Commission Minutes – February 10-14, 2025
PRESENT: Roy Rost, Vice Chairman; Mandi Varner, Member; Brenda Wood, Clerk & Recorder
ABSENT: Kevin Braun, Chairman
The Pledge of Allegiance was held in the Commissioner’s Office to start off the week.
No one appeared for Public Comment.
9:45 AM DES/911 UPDATES/ Amanda Frickel, DES & 911 Coordinator
Was unable to attend the meeting.
10:00 AM ROAD UPDATES/ Bobby Wiedmer, Road Superintendent; Carl Overland, Shop Mechanics
Finished plowing bus routes this past weekend and continue to plow areas needed. Mechanical issues with two blades (one of which is a new blade). May need to have them bring a blade until repairs are made. A portion of the 101 Road remains to be completed, also working on car gates. Hope to have tires on all weed pickups by the end of the week. Having some issues with the tire machine and are doing some price checking for a new machine. Discussed plowing cemeteries as part of maintenance provided by the county, even when they are a district; the biggest problem is the size of county equipment.
10:09 AM Vice Chairman Rost ended the discussion.
10:30 AM PROJECT UPDATES/ Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering; Rich Menger, Sanitarian
- Discussion/Decision on Preapplication Meeting Form #600P
Shannon had to update maps and is waiting to hear back on the updates. Fallon County will need to mail the plans, the maps and the permit along with the $500 fee to the DNRC for review and approval.
Commissioner Varner made the motion to approve the Preapplication Meeting Form #600P, plans and maps, as well as mailing to the DNRC with the appropriate fee. Vice Chairman Rost stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any further discussion being none. No discussion. Motion carried 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Braun). Motion carries.
Updates- DEQ permitting process-Discussed response from Matt Waite, DEQ stating the need for a design report that addresses the requirements of Chapter 120, (which deals with irrigation and rapid infiltration standards for use of wastewater for irrigation systems). Shannon explained the issue is, he is designing a pond not an irrigation system. This is not a redesign of the current irrigation system.
Discussed how to respond to the DEQ-Thought we were bringing the irrigation up to standard by lining the pond and treating the water coming into the pond. Discussed how to explain this was an approved system in the 1980’s but now the DEQ is stating it is an unapproved system. Shannon will send a letter to Mr. Waite and the Commission will visit with Legislators.
11:01 AM Vice Chairman Rost ended the discussion.
11:01 AM DISCUSSION/DECISION ON CITY COST SHARE/ Kathy Newell, Elections Clerk; Kimberly Jensen, Payroll Clerk
Kathy and Kimberly explained the annual review of maintenance and cost share pertaining to the courthouse and relaying this information to the City of Baker. The Commission reviewed and discussed various scenarios provided. Discussed items that are billed separately at 100%. It was explained to Commissioner Varner we start this process so the city has time to allow for it in their budget. Approval for this will be included in next week’s work session.
11:15 AM Vice Chairman Rost ended the discussion.
11:30 AM IT UPDATES/ Josh Lewis, System Administrator
Josh explained the archived board minutes should now be accessible to the Commission. Josh added the Museum Aide to the alarm system. Placed some updated PC’s and set up Microsoft 365 account for the Department of Revenue. Researching budget items for next fiscal year; need to update some routers and hopes to get grant funding. Commissioner Rost suggested checking with MACo on hardware procurement for cost savings. The cloud station storage drive is low on storage and drives themselves are about six (6) years old. Josh felt he had priced and placed in the current year budget. In looking at the budget, Josh was correct. Discussed the FEMA cyber security all-expense paid training in Texas that will take place the last week in March. Josh will keep accounts payable informed regarding covered costs. Waiting to hear if Clint Townsend, Contract IT will be available to be on call during Josh’s time away. When Microsoft 365 current licensure expires, the new governmental rate will take effect, (less costly). The Commission appreciates all the help from Josh.
11:45 AM Vice Chairman Rost ended the discussion. Recess until 1:15 PM
PRESENT: Roy Rost, Vice Chairman; Mandi Varner, Member; Brenda Wood, Clerk & Recorder
ABSENT: Kevin Braun, Chairman
Rich Menger, Sanitarian discussed the original letter received from Matt Waite, DEQ, (regarding golf course pond process), approximately 40 days after the O & M plan was sent in by Rich. The letter addressed 11 items that needed to be added to the O & M plan. The golf course irrigation system was never mentioned. Rich will send a copy of the letter to Shannon at Brosz Engineering.
1:12 PM Vice Chairman Rost recessed until 1:30.
Randy Morris, Wayne Mangold, Baker TV Board Members and Rich Menger, Sanitarian joined.
1:30 PM COUNTY ATTORNEY WORK SESSION/ Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney
Commissioner Rost moved to #3 of the work session to address the TV District Board matter.
1. Draft/Review Golf Course Etiquette MOU
No discussion at this time.
2. Update on dec. action
Should be ready to review the completed dec action next Tuesday.
3.Review draft Resolution of Intent to Dissolve the Baker & Plevna TV Districts and Resolution to create an advisory board.
Much discussion regarding dissolving or leaving as districts and the fact future Commissioner’s may not agree
with dissolving the district and they would have to form a new district at that time. Process to dissolve was discussed as well as holding a public hearing.
Vice Chairman Rost closed the discussion.
Commissioner Varner made the motion to pass Resolution #1147 Resolution of Intent to Dissolve the Baker TV District and Plevna TV District; create an Advisory Board and hold a public hearing on March 3, 2025 at 6:00 PM. Vice Chairman Rost stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent (Commissioner Braun). Motion Carried.
Wayne stated Ekalaka and various ham radio operators would like to join and are prepared to pay as well.
4. Discuss updating Rural Addressing Policy & Procedures
Darcy will have her staff rewrite the policy and procedures and replace Planning Department with Clerk and Recorder’s Office and all decision making will be delegated to the Commission.
5. Review on draft Road Petition
Corrections will be made and sent back to the Commission for approval and can be removed from this listing.
2:20 PM Vice Chairman Rost ended the discussion.
2:15 PM EPEDC UPDATES/ Terra Burman, EPEDC Executive Director
Was unable to attend.
Julie asked formal permission to hire Vaughn Zenko for the Museum Curator position. Will begin work on March 3, 2025.
Commissioner Varner motioned to hire Vaughn Zenko as the Museum Curator. Vice Chairman Rost stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Chairman Braun) Motion carries.
2:48 PM Vice Chairman ended the discussion.
Trenton explained it is customary for a retiree that has worked for at least 20 years to request and be gifted their duty firearm. This request is for Deputy Sheriff, Timothy Grube; proper paperwork will be completed.
Permission granted.
3:01 PM Vice Chairman ended the discussion.
Kimberly Jensen, Payroll Clerk joined to take minutes.
3:15 PM LANDFILL UPDATES/Jeff Frank, Manager of Landfill Operations
The excavator should be here this week or next week. Shared waste intake from July 1st – January 23rd and provided proposal for price increases. Discussed price increases from last year in January for MSW and C&D, would like to initiate increases for new Fiscal Year. Commissioner Rost questioned concrete charges at other Landfills, Jeff didn’t see it split out from the C&D in his research.
Discussion on demolition fees in relation to Junk Vehicle disposal and the way the billing would be handled in conjunction, will have more discussion and add to the agenda. Still advertising for hiring, Commission Rost asked if there was anything they needed to do differently to possibly bring more applicants. Discussion on possibly removing the CDL requirement, Jeff had visited with the Road Superintendent. Jeff said they are fine for now, the additional help from other County employees has been helpful. If the workload gets to be too much, Jeff needs to let the Commission know so they can discuss changes to the job description. Will keep advertising the way the job description is currently written. Maybe in April, if things keep going the way they are, Jeff would like to have the discussion of working more hours to chip. This would be a good discussion at budget time. Jeff is willing work more hours chipping because with only two employees, that doesn’t always get done when needed. When running heavy equipment there has to be more than one person at the Landfill for safety reasons.
1. Approve February 3-7, 2025 Commission Minutes
Commissioner Varner motioned to approve the February 3-7, 2025 Commission Minutes. Vice Chairman Rost stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Chairman Braun) Motion carries.
2. Executive/Action Items:
a. Adopt Resolution #1146 Opposing Legislation Limiting or Prohibiting Montana Association of
Counties Lobbying on Behalf of Its Members
Commissioner Varner motioned to adopt Resolution #1146. Vice Chairman Rost stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Chairman Braun) Motion carries.
b. Discussion/Decision on Voices of Hope, Great Falls 988 Draft (guidelines for 911 Dispatchers regarding interfacing with 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Services
Commissioner Varner motioned to approve Voices of Hope, Great Falls 988 Draft. Vice Chairman Rost stepped down to second the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for further discussion. Commissioner Rost visited with Brenda Hoeger Dispatch 911 supervisor, and she was good with the verbiage, no other discussion. With no further discussion 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Chairman Braun) Motion carries.
3. Old Business as needed
a. Decision on Fairgrounds Display Board and front entrance sign/gate
No discussion at this time.
b. Decision on Road Petition
A few typos that need to be corrected should be ready for next time it’s on the agenda.
4. Review Department/office reports/sign journal vouchers/encroachments (as needed)
3:43 PM Vice Chairman Rost ended the discussion. Being no further business, recess until 8:45 AM on Thursday, February 13th.
PRESENT: Kevin Braun, Chairman; Roy Rost and Mandi Varner, Members;
Brenda Wood, Clerk & Recorder
Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder-EBMS Health Insurance HIPAA notification.
8:58 AM Chairman Braun ended the discussion.
9:00 AM PRE-DISCIPLINARY MEETING/Amanda Frickel, DES/911 Coordinator; Julie Straub, HRM
Commissioner Braun asked Amanda if she would like the meeting to open or closed session; Amanda requested it to be open session.
Pre-diciplinary meeting was held with all in attendance. Decision will be made at a later date.
10:03 AM Chairman Braun ended the discussion. Being as there is no further business, meeting adjourned until next Tuesday.
s/ Kevin Braun, Chairman
s/ Roy Rost, Vice Chairman
s/ Brenda J. Wood, Clerk & Recorder