10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Commission Minutes March 6-10, 2023

Commission Minutes March 6-10, 2023



PRESENT: Kevin Braun, Presiding Officer and Roy Rost, Member; Christa Alford, Clerk; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder

ABSENT:  Steve Baldwin, Chairman


The Pledge of Allegiance was held in the Commissioner’s Office to start off the week.


9:30 AM Jim Leischner, Member of the Public joined.

             Shooting Range Board-The Shooting Range Board has asked Kimberly to attend their meeting tonight to explain budgets, among other things.

           Human Resources (HR) Clarity-Jim wanted to provide some clarity and history on HR and how it started in Fallon County. In approximately 2012 Fallon County received an ultimatum from the Insurance Company, due to the approximately five (5) employee related lawsuits. Jim was our insurance agent at that time. The Insurance carrier at that time informed Jim, in no uncertain terms, Fallon County needed to get an HR program started or the insurance carrier would pull the plug. 

          At that time there weren’t a lot of other insurance companies.  The commission at that time had completed a lot of research and they then tasked Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder/Payroll Clerk with HR duties. This got to be too much for Debbie, so the Commission later advertised for an HR Manager and hired Julie Straub, current HR Manager.  Jim said the county had no choice, they had to do something.

           Jim further commented they also had other counties and cities insured and some of them went through some of the same things. Discussed some entities outsource their HR but employees and employers don’t have that hands on and most often you don’t have the response time needed to take care of immediate matters. Jim stated, if the insured has an HR Manager on board, it is more likely the insurance company will stand behind you because of the policies and procedures that are in place and how they are followed.

 9:44 AM Jim left Public Comment.


          Julie has a list of seasonals, thus far, they would like permission to hire.  Nikki Stieg-Seasonal Fairgrounds Office Assistant; Madison Butori and Sienna Schuler-Weed Crew Hands/Drivers; Rory Lingle and Riley Davis-Outside Maintenance Seasonal Crew Hands.

Commissioner Rost made the motion to recall Nikki Stieg, Seasonal Fairgrounds Office Assistant; Madison Butori and Sienna Schuler, Seasonal Weed Crew Hands/Drivers; Rory Lingle and Riley Davis, Seasonal Outside Maintenance Crew Hands. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.

          Julie would also like permission to recruit for the remaining seasonal positions. The Commission asked how many employees these departments are asking to hire. Outside Maintenance-would like to hire a total of four (4) positions-(which would mean two (2) more); Golf Department would like to hire a total of four(4) positions; Weed Department would like to hire a total of four (4)-(which would mean two (2) more); Library would like to hire one (1) and the Fairgrounds would like to hire a total of four (4) seasonal crew hands. 

Commissioner Rost made the motion to grant permission to recruit for the remaining seasonal positions. Two (2) positions for Outside Maintenance; Four (4) positions for Golf; Two (2) positions for Weed; One (1) position for Library and Four (4) positions for Fairgrounds.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Braun asked for any other discussion: 

Commissioners discussed the need for Outside Maintenance to have (4) if the county will no longer be maintaining the city parks. Julie did not know that answer, only that they felt they would still like four (4). Commissioner Rost also asked if the weed crew would need the assistance of the road department this year, as they did last year. Julie did not have the answer to that. Commissioner Braun stated, since the county may not have gravel to haul, they may have time to assist if needed. 

Commissioner Braun asked for further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.

9:52 AM Julie left the meeting.

10:00 AM ROAD/SHOP UPDATES/Mark Sieler, Road Foreman; Mitch Overn/Carl Overland, Shop Mechanics

         Road/Shop Updates-They received equipment information from RDO when their salesman was here last week. Since there is a huge market for skid steers, he looked at the Road Department current skid steer. They have a program for rolling skid steers every two (2) years. The second year-Did not have a specific dollar amount at this time but would have at time of bid. This skid steer would be large enough to haul chips and there is no hour maximum. Commission asked if their preference would be tracked or wheeled. The road department prefers wheeled, (tires are considerably cheaper than tracks). Commissioner Rost stated the parks department uses the tracked skid steer for the beach; however, they can rent the tracked skid steer from the rental shop when needed.

           Bid preparation-Discussed getting the process started and prepare to go to bid for equipment.    

             Trainings-Mark has two (2) employees going to flagger training in Miles City tomorrow. The week of the 20th is welding class in Terry for the shop mechanics. The last week in March is MACR’s; they plan to send Kendall, Matt and Troy, road crew members.

            Road maintenance-Mark has two (2) blades cleaning up snow; not much snow right now. They have a little bit of gravel they can haul, (saving about 1,000 yards for other maintenance), then will start hauling scoria on Tonquin Trail. The road is in need of maintenance due to all of the pipe trucks that traveled on that road.  Commissioner Braun asked if there was enough gravel to complete the John Tronstad road; yes, that road is now complete. There is approximately 25,000 to 30,000 yards of crushed scoria left in the Buerkle pit.

10:16 AM Mark, Carl and Mitch left the meeting.

10:30 AM PROJECT UPDATES/Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering via conference call

             UPDATES-Gravel Invitation to Bid-The Commission agreed to go out to bid again, with an April 3rd deadline and a timeline for August to have a portion of the gravel ready to use. 

           Box culvert-The 6th Street West box culvert is still out for bid. There have been seven (7) plan holders so far; of those there are only four (4) general contractors. Shannon will contact Diamond J to see if they are interested in the project. If there are no bids received, a decision will need to be made as far as what the plan will be moving forward. Shannon stated the concrete is in good shape and since no one is doing precast this year the county would be able to push it to another year. 

           Bergstrom Hill Road-Brosz will be writing a letter to the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to request a jurisdictional determination of the wetlands. This will tell us if the wetlands boundaries need to be found or not.

             Road Plat Project-Shannon reported most of the work is 90-95% complete. They continue to work on word searching Commissioner Minutes and are up to book 14. Shannon is scheduling a meeting to update the Commission on where they are at in the project. Commissioner Braun asked if he felt the project is at the stage he expected it to be, at this time. Shannon feels they are ahead of where they thought they would be. Michael, Brosz Engineering hit it hard when he was here, and Cindy Irgens, Recording Clerk was a big help as well. Will discuss and make a decision regarding linking documents down the road. The largest concern with linking documents would be if files would be corrupted when transferring from one server to another. Commissioner Braun discussed finding the best way to make it easy for everyone, (including the public), to access and use the information. 

             Bonnievale and Ismay box culverts-Shannon stated both box culverts have been completed and closed out. The Army Corps of Engineers papers were sent, and confirmation received from USACE that they had received the certifications.

             Lakeview Drive Storm Sewer Project-Shannon will bring the as-builts for this project.

             ARPA Projects-Confirmation was received that the funding was approved for the Lakeview Drive Storm Sewer project.  North Baker Water and Sewer project was approved to receive a portion of Fallon County funds for their project as well. Shannon has not heard anything regarding the Town of Plevna project. Shannon was not sure if the Town of Plevna can use Fallon County’s engineering RFQ or if they would have to go out for their own. 

10:47 AM Shannon hung up the phone, therefore leaving the meeting.

10:48 AM Rich Menger-Marshall, from Hawkins will be here this week.  Rod Morris, City of Baker-Public Works Director is working on removal of chemical tanks from a county building located at the lagoon.

11:00 AM EMS DESIGNATION OF DUTIES/Dale Butori, DES/911 Coordinator; Brittany Renner, EMT; Josh Lewis, System Administrator

Discussed what duties need to be completed in the interim.  Brittany would like to help in any way she can. The Commission stated the Patient Care Reports (PCR’s) will need to be entered in the system; Commission informed Brittany that Julie Straub, HRM has the information needed to be able to complete that process. If Brittany is interested in assisting during the interim she would be designated as intermittent; she would not be held to any hours and the commission agreed she would be paid accordingly. Brittany is interested in assisting in the interim. Brenda Wood agreed to check on the mail.

Brittany went to the Ambulance Garage on Saturday to check on various things. Supplies need to be ordered and was not sure where some items are to be ordered from. Brittany will visit with Kimberly Jensen, AP Clerk to get vendor information.  The Commission stated we are in the process of advertising for a new EMS Program Manager. The Commission asked about setting up an email address; Josh will take care of that. Brittany will work on the scheduling as well. The Commission discussed Public Health taking over the billing; she can visit with them moving forward with regard to that process. Brittany will visit with the road department regarding maintenance needs for the ambulances. Discussed credentialing needs pertaining to ordering prescriptions and

for entering PCR’s. Brittany agrees she can take care of all of the items discussed. The email address attached to Dale’s email will be moved. Discussed county credit cards for the employees should be picked up in the Clerk and Recorder’s office; they can be used for fuel and training purposes. Dale stated he also cleaned and organized some items in the ambulance garage. Logins and passwords were received from Lisa; they are still missing some county cell phones and will continue to search for them.  Brittany was researching Best Practice Medicine and found that they do trainings; this will be discussed with them later.

          They have set up apartments at Parkview for those coming from Best Practice; EMT’s will rotate and take 24-hour call for a 90-day period. Discussed setting up trainings for new recruits and starting that process as soon as possible. The Commission does not feel we should wait for a manager to be hired. Discussed what the new manager position would look like; it is a 30-hour position. The Commission explained the reasoning behind the 30-hour position; for ease of going on runs if that person would want to. If the position was a 40-hour position and they went on runs during their scheduled work hours, it is more difficult to make those hours up, without using vacation versus the 30-hour position.

Josh and Brittany will get together later to finish email set up, etc.

11:22 AM Josh left the meeting.

Dale, Brittany and the Commission will all work together. Dale will not need to attend the ambulance meeting tonight but will help anyway he can. 

11:24 AM Dale left the meeting.

Discussion regarding a wage per hour for Brittany, during the interim.  The Commission felt $26.00 per hour for the time being and this will be re-evaluated.  All parties want this to succeed; the goal is to get enough people, so no one has to be married to the ambulance service.  Discussed a good number to have on the crew; Brittany felt 10 would be a good number.

11:29 AM Brittany left the meeting.

11:30 AM OUTSIDE MAINTENANCE UPDATES/Robbie Christiaens, Outside Maintenance Supervisor; Derrick deHaan, Outside Maintenance

UPDATES-First part of rock is down on the lake for the channel; hopefully will get the rest done this week.

Skid steer-Discussed purchasing a skid steer through a program the county may decide to join. Discussed preference on tracked versus wheeled skid steer. The tracks are more beneficial for the beach only. The county will probably purchase a wheeled skid steer that will be able to handle the chip bucket.

Seasonal employees-Robbie felt it would be good having a couple extra to help at the Fairgrounds, etc. The commission is not sure the fairgrounds manager will need extra help if she receives four (4) seasonals. Upcoming projects for the Outside Maintenance department were discussed: work at the softball fields, Parkview work, and chip sealing a parking area near the amphitheater. Discussion on what would be involved in converting area over to parking such as capping sprinklers, as mentioned by Derrick.

 Parkview updates-As soon as the TVs are received for the two (2) apartments that are being prepared for the Best Practice Medicine EMT’s, David Espeland, FMC will be notified to set them up.  Wi-Fi for the apartments has been taken care of. Discussed keypads for ambulance garage; when Holmlund Mobile Lock and Key arrives, they will reprogram the commercial locks; the other locks will be moved where needed at a later date.

Equipment Maintenance-They have five (5) mowers that will be ready as soon as they change oil and upgrade with new blades. Commissioner Braun will contact Carl about servicing fairgrounds equipment.  Discussed the skid steer at the fairgrounds and finding out how many hours are on the fairgrounds skid steer. They may decide to trade the fairgrounds skid steer instead of the road department skid steer. The hours will be checked and relayed to the commission. 

Hospital-Discussion took place regarding how to resolve the water issues in the Hospital tunnel.

11:54 AM Robbie and Derrick left the meeting.

11:56 AM Commissioner Rost made the motion to recess. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.

Commissioner Braun asked for any other discussion; being none.  2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.

          NOON RECESS

PRESENT: Kevin Braun, Presiding Officer and Roy Rost, Member; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder

ABSENT: Steve Baldwin



          No one appeared for Public Comment


          Job Description-Discussed the EMS Program Manger job description. Julie will make a few updates and it will be ready to go.

          Interim position-Brittany Renner, EMT will be completing the duties of the EMS Program Manager position in the interim.

Commissioner Rost made the motion to accept the EMS Program Manager job description as presented (with a minor change regarding hours); also granted permission to recruit for the EMS Program Manager position. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for any other discussion; discussed advertising March 10th, 17th and 24th in the Fallon County Times; Glendive Ranger Review; Miles City Star; Job Service; Billings Gazette; Ekalaka Eagle and Bowman Pioneer ending date of March 28th at 5:00 PM. Commissioner Braun asked for further discussion; being none.  2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.

1:45 PM Julie left the meeting. 


          Family Planning grant-Kim left the Family Planning Grant for the Commission to sign.  This will be placed on next week’s agenda. 

          Pay was discussed-They would like to pay Heather Havens, PH Administrative Assistant $2.00 per hour more than her current wage since acquiring the ambulance billing duties. It is felt the majority of the ambulance billing would be completed on Fridays, when the Public Health office is closed, unless they are able to complete that work Monday-Thursday. Julie has reviewed wages for those in the medical billing field. Julie found the range to be from $17.90 to $18.70.  Kim discussed checking with Dahl Memorial and find out what they are paying for that position. Heather is currently paid $18.50 per hour; this would bump her wage to $20.50 per hour.  They would also like to pay Mindi $1.00 per hour more than her current wage as she will be overseeing and assisting with the ambulance billing. Mindi is currently being paid $25.91 per hour; this would bring her wage to $26.91 per hour.

          Tobacco Cessation grant-Kim asked if the commission felt they should apply for a Tobacco Cessation grant. The commission asked what they are able to use the funding for.  Kim stated it cannot be used for wages or remodeling.  This is a $27,000 grant and they plan to use it mostly for schools. Discussed some of the requirements.  The Commission asked Kim to get more information and bring it back.

          Extra office space-Discussed the Walla Walla University getting permission to use the extra office at Public Health for a student doing an internship for School of Social Work and Sociology.

          Family Dollar-Kim would like to know if they can purchase from Family Dollar. The Commission stated it is a local business and they pay taxes in Fallon County. The answer is, yes. We do not have an account with them as they do not set up accounts with anyone. Can make the purchases personally; turn the receipts in for reimbursement. 

Commissioner Rost made the motion to increase the Public Health Administrative Assistant position an additional $2.00 per hour and the Public Health Specialist an additional $1.00 per hour to accommodate additional workload (Ambulance billing).  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for any other discussion. Commissioner Braun asked if these duties were a good fit for these employees or should someone else do this. Kim felt possibly the new EMS Manager should be doing this, but they have all the capabilities and will make it work.  Commissioner Braun asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.

Commissioner Rost made the motion to establish the effective date of the named pay increases to begin with the March pay period, which is February 22, 2023.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.

2:32 PM Kim, Julie and Anna left the meeting.

2:32 PM SOLID WASTE UPDATES/DISCUSS FEE SCHEDULE & FINANCIALS/Jeff Frank, Manager of Landfill Operations

          Discussed fees for the landfill and for other area landfills; this will be further reviewed at budget time. 

Loader-They will have to go to bid for the loader. Discussed contacting RDO to see how long it would take to get a loader here; may decide to wait to go to bid for another year, but will get the specs ready for this incase the decision is to bid FY24.  Discussed charging other departments a rental fee for use of the containers; this will be discussed at budget time.  The Shooting Range may purchase a container, with lid; this could be charged to them at budget time; will wait to deliver until this spring or summer.  The window repair for the office was completed last week. They need to get the plumber out to check on the water pump. 

 The letter was reviewed; the updated information provided will need to be processed in the County financial software to accommodate the new Closure/Post-Closure estimates.

The inspection report was reviewed and will be filed.

       Damschen Consulting, LLC

       The results were reviewed, and the report will be filed. 

2:48 PM Jeff left the meeting.


Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve the February, 2023 payroll and withholdings in the amount of $542,310.29. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Braun asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.


          Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve the February, 2023 end of month claims in the amount of $340,036.35. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Braun asked for any other discussion; being none.  2 Ayes. 0 Nays.  1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried. 


          The Commission reviewed revenues received, reports, emails and other correspondence, board minutes and agendas.

Old Business

                 There was no old business.

Executive/Action items:

          There were no contracts to sign this week. 

Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve the quote received from Turf Solutions, LLC for HCT golf course products and pump with appurtenances in the amount of $24,383.64. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Braun asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin).  The motion carried.

Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve the quote received from Mike’s Plumbing & Underground Sprinkler Service in the amount of $5,500.00 for low water cut offs for Parkview boiler parts and installation costs.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Braun asked for any other discussion; being none.  2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.

Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve the renewal rates for the MACo Health Care Trust dental/vision plan rates for FY24.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Braun asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried

Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve acclaiming Richard Chester and Chris Meccage as Baker Rural Fire Trustees.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Braun asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.

Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve acclaiming Dana Buerkle and Bobby Wiedmer as Plevna Rural Fire Trustees.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Braun asked for any other discussion; being none.  2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent.  (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried. 

Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve acclaiming Janet Zenko as EMEDA-Port Authority Commissioner.  Commissioner Braun asked for any other discussion; being none.  2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.

Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve the EMT staffing services agreement between Best Practice Medicine and Fallon County (signed last week).  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Braun asked for any other discussion; being none.  2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.

    Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve signing the Eastern Montana Drug Task Force letter of Support.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Braun asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.

    Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve Resolution #1105-Fallon County School District #55-Authorizing participation in the Montana Board of Investments Short-Term Investment Pool (STIP). Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Braun asked for any other discussion; being none.  2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried. 

    The Resolution is on record in the Clerk and Recorder’s office.

    Complete MDT Bridge Construction Information Sheet.

             There are no qualifying new bridges to be listed for the current FY or the upcoming FY.


              Debbie contacted the county’s insurance agent, Jade Boggs, Insurance Store regarding insurance for the Fallon County ambulance service. Jade then contacted Travelers Insurance, county’s insurance provider; Travelers notified Jade, the ambulance service EMT’s are covered to do things common for EMT care providers, such as starting IV’s, etc. as long as they have the certification to do so.

    4:32 PM Debbie left the meeting.

    4:51PM Commissioner Rost made the motion to recess.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.


                                                                                                                                    TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2023

    9:30 AM CONVENE

    PRESENT: Kevin Braun, Presiding Officer and Roy Rost, Member; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder

    ABSENT:  Steve Baldwin, Chairman



                    No one appeared for public comment.

    9:45AM IT UPDATES/Josh Lewis, System Administrator

              UPDATES/Phone Systems-Josh has been researching phones systems. Mid-Rivers will not increase Fallon County’s fee per line until the end of the year. At that time Mid-Rivers will continue to service Fallon County’s phone system, but the cost will be significantly more.  In researching several companies that sell and service VOIP systems, Fallon County would probably not be able to keep our current phone numbers, due to FCC regulations and 911 location requirements. Josh has been in touch with a MT Public Service Commission Representative to get more clarification regarding why we are not able to keep our current phone numbers.  So far, Verizon seems to be the only provider that would have the capabilities that would allow us to keep our phone numbers. The reason appears to be because they already do business (have towers, etc.) in our area. Consolidation of lines was discussed and the cost per line for Verizon and Mid-Rivers; Verizon $25.00 per line, which is similar to the current cost per line for Mid-Rivers.  Mid-Rivers cost will be approximately $66.00 per line at the end of the year/end of our contract. Fiber Broadband is a separate cost which would continue to be held with Mid-Rivers.  Discussed location of Verizon’s service representatives; Josh will need to get more information regarding the location of service technicians. Commissioner Braun stated Verizon has a presence in Fallon County and they pay taxes in Fallon County.

              Multifactor Authentication (MFA)-Josh reported the soft roll out for MFA went well. Of the 12 MFA accounts, no one reported any issues; Josh would like to get departments set up gradually. 

    9:53 AM Jennefer Wheeler, Fairgrounds Manager joined.

              Email Accounts-Discussed transitioning all emails from Mid-Rivers to falloncounty.net; the Commission wants to do away with all Mid-Rivers email accounts. Josh will move the City of Baker police officers to office 365 accounts as well. 

              Wi-Fi to out buildings, etc.-Discussed the device Jennefer found, on the ground, that was knocked off the grandstands. While searching, it appeared some owls may have hit the device and knocked it to the ground, rendering it inoperable.  Josh is researching the best replacement or other options to get Wi-Fi to the rodeo office.  The commission feels the best option is to hard wire. This spring, Josh plans to research the Wi-Fi options for all outbuildings at the fairgrounds.

              Cameras-This spring will replace the Iron Horse Park cameras. 

              Vault-Will be cleaning and organizing the IT vault area.

              Budget-Will be gathering proposals for next year’s budget requests; the server needs to be replaced.  Commissioner Rost discussed keeping the old server as a backup.

    10:14 AM Josh left the meeting.     

    10:14 AM FAIR UPDATES/Jennefer Wheeler, Fairgrounds Manager

              UPDATES-Equipment-Discussed getting the equipment serviced by the road department.  The commission discussed a skid steer program they may enroll in; the fairgrounds skid steer may be traded since it is the smallest skid steer the county has.  The road department would get the new skid steer; fairground may get the road department skid steer. 

               Maintenance-Robbie and Derrick, outside maintenance and the road department have been assisting with various items; has not seen the golf course superintendent.

                 Grandstands Wi-Fi-Discussed the equipment that fell out of the grandstands. Melissa Foster joined Jennefer and Josh Lewis, System Administrator to discuss the best way to alleviate the owls nesting in the grandstands. Feel the best way to resolve the issue is netting or spikes; will do further research on the spikes since netting was used before and did not work.

                 Grandstands Fire Suppression System-Jennefer checks this every day; has not had any alarms or other issues. 

               Snow removal-Most often the snow is removed by the time she arrives at work; she calls if anything further is needed. 

                 Fair barn-The Fair Board would like to replace the entry doors at the barn before the fair this year.  The board is not in favor of key fobs, due to the safety of the animals. This can be discussed in more detail.  Discussed a date when the horses in the barn would be moved out.  Some are moving to the lower stalls in April.

              Outdoor stalls-There are approximately 48 outdoor stalls that can be utilized.  Jennefer has been getting a lot of calls to rent the stalls below, due to the amount of ice at private residences and individuals using the arena. 

    Jennefer has been referring stallers to the Commission regarding the possible upcoming barn project and other questions. The stallers have scheduled a meeting with the commission. Discussed stall rent is $30 per stall/$10 per stall for tack; the County Attorney is still working on the Stall Rental agreement. Jennefer noticed stallers are supposed to be signing new stall agreements at the end of each year and that has not been happening.

                 PRCA Purse-The PRCA purse had been set at $20,000 for 3 events and $10,000 for the other. The Fair Board Chair was contacted regarding the decrease from last year.  The purse cannot be decreased; they will have to move it back to $25,000 for the 3 events and $12,500 for the other.  Jennefer is confident they have the overage in the budget.

                 Extreme Broncs-The date cannot be changed as was planned; so, this is in the air as of now.  If we lose the event, we will not get it back. They are waiting for answers about this event. 

                 Exhibit Hall-The exhibit hall has been busy with several events.

                 Fair Board Meeting-The next Fair Board meeting is on the 20th of March; the Commission is invited to attend. 

    10:38 AM Jennefer left the meeting.

    10:38 AM DES/911 UPDATES/Dale Butori, DES/911 Coordinator

                 UPDATES-Mutual Aid-The Mutual Aid agreement, for back up Deputy DES for both Carter and Fallon counties is still in the works. Dale attended a meeting in Miles City, and they discussed a blanket MOU for the eastern Montana counties. All commissioners from all counties would have to sign off on the agreement. This would be a 72-hour (initial attack) MOU.  The first 72 hours would be at our expense and after the 72 hours it would be at the other county’s expense.  By using all counties, they can all shift and help out after the 72 hours.  A resolution would need to be completed; Dale will send the resolution for the commission to review as soon as it is available.

                 EMS-Kent with Best Practice Medicine will be notified to send all future emails to Brittany Renner.  Kent wanted to know the status of the apartment for Wednesday night; they are available and pretty much ready. 

     Josh Lewis, System Administrator, is working on the EMS computer tower. 

                 Eastmont billing-Dale is trying to get this billing changed to monthly, rather than an annual billing; this service is used for Page to Text. Dale is looking into other providers for this service.  If they will not change the billing to monthly Dale plans to drop their service.  

                 Training-Dale has a conference in Helena in May he plans to attend. There is a training the last week in March that he will not be attending. Dale has been asked to join, as a member of CAT (County Assistance Team); this is hands on training for incidents.  This all-state team originated in Eastern Montana. The obligations would be for Dale to do what he can at the whim of the commission.  If Dale chooses not to participate, they will move on.  This will be further discussed. 

    10:59 AM Dale left the meeting.

    10:59 AM INSIDE BUILDING MAINTENANCE UPDATES/Lynda Herbst, Inside Custodian Supervisor

             UPDATES- Equipment-Lynda would like permission to purchase a small shampooer to replace the existing shampooer.  Lynda thought the cost would be approximately $200.  Permission granted to purchase a small shampooer.  Lynda asked for thoughts regarding what could be done to help prevent the smell around the sump pump area.  The commission suggested chlorine tablets; Lynda will try that and has some on hand due to COVID.

    11:05 AM Lynda left the meeting.

    11:30 AM EPEDC UPDATES/Elisabeth Epley, EPEDC Executive Director

                 UPDATES-ARPA funding-ARPA funding for the various projects was discussed. Startup conditions were met for the Lakeview Drive Storm Sewer project. Since the project has been completed the contract will be sent to the county to sign. They will probably send a notification to the county regarding the money that will need to be sent to the North Baker Water/Sewer and the Town of Plevna. 

                 Grant funding-EPEDC was able to get another grant for SMART; this will be for the visitor center. SMART has received $101,000 for the old Baker State Bank Building. This funding will be used to update the interior to accommodate the visitor center and for some work to the exterior.  Commissioner Rost expressed his concern regarding the lack of parking for the visitor center; this concern will be passed along to SMART. 

                 Pocket Park funding-This project will be located by the Old Baker State Bank Building.  This project will start this spring and there is no intention to build in that area.

                 Baker city wide water system PER- Discussed they are hopeful to get funding for the PER for this project.

               Miscellaneous-Beth has no training to attend in the next few months. Discussed the Rapid Response training; this helps individuals cope with job changes and gather information about their current skills, career interests, and other needs. This helps to organize the services necessary for individuals to return to work.

    Homegrown to market-There will be some upcoming Homegrown to Market meetings next month, one in Glendive and one in Glasgow.  There has been no word on the Shooting Range grant of $50,000. This is a 50/50 match grant of which the county match can be comprised of in-kind services. 

    11:43 AM Beth left the meeting.

    11:43 PM Commissioner Rost made the motion to recess.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Braun asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.

                 NOON RECESS

    PRESENT: Kevin Braun, Presiding Officer and Roy Rost, Member; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder

    ABSENT: Steve Baldwin



                 No one appeared for Public Comment

    1:30 PM SMART/EMEDA UPDATES/Vaughn Zenko, SMART/EMEDA, Executive Director

              UPDATES-SMART- Vaughn reported SMART has been super busy. They have most of the characters for the Community Theatre, with the exception of Elvis.

                 Grant funds-Big News; they received their 2nd grant for the visitor center in the amount of $75,000 on top of the $26,000 already received. They will use the $75,000 for the technical side such as adding computer kiosks, among other aspects.  Commissioner Rost expressed his parking concerns; Vaughn stated they will address the parking concern. They plan to have regular visitor hours; also plan to use some funding for a website, showcasing Baker and its amenities. Pocket Park-They received a $50,000 grant for the pocket park.  They will not have grass; it will be turf; plan to have a stage; a wall on the front- (street side) with a water wall for (gray noise). Also, plan to plant trees and have benches. They will not know about the funding for the roof of the Old Baker State Bank building until the legislature is finished, that is in the budget bill. They have not had time to take the clock to Denver to be repaired; the cost for repairs is $13,000. Vaughn expressed they are getting busy assisting businesses because they now know what SMART is able to do.  The Real Estate Coop is on the back burner for now. Vaughn discussed thoughts of a Mercantile to showcase local “Fallon County” products.  Discussed grant funding readily available for charging stations; Vaughn would like to apply for one of these grants.  Childcare-they are working through the Port Authority to purchase workforce modular housing or a local home; they are checking on licensure matters first. Vaughn will be headed to Washington DC at the end of this month. 

    1:57 PM Vaughn left the meeting.


              Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve the February 27 – March 3, 2023 minutes.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.


    4:00 PM – CHAMBER/RECREATION DEPARTMENT UPDATES/Melissa Higbee, Executive Director; Mariah Miller, Chamber Assist/Rec Director; Jade Boggs and Alissa Miller, Chamber Board Members

                 Chamber-The Chamber had a membership drive this past month; they currently have 92 members as soon as everyone renews.  There are only 6 members from last year they have not heard from.  Melissa passed out and mailed Chamber member stickers. They have selected all of the Ag calendar photos; the calendar will be sponsored and paid for by the Insurance Store, thanks to Jade Boggs. Melissa will be helping Melissa Rost, Museum Curator with Heritage Fest, (so far, they are still the only two (2) working on this).  Melissa was interviewed by Mary Grube for the growth policy. Melissa has updated the Bakermt.com site and has been helping the Rec Department when needed.

                 Rec Department-Mariah has three (3) youth programs going right now.  The Baker Jam is scheduled for April 1st and 2nd; the concessions are covered but they are still looking for Ref’s. Mariah will be getting certified in CPR so she can teach the Safe Sitter classes. If they cannot locate the dolls they had for the class, they will contact EMS to see if they have any they can borrow.  They are working on the upcoming youth tackle football program; this will be a league program.  Helmets are $300.00 each, can be refurbished and are good for 10 years; luckily, they can use the uniforms they already have. 

               MOU-Discussed thoughts of the MOU with the Chamber so the county is able to provide support. Commission stressed they do not want to tie a funding amount to the MOU; they want the Recreation Department to be self-sufficient. The Commission plans to make up the shortage difference from year to year, until they become self-sufficient. Discussed the current deficit the Rec Department is experiencing. Alissa expressed her concerns about the public and their views of the county’s involvement, due to all that is currently going on with the county.  The MOU will spell out everything to alleviate the concerns. The Commission stresses they do now want to be in charge. 

    4:29 PM Everyone left the meeting.

    4:30 PM Commissioner Rost excused himself.

    4:30 PM – MUSEUM UPDATES/Melissa Rost, Museum Curator

              Leaving this weekend to attend the Trade Show in Helena and then will travel to Missoula to attend training.  Next month they will be closed the Friday before and the Monday after Easter, so she is able to save hours for Traci Bruha, Assistant. Plans have changed for the birthday party for Steer Montana. They plan to have the 100-year birthday with the 100th anniversary of the fair; that will also help with her budget.  Heritage Fest plans are underway; Melissa checked with the neighbors regarding the street closure and they are fine with it; also has insurance to cover the event. 6th graders came in last week; they chose an item in the Museum to write about.  Senior programming-Melissa did their first Senior Programming at Superior Care. She really enjoyed doing this and the residents enjoyed it as well. Melissa plans to do this once a month with a different topic each time and hopefully will be able to have collaboration with the 6th graders.  Melissa is working on the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner in conjunction with the Chamber; this will be held at the Exhibit Hall in April. A free art gallery is built; plans to put it on a base and keep it under the new awning.  Melissa is working on an outline for a short video on the History of Fallon County; Melissa’s father would also like to do this and has offered to help Melissa with the project.  Melissa would like to be open Saturday and Sunday of the Baker Jam. They have a Historical Society Meeting on Sunday; they are planning to start doing an annual newsletter. As an FYI for the Commission, the newsletter discussed saving money for an addition for the metal building; the Commission may have questions from the public regarding this.  The Historical Society has approximately 20 to 30 members and of those, 6 to 10 attend the meetings.

    4:38 PM-Melissa left the meeting.

    4:49 PM Commissioner Rost joined. 

    4:50 PM Commissioner Rost made the motion to recess. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Braun asked for further discussion; being none.  2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. The motion carried.


    9:30 AM CONVENE

    PRESENT: Kevin Braun, Presiding Officer and Roy Rost, Member; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder

    ABSENT:  Steve Baldwin, Chairman



                 No one appeared for public comment.


                 Julie brought the report from the Department of Labor to show the Commission and explain the signs that were discussed by Ms. Herbst. Julie wanted to point out some of the statements made pertaining to this were erroneous.  Julie explained that the county does not randomly decide to put needless practices/ policies/

    procedures in place.

                 Julie explained the Safety and Health Bureau has two sides; consultation and compliance. Julie invited consultation to come to Fallon County and the three (3) individuals that came looked at a number of things.  Page 5-Discussed Standard: 29CFR 1910.37(b)(5) which states: Each doorway along an exit access that could be mistaken for an exit must be marked “Not an Exit” or similar designations or be identified by a sign indicating its actual use (e.g., closet). The infraction cited numerous doors on the main level, in the administration building, were not marked with signs indicating its actual use or “Not an Exit” and were listed as other than serious infractions.  The recommended action was to mark the doors with either “Not an Exit” or its’ actual use, such as “closet”.  It was their preference to make signage stating what the door actually was for, such as a closet, etc.; however, either was acceptable.  

                 Commissioner Rost stated Fallon County also has a Safety Committee that goes around and evaluates departments/offices as well.  Julie stated that was correct; the Safety Committee is comprised of 7 or 8 employees/department heads and she, as HRM, is also a Safety Committee Member. Julie acquired Safety when she became HR, (added to her job duties); they also like to have the commission attend the reviews as well. The Safety Committee completes annual reviews and makes notes of items that need to be addressed.  The Departments try to make those corrections that they can make and if it is something they cannot remedy, the matter comes before the commission.  The Commission thanked Julie for the information and past history.

    9:52 AM Julie left the meeting.

    10:00 AM FMC UPDATES/David Espeland, CEO; Marjorie Losing, CFO

                 UPDATES-Marjorie reviewed the January 2023 Financials with the Commission.  Marjorie stated January was a slow month and they were having issues with their new software program.  HB364 was briefly discussed; David expressed his concerns regarding how this may affect FMC. David has contacted the legislators and was told by one he had their back; however, it appears he voted the opposite way.  Marjorie reviewed the FY22 Audit report with the Commission as well.  EMT’s will be arriving, will be staying in the Parkview apartments and will be here for at least 90 days and will be here until we are able to add EMT’s to our ambulance service.  The Commission asked if there may be anything they could do to assist the Hospital while they are here. They want to be busy and are willing to do most anything to help.  David would have to ask Eldon King, FMC Assistant Director of Nursing and would need to get more information regarding their capabilities. 

    10:52 AM David and Marjorie left the meeting.

    11:00 AM AMBULANCE PAYROLL QUESTION/Julie Straub, HRM; Christa Alford, Payroll; Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk & Recorder

                 Dale Butori, DES/911 Coordinator was able to relinquish the needed office duties, etc. when Brittany Renner made the decision to step up and help.  Dale will be available to help on an as needed basis and there will be no adjustment to his wage as an EMR Driver since that was incorporated into his job description and wage. If Dale goes on runs after hours, he will fill out a time sheet and be paid accordingly.

                 Discussed another county employee, (Hugo Bumgardner), who is also part of the fire department and would also like to help as an EMR driver. Hugo uses Community Service Volunteer Hours to go fight fire; it is felt that Hugo would want to save those hours for firefighting rather than using them to be an EMR driver. The question is would he need to use Community Service Volunteer hours if he drives during his normal work schedule; that could potentially eat up his Community Service Volunteer hours rather quickly. Hugo could potentially take vacation hours if driving during his normal work hours, keeping in mind he would only have to maintain 40 hours. It is felt, the only reason he would be called to drive during his regular work hours would be if there was absolutely no one else to drive and would not be “the norm”. The commission feels if Hugo does have to drive during his normal work hours, he should be paid his normal wage. After hours are EMR hours, and he would be paid the standard driver pay, which is ½ of what an EMT receives. They cannot make him use Community Service Volunteer hours when away from his regular job. Again restated, he also has 10 extra hours per week and would only need to maintain the 40-hour work week status.  This will also not create overtime; Debbie clarified; Hugo could not get overtime for the EMR Driver position; he can get OT for the road department. This will also need to be clarified with the employee; when he is an EMR Driver, he will be paid ½ of what an EMT receives. However, if the employee wants to use Community Service Volunteer hours, that is his choice, and would be paid his regular rate of pay.  Debbie asked if there would be consideration for adding additional Community Service Volunteer hours.  The Commission stated we can cross that bridge when we come to it. 

    11:15 AM Debbie, Julie and Christa left the meeting.

    11:16 AM Non-Agenda item-Commissioner Braun and Commissioner Rost spoke to Kent Shutt, Best Practice Medicine, via phone call, regarding EMT travel itinerary.  No decisions were made.

    11:30 AM Commissioner Rost made the motion to recess.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Braun asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.


                                                                                                             s/Steve Baldwin, Chairman


    s/Brenda J. Wood, Clerk & Recorder

    Welcome to our NEW website address: FALLONCOUNTYMT.GOV
    Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving