10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Commission Minutes – August 1-5, 2022

Commission Minutes – August 1-5, 2022

        MONDAY, AUGUST 1, 2022


PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin and Kevin Braun, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder


The Pledge of Allegiance was held in the Commissioner’s Office to start off the week.



Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to approve the minutes from July 25-29, 2022, as presented. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

9:30 AM LANDFILL UPDATES/ASBESTOS POLICY DISCUSSION/Jeff Frank, Manager of Landfill Operations

           Hook Truck– Jeff found a hook truck, already set up in Fargo; he will see if he can negotiate the price.

           Asbestos-Jeff has only had one call to dispose of asbestos since he has been there. Jeff will do some checking with other Landfills to find out what they are charging.

          Container site-It is working well alternating employees to run the container site. Had some phone calls, when they were not open on regular days.  Discussed various ways to resolve the container site being closed when employees are on vacation, etc. There are plans to redo the Facebook page to get more information out to the public. 

          Equipment-Dozer is repaired; the sensor was clogged with dirt.

          Tire Shredder-May have to wait until next fall to shred tires; the company sold their shredder and are waiting on a new one.

          Billing-The billing is going well; just has a couple of private people that are a few months behind.  Discussed updating the process regarding how to handle past due accounts. Closing the accounts if they get behind was discussed.

9:55 AM Jeff left the meeting.

9:59 AM ROAD/SHOP UPDATES/Mark Sieler, Road Foreman; Mitch Overn and Carl Overland, Mechanics

            Road Updates-A Road Department employee will be working at the Fairgrounds during Fair week.  Discussed a mile of road east of the TransCanada pipeline that is not graveled. That portion of the road will remain as it is currently.  Discussed cattle guards installed and gates that were removed and a few more that need removed on a road. Commissioner Baldwin will visit with the landowner to see if he will be removing the gates or if assistance is needed.  Discussed placement of a new sign for bridge closure (County was ordered by State of MT-DOT to close the bridge). Discussed placing a minimum maintenance sign on this road as well.    

            Shop Updates-The Landfill dozer has been repaired.  They are currently working on some light maintenance. Still looking for airbags for an ambulance; Carl is currently researching aftermarket airbags.

10:31 AM Mark, Mitch and Carl left the meeting.

10:31 AM Richard Menger, Sanitarian joined.

10:33 AM PROJECT UPDATES/Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering and Martina, International Foreign Exchange Student joined. 

          Bonnievale RCBC – Service Line Repair-Discussed the concerns of a waterline freeze is more potential now; Shannon explained the lines are very shallow. Shannon will work with Diamond J on a cost to bore a new line now. Mike Gunderson placed the line for a private landowner, but no one knows where the shut off valves are located. Permission to fix the problem and move forward; Shannon will add it to the as-builts. Commissioner Braun will notify the landowner the lines will be replaced, and the water will need to be shut off again during the transition. The pour for the box culvert went well.

          City of Baker water line project-There is approximately 1500 feet of line to run and finish all the connections. Contractor will move to the Ismay box culvert as soon as they are finished with the Bonnievale box culvert, and the city water lines.

          Lakeview Drive storm drain project-The sage grouse permit was received for this project.Shannon will contact the Corp of Engineers again to see where they are at in their permit process; right now, they are very busy and are taking care of emergency work first. Also, will visit with the Planning Department to see what stage in the process the flood plain permit is.  Shannon has received some phone calls from contractors regarding the project so there is some interest.  Discussed the types of manholes that can be used for this project.

10:55 AM-Rich left the meeting.

          Wetlands-Discussed the wetlands and how good they look this year. Tom Parker, Geum Environmental and hopefully Monica Heimdal, EPA will be here August 29th to view the progress of the wetlands.  (The Commission later heard Monica cannot commit to attending). 

          Box Culvert on 3rd Street-Spots found that failed on 3rd street have been addressed with the previous contractor.  There are also areas on 1st street that are failing as well; the previous contractor has agreed he wants to be involved.  Shannon suggested coring because it appears the depths did not meet specifications.  The contractor would core, and the County would need to make sure those areas are properly filled.

          6th Street W.-Discussed the change in flow due to other culverts through town being upgraded, which is affecting 6th Street W.  To improve this problem, we are waiting for the release from the EPA regarding the cease and desist so we can complete the drainage through town.

11:00 AM Shyla Hadley, Fairgrounds Manager and Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder joined.

The Commission agreed to proceed coring 1st and 3rd Street W. Shannon will check with the contractor involved to core 1st and 3rd Street West.

11:01 AM Shannon and Martina left the meeting.    


          IT-Shyla wanted to get permission to utilize contract IT to assist her through the Fair. Shyla has already mentioned she would like him to be there for set up but did not discuss after hours or during the Fair. Shyla understands this would be a large expense that would come from the Fair budget but feels it is necessary since everything is internet based. Townsend Computers has blocked the Fair off but if he gets called, he may have to leave. The Commission granted permission to utilize Townsend Computers and to pay him from the Fair budget for the hours he is needed. Debbie suggested he bill separately from his regular billing. Shyla will contact Townsend Computers. 

         Lead Crew Hand-Shyla would like permission to utilize a Road Crew member, who is also a Fair Board Member as a Lead person during Fair week.  Would pay him his salary for the 50-hour week and any hours over 50 would be worked as a Fair Board member.  He will be gone on Sunday of the Fair, but Shyla feels she could take care of those duties on Sunday. The Commission granted permission to utilize Matt Plaisted as Lead Crew Hand the week of Fair, paying his normal work week hours of 50, at his regular road rate of pay. 

          Shyla asked if she needs to call someone other than Robbie, Outside Maintenance, let her know; she does not want to overextend her use of anyone.  The Commission felt Derrick, Outside Maintenance can also help, through the direction of Robbie.

11:25 AM Shyla left the meeting.

11:28 AM Clint Townsend, Townsend Computers joined.

          The Commission asked if Clint would be available to assist at the Fairgrounds during the Fair.  The Commission realizes this would be over and above his regular contract duties.  Clint stated he would make it his priority during the Fair.  Clint felt his only concern was the jumbo-tron, due to the complexities of the way it is set up.  Clint feels it could be simplified by adding another box for the jumbo-tron.  Commissioner Baldwin discussed contacting Mid-Rivers to see if they could install before the Fair.  Commissioner Braun contacted Mid-Rivers and Clint was able to converse with them. 

11:35 AM Clint left the meeting.         

11:35 AM PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE OVERVIEW/Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk & Recorder

          FMC Water Damage Claim-Debbie discussed the payment the County will be receiving from the insurance company regarding the water damage claim. Debbie asked if the Commission wants to release payment to TW Clark now that the insurance company has released payment for most of the claim submitted.  The payment was for $68,867 and included no breakdown of what the payment included. Debbie feels we are short about $30,000 from payment of the overall claim. Debbie would like the Commission to consider closing out the project.  The Commission agreed they will pay the final pay application to TW Clark and close the project.  Debbie will contact Chad with SDI to keep him informed. 

          Property & Casualty Insurance Overview-Debbie asked if the Commission would want to set parameters regarding (what to insure/not insure/full coverage/liability).  Debbie will visit with Jade on some of this and revisit the Commission.

          Other Insurance-Paid for installation of window in a public member’s vehicle after mower threw a rock.

Extension pickup-The new estimate for the repairs is $1,000 and the body shop will be paid directly.  Sprinkler system damage at FMC-Debbie does not think the cost will be exorbitant, (may not go over the deductible). They did remediation right away and the Fire Department volunteered their time. Costs could possibly be FMC employees’ wages and other small items.

11:45 AM Kathy Newell, Election Clerk joined the meeting.

         Election Petition-Debbie mentioned the Childcare Facility petition may get turned in soon.  The Secretary of State needs the local petition information by Monday, August 15th at the very latest. The petitions will need to be presented to the Election Office. The County Attorney is coming to meet with Debbie and Kathy this afternoon to go over the process after the petitions are turned in.

11:55 AM Debbie and Kathy left the meeting. 

11:55 AM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

                    NOON RECESS


PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin and Kevin Braun Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder



No one appeared for Public Comment


The Commission reviewed revenues received, reports, emails and other correspondence, board minutes and agendas.

Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to sign the Health Insurance Plan Document.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Braun made the motion to approve and sign the State of Montana vendor invoice for FY23 Motor Vehicle Recycling Program.  Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion.  Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none.  3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.

1:50 PM The Commission reviewed and approved the July 31, 2022, Payroll and Withholdings in the amount of $599,415.83 and they are filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office.

2:00 PM EXTENSION AGENTS/4H UPDATES/Amanda Williams, Extension Agent; Kodie Olsen, 4H Program Assistant

         4H updates-4H Camp 18 youth from Carter and 10 youth from Fallon County attended; teen counselors were provided CPR training this year for the first time; started out rough but once the youth arrived things worked out.

Oreo trip-2 youth from Carter County and 1 youth from Fallon County-Amanda took the youth on this trip. 4H Congress had 2 Carter County youth attend.  Have been preparing for both Carter and Fallon County Fairs; most everything is ready to go. They volunteered to help the fairgrounds set-up the barn since they are short-handed this year. Amanda and Kodie were asked to be round robin judges at Dawson County and in return their agent will come and serve as a round robin judge for Fallon County’s Fair.  Entries for both counties are due next week.

          Extension Update-Mostly working on Fair items currently; Extension pickup goes to the body shop on Wednesday; Held the Ekalaka Range Tour and had 37 people attend; Tri-County Weed Tour had 27 people attend. Travel/Trainings-Cat judge at Regional Small Animal Judging Day in Miles City on July 27th; small animal round robin judge-August 27th; Running the carcass contest/jackpot at the Champion of Champions Steer Show at the Eastern Montana Fair-August 27th;  Strong People Train the Trainer Workshop (virtual training) September 1st; Since Amanda is on the State Committee she will attend State 4H Horse Show in Joliet (September 9th-11th).  They are anxious to get someone hired in the Administrative Assistant position. 

2:10 PM Amanda and Kodie left the meeting.

2:30 PM CITY OF BAKER UPDATES/Steve Zachmann, Mayor

         Discussed the private water/sewer lines that were uncovered during the Bonnievale box culvert project. The Commission wondered if the City of Baker was receiving the revenue from the lines and if so if they would be willing to pay the cost to move the lines.  Mayor Zachmann stated they are private lines, and the city would not be paying to move them.  Watermain to water well project is going well. Street repairs are progressing very well, they have moved to Monroe Street and will continue to move to the east side.  Due to the lack of curb and gutter on 6th Street West there are issues with the street, due to water getting under the street. 

Someone is stealing cones that have been marking the street cut outs; have had to purchase more. The Commission discussed the coring that will take place on 1st and 3rd Street W. (issues with previous contractor work from the box culvert replacements completed by the County).  The city spent roughly $47,000 repairing 3rd Street W. They have been spraying weeds on the streets. Starting this week, the City and Baker Police Department will closely monitor parking infractions, (i.e., parking on the wrong side of the street).  The PTA is painting crosswalks before the start of school.  Watermain repair on a city street in East Baker caused the water to be shut off in Stanhope Addition as well.  Since the new Family Dollar put in a new 6-inch main this would be a good opportunity for Stanhope Addition to hook into that line. This will create a loop in case they have other repairs on the east side, they don’t have to shut Stanhope Addition down as well. There will be a Subdivision created to take care of the rest of the property by the Family Dollar Store; hearing will be held this Wednesday. Discussed cleaning the sewer main in the Fairway Acres Subdivision.  The city needs to update the plans for the water tanks to 4th Street W for the DEQ. Mayor Zachmann was invited to attend a meeting August 29th with the EPA and Tom Parker, GEUM Environmental regarding the Baker Lake 5-year plan for the wetlands, etc.; will notify when they have a time. (The Commission later heard the EPA could not commit to attending).

3:00 PM Kevin Hill, Golf Course Superintendent joined.

3:02 PM Steve Z. left the meeting.

3:02 PM GOLF UPDATES/Kevin Hill

          UPDATES-Discussed issues with pumps for the irrigation system; the maintenance plan was cancelled, therefore there has been no scheduled maintenance since 2018.  Will get someone to assist with trouble shooting and get the pumps back on a regular maintenance schedule.  Commissioner Braun was in contact with someone that will try to meet with Commissioner Rost tonight to try to troubleshoot.

3:25 PM Kevin left the meeting.

3:30 PM SMART UPDATES/Vaughn Zenko, Jr., Executive Director

          Childcare Facility Updates-They have not secured the required number of signatures at this time, but Vaughn will turn in his petitions now.  Vaughn explained there were many missed opportunities at large events to get the information out and gather signatures.

3:38 PM Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Election Administrator and Kathy Newell, Election Clerk joined. 

It was explained our Election Office needs to have everything by next Friday, August 12th.  Vaughn will notify other signature gatherers as well. 

3:45 PM Debbie and Kathy left the meeting.

           More Daycare-Vaughn met with Zero-Five Montana regarding getting local, unlicensed Day Cares to be licensed and discussed the advantages for Day Cares to be licensed. Since there are no licensed Day Cares in Fallon County, they cannot get grants for Day Care facilities; there would also be funding assistance for the parents.  There will be some deregulations coming for childcare facilities as well. 

           Red Ants Pants Festival- Vaughn attended as a representative; was able to secure a grant for place making challenge. This targets areas in the community that would benefit from having something useful placed, such as a community garden, etc. They will conduct a targeted economic evaluation to see if we could qualify for grants even though we are from an oil county.

          Reimagining Rural-They help to identify available grants that no one knows about. Hopefully this will open up some things such as affordable housing.

          Housing Co-op-The Housing Co-op group will get back on track when things slow down a little. 

          Baker State Bank Building-They have completed the electrical work. Completion of the ADA entrance is approximately 1-½ months out; they can open their business without the ADA entrance.  They received a grant to complete the windows on the front of the building. 

          Port Authority-Issued another new façade improvement grant for a local business.

          Art Walk-They made $630. from selling cups.


          The Commission reviewed and approved end of month June 2022 claims in the amount of $323,265.64. They are filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office.

5:00 PM Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to recess for the evening. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.



PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Presiding Officer; Kevin Braun, Member; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder

ABSENT: Roy Rost, Chairman

Fallon County Courthouse


No one appeared for Public Comment

9:30 AM INSIDE MAINTENANCE UPDATES/Lynda Herbst, Inside Custodian Supervisor

                UPDATES/Derrick and assistant finished putting the basement flooring down after the water damage; they did a very nice job. Brian with MTI put the new condenser unit on for the Library A/C system and came back yesterday to replace the expansion valve. Lynda asked if MTI was going to charge for both trips, since normally the valve would have been one of the parts that they would have brought with on the first trip.  Lynda also asked if they would split the mileage with the other businesses he serviced.  Brian contacted MTI business office to find out about that but had not heard back. Lynda asked if she could order the carpet that was in her budget.  The Commission granted permission to order the carpet and proceed with the project. Discussed the best way to proceed cleaning the drain outside, by the boiler room. 

9:40 AM Lynda left the meeting. 

9:55 AM LIBRARY UPDATES/Stacey Moore, Director of Library Services

          Stacey stated the A/C is working great.  Stacey gave various stats from the library programs.  Summer Reading program averages 52 youth and 11 adults, the program ends August 10th.  FWP did a live fish demonstration for the youth, and they also learned about ammonites from the Museum.  So far in 2022 they have had 9400 people in Library; many other stats were shared with the Commission.  August 22nd they will have a virtual meeting for virtual programming.  The Fallon County Library received the Elsa award again this year; this award is given for excellent library services.  Will be starting Story time September 1st and it will run through May 18th of next year.  Stacey sent out a survey asking Department Heads and employees regarding having their photo on the Web page; answers varied. Stacey suggested setting up a policy and having a professional take the photos; would also need a photo release on record.  Discussed sending something out letting everyone know she is taking care of the webpage; she enjoys doing this.  Stacey is training Beth on the webpage as well and invited the Commission to view what she has done with the library webpage. Stacey has noticed a huge increase in the webpage usage since she has added links and other information. Stacey reminded the Commission she will be gone on vacation in September.

10:08 AM Stacey left the meeting.

10:30 AM DISPATCH UPDATES/Brenda Hoeger, Emergency Communications Dispatch Supervisor

          Brenda was unable to attend scheduled meeting.

11 :00 AM DES/911 UPDATES/Dale Butori, DES & 911 Coordinator

           DES Updates-Dale finished the FY2021 and FY2122 EMPG Grant and has verbal approval for the FY23 EMPG Grant. The state is moving forward with the area PDM plan; our plan will slide into the State plan as an appendix. 

A statement was made on our plan that the Town of Plevna should have been more involved. Dale will contact the Mayor of Plevna to discuss their problem areas and add them to our plan. Dale stated the main problem with not identifying their problem areas and including them in the plan is the fact Plevna would have a hard time getting FEMA funds unless they sign off on it.  Dale has been asked to assist with incident command in Sturgis again this year.  They would also like to use the message boards again.  Dale would only be gone on Tuesday next week.  Permission to assist in Sturgis and take the message boards also. Dale will also find out if the Fairgrounds needs the message boards during the fair.  Dale thanked the Commission for allowing him to assist in Red Lodge; flooding is a different experience than he has been involved with.  DES conference will be held the end of September and Dale plans to attend.  Discussed the EMPG Distribution Plan-In the event of a disaster, health related items would be taken to the Health Department; Food items would be taken to the Exhibit Hall and PPE would be brought to the Courthouse. 

          911 Updates-Tab Electronics has received most of the microwave equipment; however, the switch will be made at a later date. Motorola service contract-Dale is more comfortable with pricing now and it is adaptable to the state system but may not necessarily be hooked up to it. Dale explained there may need to be fiber run to the back haul for the state side; Dale hopes the state will pay for that.  Funding was discussed; the quarterly funding cannot be taken without legislation changing it. Dale stated they will need to be more diligent in watching legislative bills. The Commission and Dale will discuss sole sourcing when the auditors are here the end of August.  Dale has not had much

time to work on the road naming policy. Will wait on the text to page for now; it is felt that AT&T is blocking us; Dale will contact them to see if they will unblock us. Also working on some other miscellaneous items.  

11:10 AM Dale left the meeting.

11:15 AM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent (Commissioner Rost). The motion carried.

            NOON RECESS


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Presiding Officer; Kevin Braun Member; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder

ABSENT: Roy Rost, Chairman



No one appeared for Public Comment

1:30 PM CHAMBER UPDATES/Melissa Higbee, Executive Director

          Heritage Fest-This event went really well; 4th of July-The boat parade went very well, this was something new Melissa introduced, individuals are already excited about next year. Crazy Days was also well attended, introduced a putt-putt (mini golf) to try to get people inside the businesses; they also held a 3 on 3 basketball tournament that was well attended. Working on Fall Festival plans. Baker Chamber took over the Lucas Meschke Broken Club Memorial golf tournament.  They are keeping it all the same, except the Chamber will be the facilitator and will receive some funds for their assistance, but the scholarships will be the same. The Calcutta will be held October 1st and will use the 90’s theme.  They have just added 2 new business members and another one is on the way.  Melissa has received good feedback that she is the Chamber Executive Director.  Melissa stated she has also started to add job listings to the Chamber Website.  Expressed she gets a lot of good ideas from other area Chamber of Commerce.

1:35 Melissa left the meeting.

2:00 PM EPEDC/FOOD & AG DEVELOPMENT UPDATES/Elisabeth Epley, EPEDC Executive Director

          Discussed some videos that were completed, and the Barkley’s were debuted in the video.  Beth sent the video for the Commission to view as well. SMART has applied for a grant for operating funds but have not heard back.  They have put funding into the Baker State Bank building, and this would allow them some funds to operate.  Beth assisted the Town of Plevna with a grant from CDBG for their wastewater preliminary report. Town of Plevna was hopeful they would be able to use some of Fallon County’s ARPA funds. With the latest Preliminary Cost report, it is felt the Lakeview Drive Storm Sewer Project will take all of those funds; if there are funds left the Commission did let Plevna know they would let them use the funds. Museum/Jail Foundation Project-Beth has a few more funding organizations she plans to contact and will explain other options at the Thursday meeting. Beth attended the Eastern Montana Infrastructure Training; it went well with approximately 40 people from across the state in attendance and was focused on broadband, transportation and water and sewer.  Beth stated the State of MT DOT put in an application for replacement of timber bridges. Discussed a cows to carbon training; explains how ranchers can get carbon credits. There will be a USDA funding option training and a training on excel for businesses. Working on a place making grant that is open to the 5 counties; this pertains to taking a blank space and making it something useful such as community gardens or murals.  Beth worked on completion of the Community Plan. 

2:35 PM Beth left the meeting.


          Updates-Ambulance drivers-Lisa stated they are doing well regarding drivers; they only have to use the Fire Department once in a while. The Fair events are 100% scheduled; Lisa would like to have a first aid station at the fair again this year. Lisa did not know if this would qualify as volunteer work; will contact HR and get the paperwork if so.    Last month they had 17 runs, which is average, there were agency assists for the BPD and Sheriff’s Office; also attended fireworks standby; assisted FMC twice in the Emergency Room.  PCRs are completed and handed in as far as on her end. Discussed the Transport Policy-Lisa will make some corrections and return it to the Commission.

3:05 PM Lisa left the meeting. 

3:25 PM WEED DEPARTMENT UPDATES/Sara Berger, Weed Control Coordinator

          Spraying-Right now all they are doing is spraying weeds. Doug and Nic are running a truck and spraying county roads for weeds. All county departments are finished; man camp is finished; may spray one more time at the Shooting Range before the section match. Of the landowners 16 out 26 landowners have been completed; they are also working on the right of ways. One of the crew members will be finished August 16th; another crew member will find out next week and the last crew member will stay on as long as they are able to spray. Tronstad Pit-Sara stated they found only one plant this year.  The landowner wants to burn the pit this year if they are able. Equipment-All equipment is running great. Fair booth-Sara asked if the Commission would like her to have a booth at this year’s Fair; the booth was well attended last year. The Commission feels that is a good idea.    

3:38 PM Sara left the meeting. 

3:40 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent (Commissioner Rost). The motion carried.

               EVENING RECESS



PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin and Kevin Braun, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder


Fallon County Courthouse

10:30 AM OUTSIDE MAINTENANCE UPDATES/Robbie Christiaens, Maintenance Supervisor; Derrick deHaan, Maintenance Assistant

          Softball fields-They plan to plant seed this fall at the softball fields. The Commission discussed purchasing a seeder that could be shared by all Departments.  Fairgrounds-They are waiting on materials to repair a downspout at the Exhibit Hall.  Parkview and Parks-Sod at Parkview and the Parks looks great.  Found and repaired a leak at Iron Horse Park; it was a sleeved pipe that ran under the sidewalk.  The boiler has been taken downstairs at Parkview but is not hooked up yet. Some of the marathon participants would like to place a bench in memory of the runner that passed away.  Permission granted to do so as long as it matches the rest of the benches. 

10:45 AM Robbie and Derrick left the meeting.


No one appeared for Public Comment.

11:15 AM Forrest and Mary joined.

11:20 AM PLANNING DEPARTMENT UPDATES/Forrest Sanderson, Contract Planner; Mary Grube, Planning Administrative Assistant

          Floodplain Regulations-FEMA will be using Fallon County’s Floodplain program as a model. The only update that needs to be made to Fallon County’s floodplain regulations has to do with the agricultural structure provisions.  Mary will do the footwork and make that update. This is regarding someone building in a rural area would have to comply with the floodplain guidelines.  Subdivision Regulations-They are up to date per the last legislative session.  Forrest and Mary shared their concerns regarding MACo engaging in Planning Services.  They feel this will take the decisions away from the local governments and put it in the hands of MACo/State of Montana.  The County Attorney is working on the RFP for Planning Services. Mary will be conducting the lower dam inspection; discussed a tree that should have been removed awhile back. 

12:00 PM Mary and Forrest left the meeting.

12:00 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion.

Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously. 




PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin and Kevin Braun, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder

Fallon County Courthouse


          No one appeared for Public Comment.

10:00 AM FMC MONTHLY UPDATES/David Espeland, CEO; Marjorie Losing, CFO

          Financial Report-Marjorie reviewed the June interim financial report with the Commission. Discussed all the work that was completed after the recent sprinkler issue in Long Term Care. The only thing found that was damaged was a scale. Would like to have Steve Zachmann reinstall the Wayne’s coating as he has done this for FMC before; the Commission is fine with that. They are planning a meal for the Fireman as a thank you for their assistance throughout the sprinkler event. Discussed finish work around the fuel tank that will need to be completed by the contractor such as cement lift and rails.  MSU student is working at FMC through a flex grant; he is conducting a study regarding staffing at the clinic. Trying to find a different way to staff the clinic and something different for provider staffing. The survey shows they are doing what needs to be done. In comparison to other (CAH) Critical Access Hospitals, our providers are taking less on call hours and are seeing a few less patients. They have been working on staffing issues and that has been coming along good. Commissioner Rost asked how the door project was coming along.  Chad will work on it when he is available; David is modeling in a remodel in the Nursing Home with this project as well. Discussed placement of an elevator in the clinic and an office for the clinic manager also.  The Ambulance Bay was discussed by the Hospital Board also not sure that would happen unless we get the mill levy back. Discussed switching over to Electronic Medical Records system; this has been a time-consuming project. Discussed multifactoring for cyber insurance qualifications. Broadus is working toward becoming a Critical Access Hospital. 

10:58 AM David and Marjorie left the meeting.

11:00 AM PUBLIC HEALTH UPDATES/Kim Bryan, Director of Public Health

          Kids carnival – They held a kid’s carnival, which went really well; they vaccinated some youth, played games and fed them. Car seat safety-This will be held in September by Mindi.  They are ready for flu shots, if they receive vaccines in time. They are hopeful they get someone hired in the Administrative Assistant position.

11:20 AM Kim left the meeting.

11:30 AM MUSEUM UPDATES/MHP GRANT UPDATES/Melissa Rost, Museum Curator; Elisabeth Epley, EPEDC Executive Director

          MHP Grant-Discussed the paperwork for the Montana Historic Preservation Grant that needs to be received by the Department of Commerce by September 15th.  Beth explained the County needs to sign the contract with the Department of Commerce by August 15th. Beth discussed the options available regarding the funding: 1) The County can do nothing, return the grant and move on (however this may leave a black mark on the County); 2) Move forward and significantly change the scope of work which will change the match requirements. 3) Use the grant for the stucco repairs and not use it for the foundation. 4) Use the grant for the repairs to the foundation with the County portion being 20%.

11:55 AM Beth left the meeting.

          Curator updates-Heritage Fest was June 4th and was well attended (around 200 people); the event seems to be growing nicely. They held several camps which were partnered with the Rec Department.  The camps are put on by donations with the Rec Department taking care of the advertising. The Museum has received a lot of good feedback from out-of-town visitors.  Will be holding a fundraiser at the Willard School next Saturday; doing back to school photo shoots and will donate the proceeds to the museum for programming.  The Museum Board voted to change the hours of operation of the Museum.  They will be open 10-4 daily in the summer and 10-4 – M-F in the winter and every Sunday from 1-4.  They are looking into volunteers to staff Sundays, so Traci and Melissa don’t have to cover all of the weekends. The Historical Society has met a couple of times this summer and elected new officers.  They have discussed moving forward with adding on to the metal building. All the equipment has arrived for recording the oral histories for the Montana Historical Society Grant. Will be out of town over Labor Day; will end up being closed a few days that won’t be covered.  Melissa has the opportunity to serve on the Museum Assoc of Montana Board. Melissa asked if that would count toward her work hours. Will have to discuss this with Human Resources.  Discussed upcoming events August – December. 

12:04 PM Melissa left the meeting.

12:05 PM Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to recess. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.

Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

                    NOON RECESS


PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin and Kevin Braun Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder


2:00 PM WORK SESSION-ELECTION RESOLUTION PREPARATION/Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Election Administrator; Kathy Newell, Election Clerk; Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney

          Discussed the process that will need to be followed when the petitions are certified and presented to the Commission for approval; the adoption of the Resolution calling for the election. 

          Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to sign the letter of engagement with Dorsey and Whitney to provide services to the County in connection with the bond process. The Commission agrees to pay the fees based upon the actual time Dorsey & Whitney performs work and the size of the bond issue.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion.  This will be effective immediately.  Commissioner Rost asked if there was further discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously. 

3:27 PM Darcy, Kathy and Debbie left the meeting.

3:38 PM Vaughn Zenko, EMEDA Executive Director joined.

          Vaughn met to sign Fallon County’s original letter of engagement with Dorsey & Whitney.  Timelines were discussed and the importance of bringing petitions to the Election Administrator as soon as possible so signatures can be checked. 

3:52 PM Vaughn left the meeting.  

4:15 PM Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to recess for the evening. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.


                                                                                                             s/Roy Rost, Presiding Officer

ATTEST:                                                                                                s/Steve Baldwin, Presiding Officer     

s/Brenda J. Wood, Clerk and Recorder     

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving