10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Commission Minutes – November 6-10, 2023

Commission Minutes – November 6-10, 2023



PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun and Roy Rost, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder


The Pledge of Allegiance was held in the Commissioner’s Office to start off the week.


No one appeared for Public Comment


Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve the October, 2023 Payroll and Withholdings, in the amount of $636,214.81. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.


10:00 AM ROAD/SHOP UPDATES/Mark Sieler, Road Foreman; Mitch Overn and Carl Overland, Shop Mechanics

         ROAD/SHOP UPDATES/Blading where they can; some roads are soft. The new blade is at Baker Metal-welding plates for the wing; they should be finished tomorrow. RDO hauled the shop blade to take care of a recall issue; this is warranty work. There are three (3) blades total, (including the blade we are trading), that need this same matter taken care of. Carl will get the ambulances serviced, etc. so they are ready for inspections. Discussed needing a load of scoria for the Rec Department conex box. The commission will find out when the conex box will be delivered so they can have the scoria placed before it arrives. Scoria bid-Will go out to bid for 100,000 yards of crushed scoria, (1 ½ minus); with 20,000 crushed by January 1, 2024. Discussed graveling Hidden Water Trail; there is at least 3 miles to be graveled, Mark feels possibly more than that may need more surfacing. Mark stated the Anticline Road is also in need of gravel. Adamson approach permit was discussed; Mark will let Bobby know they are ready for the approach and Bobby can contact him. The road crew moved the sand outside of the 4H Livestock Barn for the Wild Game Feed this weekend. 

10:24 AM Mark, Mitch and Carl left the meeting.

10:30 AM PROJECT UPDATES/Shannon Hewson, Brosz Engineering; Rich

          UPDATES/DEQ test for golf course irrigation pond/Discussed the test that needs to be set up for the golf course irrigation pond. The Commission will ask the Road Department to place the pump at the lagoon so the pond can be filled, per DEQ requirements. Commissioner Braun scheduled this with the Road Department and Doug Varner, Golf Course Seasonal Lead Crew Hand. Parkview/Public Health/FMC parking lot maintenance/Top Gun will meet with Shannon today to assess what work needs to be done; Top Gun wants to complete the crack sealing within the next couple of weeks.  Shannon will contact David Espeland, Parkview and Public Health regarding the work that will be completed.  Golf Course testing/Commissioner Rost suggested using a portion of a floating dock for easy access to testing location. Shannon will work with Robbie Christiaens and Derrick deHaan, Outside Maintenance and Doug Varner to get everything set for the testing. Bergstrom Hill Road-It was determined (.3) acres will be impacted by road grading. Shannon asked if the commission was fine with submitting the permit with no planned mitigation. The Corp of Engineers would then determine if the county had to mitigate. The commission agreed to send the permit without a plan of mitigation. Hospital basement-Commission asked to have the project put back on the list. Discussion on moving the electrical and placing drainage as needed would be a huge project. Commissioner Braun suggested putting in a drain and taking the water to the existing “new” drainage as an option rather than moving electrical.

10:58 AM Josh Lewis, System Administrator joined.

11:02 AM Commissioner Baldwin was excused briefly.

Shannon will contact SDI and Con’eer regarding the hospital project and get the process started. Courthouse doorways-Shannon sent pictures to SDI and will wait to hear back from them.

11:08 AM Shannon left the meeting.

11:08 AM IT UPDATES/Josh Lewis, System Administrator

            1.Review/Approve revised quote from Verizon for phone services/set a date for installs

                  Josh presented the updated quote received from Masters Telecom, (Verizon Partner), for a new county phone system through Verizon.  The quote was $5,905.42 with $3,900 in Verizon bill incentive credits for a total one-time cost of $2,005.42. Josh explained we would need to add another internet line through Mid-Rivers, due to the phone system being internet based.

Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve the quote received from Masters Telecom, (Verizon Partner), for the new county-based phone system in the amount of $2,005.42, with incentive credits. Commissioner Braun stepped down to second the motion.  Commissioner Braun asked for any discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.

          2.Review/Approve contract between Fallon County and Verizon for phone services

                 Josh presented the contract from Verizon for phone services and stated the agreement needed to be signed before setting the date for the installations.

Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve the contract between Fallon County and Verizon for county phone services.  Commissioner Braun stepped down to second the motion.  Commissioner Braun asked for any discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin).

          UPDATES/Server migration/Completed the migration with Tyler Technology for DocuPro the end of October. We were having some issues with more than one person being in the system. It was found we only have three (3) licenses and until the issues arose it was not brought to anyone’s attention. Tyler Technology made suggestions on resolving the issue other than purchasing more licenses. Will leave this as it is and if down the road we need to purchase more licenses, we will do so.

11:25 AM Melissa Rost, Museum Curator joined.

          Financial software migration/Josh still needs to get this scheduled with Tyler and discuss with the departments it will affect because the system will be down for two (2) days. We are good with licensing for the financial software.

11:27 AM Commissioner Baldwin joined.

I-pads for ambulances/They have been installed and they are using them; the printer is also installed at the hospital. Josh was pleased that the suggestion from the EMS Program Manager was to use I-pads instead of tablets due to the cost savings, etc. Computer installs/Josh has a few left to install. Discussed replacing one that runs the road department fuel master. That would be down for two (2) days as well. Josh will get in touch with the road department Administrative Assistant to make sure they will be able to manually pump and record the fuel. The desktop that was to be used for the Planner’s Office will be utilized elsewhere. Gun Range gate key system/They are again looking into a gun range gate key system for the gun range. Josh is doing some research for them and will report back.

11:32 AM Josh left the meeting.

11:32 AM Commissioner Rost recused himself.

11:33 AM MUSEUM UPDATES/Melissa Rost, Museum Curator

          UPDATES/The Blackfeet Tipi Legends traveling exhibit is still up for Native American Heritage Month; Melissa will return it to Billings the end of the month. Visited the Superior Care residents as her portrayal of “Elizabeth Scott”. The residents felt Melissa brought Elisabeth back to life.  The night at the museum had approximately 100 people in attendance. Melissa also went live with the acts. They had a good turnout even though competing with other events taking place. Melissa will need to figure out a different format if they want to grow this event. Handed out 120 boo-bags for Halloween. Melissa has had several school groups come to the Museum. Melissa also, had a teacher request a lesson pertaining to Veteran’s Day. Applied for the Grid United grant to help pay for architect fees. Still working on tires and repairs; will contact Rolling Rubber again to check on chloride removal. Gutters were cleaned except those on the old jail building. The Museum Assistant is processing accessions in Past Perfect and will be deep cleaning the old jail building. Completed her orientation for the Visit SE MT Board membership. The Museum Board agreed to accept a working printing press; the owner stated it came from a Baker business years ago. Discussed Museum closure dates with the Commission and various functions Melissa will be attending. 

11:41 AM Melissa left the meeting.

11:42 AM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess. Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion.

Commissioner Baldwin asked for any discussion; being none.  2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Rost). The motion carried.

                NOON RECESS

PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun and Roy Rost, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder



          No one appeared for public comment.

1:30 PM COUNTY ATTORNEY BUSINESS SESSION/Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney

     1.Discuss/Decisions regarding petitioning the court to terminate the Wells Fargo Trust Account for the Coral Creek Landfill

           Darcy is working on this and will communicate with Kaleena Marshall, Wells Fargo.

     2.Review/approve agreement for on-call planning services/flood plain mgmt. with Peaks Planning & Consulting, LLC

             Darcy is fine with the agreement and the exhibit; with the exception she would like to see a signature on the exhibit as well.  The Commission discussed verbiage stating the Commission needs to be notified before use of a sub-contractor. The County does not want to pay 15% over the total charge assessed for use of a subcontractor when the county can get the work done without paying extra fees.

     3.Review/approve revised Interlocal Agreement with the City of Baker for the Planning Board

            Darcy revised the agreement and Commissioner Baldwin took it to the City of Baker to be placed on their agenda. 

     4.Indigent Burial Policy discussion/decisions

             Will wait until the meeting with Stevenson Funeral Homes.

     5.Gate permit system policies/procedures/decisions

             No further discussion.

     6.Old or other county business (as needed)

             95 Mill updateDarcy confirmed that MACo will represent Fallon County in this matter. The Commission stated yes, MACo will represent Fallon County in this matter.

2:20 PM Darcy left the meeting.

2:30 PM LIBRARY QUARTERLY UPDATES/Beth Meggers, Director of Library Services

          UPDATES/Beth has completed county inventory for the library. They have had a good turnout for Story Time. There are 88 individuals who signed up for “Imagination Library”. Beth has a Library Aide that will have been employed at the library for 1 year as of next week. They are still looking for someone to paint the library ceiling, due to water damage received.

2:32 PM Beth left the meeting.


Commissioner Braun made the motion to approve the October, 2023 End of Month claims, in the amount of $156,531.66. Commissioner Rost seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

3:12 PM Barbara Ketterling, Treasurer/Assessor and Josh Lewis, System Administrator joined.

          Barb will be unable to attend her meeting tomorrow so would like to meet now.  Barb would like permission to set up a county Facebook page for the Treasurer’s Office so she will be able to post information and notices for the public. The Commission asked if this would be a non-responsive page; Barb stated it will be a non-responsive page. Barb feels she can reach more people via social media; the commission agreed.  Josh will be the Administrator of that page.  The Commission granted permission for Barb to set up a Treasurer Facebook page.

3:14 PM Barbara and Josh left the meeting.



Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve the October 30 – November 3 Commission Minutes.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for any discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

5:00 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess.  Commissioner Rost seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.




PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun and Roy Rost, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder



          No one appeared for Public Comment.

9:45 AM OUTSIDE MAINTENANCE UPDATES/Robbie Christiaens, Supervisor; Derrick deHaan, Assistant

          UPDATES/Parkview-Derrick stated the storage area is all cleaned out and organized. Outside Maintenance/Iron Horse Park-Member of the Public asked Commissioner Braun why sidewalks in Iron Horse Park are not plowed. Robbie stated they plow the sidewalk that goes by Iron Horse Park. They do not plow the sidewalks in Iron Horse because it is hard on equipment due to picking up rocks and the snow packs so solid it is too hard to get through with their equipment. They do plow the road so individuals can get into the fishing dock and back out. No other roads in Iron Horse are plowed. Discussed the sidewalk along Highway 7 South. Robbie stated they plow sidewalks on Highway 7 until the county portion ends and turns east by Davis residence. The rest of that sidewalk to the Bank of Baker is the City’s responsibility. Commissioner Braun was approached again about the grass that will not grow at the city park; asked if Robbie and Derrick seeded that portion. They did seed it, but the city sprayed some chemical and now nothing will grow there. Also, the city stated there were still some water leaks not repaired before the city took their parks back.  Robbie stated he repaired everything that was leaking. Discussed repairs that will be made to the boat dock, sandblasting and painting. Commissioner Rost suggested repairing, sandblasting and possibly painting the boat dock at the landfill in the big shop; they will ask Jeff Frank, Manager of Landfill Operations first. Parkview-Derrick stated SDI is planning to scan the apartments on November 14th and 15th. Derrick sent notices out to all of the residents. Discussed carpet issue upstairs where PV1 and PV2 join; the carpet is rolled; Derrick has someone coming to repair this. Securus will be back to work on the security system next Tuesday; Josh Lewis, System Admin and Derrick will be there as well. Derrick has Mike Menger coming to repair the new boiler at Parkview; it keeps shutting down. The old boiler is running the ice melt system and seems to be doing a good job; Derrick needs to get a new eye for the system. Discussed a heat sensor for one of the heaters, which will be repaired by Mike Menger.

10:12 AM Robbie and Derrick left the meeting.

10:15 AM FAIR UPDATES/Jennefer Wheeler, Fairgrounds Manager

     1.Discuss/Decision possible floor scrubber purchase/The floor scrubber is no longer working properly. Jennefer stated it is 13 years old and was repaired four (4) years ago. Bruco gave a quote of $1,100 to repair it (most of which is travel charges).  They told her there was no guarantee that would fix the problem. It is getting hard to get parts for this machine.  A new machine would be approximately $5,000. Commissioner Braun has to go to Billings and will take it to Bruco to be repaired. This would allow time to budget for a new scrubber next Fiscal Year. Johnson Controls came to make repairs to the fire doors under the grandstands and now there is another issue. They did not have the part (temperature control module), so they will come back. Matt Plaisted, Board Member and Jennefer leave today for RMAF. The next board meeting is November 13th, they will discuss the by-laws at that time. They will also discuss Badlands bull riding circuit. The stallers letters were sent out; removal of panels and cleaning the lower stalls were discussed. Jennefer would like to hold a separate meeting for the stallers to go over the items pertaining to the new staller agreements.  Matt Plaisted is the new Fair board Chairman; they got busy and did not vote on the Vice-Chair; this will be taken care of next week.  Discussed upcoming activities taking place in the 4H barn and Exhibit Hall. Jennefer will contact Direct Electric to get a quote to mount another light on the light pole for Martin Avenue. 

10:27 AM Jennefer left the meeting.

10:39 AM WEED DEPARTMENT UPDATES/Sara Berger, Weed Control Coordinator

          UPDATES/Completed spraying 40 of 41 entities, with the exception of one landowner of the 40 did not get one area sprayed. Sara will start with those landowners first next year. Billing has been completed; the weed board will meet tomorrow night to approve/deny any cost-shares and then they will be mailed.Would like to hold a landowner meeting to get their input; Sara plans to apply for a grant for the badlands and would like to use it to have a helicopter spray. Hopefully they would be able to cost share that as well. The total billed for spraying and chemical sales this year was $36,171.23. Sara will be applying for the NWTF grant in the amount of $7,500 to purchase equipment. Spray Days will be November 14th at the Exhibit Hall; if there is a good turnout, she may look at moving this to November instead of February. It is easier to get speakers for the fall training. Discussed the new law for youth under the age of 18 that will no longer be able to spray. They will probably not be able to get anyone over 18 to spray seasonally causing the private landowners to move to contract sprayers. There is a lack of private contractors that spray weeds in our area. Sara would like to keep the contract spraying for BLM, etc. in addition to the county roads. Discussed landowners that file a management plan, cost sharing for chemicals.  MWCA Annual conference will be in Billings this year January 30-February 1, 2024. Sara also provided her checklist of items to work on this winter.

10:50 AM Sara left the meeting.

10:58 AM PLEVNA SENIOR CENTER PRE-PLANNING DISCUSSION PERTAINING TO AUDITOR COMMENTS/Jim and Kathy Leischner, Gary Lang and Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder

          Shooting Range/Discussed a quote received for heat for the trap building in the amount of $5,600. Trap members were able to get used equipment, leaving more grant funding for other uses. The members are in hopes this will be an allowable item for the grant. Jim wanted to inform the commission the trap members changed their plans and also inform them the members tried to get three (3) quotes, but only received one; two others declined. They will keep the commission updated on the grant. 

          Plevna Senior Center-Jim stated they wanted to meet to decide how to proceed in turning the Plevna Senior Center back to the County, due to auditor comments. The Plevna Senior Citizens had an offer to purchase the back half of the lot owned by the Senior Citizens. The process to proceed was discussed; the Plevna Senior Citizen members would be required to get this surveyed and go through the subdivision process. The Commission gave them the name of a contract planner to contact and find out what their options are. They will contact the planner and go from there.   

11:33 AM Jim, Kathy and Gary left the meeting.

11:35 AM PASTURE/LAND LEASES UPDATES/Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk and Recorder

          After reviewing the county land leases, the Commission asked Debbie to draft a letter to the lessee’s informing them of the intent to increase the leases by $2.00 per acre and invite them to a landowner meeting on December 5th at 2:00 PM. Debbie discussed a piece of county land that may be being used; the landowner has never been offered a lease. Commissioner Braun will discuss this with the landowner.

12:15 PM Debbie left the meeting.

12:16 PM Commissioner Rost made the motion to recess. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.

Commissioner Baldwin asked for any further discussion; being none.  3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

                NOON RECESS

PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun and Roy Rost, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder



          No one appeared for public comment.

1:30 PM SMART AND EMEDA MONTHLY UPDATES/Vaughn Zenko, Executive Director; Cheyanne Dame, Assistant

           SMART UPDATES/Vaugn thanked the Commission for the resources that allowed them to hire an assistant. Cheyanne’s assistance has already been greatly appreciated, she ran the escape room while Vaughn was gone and did a great job. They raised $2,000 from this event and the funds will go toward the Baker State Bank clock renovation. Grid United Grants-SMART applied for a grant for planter boxes to be used for seating as well as planting local flora for the Pocket Park. They also assisted seven (7) others fill out their grants. They should know by the 14th who will receive grant funds; some or several may be funded to some degree. They are almost finished with the roof project and there are still a few things remaining to complete in the visitor center. They are hoping to move in by next spring; they are waiting for an ADA compliant entrance. They are updating the website; Christmas in the Park is coming up in conjunction with the 2nd annual Country Christmas-November 25th; Christmas Carol play will be held December 1, 2 and 3rd; will be doing the cards of Christmas Cheer for area senior citizens.  SMART received the Montana Economic Impact Award for the work on the Baker State Bank Building and their receipt of $500,000 in grants in a two (2) year period. They will receive a plaque for that. Cheyanne came up with the idea of putting pamphlets together for out of state hunters, so they understand Montana hunting laws. Cheyanne is interviewing landowners and hunters to get information together to help to complete the pamphlet. A kid’s carnival had been discussed; Cheyanne has been the force behind holding the carnival in conjunction with a community festival, etc. to be held in Plevna, in June. Plevna used to have a jamboree and bringing it back was discussed last year, but that never happened.

          EMEDA/ Food Forest agreement will be reviewed at the next EMEDA meeting. Childcare-They are bringing in modulars to be placed on the property donated by Nelson’s. Discussed the mill levy election and received updated information from the County Attorney. They will complete this, so it is ready for the June 2024 Primary Election. They are still looking for another EMEDA commissioner, if the commission knows of anyone that may be interested, send them their way.

1:43 PM Vaughn and Cheyanne left the meeting.


          1.Full Time EMT Discussion/Since the contract EMT’s will be done December 3rd Brittany is concerned she will be back to square one. They have no one for day calls; the new EMT’s are not quite ready to be on their own and even then, those individuals have full time jobs.

           UPDATES/Brittany would like to know if they can change the rate for the Firemen who are (Drivers only). Other run rates were increased but did not discuss Firemen rates. They get half of what the EMT’s receive for a run. The commission granted permission to increase their rates now. Discussed Dr. Sullivan taking on the duties as their Medical Officer.  Commission stated it was not feasible for Fallon County to pay his insurance. Brittany will find out if there is a way to pay a portion of his insurance so he can take over the duties; Brittany will report back to the Commission. Brittany is leaving Thursday for training and will be gone through Saturday. The annual inspection will be held this week. Brittany stated if there are things that do not pass inspection, we have 180 days to comply. There were several items that had to be purchased that we did not have, but needed, to be in compliance. Discussed the length of the new ambulance.

           EMT Decision-The Commission made the decision to contact Best Practice Medicine and continue the contract for an additional 90 days with 1 person only.

2:38 PM Brittany left the meeting.


         Barbara Ketterling, Treasurer/Assessor and Josh Lewis, System Administrator met yesterday.

3:25 PM INSIDE MAINTENANCE UPDATES/Lynda Herbst, Custodian Supervisor

          UPDATES/Permission to complete the LED lighting project.  Lynda will let Direct Electric know they can order the remaining bulbs needed to complete the project. Lynda discussed the library painting that needs to be completed and has a contractor willing to do it. Lynda will get a quote and return to the Commission. Circulating Pump #1 is out; needs a new motor.  The Commission asked Lynda to contact Mike Menger to repair it.

3:31 PM Lynda left the meeting.

4:00 PM SOLID WASTE UPDATES/Jeff Frank, Manager of Landfill Operations

          UPDATES/Jeff brought an updated fee schedule for the Landfill. The fees were reviewed and will be implemented January 1, 2024. Jeff needs help hauling tree branches to the Landfill. Commission felt he should contact the Road Department; Jeff will do so. The Commission asked if there would be room in the Landfill shop if Outside Maintenance would need to use it to repair and paint a boat dock. Jeff may need to move some items but there will be room. Jeff would like to purchase some new cameras for the container site. Commission granted permission and asked Jeff to contact Josh, System Administrator. Jeff will be needing more pit run scoria at the landfill and heard they were running out of scoria. The Commission felt there was plenty of pit run scoria; Jeff will visit with the Road Department. 

4:33 PM Jeff left the meeting.


Commissioner Baldwin opened the Budget Hearing.

          No one was present to speak for or against amending the budget to accommodate funds for the Community Health Assessment Grant. 

4:35 PM Commissioner Rost made motion to close the budget hearing.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

4:36 PM Commissioner Rost made the motion to Amend the Budget by adopting Budget Resolution #1118 to accommodate funds from the Community Health Assessment grant.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for any discussion; being none.  3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

4:36 PM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess.  Commissioner Rost seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.




PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun and Roy Rost Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder



          No one appeared for Public Comment.


          The Commission reviewed revenues received, reports, emails and other correspondence, board minutes and agendas.

          1.a.Discuss/Decisions regarding petitioning the court to terminate the Wells Fargo Trust Account for Coral Creek Landfill

                   The County Attorney will draft the petition to be presented to the court.

          b.Review/Approve agreement or on-call planning services/flood plain mgmt. with Peaks Planning & Consulting, LLC

                    Darcy will make some changes and send it back to the Commission for review.

          c.EMS billing practices/rates (discussion/decisions as needed)

                    No further discussion at this time.

          d.Policies/Procedures for gate permit system (discussion/decisions as needed)

                    No further discussion at this time.

          e. Indigent Burial Policy discussion/decisions

                    Will be visiting with Stevenson Funeral Home regarding a burial policy/process.

           f.Any decisions regarding the agreement between Fallon County and EMEDA for use of county land for purposes of Food Forest

                 The agreement has not been received at this time, EMEDA is waiting for their next board meeting.

           g.Review/approve revised Interlocal Agreement with the City of Baker for the Planning Board

                  This was submitted to the City of Baker for their approval.

            h.Other old business as needed

                    None at this time.


3.Review & Approve Encroachment/Approach Permits (as needed)

4.Review Board Minutes/Agendas (Boards other than Commission)

5.Review Department/office reports/sign journal vouchers (as needed)

6.Executive/Action items:

          a.Sign letter of support for EPEDC to serve as the Certified Regional Development Corporation for our region

Commissioner Rost made the motion to sign a letter of support for EPEDC to serve as the Certified Regional Development Corporation for our region.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for any discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

10:30 AM CHAMBER/RECREATION DEPT. UPDATES/Mariah Miller, Executive Director

              Chamber Updates/The Commission congratulated Mariah on her new position. Due to the numerous Chamber Directors working in the financial software, the Chamber determined they will do some updating for better navigation of the system. The Commission asked if the Chamber was going to get to move to the new location. Mariah stated that has not been determined. Mariah is busy planning events as Chamber and Recreation Executive Director. Working on Christmas in the Park, November 25th; parade of lights, Ag banquet is planned for January. The Chamber general meeting will be held at the OS Brew Pub-December 14th at 5:30 PM; the Commission and their respective others are invited to attend. 

               Recreation Updates/Working on Preschool crafts and basketball; football, baseball and soccer are finished, participation was great for all sports. They found a conex box; the commission informed Mariah they are working with the road department to have scoria placed and also working with the school in this process.  

10:37 AM Mariah left the meeting.

11:00 AM INDIGENT BURIAL POLICY DISCUSSION/Jon and Nic Stevenson, Stevenson Funeral Home

          Jon and Nic consider it an honor and privilege to serve the families of Fallon County during their time of need. To better serve the families that do not have the means to care for their loved one’s funeral expenses there is an agreement in place with Stevensons and Fallon County to provide basic services for pre-qualified Fallon County residents.  The current amount allowed by Fallon County is $1,900 and Stevenson’s would like the County to consider the amount to be increased to $3,500. Discussed neighboring counties are paying $3,000 to $4,000 toward the costs of the funeral. The Commission stated they have been working on a policy for this process.  They would also need to update the agreement with Stevensons as well as enter into agreements with other area funeral homes, as needed. Discussed, this is not only for residents of Fallon County but would also include those that may not be residents but pass away in our county.

          Jon stated the updated agreement would spell out what the $3,500 would pay for as well as what the family is responsible to pay for. If the funeral home finds the next of kin does not have the means to care for their loved one’s funeral, the family will need to fill out a determination form, which would include financial paperwork to be submitted to the Commission. The Commission would need to make the decision as soon as possible. The funeral home would need an answer, preferably within 48 hours, but no later than 8 days and would not proceed any further until they hear back from the commission. 

           The Commission will work on updating their policy and procedures and discuss how much to increase the indigent burial payment as well as how much to budget to accommodate this. Commissioner Braun discussed 7-4-2924, M.C.A. “Indigent Funeral Assistance” which states there is a special revenue account within the state special revenue fund to aid counties in providing adequate burial, etc. of an indigent person. The Counties are supposedly able to request funding from the special revenue account for this purpose. Commissioner Rost discussed asking Carla Brown, Council on Aging Director, if she would assist individuals with the financial paperwork which could be daunting to the families.

11:33 AM Jon and Nick left the meeting.

11:35 AM Commissioner Rost made the motion to recess.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

          NOON RECESS

PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun, and Roy Rost, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder



          No one appeared for public comment.


2:30 PM Forrest Sanderson/Peaks Planning met before heading home.

           On-call Planning with Peaks Planning was discussed. Forrest discussed the Fallon County Subdivision Regulations that need to be updated. Forrest stated his fee to do this would be $1,500. The Commission granted permission to proceed.

2:40 PM Forrest left the discussion.

3:00 PM Commissioner Rost made the motion to recess.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.




PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun and Roy Rost, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder



          No one appeared for Public Comment.

10:00 AM FMC MONTHLY UPDATES/David Espeland, CEO; Marjorie Losing, CFO       

          UPDATES/Marjorie went through the September financials noting it was a slower month. Discussed REH classifications for Rural Hospitals. Hospitals are given money just to keep their doors open for emergencies; there are no clinics and no long-term care facilities. David didn’t feel this would happen for at least another 10 years unless things changed with the reserves. Discussed the ever-evolving changes to receive a diagnosis virtually and the world moving toward A.I. Discussed moving the Hospital basement project to the forefront; hoping to do the work necessary without any interruptions to the hospital by installing french drain and tying into the existing storm system rather than moving electrical. Marjorie asked about the leak in the Purchasing Department, wondered if it was connected to the same issue. David felt this was a roofing problem; needs to get maintenance to do more work on the roof again.  They need a new boiler for the hospital; they have contacted Star to come and do the work. Discussed another water issue-David stated the boarding room windows are still leaking and the rooms are heavily used by contractors. They try to keep as many contractors as they can in the boarding rooms, so they do not need motel rooms. Discussed looking into a resolution for this as well. Commissioner Baldwin made a visit to Parkview at the request of a tenant regarding a hallway heater that was running constantly. Commissioner Baldwin shut the heater off; Commissioner Braun stated Mike Menger is coming to repair that heater, per Derrick deHaan, Maintenance Assistant. 

10:39 AM David and Marjorie left the meeting.

10:45 AM Commissioner Baldwin was excused briefly.

11:01 AM Commissioner Baldwin returned.

11:01 AM APPROVAL OF KIRSCHTEN CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY AMENDING TRACT 2-E1/2W1/2 and E1/2 Section 15, T 07N, R 60E P.M.M., Relocation of Boundaries per Planner’s Report

Commissioner Braun made the motion to approve the Kirschten COS Amending Tract 2 – E1/2W1/2 and E1/2 Section 15, T 07N, R 60E P.M.M., Relocation of Boundaries per Planner’s Report.  Commissioner Rost seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for any discussion; being none.  3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.


Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve the Amended Plat Lot 2A of Meadow Park of Meadows First Minor Subdivision Misty Meadows Drive of the Meadows Second Filing, Relocation of Boundaries per Planner’s Report.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for any discussion; being none.  3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

11:11 AM Commissioner Braun made the motion to recess.  Commissioner Rost seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

          NOON RECESS

PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman and Roy Rost, Member; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder

ABSENT: Kevin Braun, Member



          No one appeared for public comment.



3:30 PM Commissioner Rost made the motion to adjourn after the MT DOT Meeting held in Plevna, MT at the Plevna Senior Center.  Commissioner Baldwin stepped down from the chair to second the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for any discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Braun). The motion carried.


          Commissioner’s Baldwin and Rost attended the meeting.


                                                                                                s/Steve Baldwin, Chairman


s/Brenda J. Wood, Clerk and Recorder

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving