AM Shyla left the meeting.
10:55 AM Stacey Moore, Director of Library Services joined.
Library Updates-Stacey invited the Commission to National Library week (April 3rd-9th) and Fallon County Library’s 100-year celebration. They will serve coffee and cookies from 1-5 PM tomorrow. The celebration theme is “Connect with Your Library”. The Library Board approved the updated policy manual. The policy manual will be sent to the State Library and posted on the Library web page. They had over 900 patrons at the library last month; these are pre-covid numbers. FWP plans to come and do a presentation with live fish, they will have games, arts and crafts and other projects for the youth as well. The Library Board agreed to dissolve the 501-3(c). It is dissolved at the state level, the only thing left to do is the reporting; this Fiscal Year will be the last reporting year. They will also be dissolving the Friends Group; remaining funds went to the Library Memorial Fund to be used for the Library. Kayla James has been with the library for 1 year now and is doing well. The summer application process will close this Friday. The Commission discussed the Library Box suggestion that was brought before the Commission. The Commission asked if Stacey had been contacted for input. Stacey stated she had not but had read about it and has concerns of it being misconstrued as a Public Library drop box as well as it could cause problems for maintenance. Stacey is working on another Town Pump Grant for the summer reading program.
11:06 AM Stacey left the meeting.
11:30 AM Roger Meggers, Airport Manager joined.
AIRPORT UPDATES-The Commission discussed the drainage project that is in its beginning planning stages. The Commission would like to get an easement from Roger for the proposed project. Roger discussed his concern if they were to raise the elevation, as this would cause issues for his building. The Commission explained this would be a buried pipe and would run on the North side of Lake Drive. The Commission mentioned the Ambulance Service would like reflector poles to be placed at the Airport approach. They claim it is hard to see where to turn when leaving the airport, due to the steep incline. Roger would agree this could be a problem and the fuel trucks have also had some issues with this approach. Roger discussed his safety concern regarding the pipe railing for the fence at the racetrack. Roger is concerned if there were to be a car accident, this could be a serious problem. The Commission will view and discuss with the Fair Board. Discussed the Fuel system project updates. Roger stated the tanks should be completed by the 15th of May and should be shipped by the end of May with the project being completed shortly thereafter. The parking lot, outside the fence, is falling apart; there is a lot of fractured pavement. They may be able to get some Federal funding to assist with paving the parking lot. The Commission discussed possibly laying gravel and chip/sealing the parking lot rather than paving, as a cost savings. Roger feels it would be best to wait until after the fuel project because the truck traffic will be hard on the pavement. Some of the issues could be caused by poor drainage. Discussed the possibility of expanding the parking lot. Roger will discuss this with Craig Canfield, JGA. Discussed the Golf Course pond that is close to the Airport ramp and the affect this has on the pavement. The Commission discussed possibly draining and lining the pond in late Fall. Discussed better communication with all Departments regarding adjoining property and the possible affects new or other work can cause.
11:55 AM Roger left the meeting.
11:50 AM Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to take a noon recess. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.
PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin and Kevin Braun Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder
No one appeared for public comment.
1:25 PM Vaughn Zenko, EMEDA Executive Director joined.
SMART/EMEDA UPDATES-They have a group of 7 ladies interested in renting the main floor of the Baker State Bank building for a Thrift Shop. They presented a business plan to SMART and feel they will move forward with it. SMART is offering a 1-year lease at $600 per month. SMART will pay the utilities for the first year to get them started; the ladies plan to do some work on the building as well. They would like to be moved in by May 1st but there are some things SMART needs to take care of so it will likely be June. The Real Estate Coop is chugging along; they should be incorporated in 6 months or by the end of the year. They have received two (2) new grants for the Baker State Bank building; a façade grant and a grant to replace windows on the main level.
1:30 PM Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Election Administrator joined.
Vaughn stated they have planned another fund-raising event for the Day Care Facility/Community Center; it is scheduled for May. They have received local donations; discussed another donation that was received recently from Quality Transportation.
Bond issue was discussed in detail; would Fallon County issue the bond or the Port Authority. Vaughn explained the Port Authority can issue bonds, but these are mostly revenue bonds. The project would have to generate revenue; a Port Authority cannot issue bonds they cannot pay back. Discussed a General Obligation Bond-This type of bond has to benefit the entire county. A childcare facility/community center would qualify. If the County issues the bond, the County would own the building. After the bond is passed the County could lease the building. The County would have control of operations, but because of the lease, they are not responsible for the building or the maintenance of the building. Once the bond is passed the County would also have the option to sell the building, but the County would probably not want to.
The Port Authority could lease the building and then it would be up to them to maintain and operate the building. They would elect a Board of Directors and the B.o.D’s would operate the facility. Discussed concerns of the building going back to the County. Discussed the length and terms of a possible lease agreement.
The Commission does not think it is in the best interest of the county to operate a day care facility. There are definite concerns, should the building become empty and the responsibility of the County (taxpayers). The best-case scenario would be to build without taxpayer dollars.
Commissioner Braun was of the understanding the Port Authority was planning to issue the bond, not the County. Vaughn stated the bond could be paid off in half the time, so there would be no further obligation to the taxpayer. Due to the way the building is being designed, it could be transitioned into office spaces, affordable housing or a number of other things if the Daycare Facility/Community Center does not work out.
The Daycare Facility would be government subsidized for those in the low to moderate income level. The largest percentage of low to moderate income level families have children in the 0-5 age bracket. If the operating expenses were $350,000 per year and Head Start would come forward, the operating expenses would decrease to $150,000 per year. The rest of the funding would come from childcare fees.
Vaughn has received phone calls from the National level and stated there are a lot of eyes on Fallon County and progress of the Daycare/Community Center. Vaughn has had a good response on the survey he sent out. Vaughn has been working with Dorsey and Whitney; they would assist with the entire process to make sure it all is done correctly.
1:50 PM Kathy Newell, Election Clerk joined.
Discussed the time frame to hold a bond election; the Commission would need to unanimously approve the Resolution. If this does not happen, then they would have to work through the petition process. A petition would have to be delivered to the County Election Administrator; discussed the timing and the process for petitions. If the Commission is not interested in passing a resolution, then the petition process would be followed, and would go to the voters. The petitions would have to contain signatures from 20 percent of Fallon County’s registered voters. Vaughn explained they would like this to be placed on the ballot for the General Election. Debbie and Kathy explained the correct ballot language would have to be received no later than June 17th and the process to get to that point is lengthy. It would be more likely they would be able to meet timing for a special election, which could potentially be held in December.
The Port Authority would pay for the Attorney fees from Dorsey Whitney. If this were to be placed on the ballot it would be for a Daycare/Community Center and the Port Authority would be responsible for propaganda.
2:00 PM Melissa Higbee, Chamber of Commerce Director and Alissa Miller, Chamber President joined.
Discussed who would be responsible for the Construction Project from start to finish. Vaugh stated the Port Authority would oversee the entire project. Vaughn discussed looking to the future of Fallon County and its sustainability. County contact point would be the County Attorney.
2:04 PM Vaughn, Debbie and Kathy left the meeting
Chamber Updates-Melissa brought the County’s membership sticker with the new logo. Melissa will be going to all businesses to introduce herself and pass out their stickers. Discussed Baker Chamber scholarships that will be given to area students in the amount of $250. The Chamber is short two (2) Board members; also need a Vice-President. They have been holding meetings to schedule events/activities for the 4th of July celebration.
They plan to have a sandcastle contest at 10 AM at the Triangle Park Beach. Will check with Robbie about roping off the beach on the 4th. They will have a 5K which will have a fee associated with it. Discussed donations received by the Recreation Department; people want the Rec Department to thrive. Melissa will be leaving tonight for the Montana Main Street Conference in Billings; she was given a free ticket for the conference. The Chamber meeting this month will be held Thursday at Thee Garage at Noon.
Recreation Department Updates-Alissa stated the activities are very well received; preschool fills up right away. Tonight, there will be dance recital and martial arts showcase at the Longfellow gym; there will be a Preschool playtime at the Museum; track and field will be held for grades K-6; they are also working on some summer things. They had 56 teams attend the Baker Jam; they had good refs, food trucks, a lot of families spent the night as they had youth participating both days. This is the first year this was held as a fund raiser. The largest complaint was, with a few exceptions, there were no downtown businesses open. Commissioner Braun stated he had a few people tell him they were glad we had a Runnings Store. Alissa is excited to have Kassidee Kilsdonk as the new Rec Director. Melissa discussed the availability of training grants from Job service; they have $60,000 that has to be spent by the end of this year.
2:26 PM Melissa left the meeting.
2:32 PM Elisabeth Epley, EPEDC Executive Director joined with Alissa, Food & Ag Development Assistant.
EPEDC Updates-Beth stated they were able to assist the Museum receive the Montana History Foundation Grant; this will be used for their Oral History Project. They helped get the Caviar Grant for the Recreation Department and Eastern Plains; this will probably be the last year they will give out Caviar Grants. Beth discussed the Plains to Porch Subscription Boxes; Alissa presented the food subscription program to Governor Gianforte, local producers and government officials. The purpose was to come up with a way to make Montana-made food available not just in Montana, but across the country and showcase producers and the innovative way they are trying to diversify their ranches and farms. Hopefully consumers will buy directly from local producers. Alissa stated there will be a television showcasing of Plains to Porch, Thursday with Tom Schultz and Farver Farms. Discussed online trainings instructing how to set up your website, selling online, email outreach and cloud services tools available to youth and adults. There was a weekend boot comp held to show how to get a project started, funded and on its feet, without the assistance of the government. Tomorrow night they will discuss how to showcase local artists without City or County involvement. They are working with three (3) different start-up businesses in Fallon County. Alissa is working with the RE Investment Coop group; there will be a public meeting April 28th. They will gather ideas from the Community and let them know what a Coop is. They had a better variety of options at the Job Fair this year. Juniors and Seniors seemed to be the most engaged.
Discussed the minimum allocation ARPA funds slated for Fallon County. The Commission discussed a storm water/habitat project they thought may be a viable option for this funding. Beth will check into this for the County.
Quarterly EPEDC Board meeting will be held in Terry on the 20th of April at the Stockman Bank. Lunch will be served after the meeting. KLJ was contracted to conduct a resiliency study. They will review responses, received at pop-up meetings, from various individuals, at the quarterly board meeting.
2:55 PM Elisabeth and Alissa left the meeting.
3:00 PM Amanda Williams, Extension Agent
Extension Updates-Amanda was unable to attend the meeting.
3:30 PM Dustan Davis, IT Technician joined.
IT Updates-Dustan reviewed the progress of the new County Website with the Commission. Dustan feels this will be up and running by the end of the month, or sooner. Page content changes will be made by Dustan. Commissioner Braun asked if Departments could have access to post items on their department page. Dustan could allow access to the posting portion. Due to ADA compliance issues, the website will no longer accommodate PDF files. Discussed Website photos and getting the Community involved in sending pictures to showcase on the County Website. Discussed allowing the public online payment options for various County costs/fees, in the future. Dustan would like to set the official live date of April 29th for the new County Website; the Commission agreed.
3:55 PM Dustan left the meeting.
4:00 PM Brenda Hoeger, Emergency Communication Dispatch Supervisor joined.
Dispatch Updates-Dispatch SOP was completed; Brenda sent it back to the contractor. As soon as the Contractor finishes the SOP, the Commission will approve it. Dispatch and Sheriff’s Office are shopping for a CAD system. They have another Demo tomorrow and one on Thursday. When they choose one, they will present it to the rest of the Counties to approve. Interviewing for a Dispatcher tomorrow; Brenda asked if a commissioner would like to be on the Interview Panel. Someone from the Commission will attend. Still getting some Prairie County skip (nothing like it had been); getting a lot of Wyoming calls, they are not sure if it is because of overflow or what the cause is. Dale Butori, DES/911 is preparing to go to bid for microwaves. Brenda explained they will wait on replacement of consoles for a few more years. They will be losing another Dispatcher after July 11th.
4:03 PM Brenda left the meeting.
4:05 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess for the evening. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent. The motion carried unanimously.
PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin and Kevin Braun, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk & Recorder
No one appeared for public comment.
9:45 AM Mary Grube, Planning Administrative Assistant and Forrest Sanderson Contract Planner joined
Planning Updates- Working on City of Baker Zoning Ordinances; no County projects currently.
Zoning discussion in general, discuss with other Counties that have completed countywide zoning. Storm Water/Habitat Project-The Commission discussed the plan to divert some storm water and place it in a habitat area in hopes of alleviating the erosion that is currently taking place. Forrest stated the Commission can do this; may need a flood plain permit to discharge. This would be done at the local level; they may also need a 310 permit from the Conservation District. Census-The 2020 Census has not been released yet; this should be final before the Growth Policy is completed. Forrest will be back in May.
10:00 AM Mary and Forrest left the meeting.
10:15 AM Kevin Hill, Golf Course Superintendent joined.
Golf Updates-Convention went well; he came back with a lot of useful information. Drainage was discussed and now has a good idea what to do with problem areas. Received good information regarding tree planting and has found some good areas for planting. The greens are coming along nicely, the sand really helped. The remaining sand was used in the aeration process and the rest will be recycled. Fungicide was applied last week as well as sodium knock out fertilizer. Kevin plans to run the sulphur burner most of the time to get the PH levels where they should be. They will be flushing the greens twice per month as well. Weather permitting, Kevin will open the greens next Thursday.
The Commission discussed the level of the pond by the Airport; they will need to keep an eye on it, so it does not overflow and cause problems with the asphalt. The pump is not in the lagoon yet, plans to do that within the next week or so. Kevin plans to reseed the end of April and also this Fall.
Kevin has been painting in the shop this week in preparation of the season opening. The Solar bee is still inoperable; may take it to the shop and see if they can assist in troubleshooting so it can be used this year to help circulate the water. Kevin may put a fountain in next year’s budget. Discussed draining, removing the silt and lining the pond this fall; they will continue discussion of this. Commissioner Braun stated some of seepage at the Airport could also be runoff from the Golf Course irrigation system.
Kevin would like to recall Bryant O’Connor and Ethan Gundlach this year; he just received another application which will be given to Julie Straub, HRM.
Sand prices went up; three (3) truck loads would be $3,610 delivered. If we do our own trucking it would be $1,200; this will be discussed with the Road Supervisor. The trailers would need to be clean, and it would be best if they were covered.
10:48 AM Kevin left the meeting.
10:48 AM Lisa Mitchell, EMS Director joined; Bridgette Schwartz, Kay Webb-EMT’s
Ambulance Updates-Lisa thankedCommissioner Rost for attending the last EMS meeting. Lisa brought her March report for the Commission to view. There were 20 calls in March. EMS received a gift from Mid-Rivers, and it will be deposited.
Mutual Aid was discussed in detail; would like to have the County Attorney work with the Custer County Attorney and Miles City Fire/Rescue to get an approved agreement. Lisa has an EMT that lives in Custer County that would like to be able to assist us. Liability was discussed; this would be addressed in the agreement. She would never be paid on-call, only per call; would like to get her on the roster as soon as the mutual-aid agreement is complete.
AMB 17 mechanical issue is still a mystery; AMB 33 has a booster pump issue. They are having some issues with the Pilot fuel cards; Kimberly, AP Clerk is working on this. Discussed issues with some of the vehicles that are parked near the alley in the north parking lot. Lisa spoke to one of the employees about the parking matter and feels that was resolved. EMS Week is May 15th-June 1st; would like to have an open house. Funds from the Ambulance donation account will be used.
EMT’s weren’t eligible for the bonus most employees received. Lisa asked if donations funds could be used for that. Commissioner Baldwin stated there were parameters set for the bonus; the Commission will need to discuss further.
March 31st; the Ambulance service was relicensed. EMS courses were discussed in detail, both the type of course and the costs of the courses. They currently charge $250 for the books and the course; the actual cost is approximately $500 per person. Bridgette recommends they charge the full $500, so people are more committed to get the required licensures. Lisa feels it is fair to ask $250 and that was what was allowed in the budget. Various options were discussed such as giving their money back if they complete the course or setting it up in installments. Discussed having several people start the process, with a very low percentage completing it. The Commission agreed to start at $250 as that is how it is currently set up in the budget; will reevaluate at budget time with a possible incentive program.
PCRs are complete, received an email from Katie at FMC that she will need to address after this meeting. The Commission would like to continue to get a copy of the monthly schedules when they are complete.
Discussed back up and on call scheduling and how it is handled. Lisa explained and explained forms used for schedule changes.
11:30 AM Lisa, Kay and Bridgette left the meeting.
11:30 AM Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to recess. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent. The motion carried unanimously.
PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin and Kevin Braun, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder
No one appeared for Public Comment.
2:00 PM Chris Whale, Fireside President/Owner; Bob Curn, Fireside Technical Service Representative; Kimberly Jensen, AP Clerk and Dustan Davis, IT Technician joined.
Service Agreement Discussion-Chris introduced himself and Bob. Bob was employed by SBM and was the technician that serviced Fallon County’s copy machines, until SBM went out of business.
Discussed ordering supplies; Chris would like to set toners up on auto service. The agreements with Fireside would be annual agreements so they can reevaluate each year.
Sign Service Agreements:
Commissioner Braun made the motion to sign the Fireside Service Agreements for the Fallon County copy machines. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays Motion carried unanimously.
All Service agreements will be recorded in the Clerk and Recorder’s office.
2:30 PM Dustan left the meeting
2:40 PM Kimberly left the meeting.
2:45 PM Chris, Bob, left the meeting.
2:55 PM Lisa Mitchell, Director of EMS joined.
2:58 PM Julie Straub, HRM joined.
Continuation of Restructuring Director of EMS Position-The group reviewed the “updated” job description completed after the last meeting.
SUPERVISION AND DISCIPLINE OF EMT’S: Discussed the supervision of others in the Department, who would handle it and how that would be handled. Lisa stated she has verbal communication with the individual, if that does not resolve the issue then the next steps, are taken such as written warning and another face to face. Lisa stated there is no process identified now. Julie views them all as employees; they would be subject to the same disciplinary process as all other employees per County Policy. Therefore, any formal discipline would be up to the Commission.
Commissioner Braun discussed this position having the authority to remove the individual from the schedule. Lisa further feels it needs to elaborate that education needs to be complied with as well. They cannot be on the service if they do not have the proper education.
DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION: Verify licensure status of new and ongoing/the Commission wants ongoing verification of CE and licensures, so they do not lapse.
SUPERVISION OF OTHERS: Reiterating earlier discussion; this position has the authority to determine if a volunteer EMT is removed from the schedule. If the volunteer EMT addresses and manages the conflicts, this position has the authority to reschedule.
POSITION HOURS/TRAINING: Lisa stated the hourly rate had not been discussed and wondered if it would be the same. Julie stated that depends on what is required for the work and how it is defined. Commissioner Rost asked how much of the current position involves training. Lisa explained the amount of time it takes to certify in CPR and First Aid (4 Hours); she does not get any additional payment for doing this. Lisa does not have an answer on how much training she will be doing outside of her job. This would not be completed during the day (except when monitoring what Volunteer EMT’s have completed). The initial education to become a volunteer EMT is 150 hours; Saturdays is when they complete skills stations (which has no set hours). The volunteer EMT’s that assist with skills stations do not get paid.
TYPICAL (ON THE JOB) TRAINING: If volunteers are having a difficult time with a particular procedure, they will gather what they need for that specific issue, and everyone will retrain on it. Volunteer EMT’s may bring new thoughts and training ideas to the service for everyone as well. EMT’s do not get paid to take training or bring training to the service. The National Service, (which Fallon County EMS is a member of), requires EMT’s to take ongoing training to maintain current licensures.
OFFICE WORK: Office work comes first; PCRs are the primary function of this position.
MORE TRAINING DISCUSSION: Discussed how Lisa is currently paid for training; is it part of the current job description or is this done outside of the job. Commission asked if most of the training is completed from an outside source or if Lisa completes most of the training. When Lisa completes training, it is done outside of her position. Again, their monthly meetings may bring up items of concern which they respond with refresher trainings. The question was asked, If Lisa takes the training, does she get paid? Lisa stated, No. Lisa stated she facilities the training, hosts, organizes the food, sets up and tears down. Further discussed pay for training.
NEW JOB DESCRIPTION: This would be moved from salaried to hourly. This would be a 30 hour per week position with set hours. The training would be separate from this position. If she is taking the training, she would not get paid, (the same as the other volunteers that are NOT paid).
Julie explained the County’s intent with restructuring is to streamline and refocus the work for this position. This the County’s attempt to narrow the scope of duties so the main focus is the PCRs, as well as Ambulance and Building Maintenance, Administration and Supervision of Others.
RECRUITMENT-Commissioner Braun discussed recruitment of EMT’s. Recruitment would be part of the training. Discussed the EMT’s being responsible to keep their licensures current. Lisa would only need to provide them with the information for the trainings.
OTHER: Commissioner Rost asked if Lisa had an idea how much training she performs throughout the year so this could be removed from the current salary to come up with an hourly rate. Lisa needs time to look at this and how it will affect her financially.
Julie stated this restructuring is taking place to assist with the PCR matter which started in 2019.
HOURS OF WORK: This would be a 30 hour per week position, but she can work more than 30, with Commissioner approval. This position will have set hours and will be separate from the Volunteer EMT and Training. Decision-The hours of work for this position will be set at 10 AM – 5PM and lunch would be from 1 PM to 2 PM. Lisa will notify the Commission (via text/call) if the hours will go over 30. Time sheets are to be filled out every day, per county policy. There will be 2 separate time sheets (one for EMS Program Manager Position and one for Volunteer EMT). Need to further discuss the hourly rate. Another meeting will be scheduled.
4:18 PM Julie left the meeting.
Lisa wondered if this could wait until the end of this fiscal year. The Commission would like to complete this now but will discuss further at the next meeting.
4:19 PM Lisa left the meeting.
4:20 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess for the evening. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent. The motion carried unanimously.
PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin and Kevin Braun, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk & Recorder
No one appeared for public comment.
10:00 AM David Espeland, CEO and Marjorie Losing, CFO-Fallon Medical Complex joined.
FMC Monthly Report-February financials were reviewed and presented by Marjorie. Marjorie stated last month was a slow month. FMC’s 990 Non-Profit was approved by the Board last night. Marjorie explained in detail how they have to prove they provide a community benefit over and above the amount they would have to pay in taxes. This starts with a community needs assessment survey that is sent out; FMC has to come up with a plan that has to be followed for three (3) years. They have to prove to the IRS they are following the plan.
Discussed COVID funding the Hospital has received. The Sanitarian will quit testing the lagoon next week. Surveys are being completed to see if FMC is in compliance with the COVID plan
The RFQ went in the paper for the door and window project. April 22nd is the deadline, with a start date of June 1st. Water heater was able to be repaired by Hospital maintenance so did not need to purchase new. Fire suppression inspections and agreements were discussed; a meeting will be set up with Johnson Controls; David will be included in the meeting. David noted there is some warranty work that needs to be completed at Parkview. Parkview boilers were discussed. Discussed runoff from adjoining landowners is notably causing water in the underground fuel tank and damage to the parking lot.
10:49 AM David and Marjorie left the meeting.
10:50 AM Melisa Rost, Museum Curator joined.
Museum Updates-They have completed several events and projects for the school students over the past 6 months. They have held several other events such as art exhibits; a Night at the Museum (3 stories, 4 actors, free will donation chili, 110 people attended); Trunk or Treat; Christmas in the Park; Holiday express (average of 12 people per week). They have received several grants; discussed waiting on the Architect for the Montana Historic Preservation Grant. Will try to get a meeting set up with the Architect. They have received donations totaling over $6500, in addition to all of the grants. Melissa discussed several upcoming events such as Playtime @ the Museum, (in conjunction with the Rec Department); Heritage Fest; Traveling art collection; LifeStraw camp, NASA camp; as well as many others. They have a couple of projects coming up-Oral History Interviews and a Coffee Shop display. Melissa has some meetings she plans to attend. The Cameras and the Smartboard are functional. They are stocking the gift shop after attending the Made in Montana Tradeshow. The location of the conex box (once used by the Rec Department) was discussed.
11:08 AM Melissa left the meeting.
ATTENDANCE: No one from the Public was in attendance or made public comment.
11:34 AM Commissioner Rost closed the Public Hearing.
11:34 AM Commissioner Braun made the motion to Adopt Resolution 1081 to Amend the Museum Budget to Accommodate Grant funding received from the Montana History Foundation in the amount of $3,347. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent. The motion carried unanimously.
ATTENDANCE- No one from the Public was in attendance or made public comment.
11:39 AM Commissioner Rost closed the Public Hearing.
11:39 AM Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to Adopt Resolution 1082 to Amend the Museum Budget to Accommodate Grant funding received from the MDU RESOURCES FOUNDATION in the amount of $1,600. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent. The motion carried unanimously.
ATTENDANCE- No one from the Public was in attendance or made public comment.
11:41 AM Commissioner Rost closed the Public Hearing.
11:41 AM Commissioner Braun made the motion to Adopt Resolution 1083 to Amend the Museum Budget to Accommodate Grant funding received from the MUSEUMS ASSOCIATION OF MT in the amount of $750. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent. The motion carried unanimously.
All resolutions are filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s office.
Denbury Termination and release of Haul Route Agreement:
Commissioner Braun made the motion to sign the termination and release agreement (Haul route agreement) between Fallon County and Denbury Green Pipeline-Montana, LLC. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.
11:50 AM There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to adjourn for the week. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried Unanimously.
s/ Roy Rost, Presiding Officer
s/Brenda J. Wood, Clerk and Recorder