EMEDA Commissioner Meeting – August 2024
Commissioner Meeting
July 30, 2024
Fallon County Visitor Center
Members Present: Chairman Tasha Losing, Vice Chair Steve Zachmann, Treasurer Karol Zachmann, Commissioner “Cookie” Zenko.
Members Absent: Commissioner Carson Beach
Staff Present: Executive Director Vaughn Zenko
Public Present: Hugo Bumgardner
Meeting called to order: 7:05pm by Chairman Tash Losing
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes: The board reviewed the meeting minutes from the July 16 Special Meeting.
7:08pm Hugo Bumgardner joined the meeting
Discussion continued on the previous meeting minutes.
- MOTION (Cookie Zenko): To approve the July 16, 2024 meeting minutes with the amendment.
- SECOND: Steve Zachmann
- VOTE: Three in favor, none opposed, one absent. The July 16, 2024 meeting minutes were approved as written.
Public Comment Period (3 minutes per person): Hugo Bumgardner presented the EMEDA board with a letter of interest in becoming and EMEDA Commissioner.
- MOTION (Karol Zachmann): To accept Hugo’s letter of interest in joining EMEDA.
- SECOND: Cookie Zenko
- VOTE: Three in favor, none opposed, one absent. Hugo Bumgardner has been appointed by the EMEDA board as a Commissioner, filling the open position expiring in 2027.
Financial Report: The board reviewed the monthly financial statement prepared by Alyson Lineback of SMART. There was no further discussion.
Monthly Claim Forms Review: The board reviewed five new claims submitted since the July 16 meeting, in addition to three held claims and three claims that had been paid prior to claim reviewing a claim form. While EMEDA continues to wait on loan approval with the Bank of Baker, funds were not available to pay all claims immediately. Chairman Losing stated that she will meet with the Bank at the end of the week to find out more on short term loan approval. It was decided that EMEDA would call a Special Meeting to address claims once the loan has been clarified.
- MOTION (Karol Zachmann): To postpone all claims until the end of the meeting after the Construction Supervisor’s review of project costs and financing status.
- SECOND: Steve Zachmann
- VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. Claim form review tabled until the end of the meeting.
Director’s Report: Vaughn reported that any new updates from the Director would be addressed under specific agenda items.
Construction Supervisor Report: Steve Zachmann reported on construction progress at the childcare site as well as his efforts to find value engineering options to save costs. He did note that EMEDA will need to provide a tax ID to Mid-Rivers Communications in order to establish service.
Old Business:
Review of Project Costs and Financing Status: Chairman Losing has not been to the bank to check on loan status, but will try to set up a meeting with a loan officer by the end of the week.
Childcare Business Update: Steve Zachmann reported that the most EMEDA will be able to borrow from the Bank of Baker will be $610,000. Vaughn reported on his updated financial projections, stating that the budget for the childcare facility still looks good, generating a yearly profit, assuming mortgage payments will be EMEDA’s responsibility. He said that a financial forecast will become clearer once staff hiring begins and salary and benefits are clarified.
Childcare Director Position: The board conducted discussion on the two Director candidates, including Director Zenko’s report on what he learned from calling references. The board also discussed salary and benefits to be offered. Vaughn suggested an hourly wage of $17.00 per hour and an a la carte benefits package totaling $7,000. The board directed Vaughn to research potential insurance package options to be reviewed by the board at the next meeting. After further discussion, Chairman Losing announced she would entertain a motion to offer the Director position to Carrie Schwartz.
- MOTION (Cookie Zenko): To offer the childcare director position to Carrie.
- SECOND: Steve Zachmann
- DISCUSSION: Hugo questioned whether EMEDA needs to settle on a benefits package prior to sending an offer letter to Carrie. The board again agreed to have Vaughn research potential packages and report back before an official offer letter was presented.
- VOTE: Three in favor, one opposed, one absent. Motion carries. EMEDA will offer the position of Childcare Facility Director to Carrie Schwartz once a benefits package has been determined.
- MOTION (Steve Zachmann): To offer a benefits package in the $7,000 range.
- SECOND: Cookie Zenko
- DISCUSSION: Chairman Losing requested a committee be formed to choose a benefits package, based on options Vaughn is able to provide. Steve agreed that it would be a good idea for EMEDA to meet more often, considering the critical decisions that must be made leading up to opening the childcare facility.
Chairman Losing called for a vote. - VOTE: Three in favor, one opposed, one absent. Motion carries. EMEDA will offer a benefits package in the range of $7,000 as suggested by Director Zenko.
New Business:
Childcare Project – Discussion and decisions as needed:
Construction contracts & estimates: Steve Zachmann reported on his progress with finding contractors for various tasks associated with the Childcare Project.
Hired or volunteer work for finishing of site: Chairman Losing had put together a list of local organizations that could help with work on the childcare site. She requested Vaughn look in to what insurance may be necessary to cover volunteer labor. Tasha then asked if the board would have any objection to her reaching out to the groups she identified as potential volunteers. There were no objections.
Steve Zachmann then brought up that he had not yet received any quotes back on installing chain link fence.
No further discussion..
Child/Family Recruitment: Chairman Losing stated that she would like EMEDA to hold a recruitment event. Vaughn stated that an open house, once the facility is prepared, would be the standard option. Other options discussed were a booth at the Fair, an ice cream social, and creating a QR Code leading to a Google Doc for potential applicants for enrollment. No further action.
Signage: It was agreed that signs would be necessary. The Marty and Sue Nelson Kids’ Kommunity was once again agreed upon as a good idea for the entire complex. Steve reported Head Start would provide their own sign for their business. Vaughn noted that EMEDA should brainstorm ideas for a name for their facility. No further action.
Other forms of Income (Grants / GoFundMe/ Sponsorships): Vice Chair Zachmann reiterated that Director Zenko has no authority to apply for grants without prior board approval and that EMEDA must develop a project before applying for grants instead of applying for a grant first and developing a project to utilize the funds. Vaughn stated that the nature of grant cycles dictates that proposals and applications must be developed and submitted within a timeline that may not fit with EMEDA’s meeting schedule. Commissioner Losing requested a motion relating to grant applications.
- MOTION (Cookie Zenko): That if grants come up for childcare that EMEDA may apply for them without full board consent.
- SECOND: None
- DISCUSSION: Noting that Director Zenko does not have legal authority to apply for grants on EMEDA’s behalf, Steve suggested that the board could give Tasha authority to decide on applying for grants.
Cookie Zenko rescinded her original motion. - MOTION (Cookie Zenko): That if grants come up, the Chairman has authority to apply for the period of one year.
- SECOND: Hugo Bumgardner
- DISCUSSION: Steve noted that any grants requiring matching funds would still require full board approval.
- VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. The EMEDA board grants the Chairman authority to apply for grants on EMEDA’s behalf. This authority will be reviewed after one year. Preliminary FY2025 Budget Discussion: Vaughn presented the board with a draft 2025 budget, also requesting clarification on line items to be included or removed from the annual budget. The board reviewed the numbers and made suggestions for a preliminary budget document to be presented for review at the next monthly meeting.
Other New Business:
Head Start Lease: Steve asked whether Vaughn had received a reply to a request from Shawna Sargent on a lease agreement template for the Head Start facility. Vaughn stated that he had not, but had created a draft lease agreement at the request of Chairman Losing. The board agreed that the draft lease created by Vaughn should be sent to Shawna for her input.
Steve stated that he would like to add a programmed rate increase to the lease at specific intervals.
There was no further discussion.
Having no further business to attend to at this time, Cookie Zenko motioned to adjourn. Steve Zachmann seconded.
Meeting adjourned at 9:32pm.
The next EMEDA Special Meeting is scheduled for August 5, 2024 at 7pm at the Visitor Center.
The next EMEDA Monthly Meeting is scheduled for September 3, 2024.
s\ Tasha Losing, Chairman s\ Vaughn Zenko, Executive Director