10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Commission Minutes – September 18 – September 22, 2023

Commission Minutes – September 18 – September 22, 2023

                                                                                                                           MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2023


PRESENT: Kevin Braun, Presiding Officer and Roy Rost, Member; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder

ABSENT:  Steve Baldwin, Chairman


The Pledge of Allegiance was held in the Commissioner’s Office to start off the week.


          No one appeared for Public Comment.


ELECTED OFFICIALS-LIBRARY EOC/Josh Lewis, System Administrator and Julie Straub, HRM-Presenters

           Commission Braun and Commissioner Rost attended.

9:50 AM Kevin Hill, Golf Course Superintendent met to give a brief update on work at the Golf Course.

10:00 AM ROAD/SHOP UPDATES/Bobby Wiedmer, Road Superintendent; Mitch Overn and Carl Overland, Shop Mechanics

         Road/Shop Updates/Did not find any gravel on the Stark property. The search will continue for more road material. They are cleaning car gates in various areas. The Commission has received reports that the landowners are appreciative of the work being done on Straub Access. They have a couple more weeks of mowing remaining and are not blading as it is too dry. The old Golf Course pickup, including fuel tanks, will be removed, and taken to Baker Metal & Recycling. Nick Viola gave his two (2) weeks’ notice. Discussed a trail the crew may blade in a few areas if the landowner does not disc it. Performing some maintenance on the loader which is losing some water.

10:15 AM Barbara Ketterling, Treasurer/Assessor joined.

10:16 AM Bobby, Mitch and Carl left the meeting.

          Barb discussed distribution of various revenues; a spreadsheet was given to Barb so she could complete the distributions.

10:22 AM Barb left the discussion.

10:25 AM Dale Butori DES/911 Coordinator joined.


Julie Strub, HRM

         Julie met to review the updated DES/911 job description. Various other updates were discussed, and the job description will be amended. Dale stated first responders have been on the other side of this and would have valuable insight and the need to build a working relationship with our emergency response and law enforcement agencies is very important as well. Preferred experience, requirements and wages were discussed as well as the probation period.

10:40 AM Brittany Renner, EMS Program Manager joined.

Commissioner Rost made the motion to go out to hire a DES/911 Coordinator with a starting rate of pay of $28.00 per hour and final step at $29.75 per hour, and a 12 a month probation period. Commissioner Braun stepped down and seconded the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for any discussion. Discussed a 6-month evaluation needs to be conducted. They should meet monthly with the Commission and coordinate quarterly 911 meetings with the 3 Counties. This person will also attend, conduct, and take minutes at the quarterly 911 meeting. DES-Will also coordinate LEPC quarterly meetings. Commissioner Braun asked for any other discussion; being none.  2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.

Dale would like to meet with the Commission and take an afternoon to go through the office and show them what he does. Julie stated she would video it; everyone agreed that would be a good idea. Everyone agrees there should be a Deputy assigned to this position. Dale and the Carter County DES Coordinator have discussed being Deputy for each other. Wibaux County does have a Deputy. 

11:03 AM Dale left the meeting.

11:04 AM PAY SCALE DICUSSION/DECISIONS FOR EMT’S/Brittany Renner, EMS Program Manager; Julie Straub, HRM

          Brittany stated she is going to training and has coverage while she is gone (Rod Kilsdonk for a portion of it and Kendra, Best Practice Medicine for a portion). Brittany will be using her Labor Day holiday today since she worked the holiday. There will be training tonight for the EMT’s, and Brittany will leave tomorrow to attend training. 

          Pay Scale-Brittany wondered if the pay and billing scale discussed during budget meetings had been approved or when she should have discussed those items. The Commission did not approve an increase at budget time and that would be when it would be discussed. Discussed pay scale and billing with regard to the various run types and the fact each run to the hospital, or another facility/home/airport creates a new PCR.  The current rate for an in-town run is $35.00/(per EMT); discussed moving this to $50.00 per in-town run/(per EMT). The Commission asked what Medicare pays per run; Brittany does not have that answer, but Public Health would know. Discussed transfers to Miles City are $100 (per EMT) and Billings, Bismarck, ND and Rapid City, SD are $200.00 (per EMT).  Discussed $15 increase for in town run would be a 42.9% increase; discussed increasing all runs by the same percentage. Also discussed increasing on-call pay, which is currently $2.50 per hour/per EMT. The flight crew is currently charged $75.00; discussed increasing that charge to $200. Brittany would like to see EMT’s paid for attending monthly meetings and trainings. Julie stated employees are paid to attend meetings and training. Discussed increases being 40% across the board; the current pay scales have been the same for a very long time. The Commission asked Brittany and Julie to figure out the projected number of hours needed so the cost could be figured to see if it would be feasible for the FY24 budget or if it would have to be changed FY25.

          Brittany also discussed identifying a lead EMT when she is gone to trainings and paying that person extra for that time. Brittany would also like to have a cell phone for the lead EMT.  Julie discussed the EMT’s having access to the EAP program.  Commissioner Rost would also like seasonal employees to be allowed access to the EAP program also. 

Commissioner Rost made the motion to allow Emergency Medical Service-EMT’s access to the EAP program.  Commissioner Braun stepped down and seconded the motion.  Commissioner Braun asked for further discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.

Brittany will work on the hours needed and give that information to Brenda to figure into this year’s budget (if possible). If not, possibly a portion could be increased this FY and the remaining in FY25.

11:57 AM Brittany and Julie left the meeting.

12:02 PM Commissioner Rost made the motion to recess. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.

Commissioner Braun asked for any discussion; being none.  2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent (Steve Baldwin). The motion carried.

          NOON RECESS

PRESENT: Kevin Braun, Presiding Officer and Roy Rost, Member; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder

ABSENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman



          No one appeared for Public Comment.

1:30 PM COUNTY ATTORNEY BUSINESS SESSION/Darcy Wassmann, County Attorney

          1.Wells Fargo Trust for the Landfill (any discussion/decisions needed)/Letter to accompany Appt. of Successor Trustee

               Waiting for Shawn Wiseman, Bank of Baker to get Trustee information.

          2.Gate permit process/policy discussion/decisions

              Darcy is working on a draft policy. Discussed the application and important information that would need to be included in the application. 

         3.Indigent Burial policy discussion/decisions

             Darcy is working on a draft policy.

         4.Interlocal between Fallon County and City of Baker for garbage services

            Darcy will work on an interlocal agreement between the city and the county.

         5.Review/Discuss/Decision-Task order for various on-call engineering/surveying services with KLJ

            Darcy did not have time to review the task order.

         6.Review/Discuss/PV rental agreement updates

             Darcy updated the Parkview rental agreement and completed new reasonable accommodations addendums for the agreements as well. Waiting for others to review and comment.

         7.Sign termination of interlocal agreement with the City of Baker for funding and operation of the Fallon County Planning Board and Staff

             Darcy will work on this draft.

         8.Revise Interlocal Agreement with the City of Baker for the Planning Board

             Darcy will work on this draft.

        9.Old or other county business (as needed)

            Discussed Fair Board stall agreement updates and updating the by-laws.

2:18 PM Darcy left the meeting.


Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve the September, Mid-Month claims, in the amount of $758,888.23. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Braun asked for any discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.


Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve the September 11-15, 2023, minutes.  Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Braun asked for any discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.


          The Commission reviewed revenues received, reports, emails and other correspondence, board minutes and agendas.

1.Old Business (as needed)

          a.Wells Fargo Trust for the Landfill (any decisions needed)

               Waiting for Shawn Wiseman, Bank of Baker to get information to us.

          b.Hospital basement maintenance (any decisions needed)

               No further discussion at this time.

          c.EMS billing practices/rates (discussion/decisions as needed)

               No further discussion at this time.

          d.Any decisions regarding the agreement between Fallon County and EMEDA for use of County Land for purposes of Food Forest

                No further discussion at this time.

          e.Policies/procedures for gate permit system (discussion/decisions as needed)

                No further discussion at this time.

          f.Indigent Burial Policy (discussion/decisions as needed)

                No further discussion at this time.

          g.Decision to move forward with Credible Minds

                Waiting for more information.

          h.Approve/Sign/DocuSign/DNRC Lakeview Drive Storm Drain reimbursement agreement using ARPA funds.

              This was not sent by DNRC to be signed.

          i.Other Old Business as needed


3.Review & Approve Encroachment Permits (as needed)

    Commissioner Braun signed Encroachment Permits 781-783 for Denbury to bore county roads to construct flow lines on the Anticline and Coral Creek Roads.

4.Review Board Minutes/Agendas (Boards other than Commission)

5.Review Department/office reports/sign journal vouchers (as needed)

6.Executive/Action items:

          a.Decision to move cell phones from AP Clerk to System Administrator

              The Commission granted permission to move the cell phone set-up, tracking and maintenance to Josh Lewis, System Administrator as he is very familiar with all cell phone aspects. 

          b.Permission to port cell number to personal account and discuss device contract

              The Commission granted permission to port a county cell number to terminating employee’s personal cell phone. The county cell phone is county property and will be kept to be used for other county employee’s use.

         c.Property/Casualty Savings clarification/Kimerly Jensen, AP Clerk; Debbie Wyrick, Deputy Clerk & Recorder/blade windows

             Debbie discussed the new Property/Casualty savings fund.  Discussed the difference between routine maintenance, such as broken windows in blades and items that would be an insurance related item, but, will not be treated as such, will be paid from this fund.

             Debbie discussed a few very small buildings she had insurance related questions regarding.  The insurable items would mostly be contents; determined the cost to replace, versus the cost of insurance was not enough to warrant insuring.

          d.Decision regarding quote for Hardware/Software to monitor lagoon chlorination system and sync at the Golf Course.

                 The Commission made the decision not to approve the quote received for the hardware/software monitoring. 

          e.Approve/Sign DNRC North Baker Water Sewer District Project Grant using ARPA funds

             Commissioner Rost signed the papers, as the grant administrator, for the county DNRC/ARPA funding for the North Baker Water Sewer District Grant, using the remaining county ARPA funds.

          f.Old/Other County Business as needed

               Commissioner Rost made the motion to accept the resignation from Dale Butori, DES/911 Coordinator.  Commissioner Braun stepped down to second the motion.  Commissioner Braun asked for any discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.

              The Commission discussed the On-Call Planning RFP’s; the Commission will make this determination on Wednesday, September 20th, when Commissioner Baldwin returns.   

             Commissioner Rost made the motion to approve the quote received from MTI to upgrade the courthouse HVAC software system in the amount of $22,500. Commissioner Braun stepped down to second the motion.  Commissioner Braun asked for any discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried. 

          g.Approve Board of Health Scope of Work Attachment

                The Commission will get further information from Richard Menger, Sanitarian regarding the BOH scope of work attachment before approving. 

4:00 PM 4H BARN SETUP/TAKE DOWN PLAN DURING THE FAIR/COURTHOUSE BASEMENT CONFERENCE ROOM/Julie Straub, HRM; Jennefer Wheeler, Fairgrounds Manager; Derrick deHaan, Wendy Wagner, Fair Board Members; Amanda Williams, Extension Agent; Kodie Olsen, 4H Program Assistant; Abbey Dunn, Baker FFA Advisor; Cele Mennes, Plevna FFA Advisor; Alissa Miller, 4 H Council President; 4H Leaders/Representatives/Members-Wanda Pinnow, Roddy Rost, Molly Losing and children; Dale Butori; Shantel Sander; Bev Burghduff; Shye Coulter

          There was much discussion on how the barn used to be set up and the tear down process. If the county would bring the panels up to the barn so 4H and FFA could set up that would be very helpful and appreciated. Discussion regarding the same people always shows up for set up and tear down, mostly 4H youth and some parents/grandparents. They rarely get the older youth to help due to sports and work. Bev phoned other counties to find out their process. Some make it mandatory and would have to decide what the consequences would be; possible consequences were further discussed. Kodie expressed her concern about responsibility for those that may get hurt as 4H insurance only covers members and parents. Commission stated that would fall to the county. Commissioner Braun stated the Commission wants to come up with a solution that works for everyone. Discussed moving set-up to the Sunday before fair and tear down Sunday directly after your animals leave the barn. This should involve FFA as well as 4H, as only a few FFA kids were there to help. Abbey and Celle will make sure the FFA youth are there to assist. Discussed available Fair Board members assisted with set-up and take-down and will continue to do so. Discussed other individuals on the volunteer list, that are able to operate county equipment, may also be able to assist.    

4:20 PM Dale left the meeting.

          The number of youths with livestock was discussed 48-4H and 21-FFA.  Commissioner Braun stated they will get someone there to help with the processes. The Livestock Council sets the clean-up and set-up dates, but it is felt the Sunday before Fair would work the best to set up. Discussed the drill and post puller are needed for this process. Jennefer explained all of the tools are in the shop and the shop is unlocked early in the morning until late in the evening.

Other items:

          Get a better system for the saw dust; make it more accessible. Dumpster placement is important as well for those dumping and for the landfill. A better solution for the manure; will leave it in a pile rather than putting it in a dumpster. Food booth hood needs to be professionally cleaned; 4H does not cook anything with grease but others use the kitchen and do not clean the hood.  Will place a sign that says to clean after every use. Cleaning-discussed emptying garbage cans inside the barn. 4H always empties the garbage cans by the food booth but the other ones were not being emptied.  Jennefer expressed she was very disappointed in the cleaning company this year. Wanda stated there are a lot of open class youth as well; the barn is not just used by 4H and FFA. Discussed a list of phone numbers to share to call for questions/assistance. Everyone will get together with their groups and come up what a better plan.

4:55 PM Everyone left the meeting.

5:00 PM Commissioner Rost made the motion to recess until Wednesday.  Commissioner Braun stepped down and seconded the motion. Commissioner Braun asked for any other discussion; being none. 2 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. (Commissioner Baldwin). The motion carried.



PRESENT: Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun and Roy Rost, Members; Brenda Wood, Clerk and Recorder



Richard Menger, Sanitarian and Jennefer Wheeler, Fairgrounds Manager joined.

          The Fair Board voted to replace batteries for the grandstands; the cost will be slightly over $2,000 so wanted to make sure the Commission was aware. Thank you for letting them know; permission to purchase. Stall agreements-new stall agreements will be signed by everyone, and the stall fee will change from $30 to $50 per horse. Discussed possibility of adding board members and updating the by-laws. 

1:22 PM Jennefer left the meeting.

           Rich discussed a Certificate of Survey Amendment (COSA) rewrite for a local campground and the letter he plans to write to the Governor regarding the overreach of the DEQ. Also explained the BOH scope of work attachment pertains to inspections completed by Rich as County Sanitarian.

Approve Board of Health Scope of Work Attachment

Commissioner Rost made the motion to accept the Board of Health scope of work attachment, pertaining to inspections. Commissioner Braun seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for any discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

1:30 PM Rich left public comment.


          Josh met to discuss archiving requirements for social media. Commissioner Rost wants to visit with other counties and MACo representatives at the MACo conference next week. Josh explained a couple of the companies that would manage this for the county provided demonstrations for him (Archive Social and Page Freezer). The cost to do this is approximately $5,000 annually. This will be readdressed the 1st week of October after the Commission returns.

          Also discussed employees that do not have an office 365 email and costs related to each of those not covered in the IT budget previously. Since the IT budget was already approved and these costs are after the fact, Josh asked if this would come from his budget or that department’s budget. The cost would be $72.00 per employee, per year. Permission to add would have to come from the Commission; the decision about where to pay for the 365 licenses will be determined at that time.

1:55 PM Josh left the meeting.


Commissioner Braun made the motion to approve all three On-Call Planning RFPs received; with Stahly Engineering & Associates, Inc as first call. Commissioner Rost seconded the motion.  Commissioner Baldwin asked for further discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.

2:00 PM 9-1-1 PLANNING MEETING/Library EOC

The following minutes were submitted by Georgia Bruski, Carter County DES Coordinator

Members Present:  Dale Butori, Fallon County 911 Director & DES Coordinator; Brian Nelson, Wibaux DES Coordinator; Georgia Bruski, Carter County DES Coordinator; Brenda Hoeger, Fallon County Dispatch Supervisor, Lisa Dulin, Fallon County Dispatch; Trent Harbaugh, Fallon County Sheriff;  Neil Kittelmann, Carter County Sheriff, Roy Rost, Steve Baldwin, Kevin Braun, Fallon County Commissioners,  and Eric Steele, TAB Electronics, Mike Watkins, Pamela Castleberry, Carter County Commissioners, and Darin Miske, Wibaux County Commissioner

          Dale Butori, 911 Director, opened the meeting announcing he resigned his position as 911 Director and DES Coordinator to take on a state position with the Disaster Emergency Services as a District Field Office for 12 jurisdictions in Southeastern Montana.  He would complete his employment with Fallon County on September 29, 2023.  The Fallon County Commissioners posted the position today, September 20, 2023.  Dale asked Georgia to post the position with the Emergency Managers Association.

          Dale Butori did not prepare a formal agenda, but encouraged discussion and the continuation of the Fallon, Wibaux, and Cater County 911 meetings.  Dale suggested this group have quarterly meetings.  It was unanimous with those present this group would continue to meet and support 911 funding efforts.

Eric Steele with TAB Electronics was in attendance and gave the following update:

          The Motorola Team was in Dispatch preparing and planning for the upgrade.  All went well, however, the biggest hurdle is going to be the ordering and delivering of the equipment needed for the upgrade.  The planned completion date is October 2024, but the ideal projected completion is by the end of the 2024 fiscal year.

          The Microwave project is up and running.  All is in place and operating. 

          The Upgrades will be continuous and will be done in stages.  The Quan tars need to be upgraded and this will be a long-term upgrade.  There are 4 or 5 in the Dispatch Center and each repeater site will need to have upgrades as well.  The long-term goal is to establish a rotation on upgrades.

          Commissioner Rost asked Eric if he would meet with the Fallon County Commissioners as well as Wibaux and Carter Counties via phone once a month to just keep the counties updated.  Eric agreed to this request.

Eric finished his report and left the meeting.

Further discussion:

          Dale emphasized the need to watch the legislative bills pertaining to 911 funds, to protect the dollars being allocated for 911 statewide. Dale as well as the Fallon County Commissioners thanked Wibaux and Carter Counties for their support and contribution to Fallon County for Dispatch services.  This contribution will be a yearly obligation. I Am Responding is complete. Dale suggested having a tutorial with key individuals in each county to help responders add the app to their smart phones. 911 Addressing:  Dale said at this time for Brian and Georgia to contact Dewy with KLJ to work on getting 911 addresses. Commissioner Pam Castleberry asked about the financial obligations and Dale said that Brenda Hoeger was able to take on this obligation and take care of 911 business until an individual was hired. There was conversation on Code Red. Brenda Hoeger can issue alerts.  Brian Nelson and Georgia Bruski will train on Code Red in order to issue county alerts themselves.

          The next quarterly meeting will be December 6, 2023 starting at 2:00 PM in Baker at the EOC (Courthouse Basement).  This meeting was adjourned at 3:30 PM

3:30 PM Commissioner Rost made the motion to adjourn.  Commissioner Baldwin seconded the motion. Commissioner Baldwin asked for any other discussion; being none. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. The motion carried unanimously.


                                    FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2023

9:00 AM Meeting at the Bank of Baker regarding moving Coral Creek Landfill Trust Account to the Bank of Baker/Steve Baldwin, Chairman; Kevin Braun and Roy Rost, Members

          The Commission met with Shawn Wiseman at the Bank of Baker to discuss the process Fallon County would need to take to move the Coral Creek Landfill/Closure-Post Closure Trust Account from Wells Fargo Bank to the Bank of Baker, (or another bank through their Trust Department). The group contacted Tyson Theeler, VP of the Trust Department at the First Premier Bank in Sioux Falls, SD. The group also tried to contact Tim Stepp, DEQ to include him in the conversation to get his expertise regarding the process. After several attempts to contact Tim Stepp, to no avail, the meeting was concluded.

10:00 AM Commissioner’s left the Bank of Baker.

                                                                                                s/Kevin Braun, Presiding Officer 9-18-2023

                                                                                                  s/Steve Baldwin, Chairman 9-20-2023


s/Brenda J. Wood, Clerk and Recorder

Welcome to our NEW website address: FALLONCOUNTYMT.GOV
Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving