Commission Minutes – December 23 – December 27, 2024
PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun, Vice Chairman; Roy Rost, Member;
Megan Slagter, Recording Secretary
The Pledge of Allegiance was held in the Commissioner’s Office to start off the week.
No one appeared for Public Comment.
9:45 AM PUBLIC HEALTH UPDATES/ Kim Bryan, Public Health Director
Reported on virus testing. Updated on Kimberlee Rost’s training as a Community Health Worker; will finish Catalyst for Change training around January and applied for Missoula training with a scholarship.
9:49 AM Chairman Baldwin ended the discussion.
10:00 AM ROAD UPDATES/ Bobby Wiedmer, Road Superintendent; Mitch Overn and/or Carl Overland, Shop Mechanics
Mitch was unable to attend the meeting. Finished the curve at the divide South Plevna Road, currently finishing up the Anticline. Discussed a member of the public’s inquiry on a pipe that needs repaired; the Road Department plans to repair it closer to spring. Carl updated on county vehicle and equipment maintenance.
10:14 AM Chairman Baldwin ended the discussion.
10:15 AM GOLF COURSE UPDATES/ Hunter Grover, Golf Course Superintendent; Robbie Christiaens, Outside Maintenance Supervisor
Hunter updated on installing the monitor at the pump house and equipment maintenance; Robbie will be ordering filters for the equipment. Robbie will be putting up the greens snow fence this week with the weather being nice; discussed pricing for the snow fence.
10:19 AM Chairman Baldwin ended the discussion.
10:27 AM PROJECT UPDATES/ Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering; Rich Menger, Sanitarian
Shannon updated on Bergstrom Hill Road; seeding and mulching is all that is left. Discussed removing seeding and mulching from the agreement and signing a separate agreement in order to return the bond back to Wyrick’s Construction and keep a retainer for the remaining work. Discussed Sikorski’s gate that was widened. Shannon updated on the Operation and Maintenance Manual for the golf course irrigation pond. Discussed installing the UV clarifier at the south stable with a gate valve or in the pump house. Reviewed preliminary plans for the irrigation pond. Updated on pumping lagoon cell two into cell three. Reported on timeframe for bidding out the lining of the pond.
1. Updates on Red Butte Grazing District survey.
Commissioner Rost reported on the Grazing District wanting to start fencing. Will need a material list for the new fence; county will purchase the materials, and the landowners will cover the labor. Will need yardage on existing fence for removal.
11:00 AM Chairman Baldwin ended the discussion.
11:02 AM DES & 911 UPDATES/ Amanda Frickel, DES & 911 Coordinator
Amanda updated on several trainings and grants. Reported on upcoming meetings for adding the TV Districts under DES/911 department management and grant funding. Discussed scheduling for the next 911 Board meeting.
11:08 AM Chairman Baldwin ended the discussion.
11:15 AM DECISION ON TEMPORARY HOURS DURING CURATOR RECRUITMENT/ Traci Bruha, Intermittent Museum Aide; Julie Straub, HRM
Discussed hours being from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Traci suggested keeping the normal business hours for the museum, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Traci stated she would be willing to work full days once a new curator is hired, giving them time to transition into their position. Starting Thursday, December 26th, Traci will be working from 10 AM to 4 PM.
11:22 AM Chairman Baldwin ended the discussion.
11:23 AM SHOOTING RANGE UPDATES/ Shane Bettenhausen, Match Manager
Shane updated on shooting matches and recent benefit held at the shooting range. Carl will manage the next two club matches. Reported on media needing to be cleaned at the end of the summer. Updated on Trap and their board meetings.
11:27 AM Chairman Baldwin ended the discussion.
11:47 AM INSIDE BUILDING MAINTENANCE UPDATES/ Lynda Herbst, Inside Custodian Supervisor
1. Decision on Justice Court office carpet.
Reported on asking Josh to move the computers and extra hands to move the desks. Still waiting for an official start date.
2. Decision on LED Lighting for all offices.
Commissioner Rost motioned to approve the Direct Electric quote for the amount of $11,244.60. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any further discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.
11:51 AM Chairman Baldwin ended the discussion.
1. Approve December 16-20, 2024 Commission Minutes.
Commissioner Braun motioned to approve the December 16-20, 2024 Commission Minutes. Commissioner Rost seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 abstained. (Commissioner Baldwin) Motion carries.
2. Approve December 9th, 2024 Closed Session Minutes.
Commissioner Braun motioned to approve the December 9th, 2024 Closed Session Commission Minutes. Commissioner Rost seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any further discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carries unanimously.
3. Executive/Action Items:
a. Decision on Amendment No. 2 to the KnowBe4 Licenses Memorandum of Understanding.
Commissioner Rost motioned to accept amendment for the KnowBe4 Licenses MOU. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any further discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carries unanimously.
b. Decision on Direct Electric quote for new lighting in the Fairgrounds indoor arena.
Commissioner Rost motioned to approve the Direct Electric quote for the amount of $16,462.66. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any further discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carries unanimously.
c. Decision on Baker Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture membership form.
Commissioner Braun motioned to continue the membership. Commissioner Rost seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any further discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carries unanimously.
4. Old Business as needed
a. Decision on Plevna Senior Center lease agreement.
Commissioner Braun motioned to approve the Plevna Senior Center lease. Commissioner Rost seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any further discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carries unanimously.
b. Decision on the Museum Curator job description and Museum business hours.
Commissioner Braun reported on the recent meeting with the Museum Board. Discussed Museum Curator’s hours being 40 hours a week; will discuss further once a new curator is hired on. Discussed winter and summer hours for the museum. This discussion has been tabled.
5. Decision on Fair Contracts
Commissioner Rost motioned to accept the contract for Barnology for $6,000.00. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any further discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion carried unanimously.
6. Review Board Minutes/Agendas (Boards other than Commission)
7. Review Department/office reports/sign journal vouchers/encroachments (as needed)
12:07 PM Chairman Baldwin ended the discussion. Being as there is no other business, meeting adjourned.
s/ Steve Baldwin, Chairman
s/ Megan Slagter, Recording Secretary
s/ Brenda J. Wood, Clerk and Recorder