EMEDA Commissioner Meeting – November 14th 2024
Commissioner Special Meeting Minutes
November 14, 2024
Via Zoom
Members Present:
Chairperson Tasha Losing, Vice Chair Steve Zachmann, Treasurer Karol Zachmann, Commissioner Hugo Bumgardner, Commissioner “Cookie” Zenko.
Members Absent:, Commissioner Carson Beach.
Staff Present: Executive Director Vaughn Zenko, Childcare Director Carrie Schwartz
Public Present: None
Meeting called to order: 12:02pm by Chairman Tasha Losing
Approval of Agenda: No objections
Public Comment: No public was present.
Review of Previous Meeting Minutes: The board reviewed the minutes from the November 5, 2024 Monthly Meeting. Chairperson Losing noted two changes. Vice Chair Steve Zachmann brought up one note regarding K&K Construction Claim 93 for $2,518.50 but will hold the amount that would go to the redi-mix company, pending approval from the contractor. The contractor did not approve of that arrangement, so the full amount was paid to the contractor. This does not affect the previous minutes as written.
• MOTION (Hugo Bumgardner): To approve the minutes from the November 5 meeting with the noted corrections.
• SECOND: Steve Zachmann
• VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. November 5, 2024 Meeting Minutes approved with corrections.
Public Comment: None
Claim Forms Review: The board reviewed the claims from Weave Construction for $172,134 for the second half of Claim 96 held back at the November 5 meeting, as well as to Wyrick Construction for $25,846 for the second half of claim Claim 97, also held back at the November 5 meeting. Both were held while more information was gathered. Steve reported he had meetings and, in his opinion, both claims are valid. He said he would like to get some gravel back that was inadvertently hauled away, but it would not change the cost. Chairperson Losing asked if EMEDA could get recoup the $9,800 expense due to miscommunication. Steve was not sure on that.
Chairperson Losing asked if a decision on the claims could be postponed until the December Monthly Meeting. Steve said he still does not have all of the information regarding the two claims, so EMEDA will let them sit until the December meeting. There was no objection.
There was also an invoice from Rich Batterman for a meeting with the Chairperson.
Tasha suggested holding all claims until the December meeting. There was no objection.
Old Business:
Reassessment of Training Wage and Policy for EMEDA Childcare Employees: Childcare Director Carrie Schwartz reported that Teja Dietz did not accept EMEDA’s offer for employment during her training. She speculated that offering Teja a higher wage may encourage her to reconsider, suggesting the Board approve making an offer to Teja including the full $25.00 per hour provided by Job Service for 60 hours of training and then moving her wage back to $16.95 per hour when Teja is moved to full time.
Discussion included whether the $1500 from Job Service can be used to train other employees. Carrie reported that the funding was tied to Teja, but she is waiting to hear back from Job Service as to whether the money can be applied to a new employee. Further conversation noted that if EMEDA were to pay Teja the full $25.00 per hour provided by Job Service, there would still be additional employment expense to EMEDA above and beyond the wage. Chairperson Losing noted that $20.00 per hour may be a good starting point.
Chairperson Losing entertained a motion for Vaughn or Carrie having a conversation with Teja and finding out for certain if the $13.87 per hour offer for training was actually the issue with Teja rejecting the offer.
• MOTION (Karol Zachmann): To find out more from Teja to find out if it’s the wage or some other issue or if she’s even interested, and then proceed from there.
• SECOND: Cookie Zenko
• DISCUSSION: Steve questioned the wisdom in offering an employee $20-$25 per hour for training and then moving them to a lower wage later. Tasha suggested it could be thought of as a sign-on bonus.
• VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. Vaughn or Carrie will reach out to Teja to find out if the wage was the reason for rejecting EMEDA’s offer letter or if a higher wage for training would make a difference in her decision and then make a decision at that point.
Furtherdiscussion centered on whether there were any other applicants for Teja’s position? Carrie reported there were other applicants, but none that qualified for the Lead Teacher position. She also said no new applicants had applied for the Lead position, because it had been closed since the offer was made to Teja. Carrie also pointed out that she needed qualified staff in order to get the facility licensed so she could hire additional aides and do background checks.
As getting licensed will require a State inspection, Chairperson Losing turned the discussion to setting up a cleaning day to prepare the facility to accept children. She directed Carrie to make a social media post asking for volunteers to help clean. A date for cleanup was discussed, potentially the week of November 18. Steve said there is still no water or sewer for the facility due to the plumber being injured.
Chairperson Losing set a tentative date of Thursday, November 21 at 5:30pm for cleaning up the facility, pending water and sewer being completed. Carrie will post a request for volunteers once EMEDA knows for sure that the remaining work on the facility is completed.
New Business:
Discussion and Decision on Increasing the Current Construction Loan Amount: A financing document prepared by Construction Supervisor Steve Zachmann was reviewed by the board. There is $90,170.02 still available to EMEDA with the initial Construction Loan and $208,920.27 and still $67,250 pending. The City of Baker agreed to contribute $23,412 to the street widening portion of the project. The document shows EMEDA $109,464.04 short, based on cash on hand and the remainder of the construction loan. Steve suggested requesting an additional $125,000 from the Bank of Baker to cover estimated remaining costs. Chairperson Losing called for a motion.
• MOTION (Cookie Zenko): To have Steve submit his financing worksheet and other relevant estimates to the bank and Chairperson Losing will then approach the bank and request and extension of $125,000.
• SECOND: Hugo Bumgardner
• DISCUSSION: Some discrepancies were noted in the financing documents. Steve will make the necessary corrections and run it by Tasha before submitting to the bank.
• VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. Steve Zachmann will submit the approved financing worksheets to the Bank of Baker and Chairperson Losing will then approach the Bank and request an extension of the Construction Loan by $125,000.
Other Old Business:
Head Start Lease Agreement: Chairperson Losing asked if the Lease Committee (Steve and Karol Zachmann) had heard back from Shawna Sargent about the lease. Steve had reached out but had not heard back, other than Shawna had presented the amended lease to her higher-ups.
Having no other business to attend to at this time, Steve Zachmann made a motion to adjourn. Cookie Zenko seconded. All present in favor. Meeting adjourned at 12:57pm.
The next EMEDA Monthly meeting is scheduled for December 3, 2024 at 7pm at the Visitor Center.
s\ Tasha Losing, Chairman s\ Vaughn Zenko, Executive Director