Commission Minutes
MONDAY, MAY 2, 2022
PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin, Kevin Braun, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder
The Pledge of Allegiance was held in the Commissioner’s Office to start off the week.
No one appeared for Public Comment.
Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to approve the minutes from April 25-29, 2022, with corrections Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.
9:25 AM OUTSIDE MAINTENACE UPDATES/Robbie Christiaens, Maintenance Supervisor; Derrick DeHaan, Maintenance Assistant.
Preparing all restrooms to be opened; some repairs will need to be made. Need meters installed for the City of Baker facilities. Discussed preparation of softball/baseball fields. Some work may need to wait until the end of the season. Leveling fields was discussed; $800 per semi load for infield dirt, plus approximately $1,000 shipping. They will budget for 4 loads in the upcoming fiscal year. Robbie will order the sod for the park, Parkview, and FMC as soon as the waterfall project is completed; all areas will be prepped for sod. The gazebo project at FMC is on hold until a later date; for now, they will place sod. Mike Menger will work on the boiler for Parkview this week, Robbie is hoping to get parts for restroom repairs this week also. Robbie will check the beach to see if sand is needed. Floating docks will be placed after the water is released from the upper lake; the splash park will be prepped so all is ready by Memorial weekend. Discussed PV1 and PV2 fire alarm monitoring; both go to dispatch. PV2 alarm can be set from the FMC Maintenance Supervisor’s computer; PV1 has to be rest manually. When there is an alarm at the Parkview’s Derrick receives a call from FMC (who presumably get a call from Dispatch). Derrick reported there was no water in Parkview’s after all the moisture. However, there is water coming in on the FMC side. Discussed ways to repair and manage the water that runs down the wall and goes in the floor drains. Derrick feels the water is following the fuel lines for the generator and needs to be addressed. Discussed locks to concession stands at the Fairgrounds. Commission may decide to change them from keyed to manual.
9:48 AM Derrick and Robbie left the meeting.
9:55AM-Richard Menger, Sanitarian joined.
Asbestos certification-Rich attended Asbestos training and is the first certified asbestos inspector Fallon County has had. Congratulations Rich. Rich will not be inspecting for the private sector under his licensure. Rich will need a respirator and will put this cost in his budget.
9:59 AM Rich left the meeting.
10:00 AM ROAD/SHOP UPDATES/Bobby Wiedmer, Road Superintendent and Carl Overland, Shop Mechanic
Shop Updates-They installed a new injector in the Ambulance so should be ready for them. All Weed dept side-by-sides are ready to go. Will work on the Weed Department trailers within the next few weeks. Landfill dozer seal is in and will keep the seal for the other side on hand. Commission discussed cost savings and making changes to how we operate. Discussion on the County repairing and maintaining all county vehicles and equipment as much as possible. Need to get Carl experienced in everything that Mitch does now. Bobby reported, an operator turned in his notice. Discussion on snow removal during the storms and road signs that need to be replaced after the storm. Bobby will notify MT DOT regarding the sign on Highway 7 that needs replaced; the County will replace the sign on Webster Road. All blades are out today; Ollie Road was viewed, and maintenance was discussed. Commission discussed hauling material for the park and Golf Course. Bobby will contact the Golf Course Superintendent regarding material he needs hauled. Material for the Park, etc. will not be needed right away. Discussed a road in Herbst Industrial Addition that needs some maintenance.
10:31 AM Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering and Richard Menger, Sanitarian joined.
Discussed dust control and fuel prices. Western Emulsions notified Bobby the oil will cost approximately $750 per ton rather than $850 if the Commission decides to pursue chip/sealing this year.
10:33 AM Bobby and Carl left the meeting.
10:30 AM PROJECT UPDATES/Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering; Richard Menger, Sanitarian
Project Updates-Wyrick Construction continues to work on the waterfall and should be able to finish it this week. The rock work is nearing the half-way mark of completion; rocks may need some adjustments. When it is approved the rock will be grouted and the pump will be installed. Discussed possible screen placement inside the manhole. The decision was to wait to see how it goes before installing a screen. Shannon stated the pump has a screen and may need to be cleaned; hopefully, it has been placed deep enough there will be no issues.
Before requesting gates for the upper dam to be opened, need to wait until we hear back on the Army Corp of Engineers application.
Rich discussed signage that is required by DNRC for the waterfall grant project. A contractor will be coming to complete the electrical for the waterfall, so it meets safety requirements.
Shannon will visit with Planning about the permit for the rock because it will need to be advertised. Shannon will also visit with the Corp of Engineers regarding the permit due to timing the release of water from the upper lake.
Bridge projects are still on hold until the end of May.
10:50 AM Shannon and Rich left the meeting.
Karol met to update the Commission on the tentative list of events for the 4th of July celebration. Discussed applying for an EMEDA grant for advertising the celebration. List of events are subject to change: fishing for youth, 5K run, softball or water balloon softball; corn hole; possible band at an uptown establishment; bump and run; boat parade on the lake. They would like permission to do this on the lake; (permission granted as long as boats are lit, and all regulations are followed). They would like to get the Community involved to judge and give prizes for the top contestants. Other items suggested-all City church; poker run with bikers and classic cars; 2-day sand volleyball tournament; movie night at the Amphitheatre, (permission to move bleachers if this takes place).
10:55 AM Dale Butori, DES/911 Coordinator joined.
Events continued-Golf, possible DJ; kid’s games; horseshoes; food vendors; fireworks (Chamber helped fund the remaining needed to purchase fireworks-fundraisers will be held to replace the funds). They will communicate and coordinate all events with Robbie, Maintenance Supervisor. Volunteers will be needed; also sent notices to businesses to see if they will be open. Campers can dry camp at the Fairgrounds and a few spots at the city park if they call ahead. Karol discussed setting up a budget and asked the Commission if there were funds available for prizes. The Commission asked that they contact the business owners first if no luck she will contact the Commission again. They are posting celebration and events on Facebook.
The Chamber meets on May 5th, noon at the Corner Bar.
FMC Gazebo-The Commission discussed the quotes received for a cement pad for the FMC gazebo were cost prohibitive. The Commission wondered if there would be another location for the gazebo that may make it easier to access which would make the project less costly. Karol will look for volunteers to do the work if the County will pay for the materials. The Commission agreed.
11:13 AM Karol left the meeting.
Dale commented he ordered the Fireworks last Friday.
11:14 AM Dale left the meeting.
Updates-Lisa presented a breakdown of runs for the month of April. Will discuss the non-billables (refusals, public assist transports, etc.) later. Discussed what can be charged for Medicare/Medicaid patients; the rates are currently being reviewed. Advance Life Support-reimbursement for this is not very much. The mileage rate is currently $10.00 per mile. The flight teams are charged $75.00 for fuel and time and the patient is also charged. They can bill the flight team when they have 2 EMS attendants in the back; patient care reverts directly to the flight team from the medical facility. Lisa discussed rates for neighboring EMService providers. Collections law-Lisa intended to provide the law stating patients cannot be turned in to collections for EMS billings, per MCA. EMS forms-Lisa discussed the forms required for patient care. Refusals-Lisa explained the insurance companies will probably not pay for a refusal, so is considered non-billable. Permission to treat and transport for someone who is unconscious was discussed; this is considered implied consent. Non-medically necessary was discussed in detail and applicable forms.
Transport Policy-Discussed agency/public assist criteria. There have been times EMS was dispatched to a private business to transport if they are short staffed, or family is unavailable to take patient to the medical facility. When patient is finished at medical facility, they will contact the private agency to come and get their patient. Usually, the Ambulance has to transport the patient back to the private facility. These are not for medically necessary transports so are treated as non-billable. Commission feels the private company needs to be billed and they in turn will have to bill their patient. Lisa will contact FMC-CEO and private business for further discussion and get a rough draft policy together. Discussed stand-by for the school events, Fair events, and Fire Departments. Lisa stated the stand-by for fires is an interagency safety issue and therefore is not billed.
Miscellaneous-Lisa has some maintenance to do on an ambulance; they had a cot that would not release so will do some investigating and get that functional again.
11:57 AM Lisa left the meeting.
11:58 AM Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to recess. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent. The motion carried unanimously.
PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin and Kevin Braun Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk & Recorder
No one appeared for Public Comment
1:30 PM COUNTY EXTENSION UPDATES/Amanda Williams, County Extension Agent
Updates-Amanda presented her Extension/4H report from March and April and discussed upcoming events taking place in May. 4H camp is June 6th-June 9th this year. Amanda is writing articles for the Farmer Rancher weekly in conjunction with other Agents. This happens approximately every 5 weeks. Amanda attended a Southeast Agent retreat/4-H camp planning meeting in April. Amanda has a meeting this week in Miles City and will be traveling to Bozeman for an Ag Agent meeting. June will be traveling to the Sitz Ranch for Ag Lenders Range School.
Amanda asked if it would be possible to place partitions between downstairs offices for privacy reasons. Would like some that are floor to ceiling; may need an access door. The Commission asked Amanda to get some quotes and return.
1:40 PM Amanda left the meeting.
2:00 PM IT UPDATES/Dustan Davis, IT Technician; Kimberly Jensen, AP Clerk
Permission to order bulk computers/Would like permission to order computers for FY23 for those Departments that are needing upgraded. This would be for approximately 27 desktops and 3 laptops. The thought is to order them the last week of Dustan’s employment so as not to overwhelm the new employee. They would not be received or billed until the new Fiscal Year. The new employee can install as they have time. Discussed warranties for the servers only. Permission granted to order the desktops and laptops the last week Dustan is employed by Fallon County.
2:10 PM Kimberly left the meeting.
Updates/Website-The Commission granted permission to have Stacey Moore, Director of Library Services maintain the Fallon County website. Permission granted to start training Stacey on website maintenance. Discussed the benefits he has seen in random phishing emails sent to employees. Dustan is able to continue this process through MACo at no cost to the County. We currently have a subscription that will expire after Dustan is gone which could be renewed by the new employee. Permission to switch this to MACo and will not renew the other subscription. Discussed the new Fallon County website. Discussed domain admin privileges
2:25 PM Steve Zachmann, Mayor-City of Baker joined.
that could be given to the Contractor, leaving Dustan’s access as a back-up plan. If the Commission does not want this, he could make sure to shut his access off. The Commission will discuss further.
2:28 PM Dustan left the meeting.
2:30 PM CITY OF BAKER UPDATES/Steve Zachmann, Mayor
Updates-Discussed the new street damage that showed up after the snow. The City of Baker received two (2) bids for water services. The new Chief of Police was sworn in, and they are looking for a patrolman. Discussed the street that was supposed to be put back to original state. This street joins Highway 7 and borders the most recent sidewalk project. The Commission stated they do not expect to be doing any chip/sealing this year. If more grass barrels are needed in the alleys, citizens should contact the City of Baker.
2:40 PM Jeff Frank, Manager of Landfill Operations joined.
2:40 PM CLEAN UP DAYS MAY 14-21st
Mayor Zachmann explained clean-up days will be May 14-22nd and would like to know if the County would grant permission for the Container Site to be open those dates and times. The city would pay for the extra wages/benefits to keep it open. Will also pay for extra tipping should it go beyond the norm. Jeff will inform the employees and they will all work to keep the site open. The city will take care of the advertising. Decision is to keep the Container site open Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM and Monday through Friday from Noon to 8:00 PM
2:50 PM Steve left the meeting.
2:50 PM LANDFILL UPDATES/Jeff Frank, Manager of Landfill Operations
Updates/Road dozer (D7) will be taken to the Landfill; it will be used to push dirt. They will use the Road dozer as the primary and the Landfill dozer will be the back-up. Road Department may notify of their need to use and will haul when needed.
2:58 PM Steve Zachmann, Mayor-City of Baker rejoined.
Discussed purchasing a truck and containers for the container site and other County sites. The Commission feels the cost could be recouped in 3 to 4 years. Containers are now $7700 for 20 yard; $8400 for 30 yard and $9300 for 40 yard containers. The quote is good for 20 days (quote was received April 29th). The Containers are 7 to 10 weeks out. Will look at trucks and return with some more definite numbers.
Permission was granted to schedule the tire shredder this year as they skipped last year. They would like to schedule if for 2 weeks in September. Permission to operate the shredder for 10 hours per day for the two weeks scheduled.
Clean-up week ad from last year was reviewed. Weekends open from 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM; Monday through Friday Noon to 8:00 PM. Decision to run the same hours and the city will run the ad this week. Jeff stated they will also shred tree branches when finished with the tires.
3:15 PM Jeff and Steve left the meeting.
The Commission reviewed and approved end of month April, 2022 claims in the amount of $327,496.42. They are filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office.
The Commission reviewed and approved timesheets for the month of April, 2022 and approved payroll and withholdings in the amount of $539,258.68. They are filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office.
The Commission reviewed, revenues received, reports, emails and other correspondence, board minutes and agendas.
Commissioner Braun made the motion to sign the Alarm & Monitoring Agreement with Johnson Controls for monitoring at the Fairgrounds and Courthouse. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent. The motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Braun made the motion to sign amendment to agreement with Johnson Controls for kitchen hoods and dry sprinklers. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent. The motion carried unanimously.
4:10 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess for the evening. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent. The motion carried unanimously.
TUESDAY, May 3, 2022
PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin and Kevin Braun, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder
No one appeared for Public Comment.
There was no old business to come before the Commission at this time.
Updates/Sandi Caron started painting; the main door is working since Holmlund came; waiting on quotes for the cushion reupholstering
Carpet Quote Approvals/Lyndahas no quote for hallway carpet yet and is waiting on carpet installation quote from contractor as well.
MTI Contract/Not sure if cleaning boilers is included in the contract (the contract is vague). The Commission stated MTI needs to clean both boilers when they are here and should not make two (2) trips. Lynda stated we need to make sure MTI splits the mileages when they are here to maintain multiple entities.
9:45 AM Lynda left the meeting.
10:00 AM JUSTICE OF PEACE UPDATES/Anna Straub, Justice of Peace
Updates/Anna stated the Clerks attended conference a few weeks ago and Anna attended Judge’s conference last week. Anna discussed how hard it is to get trials scheduled. Everyone wants a jury trial; they may need to add another day to their schedule for this. Discussed Justice Court is busier than City Court; City is mostly criminal matters. Discussed Court Clerks becoming County employees, rather than split with the city, and having an interlocal agreement with the City of Baker for City Judge hours, etc. This would make the employees eligible for Health Insurance. Discussed revamping Community Service to a compliance officer, (there are grant funds available for compliance officers).
10:12 AM Anna left the meeting.
10:25 AM Dale Butori, joined to discuss completing a Disaster Declaration.
10:26 AM DISPATCH UPDATES/Brenda Hoeger, Emergency Communications Dispatch Supervisor
UPDATES-New employee is doing really good; still trying to hire for the other open position. They extended the application process for an additional month. Dale asked the Commission to consider not using the $100,000 from 911 for dispatch services for the new budget year. Dale is concerned about upgrades for Dispatch and Sheriff and the loss of revenue from losing a county and how it will impact the 911 budget. Dale wanted to give Kudos to Dispatch during the storms; they did an amazing job. Dale discussed the meeting with MT DOT and other agencies tomorrow. Discussed some of the Baker Dispatchers assisting Glendive Dispatch in their off hours until they get some more people hired and trained. Brenda and Dale do not feel this will be something they will be doing for very long. Dale would like to have an MOU with Glendive and Fallon County Dispatch for future matters. The Commission has no problems with that.
10:45 AM Brenda left the meeting.
Disaster Declaration-The group discussed the Disaster Declaration would not impose mills (since there was no loss to the County facilities); it would be Ag beneficial. Dale will prepare a Disaster Declaration for the Commission to adopt next week.
10:53 AM Dale left the meeting.
10:58 AM COUNCIL ON AGING UPDATES/Carla Brown, Council on Aging Coordinator
Updates-Carla discussed picking up more Homemaker clients. An employee recently released for duties had clients that were being serviced by the new hire. Carla has received several compliments regarding the new employee; Carla is going to call a few more individuals to see if they need assistance so both Homemakers schedules are filled. Carla feels the new hire may need up to 25 hours with other clients coming on board. The new Program Assistant has primarily been working 35 hours and was hired at 30. At budget time Carla would like to raiser her to 35 hours; she is very dependable and is very pleased to be able to count on her when she is gone. ARPA Funds-Carla is looking into purchasing an E-mist machine to use in vehicles and at the center. The cost is approximately $1000 for the machine, not positive on the logistics. Commission asked if it could possibly be used by Public Health. Carla stated one canister is supposed to cover 4000 square feet and feels that would not be a problem. Vehicle trackers for fleet vehicles was discussed. They can be used in any vehicle, $20.00 per tracker, per month, per vehicle. Meal bids-Carla was contacted by another vendor regarding meals on wheels. Carla stated a meal plan has to be followed; preference is taken if there is a registered dietician on board. Building-Discussed building upgrades; discussed the county renting the Senior Citizen building, discussed the Seniors turning the building over to the County. There will need to be further discussion regarding this. Discussed having some outreach activities to get new individuals interested in being involved in the Senior Center.
11:30 AM Carla left the meeting.
11:30 AM INTERIM IT BACKUP SERVICES/DISCUSSION & APPROVAL OF PROPOSAL/Clint Townsend, Townsend Computers; Dustan Davis, IT Technician
Discussed having someone to fill in during the interim for computer issues that cannot wait. If something was to drastically fail, he could call Dustan. Clint would do this as a contractor; starting out this would be temporary. Clint may have something coming up this summer so availability may be limited if that happens. If we are unable to employ someone for this service Clint may be interested in this but only as a contractor. Clint feels he would be available mostly remotely 8-5. Due to his business, he would have to prioritize issues between his clients. The Commission asked if there was a breach in our system. Clint stated that would be an immediate matter.
11:30 AM Dale Butori, DES/911 Coordinator joined.
Commissioner Rost asked how often Clint would need to be on site. Dustan feels 80-90 percent of this can be done remotely but being onsite is also necessary. Discussed County requirements needed before starting as a contractor. Servicing all County entities was discussed; the City of Baker is also tied to our system network. Clint will need to complete a walk around with Dustan to be able to get a quote to the County. Permission granted to do as much training as possible while Dustan is here. Clint will get information back to the County.
11:58 AM Clint, Dustan left the meeting.
11:59 AM Dale left the meeting.
12:00 PM Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to take a noon recess. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.
PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin and Kevin Braun, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder
No one appeared for public comment.
1:30 PM BAKER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE UPDATES/Alissa Miller, Chamber and Kassidee Kilsdonk/Rec Director joined.
Chamber-Organizing for summer events; will be managing the Extreme Broncs Calcutta as a fund raiser to help replace funding for the fireworks payout. The 3 on 3 basketball tournament will be held in July in conjunction with the Rec Department. Melissa is also assisting the 4th of July committee. They are working on other events to bring more people in town. Shyla Hadley filled an open position on the board, very happy to have her onboard.
Rec Department-There are 67 youth signed up and attending the track program. Play time at the Museum with the preschoolers is a great success-27 youth (broke into 3 classes); Melissa is doing an amazing job with them. Discussed activities for the 4th of July Event-5K run, sandcastle contest, may have a movie in the park. Planning a summer meeting to get ideas for summer events. They would like to have some nerf gun wars, movie for the family at the football field, planning a safe at home for younger youth and a safe sitter program. Would like permission to use CPR dolls from EMS, has already contacted Lisa Mitchell, EMS Program Manager. Lisa told them they would need Commissioner approval. Permission granted.
Alissa stated the sponsorships are going well even with the price increases. Alissa wanted to let the Commission know the dishwasher at the Fairgrounds cannot be used for large gatherings because the hot water heater does not keep up with the demand.
Volunteers are needed for the Calcutta.
1:45 PM Kassidee and Alissa left the meeting.
2:00 PM EPEDC UPDATES/Elisabeth Epley, Executive Director & Alissa Miller, Food & Ag Development Assist.
UPDATES/Discussed the Home Grown to Market workshop-3 speakers with topics on marketing training and food safety. Applied for Value Added Producer Grant from the USDA, it was due yesterday – $50,000; also working on an MPEB meat expansion program grant for Carter County-$400,000 through the USDA. They are seeing more greenhouses throughout the entire region. Funding for startup businesses is hard to find; they want to invest in established businesses. Hoping to do more workshops for produce safety, etc. Discussed individuals using existing commercial kitchens for starter businesses so they don’t have to pay for a commercial kitchen, i.e., Fairgrounds kitchen. Freeze drying foods-Alissa discussed acquiring labeling and freeze-drying machines for the commercial kitchen through grant funding. Could charge a small fee for the use of the kitchen for a little revenue.
EPEDC Executive Director-Elisabeth is helping the Rec Department get event grants. Family fun night was discussed. Resiliency Study had 86 respondents-Beth reviewed the study with the Commission.
2:25 PM Vaughn Zenko, SMART Executive Director joined.
Beth stated they do not have the final report at this time. Discussed the most up to date budget information for the jail renovation. The Architect will be calling in on the 16th of May with his projections.
2:27 PM Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney joined.
Discussed the grant that was awarded for approximately $300,000 for the jail renovation and the rest would come from Fallon County. Discussed possible funding in the bi-partisan infrastructure law.
2:30 PM Elisabeth and Alissa left the meeting
2:30 PM Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Election Administrator joined.
Childcare Petition Updates-The petition that was written is okay as presented. Discussed this petition will be circulated to ask the Commission to approve the Bond. August 25th is the date the ballot will be certified. Discussed the Commission can issue the bond without the petition process. Vaughn discussed the ARPA funds can be used for infrastructure but not brick and mortar projects. Vaughn handed in the draft Petition to the Election Administrator, it will be turned over to Darcy as the petition “form” has already been approved.
2:35 PM Kathy Newell, Election Clerk joined.
They could purchase equipment, even though there is no building, i.e., sinks, toys, etc. Discussed shared funding for operational expenses; if the employer gets a slot in the childcare facility for their employees there is a possibility of getting a grant to match those funds; the only problem is the funds have to be used by 2024. Vaughn has a meeting next week to discuss the Otto Bremer funds, these funds are for capital campaigns. Discussed the policy work shop he will be attending and the Administration for Children and Families meeting in Minneapolis, MN.
Updates-They have a tenant for the main floor of the Baker State Bank building. They have leg work to complete for the electrical, plumbing and the ADA entrance for the north side of the building. Discussed the meeting regarding the Reinvestment Coop, there were seven (7) public members that attended. The Coop could be ready by the end of the year. They got approval from City of Baker to move forward with CGI digital – to promote the City and also the County. There is no cost for this, CGI will try to get their money back by doing videos for businesses, if no interest there is still no cost, and they will do videos for Non-Profits for free. They are doing another façade improvement grant for the Rental Shop. Working with Melissa Higbee on the Arts and Culture Council Art Walk; projects will be placed in local businesses and will use grant funds to get this up and running. A Community Theatre has been discussed also; there seems to be a lot of interest in this. Debbie would like Vaughn to send information to her to share with the County employees. They are applying for a $7,000 grant to assist with the Community Theatre.
3:04 PM Kathy, Darcy and Vaughn left the meeting.
Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder joined.
Debbie received approval from the Commission a few weeks ago to move forward with Smith Health Inc as the County’s Pharmacy Service Provider. Commissioner Rost signed the agreement between Smith Health Inc and Fallon County. Debbie anticipates the cost be less than before.
3:07 PM Debbie left the meeting.
3:30 PM GOLF UPDATES/Kevin Hill, Golf Course Superintendent
Updates-Kevin spoke with Bobby, Road Supervisor; it will probably be a week before the Road Department is able to get the sand hauled for the Golf Course. Kevin has had some difficulty getting in touch with the company and has been assured he is on the list to receive 50 tons. Kevin received a quote for $9,000, from SolarBee, just to come look at the golf course Solarbee. The Commission stated we will wait to purchase a fountain or something that will circulate the water in the pond. The unusable solar bee will be hauled to the shop yard. Kevin discussed he is discouraged with the progress of the greens but will continue to work on them. The trees should arrive in 1 or 2 weeks. The pump will be placed in the lagoon on Thursday; wants to irrigate Monday. Kevin has been hand watering the greens and preparing for the tournament this weekend. The Commission preauthorized overtime for the season. Permission to work whatever is needed to get the job done. Kevin will get a quote for a pump that will circulate the water.
3:50 PM Kevin left the meeting.
4:00 PM FAIR UPDATES/Shyla Hadley, Fairgrounds Manager
Updates-The Commission discussed the water heater issue at the Fairgrounds. Shyla stated the Fair board had already discussed putting this in the budget. Shyla stated they are getting busier with upcoming events due to rescheduling because of the storms. Shyla stated the full-time stallers are getting more difficult to manage. There are getting to be more full-time stallers; the stalls were built for temporary purposes and that is not what they are being used for. Discussed how few open stalls there are indoors & outdoors. The stalls are being ruined; there is no time for the mats to properly dry. The Sheriff has been called to the Fairgrounds due to animal abuse. There have been a lot of written warnings issued, property damage that has been paid for and there is also current damage to 2 doors at the Fairgrounds barn. The Fair Board wants to implement a 3-strike system. Discussed increasing the stall rent. The cost for each stall should be the same whether it for animal or tack. Shyla is meeting with the County Attorney tomorrow to try to come up with an updated stall agreement and some policies to assist Shyla and the Board. Commissioner Braun discussed agreements should have a start and an end date and the rental fees need to be updated. Shyla feels the changes would start in 2023 and would like to include the camp sites in this also. The Commission will support the decision of the Fair Board. Extreme Broncs event is coming up soon and the Chamber will do the Calcutta. Discussed the alarm calls Shyla is still receiving for the Grandstands. Johnson Controls will be here next week to look at this and hopefully resolve the issues. They are receiving some seasonal applications. The Fair Board will meet on May 16th and hopefully they will have something ready for the stallers. Discussed having issues with people smoking in the barn. Commissioner Rost asked if some Fairground panels could be used for the petting zoo, which will be at the Heritage Fest. Shyla stated they have plenty of them. Shyla discussed the Lead Crew hand would be making less than the returning seasonal crew hands and would appreciate it if the Commission would look at that.
4:39 PM Shyla left the meeting.
4:40 PM Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to recess for the evening. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent. The motion carried unanimously.
PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin and Kevin Braun, Members
PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin, Member; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder
ABSENT: Kevin Braun, Member
No one appeared for Public Comment.
1:30 PM SHOOTING RANGE UPDATES/Jim Leischner, Shooting Range Manger; Shane Bettenhausen, Shooting Match Supervisor
UPDATES/Discussed they are already seeing people sign up for the shoot coming in September. The berms held up during the weather. They are in hopes the grass takes after the moisture. The only issue they had during the storms was the area outside, in the back of the building, filled up with snow. The outdoor bathroom froze up, they will no longer keep it open during the winter months, it will be open during the summer only. Discussed getting quotes for propane and monitoring of propane tanks. Boy Scouts are using the Shooting Range every Tuesday through the end of May.
1:40 PM Jim and Shane left the meeting.
2:00 PM TREASURER/ASSESSOR UPDATES/Barbara Ketterling, Treasurer/Assessor
Updates-Barb discussed interest rates for STIP is at .55. If it goes up more than that, they will call the Bank of Baker and discuss their rates. They billed mobile home taxes which is getting to be less because most of the newer manufactured are being placed on a foundation and detitled. The older mobile homes are exempt from taxes. Discussed the CO2 project and the fact this will increase the centrally assessed taxes for Fallon County. Powder River County is seeing an increase after their CO2 project. Barb discussed possibility of part the taxes being forgiven for the CO2 project, similar to the solar project. No word as of this time regarding the solar project. Discussed a transmission line that may be going in. Barb stated the Bank of Baker is working on the Wells Fargo Trust Account transition. The Day Care facility was discussed; projected 7.5-million-dollar bond issue could be on the horizon. Barb asked the Commission about signing off on her employee’s time sheets and why it would be questioned by payroll. The Commission will find out what the reason was and get back with Barb.
2:30 PM Barb left the meeting.
2:30 PM COUNTY ATTORNEY UPDATES/Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney
Updates-The Commission asked if Darcy had heard anything from the judge regarding his opinion on a road matter. Darcy stated both sides have submitted their paperwork to the court and the Judge has no timeline. Planner Administrative Assistant asked Darcy to look over the RFP for the Growth Policy. Darcy will also draft an RFP for Planning Services. The Commission would like her to draft an RFQ for Engineering services also. Darcy is working on Fair Contracts for Shyla and will be meeting with her to draft an updated stall agreement. Will contact Shyla about the Rodeo Committee by-laws; the Commission feels they have decided not to pursue this. Darcy will check on the dates for the Construction Bond issue and get an answer to Debbie by Friday. Has been researching the good Samaritan laws regarding EMS services.
2:52 PM Darcy left the meeting.
3:00 PM MUSEUM UPDATES/Melissa Rost, Museum Curator
Updates/Melissa has received some good feedback on the preschool program through the Rec Department.
She had a patron that had joined at the same time the Preschoolers were at the Museum; assumed he was with one of the Preschoolers. He later asked if he could go look at the building across the street. He found the Museum through an online app called Atlas Obscura. Melissa went through the application process last year to get the Museum signed up. Feels it would be beneficial to have the Assistant there when they are having programs or using volunteers has been discussed by her Board. There was a sixth-grade presentation last week and will do one more in the next week or so. First-graders will be coming in for a dinosaur presentation and also try to do a second-grade field trip in May. Discussed the Fort Peck Community College coming in October to display a star quilt and do an activity; may try to work it in with Indigenous Day. Would like to apply for a grant to attend a seminar in June. Permission granted to do so. Hoping to get the conex box moved to the County shop so she can get items moved before summer. Heritage Fest-wagon rides have been added to the schedule. Panels will be available from Fairgrounds, City of Baker granted permission to shut the street down and has notified adjacent landowners, also has event insurance. The MDU grant will cover the costs for the tents and tables ordered at Baker Ace for Heritage Fest. The Montana History Foundation grant was received and will be used for the Oral History project. The regional Museum meeting was postponed due to weather but plans to attend one of their Board Meetings to give them information on “Night at the Museum.”
3:00 PM Melissa left the meeting.
3:30 PM DES UPDATES & APPROVAL OF 911 MICROWAVE QUOTES/Dale Butori, DES/911 Coordinator
Updates/Everyone felt the meeting this morning went well. Dustan and Dale put the message boards away. Discussed the Disaster Resolution, Dale will get a draft completed. Discussed making a spot on the Highways, (four (4) entrances), to place message boards. The PDM is complete; going to work on the invoices for the PDM with Georgia and Kimberly, to divide the remaining bill balances. There may be excess funds unused by other Counties that could be reverted and used for Fallon/Carter County PDM. Submitting next week for reimbursement on the grant; the State of Montana sent the obligation for the State PDM Regional Plan to be signed. The EMPG grant for FY22-23 was submitted last month. Will submit for 4th quarter reimbursement for this year’s EMPG grant. Discussed the Winter Storm social media update. Dale is getting quotes for purchase of a flammable cabinet for all the hand sanitizer on hand. Does not have much in budget currently but will not be purchasing the computer he was slated for. Dale has permission to purchase this fiscal year. May not have enough in the line item but should be fine in his overall budget. Discussed replacement of the CAD system (computer aided dispatch), which helps Dispatch take calls and helps the Sheriff with booking, etc. This is an allowable 911 expense, but it is very costly. Trent is looking at grants to help purchase. The approximate cost would be $200,000; plus, an annual fee of possibly $15,000.
Plans to attend the upcoming Regional DES Meeting in Miles City-May 10th; June plans to take vacation.
Quotes/Microwave quote-Not available at this time.
3:52 PM Dale left the meeting.
3:55 PM Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder was asked to join regarding a question the Treasurer had regarding a Payroll Department question. Debbie explained the decision made by the Commission and the timesheet in question conflicted with the Commission’s decision. They just asked the employee for clarification. The information will be given to the Treasurer.
Updates-Sara reviewed items that have been completed for her department. The spray list will not be complete until the end of the season; bedliner was in poor condition and will be repaired as well as reflective tape that needed to be replaced. Road Department shop took care of the side-by-side repairs. They had 4-ply tires that were changed out to 12-ply. They will keep the new 4-ply tires in storage until time to trade side-by- side.
Road Policy-No Spray Zone Ad/Landowner Management plan-Sara explained there are some landowners that do not want their roadside land, (that borders the county roads), to be sprayed by the Weed Crew. They want to manage their own weeds. They have to have a management plan and it has to be approved by the Weed Board and the Commission. They also have to let Sara monitor them; if they don’t manage it then it comes back to the County. The Commission granted permission to run an ad. The Landowner will need to submit their management plans to Sara by the 15th of June.
4:00 PM Sara left the meeting.
Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Election Administrator and Kathy Newell, Election Clerk joined.
Bill provided the group with information he has researched regarding ES & S machines, as well as other election information. Received most of the information from Election The Commission thanked Bill for the information and for attending.
4:38 PM Bill, Kathy and Debbie left the meeting.
5:04 PM Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to recess for the evening. Commissioner Rost seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent (Kevin Braun). The motion carried.
PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin and Kevin Braun, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk & Recorder
Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder; Julie Straub, HRM and Christa Alford, Payroll Clerk joined.
Debbie stated they are here to ask the Commission, if a Payroll or HR discrepancy arises, in the future, they would like to be asked to join the meeting in hopes of answering the question right away. This also gives them the opportunity to explain the circumstances and/or decision. The Commission agreed that is how it should be handled.
Commissioner Braun discussed the decision the Commission made regarding the last weather event. Regarding some comments received, Commissioner Braun feels they should not deviate from County policy no matter what the issue may be; the policy should stand, no exceptions. Some discussion, no decision.
Updates-Kim was unable to attend.
10:00 AM FMC MONTHLY REPORT/David Espeland, CEO and Marjorie Losing, CFO-Fallon Medical Complex
FMC Monthly Report-Marjorie presented FMC financials; March was a much busier month for FMC.
David reported there were only two responses to the RFQ upgrades: Coneer and SDI. They will start on the doors soon. The failed boiler was replaced, which should be covered under the mill levy funding. Other construction items were discussed. Discussed the rising cost of food may affect the Meals on Wheels quote. They never charge as much as it cost but they are reviewing costs and will finalize that quote. Discussed the ever-changing requirements for IT upgrades. They had to move Medical Records to Thrive Electronic; there will no longer be paper medical records. FMC pays $129 per month for their website upkeep. They want to add online payments, transparency policy and other informative items. They also had to find a new email provider. Cyber Insurance was discussed; it is provided to FMC through the Montana Health Network. They are working on two-factor authentication to comply with Cyber Security measures. They have to upgrade their PACS (Picture Archiving & Communication System) for electronic medical records. They had to purchase new servers that they will now not be using; they are able to get a refund and will be using the refund to pay for the PACS upgrades. Their signature pads and bar scanners are also in need of upgrades. Discussed electronic time clocks for payroll system at FMC.
10:50 AM David left the meeting.
11:00 AM HEALTH INSURANCE RENEWAL/Debbie Wyrick, Marjorie Losing; Troy Hess, Health Insurance Committee
Reviewed administrative costs and the fact we are at the end of the 3-year Administration costs contract. The Health Insurance Committee has recommended Option B to the Commission, which is a 3% overall increase-less than maximum funding.
Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to accept the recommendation from the Health Insurance Committee of 3% overall increase to premiums. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.
11:20 PM Debbie, Marjorie and Troy left the meeting.
11:25 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried Unanimously.
PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin and Kevin Braun, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder
No one appeared for Public Comment.
2:00 PM SALARY COMMISSION MEETING/Jerrie Newell, Barb Ketterling, Trenton Harbaugh, Salary Commission-Elected Officials; Kyle Medearis, Salary Commission-Public Member; Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder/Payroll; Julie Straub, HRM; Christa Alford, Payroll Clerk
Brenda reviewed her handouts and noted the 4.7% CPI would bring the COLA hourly increase to $1.54; also listed some other examples for the committee to review. Commissioner Rost-The Insurance Premiums increased overall by 3%, which he estimated the cost to be .18 cents per hour for a full-time employee. Kyle feels that increase would be in addition to the $1.54. Kyle-The cost of living in our area is more than other places and feels $1.75 is also reasonable. Jerrie-Social Security increased their benefit payments by 5%. Kyle-We love to have everyone shop local, but it is not about local, it is about the dollar.
2:20 PM Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney joined the meeting briefly and left.
Kyle sees people leaving town all the time; he feels you need to keep the employees happy, and it will keep the dollars in the community; your employees are your largest asset. Barb researched the centrally assessed and we will be receiving more for pipelines and CO2. The Price of oil for 2022 was between $125-$150 per barrel. Trenton stated he understands the budgets have to be followed but does not feel $1.75 is unreasonable. Jerrie stated if you want to keep employees you have to pay better. Trenton asked the Commission where they stood on this. Commissioner Braun looks at what it costs to run the county with the increasing costs of fuel and supplies. He likes to look at the graph of highs and lows and go somewhere in between; the only correction to inflation is recession. Kyle-We are not using the current inflation rates which are presently at 10%. Trenton noted we have cinched our belts in the past, during the tough times, when asked by the Commission. Julie-Our employees are here doing the work for our citizens, and we need to retain and attract new. This is an investment in human capital. Barb-When she started 32 years ago there were 30 applicants for the position, you are not seeing that anymore. Trenton visited with Alba Higgins, Public Member of the Salary Commission, Alba was at 5%. Commissioner Braun-He also looks at the individuals in the Community that will not get a raise. Commissioner Rost feels there is a lot of information to absorb and would like time for everyone to review and the Commission to discuss before a decision is made. Commissioner Rost wants to put this on the agenda for next Monday. Jerrie and Kyle will not be able to be present. Commissioner Rost was going to close this portion of the meeting and asked for any further comments. Being none, everyone will be notified of the meeting time next Monday. Thank you to everyone.
2:50 PM Jerrie, Barb, Trenton, Debbie, Julie, Christa left the meeting.
2:55 PM Kyle left the meeting.
3:00 PM EMPLOYEE WAGES & SALARIES/DISCUSS & APPROVE MARKET ADJUSMENTS FOR SALARY SCHEDULE/Julie Straub, HRM; Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder/Payroll; Christa Alford, Payroll Clerk
Julie stated she has three (3) positions she would like to request a market adjustment for. Market adjustments also need to be made to entry level wages as Fallon County is not competitive.
Discussed the three market adjustment positions are for Council on Aging Coordinator; 4H Program Assistant and Public Health Specialist. Discussed paying the market adjustments effective June pay period.
3:50 PM Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney joined.
Julie discussed her Longevity proposal.
4:00 PM Darcy left the meeting.
Commissioner Braun asked if she knew what the impact of the longevity would be. Julie did not. Commissioner Rost felt it would be quite an impact and wondered how many employees this would affect. Not positive.
Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to make the market adjustments for the Council on Aging Coordinator; 4-H Program Assistant and Public Health Specialist effective May 24th which is the June pay period. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.
There was much discussion on the salary schedule, market adjustments and other wage adjustments that could be made. Commissioner Braun asked what the leads would be making if they had received all of the past COLA’s. Debbie gathered the information and from this information the motion below was made.
Commissioner Braun made the motion to increase all Crew Leads to $20.00 per hour, effective May 24th, which is the June pay period. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.
The above adjustments will be made to the salary schedule and more work will continue in a meeting next week. Julie thanked the Commission for their time and for allowing these adjustments.
4:35 PM Debbie, Julie and Christa left the meeting.
4:40 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried Unanimously.
s/Roy Rost, Presiding Officer
s/Brenda J. Wood, Clerk and Recorder