10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Commission Minutes – May 1-May 5, 2023

Commission Minutes – May 1-May 5, 2023

MONDAY, MAY 1, 2023


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun and Roy Rost, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder


The Pledge of Allegiance was held in the Commissioner’s Office to start off the week.


9:10 AM Janice Buck, Member of the Public

          Janice is one of the instructors for the Hunter Education classes. Janice wanted to show the Commission pictures of the condition of the Shooting Range facility. Was very disappointed in the lack of cleanliness of the facility.  The Commission appreciated Janice stopping and sharing her concerns.

9:16 AM Janice left Public Comment.


PAYROLL AND WITHHOLDINGS (THESE WERE NOT ON THE AGENDA). They are always approved on the first scheduled Commissioner Day following the end of the month. 


Commissioner Braun made the motion to approve the April, 2023 payroll and withholdings in the amount of $534,798.91. Commissioner Rost seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

10:00 AM ROAD/SHOP UPDATES/Bobby Wiedmer, Road Superintendent; Carl Overland, Shop Mechanic

         Road/Shop Updates-Discussed repairs to the truck that was damaged, the frame was not sprung and will do further checking on the condition of the engine. The cab will either need to be replaced or rebuilt. The cost for trailer parts will be further reviewed. The crew is blading dirt roads since there has been no moisture, hauling chips and working on car gates. Commissioner Braun discussed blading Straub Access; Bobby said they can do that now and also plan to blade the Old Baker Highway. Bobby has not heard anything from the City of Baker regarding the project SW of Baker Lake and E of Hwy 7. Commissioner Rost discussed the building at the old landfill possibly being moved to the county shop, if there is a place for it.  Bobby will look and see what they come up with.  The road crew also repaired the culvert by the softball fields. Discussion regarding use of gravel due to the fact we cannot sustain purchasing a lot of gravel each year at the price we are being quoted. Will need to conserve the gravel until we can find more gravel.

         Permission to recruit Road Crew member/Julie Straub, HRM-Bobby stated they have an employee that plans to retire May 23rd and would like permission to replace him. No decision until next week when a decision is made on wages. A CDL is required for this position and would like them to be able to operate a blade and other equipment as well.

        Bobby discussed pulling the shoulders on the roads as a way to save gravel.  Commissioner Braun discussed the timing in doing so; discussed there may never be a good time.

10:35 AM Bobby, Carl and Julie left the meeting.

10:35 AM PROJECT UPDATES/Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering

          Discuss/Decision to award gravel bid-Shannon stated, in visiting with Jasen Wyrick, Wyrick Construction he did agree to allow the county to stockpile their gravel at that location an additional 3 years, or total of 5 years. Shannon stated after the final payment is made is when the 5-year timeline begins. The agreement also includes the option to purchase an additional 50,000 cu yds at $12.50, within 1 year of acceptance of the bid. The gravel will be ready by September 1st, 2023.

Commissioner Rost made the motion to accept the bid from Wyrick Construction for 50,000 cubic yards of gravel at $12.50, waiving the bond requirement. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Baldwin signed the Notice of Award in acceptance of the bid. Shannon will mail the contract to Wyrick Construction for his signature. 

          Erosion control-The road crew took care of the culvert by the softball fields.   

10:50 AM Shannon left the meeting.

11:00 AM PERMISSION TO HIRE SEASONAL FAIRGROUNDS EMPLOYEES/Jennefer Wheeler, Fairgrounds Manager and Julie Straub, HRM

      Julie stated they interviewed a number of very good candidates on the 25th. They wanted to hire 5 of them but 1 person already took another job. They would like to hire Kane Olsen, Kali Dulin, Jarek Janz and Drake Graham.  Most will start work on the 30th of May. 

Commissioner Rost made the motion to hire Kane Olsen, Kali Dulin, Jarek Janz and Drake Graham as Seasonal Fairground employees. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for any discussion; being none.  3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

11:07 AM Julie left the meeting.

11:15 AM FAIR UPDATES/Jennefer Wheeler, Fairgrounds Manager

          UPDATES-Discussed securing night show entertainment. Most of the stallers have moved to the outdoor stalls. The Circus will be coming to Baker; they will sell their own tickets for the event. The Fairgrounds will be busy with several upcoming events-4H horse judging; FFA Banquet; graduation parties, athletic banquet, etc.; had some temporary stallers for a short period of time. Shyla is coming to help Jennefer with the ticket sale program. The next Fair Board meeting is May 15th at 6:30 PM. Discussed the Aramark contract and will reduce the number of items rented as able. Jennefer just picked up her budget and they will begin working on it.

11:27 AM Jennefer left the meeting.


          The motion was made last week, this was put on the agenda in error. Sorry for any inconveniences this may have caused.

11:32 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess. Commissioner Rost seconded the motion.

Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none.  3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

          NOON RECESS

PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun and Roy Rost, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder



          Pat Ehret-Fair conventions were discussed. Pat feels it is very important for the Commission to attend the Fair conventions. It helps when looking for entertainment if the Commission is there to assist and sign the contracts right away.  The Commission explained the contracts have to be reviewed by the Commission and the County Attorney before any decisions can be made. Pat was looking for any way to help speed up the process but does understand there is a legal process to follow.

          Old building at the Fairgrounds-Pat would like to see the old building removed and possibly replaced with a new building. The Commission has been visiting about the removal of this building for quite some time now. 

1:22 PM Pat left Public Comment.

1:30 PM HEALTH INSURANCE RENEWAL DISCUSSION/DECISION TO APPROVE AND SIGN HEALTH INSURANCE RENEWAL DOCUMENTS/Tyrell Mailoux, EBMS; Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder; Marjorie Losing and Troy Hess-Health Insurance Committee

          Tyrell reviewed some snapshot comparisons of our health insurance plan over the past year in comparison to the prior year. 

          Tyrell presented the renewal figures to be reviewed. 

2:15 PM Tyrell left the meeting.

         The Health Insurance Committee would like to keep the rates the same as the current year for the employees and the employer.  NO Decision was made; there will be more discussion and a decision made later.

2:18 PM Debbie, Marjorie and Troy left the meeting.

2:20 PM SALARY COMMISSION MEETING-DISCUSS/DECISION REGARDING ELECTED OFFICIALS SALAIRES/BENEFITS & LONGEVITY/Trenton Harbaugh, Sheriff; Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney; Barbara Ketterling, Treasurer; Anna Straub, Justice of the Peace; Alba Higgins and Kyle Medearis, Public Members (all salary Commission Members); Julie Post, Deputy Treasurer; Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder; Julie Straub, HRM; Christa Alford, Payroll Clerk

DISCUSSION-Discussed the possibility of Health Insurance rates being maintained at the current rates with no increases.  There has been no decision made at this time.

          Information was distributed by the Clerk and Recorder and the Treasurer. Commissioner Rost’s updated longevity schedule was also distributed. The COLA is factored at 8% this year. Discussion on various thoughts for increases and most everyone agreed the longevity schedule needed to have some revamping and the consensus was there should be some type of COLA as well. Discussed what it is like on the retail side and what they are seeing. Kyle stated it is tough for everyone. Alba feels the employees need an increase, not necessarily the elected officials, and also feels the longevity schedule should be looked at. Would like everyone to get the same as the elected officials across the board. Discussed issues due to what we are allowed to do by law. Commissioner Rost would like to revamp the longevity schedule and would like to see longevity increase every year. Discussed the difference between COLA and a raise. Kyle stated we always hear, at some point the oil and gas funds will go away but we are looking at next year.

Barb made the motion to give a 6% cost of living adjustment and to follow Commissioner Rost’s longevity schedule. Discussed the payroll side of making the longevity changes annually could be cause for errors but is doable. Alba seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for discussion.

Commissioner Braun is good with $2.06 per hour and increases the longevity by 5-year increments rather than every year.

Commissioner Rost stated the decisions made today pertain to the elected official’s salaries only.

Barb would like to restate her motion to give the elected officials the COLA of $2.06 per hour. Trenton seconded the motion.

The original motion did not pass due to lack of vote. 

Anna asked to call for the vote on the restated motion. 

Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion. 8 Ayes. 1 Nay (Commissioner Rost). The motion carried. 

3:15 PM Everyone left the meeting.

3:25 PM DISCUSSION/DECISIONS EMPLOYEE SALARIES, WAGES, BENEFITS, LONGEVITY, SALARY SCHEDULE, ETC./Julie Straub, HRM; Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder; Christa Alford, Payroll Clerk

          Discussion-Various market adjustments were discussed for various positions in various offices/departments.   

The Commission discussed removing step increases, after probation, employee goes to full wage. Discussed employees getting the same pay as seasoned employees with years of experience. Discussed employees doing the same work should get the same pay. Longevity discussed as being the separation of wage between the seasoned employee’s verses those with less years. 

          The Commission would like a spreadsheet with employees’ current rate of pay and what their rate of pay would be if the steps were to be removed.  Further discussion tomorrow at 2:30 PM.

4:25 PM Julie left the meeting.

          Debbie and Christa asked for further clarification so they could start working on this now, so it is ready by tomorrow’s meeting. 

4:35 PM Debbie and Christa left the meeting.

5:00 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess.  Commissioner Rost seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.


TUESDAY, MAY 2, 2023


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun and Roy Rost, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder



           No one appeared for Public Comment.

9:15 AM DES/911 UPDATES/Dale Butori, DES/911 Coordinator; Brenda Hoeger, Emergency Communications Dispatch Supervisor

          UPDATES-911-Dale discussed the2 products demoed for text to page. Of those, the emergency responders want to go with “IamResponding”. Dale brought the proposal to be reviewed and explained radios and consoles are not provided for with this contract. Dale asked if the Commission prefers 3- or 5-year contracts. Dale stated there are conflicts whether the text to paging should be in place, before RIMS, or after. Dale feels RIMS should be finished first before putting the text to page in place since we still have East-Mont in place. The Commission would like to start with a 3-year contract. Dale will put the contract on the agenda next week.

          Would like to ramp up the dispatch upgrades. Discussed the bid opening and will likely schedule it for June 12th.  TAB Electronics will be installing dishes for microwaves.

          DES-Will be sending in for the EMPG reimbursement which helps with Dale’s wages.  Dale will be attending the Emergency Management Forum next week as well. 

9:52 AM Dale and Brenda left the meeting.


          Not approved at this time.

10:00 AM CITY OF BAKER SID 36 UPDATES/Steve Zachmann and Kevin Dukart, Clerk-City of Baker

          SID 36 UPDATES-Mayor Zachmann presented his report on SID 36, which was created in 2020. Mayor Zachmann reported the county requested to be included in the SID planning committee if the city was intending to request funding assistance from the county.  Discussed following a PER watermain replacement plan. The cost of replacing all watermains and then repaving the streets was estimated at $60 million. The City has been using funds to patch and repair streets. The county has agreed to provide manpower and equipment to rebuild the base on second street, Fallon, Lincoln, and Pleasant Avenues east of Hwy 7 and the city will provide materials. Also discussed the rebuilding of 6th Street West from Sewall Ave to Hwy 12 and replacing 3 blocks of watermain on 6th Street W. The water main will be funded by their Water Enterprise Fund. In addition, Baker Fire requested an extension of the water main to provide a hydrant for training purposes and an extension to the existing line feeding the hydrant west of the fire hall. Baker Rural Fire District has agreed to fund $150,000 toward the $220,000 project.  The delay caused by COVID as well as other factors have increased the projected assessment to .351 per sq. ft., putting the annual assessment per standard lot at $500. per year for 5 years instead of the projected $400. The mayor explained the future maintenance district going forward from the end of the 5-year SID would be funded similar to the SID but managed through street sections being chipped and sealed on a rotation basis. Assessments for maintenance districts are much less than SID 36. The city would like to request a $1,000,000 contribution from the County. The Commission will discuss further and let them know their decision before the City Council Meeting Wednesday, May 3, 2023. 

10:30 AM Steve Z. and Kevin D. left the meeting.

10:30 AM LIBRARY QUARTERLY UPDATES/Beth Meggers, Director of Library Services

          UPDATES/Last week wasNational Library week, they had a good turnout. Story time will be over on May,18th. They will start the summer reading program in June. The new employee will start next week as well.

10:32 AM Beth left the meeting.

11:00 AM IT UPDATES/Josh Lewis, System Administrator

          UPDATES-Josh reviewed HB890 per Commissioners request. At this time the Commission would like Josh to check on options for audio recording equipment and quotes. Discussed how breaks and closed sessions would be managed. The Commission wants to make sure the audio recordings are vivid; Josh will check on various options and return with more information. Would like to do some test runs before the process is mandatory, (July 1, 2024). 

          Website server-Discussed some email issues he had recently that related to timing of updating certificates. Every 90 days Josh has to change the configurations in order to update the certificates and in turn this caused email issues.  Josh had to do some trouble shooting with Dustan Davis and found the issue was tied to Microsoft 365.  This issue will continue during the certificate process. 

11:25 AM Robbie Christiaens, Outside Maintenance Supervisor and Derrick deHaan, Outside Maintenance Assistant joined.

Josh may move our host website offsite to Go Daddy this would alleviate the certificate renewal issues.

          Cybersecurity Platform-Josh has signed up for MACo’s free cybersecurity platform. He wants to make sure MACO’s platform is as good as KnowBe4 (currently used).  Josh will report back.

           Website-Josh continues to make improvements to the website for departments/offices. Josh is also looking for software to assist departments/offices when editing their webpage.

           Mid-Rivers emails-The auto replies are set up to notify individuals that the Mid-Rivers emails have changed and what the new email address is. 

          Cameras-Josh continues to work on the cameras at the splash park. Josh invited Robbie and Derrick to join him and a consulting company he contacted to do a site walkthrough.  They will get a proposal from them to add/replace cameras.

          Contract with Townsend Computers-Josh would like to continue to have the service available but does not feel we need as many hours, realizing Mr. Townsend is busy. Will discuss the agreement when working on the budget.

11:30 AM Josh left the meeting.

11:30 AM OUTSIDE MAINTENANCE UPDATES/Robbie Christiaens, Outside Maintenance Supervisor; Derrick deHaan, Outside Maintenance Assistant

          UPDATES-Derrick reported on Parkview-Discussed storage of a shower stall as renter is installing a walk-in-tub (at their cost).  Discussed renter would pay to have it put back as it was when such time as they move out, unless they decide to leave it. Derrick has some matching flooring left from the remodel that the renter could have their contractor install if and where needed. Parkview filters-Derrick took over management of the HVAC filters at the Parkview Apartment buildings. We do not have a maintenance contract for the apartment buildings. It was thought that FMC maintenance was taking care of this, but it was found that was not the case.

          Robbie reported the water is on at the lake restrooms. Mike Menger is coming to work on the restrooms at the softball complex. Robbie is cleaning up rocks in the softball field so he can aerate, etc. Discussed issues he has been having with the women’s restroom door at the Triangle Park gazebo. The cement is heaving causing issues when trying to get the door opened and closed; not sure what they will need to do with that. 

They are also power raking and mowing. Robbie just went to recertify for his CPO and passed his test. Robbie has a couple weed eaters to return to the City of Baker, otherwise they have the rest of their items.  Discussed an area that needs to be repaired at the skatepark; the Splash Park will open Memorial Day weekend. Seasonal employees were interviewed. 

12:00 PM Robbie and Derrick left the meeting.

12:00 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess.  Commissioner Rost seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked if there was further discussion; being none.  3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

          NOON RECESS

PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder

ABSENT: Roy Rost, Member



          Shawn Wiseman, Bank of Baker stopped to update the Commission on the status of the Coral Creek Trust account. DEQ will send the needed paperwork to Wells Fargo and we will wait to see what happens from there.

1:30 PM INSIDE MAINTENANCE UPDATES/Lynda Herbst, Inside Custodian Supervisor

          UPDATES-Lynda asked for quotes for LED lights for the cove in the lobby, library, and the courtroom. Asked for some quotes to paint an office in Dispatch and some painting in the Sheriff’s Office. Will check on the quote for carpet for the city to make sure the numbers are the same and get quotes for carpet in Justice Court and the Clerk and Recorder’s office.

1:33 PM Lynda left the meeting.

1:55 PM GOLF UPDATES & PROGRESS REPORT/Kevin Hill, Golf Course Superintendent

1:56 PM Richard Menger, Sanitarian joined.

          UPDATES/PROGESS REPORT-All irrigation leaks have been repaired. The discharge pump, used for HCT, is hooked up and wired. The only other thing that needs to be done is to install a flow meter. Rich will need daily and weekly tests for his records and for the DEQ.

1:57 PM Randy Ketterling, Public Member joined.

Discussed the best way to install the flow meter. The Commission stated a certified welder would need to complete the work needed. Discussed irrigating the golf course; needs to repair a small leak in the hose at the lagoon.

2:03 PM Rich and Randy left to check on the lock for the pump house.

Discussed electrical and other issues regarding the irrigation system.  If the welding is complete, HCT Representatives will be here on Friday. The Commission discussed getting the seeding done as soon as possible; Kevin will seed tomorrow.  Discussed cleaning the filter for the irrigation pump. The Commission recommended Kevin contact Mitch or Carl at the Road Department for assistance.  Commissioner Braun asked if the rain gauges had ever been placed as asked. There was much discussion regarding why the Commission wants rain gauges placed and why they have not been placed. Kevin also stated there are many irrigation heads that need work.

2:32 PM Kevin H. left the meeting.

2:33 PM SALARY DISCUSSION/DECISION IF FURTHER DISCUSSION/DECISION IS NEEDED/Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder; Julie Straub, HRM; Christa Alford, Payroll Clerk

          Much discussion regarding putting more steps back in the salary schedule. Also discussed bringing all like positions to the same wage after 1 year.  No COLA until after completion of 1 year.

2:45 PM-Justin Moser; Trish Rost and MT DOT Representatives joined.

They will complete more work on the salary schedule and return with some numbers.

2:56 PM Debbie, Julie and Christa left the meeting.

3:00 MT DOT FLOODPLAIN APPLICATION AND VARIANCE REQUEST PUBLIC HEARING/HIGHWAY 7 NORTH BRIDGE REPLACEMENT/George Metzger, Steve Heidner, Eric Suhr, Shane Mintz, MT DOT; Forrest Sanderson, Contract Planner and Mary Grube, Planning Administrative Assistant;

Mike Nelson, Curt Williams, Duane Quenzer, Justin Moser and Trish Rost, Landowners; Linda Howard, Representing KFLN

          George gave his presentation and discussed the condition of the bridge. The bridge is rated in poor condition; sees a lot of traffic, averaging 2,500 vehicles per day and within the next 20 years it is felt the average will be 3,000 per day. The floodplain was discussed in detail. They hope to have all permits in place so they can hold the bid letting in the spring of 2024 and should also be finished in 2024.  All adjoining landowners will be notified for Right of Way purposes.

          Forrest discussed the new floodplain study DNRC and FEMA are undertaking, which should be complete around 2027 or 2028. Forrest asked what the probability is they will increase cfs (cubic feet per second) and then we would be at the same spot we are now.  George felt they had that covered in the design. Mike’s concern was regarding the impact of the flow upstream. George felt in theory that should improve.  Duane felt the fencing was restricting the flow. Steve stated they will be putting in new fence. Shane stated they will work with the landowners. Trish feels if the box culverts can handle everything, this should be fine. Justin wondered if there would be any improvements on the drainage in north Baker. Not much is outside the scope of the job. They are behind a few months but feel they should be able to move forward in 2024.  Linda asked if the bridge could wait two (2) more years. Shane stated it could if it is not ready. George explained right now it is not load posted. Much discussion on how this would impact traffic if the bridge were to be load posted. 

          Forrest explained MT DOT needed to know about the variance request before designing the bridge. The design and many things would change if the answer was no so that was the first question. MT DOT still has to get all of the other permits.  Forrest explained the Commission has the right to waive consider and approve the variance, this is not a Planner decision. There is no way for MT DOT to meet both rise and freeboard; MT DOT met the freeboard aspect of compliance. Forrest would recommend the Commission grant the variance for the freeboard allowance. Discussed the evaluation would be under the rules as of today, not what could be in the future. 

Commissioner Braun made the motion to accept the MDT Highway 7 Bridge Replacement Variance. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked if there was any discussion. Shane asked, by granting a variance for the freeboard, what would be the risk to the asset.  Forrest stated the freeboard is to protect your asset and the travel way for the public. Shane appreciates Fallon County working with MDT and for the safety of the public.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for further discussion. Forrest wanted to inform the landowners MDT will be turning in a joint application with the landowners so to be watching for that paperwork. If they have any questions they can reach out to Mary or Forrest.  Commissioner Baldwin asked if there was any other discussion; hearing none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Rost). The motion carried.   

3:48 PM Everyone left the Public Hearing. 


     1.Old Business-

Commissioner Braun made the motion to approve the April 24-28, 2023, minutes as presented.  Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent (Commissioner Rost). The motion carried. 

4:10 PM Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder joined.

      2.Discuss/Decision Health Insurance Renewal FY24/Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder. Debbie noted the agreement does not appear to allow more than one (1) year but will check on that and return. 

4:26 PM Debbie left the meeting.

4:30 PM LANDFILL UPDATES/Jeff Frank, Manager of Landfill Operations

          UPDATES-The scraper is running good; there have been no problems with the hook truck.

Clean up week is going well; the City of Baker will have someone man the container site this Thursday and Friday. 

Will need to get the Landfill scale calibrated this year. 

4:31 PM Jeff left the meeting.

4:34 PM Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder joined.

            Insurance Agreement Renewal Update-Debbie stated EBMS is no longer offering three (3) year contracts.

Commissioner Braun made the motion to accept Option B for the Health Insurance renewal. There will be no increase to the employee or employer portion of the insurance for FY24. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent (Commissioner Rost). The motion carried.

4:39 PM Debbie left the meeting. 

4:41 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess.  Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Nay (Commissioner Rost). The motion carried.




PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun, Member; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder

ABSENT: Roy Rost, Member



           No one appeared for Public Comment.


          Commissioner Braun made the motion to approve the April, 2023 end of month claims in the amount of $162,880.64. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none.  2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent (Commissioner Rost). The motion carried.

10:00 AM COUNTY EXTENSION UPDATES/Amanda Williams, Extension Agent; Alissa Miller; 4H Council President; Bill Bagley; Sherry Varner; Judy Whitney; Molly Losing; Jerilyn Wiseman; Rochelle Conroy; John Geving; Maria Braun-Public Members; Karrol Williams, Fair Board Member; Jennefer Wheeler, Fairgrounds Manager

          1.Discuss 4H vote regarding livestock barn bleacher removals/Alissa Miller & possible other 4H Council Members-Alissa Miller, 4H Council President stated she is here to let the Commission know how the 4H Council voted regarding the removal of bleachers at the barn, per Commissioner Rost’s request. Alissa stated, 4H is aware of it and they are good with removing them. Commissioner Baldwin asked for clarification. Alissa stated it was not a recommendation from 4H, but if there is a project, they are fine with it. There was only 1 Nay vote but at this time they would be on board with it.

          If there are any further questions, Alissa asked that everyone reach out to her as she is the 4H Council President as of this time. The Council was approached by Commissioner Rost regarding their thoughts and asked if they would get a response to the Commission. The Commission stated there are no projects scheduled this year or next year. The safety of the bleachers was discussed. Alissa stated the Commission needs to make the use of the barn clear to the Community. Discussed the use has historically been, it is a 4 H barn. John asked the Commission’s opinion about the airflow and the solution; it would have to be a topic of discussion. Molly will keep an eye on the air flow. Amanda stated she may assist during the Wibaux County Fair as they will not have an Extension Agent at that time. 

10:15 AM Everyone left the meeting except Amanda and Alissa. 

          2. Permission to increase hours for Extension Administrative Assistant- Amanda discussed the possibility of changing the Administrative Assistant’s hours to 32 per week (up to 40) in the summer months and 20 per week during the winter months. There would also be some full 40-hour weeks such as during the Fair. The Commission stated they would have to get Amanda back on the agenda to discuss during her budget meeting.

             Amanda explained she has some upcoming weeks in the current budget that the Administrative Assistant will need to work more than the 20 hours but will not exceed 40 per week. As long as she has budget, the Commission is fine with that. Since the Extension Department was without an Administrative Assistant much of the time this FY and had budgeted for a 32 hour per week person; there will be enough budget. The commission gave permission for Jolinda to work the weeks when there will be no one in the office or as needed, up to 40 hours per week through this FY.  They will discuss hours again during the budget meeting.

           UPDATES-Amanda presented past and upcoming events. The Intern will start working in Prairie County and will have an MSU email. Upcoming travel and training were discussed. Again, discussed various extra hours Administrative Assistant would need during the summer and also discussed overtime during the Fair.  The Commission stated as long as she has budget to cover the extra time as well as overtime during the Fair, they were agreeable. 

10:24 AM Amanda and Alissa left the meeting.

10:25 AM Jessica Batterman, Shawn Wiseman, The Bank of Baker; and Barbara Ketterling, Treasurer

/Assessor joined.


          The Commission reviewed revenues received, reports, emails and other correspondence, board minutes and agendas.

Old Business

          a.Wells Fargo Trust – Tim Stepp, DEQ wanted the CD Account # for the paperwork.  The Bank of Baker created a CD and a CD# at the bank for the assignment form to be completed.  They hope Wells Fargo will transfer the Trust by the 10th of May. Forms will go to DEQ today and we will wait to hear from them. 

10:34 AM Barb, Shawn and Jessica left the meeting.

          b.Appraisal/Work Order for county land/Section 15-7-59-Discussion/Decision to survey (if needed)

             No updates for this.

          c.Chamber of Commerce MOU for Rec Department Services

             The County Attorney is working on this.

         d.Kirschten Lease/County land discussion

            No decisions needed to be made at this time. 

         e.EMS Medical Director Agreement/Malpractice Insurance  

            No updates at this time.             

Executive/Action items:

          a.Aramark/Ameri-pride Agreements-Termination Letters

             No updates at this time.

          b.Discuss/Approve Wellness Contract with Healthy is Wellness

              The Commission reviewed and approved the Healthy is Wellness Contract.

          c.Appoint Board Member to Baker TV District Board

             Commissioner Braun made the motion to appoint Dale Butori to the Baker TV District Board.    

Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for any discussion;

             being none.  2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent (Commissioner Rost). The motion carried.

          d.Review/Discuss/Decision regarding Airport Pollution Coverage Quote/Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder

Debbie stated the county does not have to have a pollution policy.

             Commissioner Braun made the motion to approve the quote for Airport Pollution coverage, effective July 1, 2023. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for any  

discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent (Commissioner Rost). The motion carried.

          e.Discuss/Decision regarding insurance for the new packer

              The Commission made the decision not to insure the packer.

            f.Sign Dental/Vision letter requesting waiting period waiver of insurance coverage-moving an       

            employee from FMC to Fallon County they have to waive the waiting period.

            The Commission approved waiving the waiting period for dental/vision insurance coverage for an

            employee moving from FMC to Fallon County. 

          g.Review/File letter of acceptance from Local Government Services Bureau for Corrective Action Plan

pertaining to FY22 Audit Findings.

             The Commission reviewed the letter of acceptance from the Local Government Services Bureau.

Old Business:

11:00 AM Christa Alford, Payroll Clerk; Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder and Julie Straub, HRM met to continue the FY24 salary discussion. 

          The Commission discussed adding additional steps to the salary schedule. Also discussed longevity being the separation between veteran and new employees. The Commission does agree that the road department operators should be paid the same wage for the same work. Additional work will be completed on the salary schedule and return next week. 

11:51 AM Debbie, Christa and Julie left the meeting. 

11:57 AM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess.  Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent (Commissioner Rost). The motion carried.



                                                                                                THURSDAY, MAY 4, 2023


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun, Member; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder

ABSENT: Roy Rost, Member



           No one appeared for Public Comment

9:15 AM DISCUSS/DECISIONS PAYROLL AND/OR HEALTH INSURANCE FOR FY24 (IF NEEDED)/Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder; Julie Straub, HRM

          No further discussion until next week.


          UPDATES-Marjorie reviewed the FMC 990 report and the March Financials. David discussed FMC currently operates as a Critical Access Hospital (CAH) and operates well under these guidelines. David hopes FMC is not forced to move to Rural Emergency Hospital (REH) designation. The REH was designed to save Hospitals that are going under. David discussed information received from FMC’s attorney regarding a firearm policy. FMC’s Attorney feels this could be completed by amending the lease. This will be further reviewed to get more answers from the FMC Attorney to send to the County Attorney. SDI will start scanning the facilities Memorial Day weekend. Further discussed mill levy funds for upgrades; at this time David does not see how it is possible to include Physical Therapy in the current project due to displacement of other departments during the current project upgrades. Discussed the leak in the basement at FMC. The Commission discussed this with SDI and amongst themselves and will need to do more research on what needs to be done. The parking lot north of Parkview 1 needs some maintenance.  The Commission will look into that before budget time as well. 

11:06 AM David and Marjorie left the meeting.

11:06 AM SELF HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS FOR FY23-24 & SIGN HEALTH INSURANCE RENEWAL DOCUMENTS/Health Insurance Committee; Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder

          Decision was already made – no need to have the meeting.

11:10 AM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess.  Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked if there was further discussion; being none.  2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent (Commissioner Rost). The motion carried.


PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun, Member; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder

ABSENT: Roy Rost, Member



          Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder met to let the Commission know the Clerk and Recorder’s office does not need carpet at this time. 

1:30 PM SMART/EMEDA UPDATES/Vaugh Zenko, SMART/EMEDA Executive Director; Carson Beach, EMEDA, Board Member

          UPDATES-SMART-They havecontractors in place to build the pocket park and the visitor center. All local with the exception of the landscapers. Local landscapers will be used for the Food Forest project; SMART is not in charge of that project. Red Ants Pants-We will be getting a Red Ant in Baker.  There are prizes given to people that search for and find the Red Ant. This is a way to promote communities. Women in Blue Jeans Grant was discussed. Vaughn is now able to apply for the grant but may need a letter of support from the Commission.  This grant is to spotlight Women in Ag in Fallon County. Vaughn just returned from a business mentor program; he was one (1) of eight (8) to attend.  These are mostly childcare start-ups that are placed with more mentored businesses. Vaughn hopes the program expands so they are able to start a program in Baker. The Community Theatre is going will, slated for June 9th and 10th; still need a few more men to cover some parts.

          EMEDA-Port Authority is very close to signing on the childcare facility, so they are able to secure Head Start. Discussed staffing and the free training available for the staff; Head Start hires their own staff. They would like assistance from the county. Carson would still like to look into a smaller scale building on the property on the east side of Baker. Carson would like to hear some of the Commissions concerns. The Commission is concerned about staffing, county responsibility and maintenance of the building. Vaughn stated they would like to ask for two (2) additional mills for the Port Authority for operation of the facility. Vaughn brought his forecast showing the projected profit and loss of the childcare facility for 2023-2025. This will be placed on the agenda and discussed further at that time because it will need to be brought before the public in the form of an election.

2:00 PM Vaughn and Carson left the meeting. 


/DECISION/OPEN HOURS DISCUSSION/DECISION/Brittany Renner, Interim Administrative EMS Manager

          Brittany discussed the Open House that will be held this Saturday, May 6th. Brittany needs to know how much the classes will be and if they become an employee, will they be reimbursed. The cost will be $250 and if they become an employee, they will be reimbursed. Discussed grant possibility to assist with the cost of EMT’s.  Kent, Best Practice Medicine has a person that writes a grant. Brittany would like to extend the agreement with Best Practice Medicine an additional 90 days. Brittany does have someone that submitted a bid to teach EMT classes. The Commission discussed putting the classes out to Carter and Wibaux Counties; dependent upon the number of people interested in attending classes. Can have a class of any size up to 12 individuals; the training is a 13-week training.

2:15 PM Brittany left the meeting.

2:18 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess and adjourn after the 3:45 PM Interview(s).  Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent (Commissioner Rost). The motion carried.





                                                                                                s/Steve Baldwin, Chairman

s/Brenda J. Wood, Clerk and Recorder

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving