10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Commission Minutes – November 21-25, 2022

Commission Minutes – November 21-25, 2022



PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Steve Baldwin and Kevin Braun, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder


The Pledge of Allegiance was held in the Commissioner’s Office to start off the week.


          Mindi Murnion, Public Health Specialist and Heather Havens, Public Health Administrative Assistant met to discuss the possibility of taking over the Ambulance billing. Public Health currently uses Availity software to process Public Health claims. FMC uses a different software company; however, either company can be used. Heather stated she is willing to learn the process. Both Heather and Mindi agreed to train in the process. Discussed changing the job descriptions to include this process and possibly adjust the wage accordingly. Discussed when and who would train them in the process. 

          The Commission agreed they could assist Ekalaka Public Health with their billing, as soon as they are credentialed.

9:44 Heather and Mindi left the meeting.

9:45 AM Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder and Julie Straub, Human Resources Manager joined.

         Notified the Commission, Travelers Insurance will possibly be excluding a recent wage-related claim.  The County Attorney has been asked to complete a letter of extension for the claim to allow time to get an answer from the insurance company.

9:54 AM Debbie left the meeting.

9:55 AM Ambulance billing/Julie Straub, HRM-The Commission discussed the possibility of Public Health employees taking over the billing process for the Ambulance Service. Job descriptions would need to be updated and possibly increase the pay. They may be able to complete this during their normal scheduled hours (32), if not they can work more hours to accommodate. Will be doing further research before a decision is made.  Both Mindi and Heather would take the training.  The Commission will keep Julie in the loop.

10:02 AM-Julie left the meeting.

10:02 AM ROAD/SHOP UPDATES/Bobby Wiedmer, Road Superintendent; Mitch Overn and Carl Overland, Shop Mechanics

         ROAD-The crew is finishing snow removal/hauling; all equipment is running well. Will start hauling road material when everyone returns, after the holiday.  The road crew previously had permission to take vacation the Friday after Thanksgiving.

          SHOP-Discussed purchasing a new engine for the TORO mower. The cost to do this is approximately $6,700; rebuilding is cost prohibitive. Commissioner Baldwin wants them to make sure the turbo is included with the engine, if not what the cost would be with the turbo. Will also check on warranty. The Ambulance pickup is at the shop so they can complete some maintenance.

10:10 AM Bobby, Mitch and Carl left the meeting. 

10:26 AM Barbara Ketterling, Treasurer-Assessor joined.

          Barb asked if the Commission would authorize a contribution toward the Christmas Party.  The Commission granted permission to contribute $500.00 toward the Christmas Party.

10:30 AM Barb left the meeting.

10:31 AM PROJECT UPDATES/Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering

          Approve Pay Application (4) for the Fallon County Box Culvert Replacement Project-The total to be paid to the contractor is $461,126.78, after the 1% Gross Receipt tax of $4,657.85. This payment includes payment for concrete, rebar and grading on the Ismay box culvert. Brosz is still negotiating with Diamond J regarding the borrow.  The next pay app will be the final. There were no big changes with this project, other than putting in a little extra erosion control.

Commissioner Braun made the motion to approve Pay App 4 in the amount of $461,126.78 to Diamond J. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion.  Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none.  3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

          UPDATES- Lakeview Drive Storm Sewer Project-Brosz has almost finished the as-builts for this project.  Commissioner Rost stated the contractor still needs to place the end section and install the riprap; Shannon will visit with the contractor. Shannon would like to submit the final pay app by the 10th of December. Thielen Access legal survey-hope to start this project sometime this week. Brosz will meet with some of the landowners that had some concerns. Bergstrom Hill Road survey-Will get the preliminary drawings ready by next week. Shannon stated there were some fiber lines located and marked, which will be shown on the drawings.  Road Study Project-Shannon wants to have a presentation ready for this project by early December. This will give everyone an idea what has been completed and what is remaining. Bonnievale Road-The Commission will discuss finish work on the Bonnievale Road with Bobby Wiedmer, Road Superintendent. Commissioner Braun stated the Public Health Parking lot lift was never completed. Will need to remind the contractor of this when the weather is conducive. 

Survey Request/Troubadour Drive-The Commission expressed a possible need to survey Troubadour Drive.

10:45 AM Richard Menger, Sanitarian joined.

Shannon will get a quote ready for the Commission.

           Rich reported the waterfall was shut down in the nick of time.  Rich had nothing further to report.

10:48 AM Rich left the meeting.

Shannon stated the City of Baker will be discussing the SID project tomorrow morning. Commissioner Baldwin plans to attend the meeting.

11:00 AM Josh Lewis, System Administrator joined. 

Further discussed the SID meeting.

11:02 AM Shannon left the meeting.

11:02 AM SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR UPDATES/Josh Lewis, System Administrator

          UPDATES-Josh is finishing up the inventory process. Josh has some desktops and laptops that have not been located. Josh is checking with the departments and Kimberly Jensen, AP Clerk, to try to locate them. Josh had a call last week with a support tech from Tyler Technology (County Financial Software Company).  They remoted in to show Josh where the programs are located on the server. Josh discussed needing another means of backup in case the server goes down; will try to put it on the cloud station. Tyler Technology also reviewed our Disaster Recovery service program the county pays Tyler Technology to provide. If something happened to the County’s hardware, they would work with Fallon County to temporarily host it until we are able to get new hardware and software back up and running.  Josh continues to work with Proficient Technology for more licenses for Microsoft Office. Josh continues to work on the cybersecurity response policy. Plans to get some feedback from other county IT Techs on policies they may have in place. Working on computer installations and assisting everyone with any issues. Looking at end point software to try to recover lost computers and laptops; Josh will keep the Commission posted.

11:15 AM Josh left the meeting.

11:17 AM Commissioner Rost recused himself from the next meeting.


          Commissioner Baldwin stated he does not feel the train is a need at this point in time. Further expressed he would like to see the budget run as was planned.  Melissa explained that is what the Donation Fund is for and also discussed she does not always know when these grants are going to be available. Melissa doesn’t normally factor extra money into the budget for grants. Melissa and Commissioner Baldwin discussed adding extra to the budget on the possibility there may be a grant. Commissioner Braun asked about answers to his questions.  Melissa stated they had decided the driver needs to be a county employee. Melissa discussed maintenance costs with a gentleman from South Dakota that owns trains. Melissa provided this information to the Commission. Commissioner Braun asked if this was on her list at budget time.  Melissa said it was not, but it was on another list that she had started but never brought to the Commission and now wishes she would have. Commissioner Braun has a huge problem with this if someone were to get hurt on the train. However, feels it is a great idea, if they could figure out how the County would not be responsible. Possibly the Historical Society could apply for the grant and own and insure the train.  Melissa stated the Historical Society had just gotten new officers and they found they are no longer qualified as a non-profit, so they are not sure if they would qualify for a grant.

11:27 AM Elisabeth Epley, EPEDC Executive Director joined the meeting.

           Beth was updated on the insurance and maintenance cost discussion. Discussed this would not be used for School functions but would be for county functions.  Commissioner Baldwin stated he still does not feel this is a need at this time but does contend it could be a cool thing to have.  Beth asked if the Commission felt there is a

better use for the Tourism Grant funds. Further discussed the concerns of items that are a liability to the County and ongoing maintenance costs added to the taxpayers. Melissa reiterated these items could always come from the Donation Fund.  Further discussed the uses for the train such as the Heritage Fest; giving rides and using it to promote the heritage of the Community’s trains. Commissioners Baldwin and Braun contend this is not the right time. Beth explained the grant gave a one-month window and is a one-time thing; possibly the Department of Commerce will bring it back again but that is unknown.  There is also an annual Tourism Grant that can be applied for. The Commission appreciates them and what they are trying to do. Would like them to come in and visit later when they have a project list.

11:42 AM Melissa and Beth left the meeting.

11:43 AM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none.  2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Rost) The motion carried.

          NOON RECESS

PRESENT: Roy Rost, Chairman; Kevin Braun, Member; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder

ABSENT: Steve Baldwin, Member



No one appeared for Public Comment

1:30 PM EMEDA/SMART UPDATES/Vaughn Zenko, Executive Director

          Childcare Project-Vaughn stated he is not done yet; he has been in contact with some individuals and feels the project will be pushed out 5 more years. Discussed the process of grant cycles, loans and the median household income makes it difficult to get funding. Discussed building the daycare in phases. Vaughn’s first goal is to salvage Head Start in some form; has been in touch with some individuals for building space for this.  Head Start would come here for a minimum of 8 youth. Received a land donation from a local landowner that may be used for a daycare. They would have to pay the individual’s tax liability and then it would be a gift, this is not official.  There is also a need for office space; could currently rent out several office spaces if any were available. A feasibility study needs to be completed again to assess needs in the community. There are some grants that will be available to apply for. Montana Tourism Grant-Discussed putting up a visitor center as a use for this grant. They would like to get some traveling exhibits to place in the visitor center as well. The MT Preservation grant, which comes from the Governor’s budget, ranked the Baker State Bank building roof 3rd; this is a $400,000 project. Attended the MEDA conference last week; they were nominated for the Childcare Project; but did not get it. However, they did receive the 0-5 impact award. Will be traveling to Helena next week for a childcare summit.  They will be holding a fundraiser for the arts and culture council on December 3rd at 6:00 PM. Discussed a new project-making Christmas Cards and distributing them to the Senior Citizens in the Community.  The Investment Coop is getting closer to being finalized.  Vaughn asked for a letter of recommendation; would like to join the board of directors for MEDA as Elisabeth Epley will be going off that board this year. The Commission agreed to write a letter of recommendation. Vaughn feels it is important to keep someone on the board from Southeast Montana. 

1:53 PM Vaughn left the meeting.

2:00 PM CONSOLIDATION OF OFFICES (Clerk & Recorder/County Surveyor)/COMMISSIONER REDISTRICTING/Debbie Wyrick, Deputy C&R-Election Administrator; Kathy Newell, Election Clerk

Consolidation of Offices-Debbie brought the laws researched, copies of prior consolidations and a calendar showing the dates items would need to be completed.  The Commission agreed to move forward with the resolution of Intent to consolidate and follow the calendar as presented.

Commissioner Re-districting-Debbie brought information to the Commission and noted they would be responsible for the process as stated in MCA. The last time Debbie brought this information before the Commission she got burned by the Commission. Discussed contacting KLJ for maps that have census numbers.  If the numbers look to be close to the same Districts may not need to be changed.  Commissioner Braun discussed cleaning up the district lines by following section lines.  Debbie informed the Commission that the current Commission Districts legal descriptions have some errors that have been corrected but have not been formally adopted, but should be taken care of at the very least.

Bond issue-The Attorney assisting with the bond issue noted there is nothing further the County needs to do.

2:45 PM Debbie and Kathy left the meeting, 


Commissioner Braun made the motion to appoint Matt Webber to the Shooting Range Board. Commissioner Rost seconded the motion.  Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none.  2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin).  The motion carried.


          Julie informed the Commission, Robin Miller, Public Transportation Bus Driver is retiring from her position, effective December 22, 2022. Carla Brown, Council on Aging Director and Supervisor, has asked to reduce the hours for this position from 40 hours per week to 32 hours per week. Employees in this position will drive the remaining 8 hours. They no longer run the bus on Saturdays, as there has been no need.  Carla would like to request an increase in the starting wage to $17.50; with completion of probation-$18.25; also would like to change the position name, from Public Transportation Bus Driver to Public Transportation Driver. The Commission would like the wage increase and position name change to be placed on next week’s agenda.

Commissioner Braun made the motion to go out to recruit for a Public Transportation Bus Driver. Commissioner Rost seconded the motion.  Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin).  The motion carried.

3:12 PM Julie left the meeting.

3:15 PM Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder left the meeting. Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder joined to take minutes.

3:15 PM PERMISSION TO PURCHASE ARCHERY TARGETS-PER QUOTE/Jim Leischner, Shooting Range Manager; Shane Bettenhausen, Shooting Match Supervisor

          The archery targets need to be replaced, (7 needed); 4-H Archery starts in a week or two. They have some targets that might work for the time being. Commission recommended waiting until budget time if possible.  Jim feels a roll-off container would be great to have at the Gun Range for disposal of large items, Commission will talk with Jeff Frank – Landfill Manager to see if there are any available. Will discuss the G&G dumpster being removed, at a later date.

3:30 PM Jim and Shane left the meeting.


The Commission reviewed and approved mid-month November, 2022 claims in the amount of $631,802.31. They are filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office.

4:40 PM Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder joined the meeting. Debbie left the meeting.


The Commission reviewed revenues received, reports, emails and other correspondence, board minutes and agendas.

Encroachment Permit

          Commissioner Braun approved and signed Encroachment Permit #741 for Denbury Resources to bore the Anticline Road to construct injection pipeline in Section 8-10-58. The fee of $150.00 was collected. 

Review & Comment on the Baker Lake Monitoring & Notify Geum Environmental before November 23, 2022

         The Commission had no comments to submit.

Decision regarding payment of invoice for the NACo Public lands Research Center

Commissioner Braun made the motion to table the decision to pay the NACo Public lands Research Center invoice until December 12th. Commission Rost seconded the motion.  Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.

Approve Geophysical Exploration Permit for Explor Geoscience USA Inc.

Commissioner Braun made the motion to approve the Geophysical Exploration Permit for Explor Geoscience USA, Inc. Commissioner Rost seconded the motion.  Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Aye. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.

Approve Proposal & Agreement for Fairgrounds Sprinkler Inspections and Repairs by JC and review inspection reports

Commissioner Braun made the motion to approve the proposal and agreement for the Fairgrounds sprinkler inspections and repairs to be made by Johnson Controls. Commissioner Rost seconded the motion.  Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried. 

Decision on TruGreen Maintenance for Parkview & Courthouse & Notify Outside Maintenance & AP of decision

Commissioner Braun made the motion to approve TruGreen to complete lawn maintenance for the Courthouse and Parkview, with the maintenance plan to be determined by Outside Maintenance. Commissioner Rost seconded the motion.  Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried. 

Sign FAA Year-end financial reports for Airport Grant Funding

Commissioner Braun made the motion to sign the FAA year-end financial reports for Airport Grant Funding, as completed by KLJ.  Commissioner Rost seconded the motion.  Commissioner Rost asked for any further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.


Commissioner Braun made the motion to approve the November 14-18, 2022, Commissioner Minutes as presented.  Commissioner Rost seconded the motion.  Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.


Commissioner Braun made the motion to approve the Closed Session Minutes from November 16, 2022, as presented.  Commissioner Rost seconded the motion.  Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.

4:55 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to adjourn.  Commissioner Rost seconded the motion. Commissioner Rost asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                s/Roy Rost, Chairman


s/Brenda J. Wood, Clerk & Recorder

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving