10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Commission Minutes – December 16 – December 20, 2024

Commission Minutes – December 16 – December 20, 2024



PRESENT: Kevin Braun, Vice Chairman; Roy Rost, Member; Megan Slagter, Recording Secretary

ABSENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman


The Pledge of Allegiance was held in the Commissioner’s Office to start off the week.


    No one appeared for Public Comment.


   Discussed where to advertise for recruitment, advertise as open until filled. Decided to run advertisements in Fallon County Times, Miles City Star, and Ranger Review for a month, then only in the Billings Gazette for the next month.

Commissioner Rost motioned to approve recruitment of a Golf Course Superintendent. Vice Chairman Braun stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for any further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin) Motion carried.

9:54 AM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion.

10:05 AM ROAD UPDATES/ Bobby Wiedmer, Road Superintendent; Mitch Overn and/or Carl Overland, Shop Mechanics

    Bobby reported on relaying the curve on the divide of Plevna South to control the wash boarding. Will finish hauling gravel to the Anticline Road. Mitch updated on equipment maintenance; Direct Electric will look at the air compressor in the upper shop which keeps blowing a circuit breaker. Carl updated on ambulance maintenance; stretcher is having battery connection issues.


    Clarified that the County would not be buying a new set of forks. Carl reported on bids.

Commissioner Rost motioned to accept RDO Equipment Company 744P Loader bid without the forks for the amount of $312,900.00. Vice Chairman Braun stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for any further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent (Commissioner Baldwin) Motion carried.

10:17 AM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion.


    Rich reported on signs for the golf course irrigation pond; DEQ will need to approve the wording for the seven signs. Sew What Custom Embroidery quoted the signs at $55.00 a sign. Currently waiting for DEQ.

10:33 AM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion.

10:56 AM TV BOARD UPDATES/ Wayne Mangold; Amanda Frickel; Randy Morris

    Wayne updated on the equipment replacements in Brackett Butte and Plevna; will be returning to install Plevna equipment that had warranty issues.

10:57 AM Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk & Recorder and Kathy Newell, Elections Clerk joined the meeting.

    Billings fiberoptics is hooked up but not up and running yet. Updated on Carter County using Brackett Butte; will be charging them for usage going forward. Amanda updated on transferring the towers to 911 management, being as they are a part of emergency services; will need statements from LEPC and the Commission. Will discuss further at the next 911 Board meeting. Discussed having the Commission take over the board and creating an advisory board with other counties involved. The TV Board will be meeting with Darcy to discuss the board’s authority.

    Debbie updated on the map being incorrect for the Plevna TV District boundaries, but the legals are correct so the individuals are being taxed correctly.

11:17 AM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion.

11:28 AM FAIRGROUNDS UPDATES/ Jennefer Wheeler, Fairgrounds Manager

    Jennefer presented a Direct Electric quote for upgrading the indoor barn lights; will send an updated quote before next Monday. Currently working with Johnson Controls on cancelling the alarm system that was set up by them. Updated on being awarded the Double PRA. Discussed upgrading electrical for the breaker before fair next season. Updated on heater system in the grandstands.

11:36 AM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion.

11:45 AM OUTSIDE MAINTENANCE UPDATES/ Robbie Christiaens, Outside Maintenance Supervisor; Derrick deHaan, Outside Maintenance Facilities Manager

    Robbie updated on equipment maintenance. Derrick updated on a broken button in the Parkview elevator and other appliance maintenance. Discussed snow fence for the golf course; Robbie will install wooden snow fence for the golf course greens. Discussed adding golf course equipment maintenance temporarily.

11:55 AM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion. Recess until 1:15 PM



PRESENT: Kevin Braun, Vice Chairman; Roy Rost, Member; Megan Slagter, Recording Secretary

ABSENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman



    No one appeared for Public Comment.


   1. Draft/Review Gate Permit Liability

        Discussed liability verbiage being the same as state permits; adding gate specs similar to cattleguard permits. Decided to leave the permit as is but amend the application to include description of the gate specifications.

   2. Draft/Review Cattleguard Policy

        Discussed situations where the county would install the cattleguard; if the county has an easement on a landowner’s road or driveway, the landowner can install and maintain a cattleguard without the Commission’s permission. If a landowner requests for a county road to have a cattleguard installed and it benefits the public or two or more landowners, the county will install and maintain the cattleguard. Discussed easements versus county roads and who would be responsible for installing and maintaining the cattleguard. Minimal maintenance and primitive roads will only have gate permits as an option. The Commission can waive the encroachment or gate permit fee on an established county road only, but not on an easement. Discussed whether it is required to have a public hearing when the county installs a gate or cattleguard.

   3. Review/Revise Road Petition

       Darcy is consulting with other county attorney’s regarding road petitions.

   4. Draft MOU Golf Course Etiquette

        Darcy will draft a MOU to present to the golf course board, so they have the ability to remove individuals who do not follow golf course rules.

   5. Review MOU between Fallon County Health Department & Dawson County Environmental Health Department

       Discussed financial and liability needing to be included in the MOU. Darcy will discuss further with Rich Menger, Sanitarian.

   6. Review/Revise HB819 Resolution

       Discussed not wanting the County being involved with the resolution when they are not involved with the entire process.

2:32 PM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion.

2:32 PM COUNCIL ON AGING UPDATES/ Carla Brown, Council on Aging Director

    Carla updated on the transportation program with grants coming up soon. Reported on individuals requesting to be taken to the airport but have not specially made a trip to the airport; have had individuals tag along if there was a medical trip. Discussed if grants would cover trips that are not for medical purposes; grants only state for transportation purposes. Will discuss further; Carla will ask Carter County how they handle their transportation services. Several counties manage their transportation services, no longer part of senior center boards. Carla reported on state reimbursements for the different parts of Council on Aging services and programs. Reported that there were 1815 rides for fiscal year 2025. Updated on Medicare open enrollment period; $437,453.00 was saved in prescription plans. Discussed the lease for Baker Senior Center, Inc. and liability insurance for subleasing.

2:48 PM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion.

2:48 PM EMS UPDATES/ Brittany Renner, EMS Program Manager

   Brittany presented the monthly on call report for the month of November. Finished instructing volunteer EMT classes, will begin classes to become a CPR instructor. Presented a quote for CPR device; plan to budget for three of them next fiscal year. Updated on equipment maintenance and upgrades. Updated on ambulance stretcher battery issue; will make EMTs aware of properly plugging in the ambulance.

3:00 PM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion.

3:15 PM LANDFILL UPDATES/ Jeff Frank, Manager of Landfill Operations

    Jeff updated on equipment maintenance. There are some county employees interested in working at the container site on Saturdays. Commissioner Braun asked if Jeff would have any use for plastic snow fence. Updated positively on inspector visit.

3:19 PM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion.

3:30 PM GOLF COURSE UPDATES/ Hunter Grover, Golf Course Superintendent

    Updated on equipment maintenance. Reported on sending a golf course drag to the fairgrounds for the indoor arena. Will continue to organize the shop for the upcoming golf season. Discussed snow fencing for the golf course greens. Discussed setting up last meeting for updates.

3:37 PM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion.


   1. Approve December 9-12, 2024 Commission Minutes.

Commissioner Rost motioned to approve the December 9-12, 2024 Commission Minutes. Vice Chairman Braun stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for any further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin) Motion carried.

   2. Executive/Action Items:

         a. Decision on Jennifer Fisher’s longevity/ Julie Straub, HRM

              Julie requested an exception for Jennifer Fisher’s longevity. Explained how it was required to have a break in service for her SRS, cancelling her longevity.

Commissioner Rost motion to continue Jennifer Fisher’s longevity. Vice Chairman Braun stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for any further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin) Motion carried.

         b. Decision on KLJ Engineering LLC Task Order for the Baker Municipal Airport.

Commissioner Rost motioned to approve the KLJ Engineering LLC Task Order for the pavement project. Vice Chairman Braun stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for any further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin) Motion carried.

         c. Decision on Public Records Search Policy.

Commissioner Rost motioned to accept the Public Records Search Policy. Vice Chairman Braun stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for any further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin) Motion carried.

   3. Old Business as needed

         a. Decision on Baker Senior Center Lease Agreement.

Commissioner Rost motioned to accept the Baker Senior Center Lease Agreement. Vice Chairman Braun stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for any further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin) Motion carried.

   4. Review Board Minutes/Agendas (Boards other than Commission)

   5. Review Department/office reports/sign journal vouchers/encroachments (as needed)

   6. Approve December 2024 Mid-Month Claims

Commissioner Rost motioned to approve the December 2024 Mid-Month Claims for the amount of $616,633.33. Vice Chairman Braun stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for any further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin) Motion carried.

4:36 PM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion.


    Discussed the responsibilities and priorities of the curator; school programs being top priority. Discussed hours of business; not be open Saturday and Sunday during the winter. The curator should be available four to five hours a day for the week with part-time help available. The Board would like to give the curator the ability to flex their hours and choose what days to be open in order to cover events. Commissioner Braun stated that some consistency is needed for the curator and the help; especially needs one or two days off. The board recommends 40 hours a week for the curator, four hours a day. Julie stated that there would be positive feedback for hiring if the museum is closed for two days out of the week; would improve scheduling for seasonal and intermittent positions. Ken explained that the option would need to be available to go to the museum on the weekends for tourists. Will discuss further next week.

4:57 PM Vice Chairman Braun ended the discussion. Being as there is no other business, meeting adjourned.


                                                                                                                  s/ Kevin J. Braun, Vice Chairman

s/ Megan Slagter, Recording Secretary


s/ Brenda J. Wood, Clerk and Recorder

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving