10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

EMEDA Commissioner Meeting – October 15th 2024

EMEDA Commissioner Meeting – October 15th 2024

Commissioner’s Special Meeting
October 15, 2024
Fallon County Visitor Center

Members Present:
Chairperson Tasha Losing, Vice Chair Steve Zachmann, Treasurer Karol Zachmann, Commissioner Hugo Bumgardner, Commissioner “Cookie” Zenko.

Members Absent:, Commissioner Carson Beach.

Staff Present: Executive Director Vaughn Zenko, Childcare Director Carrie Schwartz

Public Present: None

Meeting called to order: 7:06pm by Chairman Tasha Losing

Approval of Agenda: Chairperson Losing suggested adding Construction Timeline to the agenda. There were no objections.

Public Comment: No public was present.

Claim Forms Review: The board reviewed multiple claims and invoices. Other than construction expenses, there were also claims presented from Carrie Schwartz for general start up costs and Rachel’s Accounting.
Carrie talked insurance with Jade Boggs who said she needs to be on worker’s comp insurance. Carrie will discuss more with Jade. Karol Zachmann noted a $1,155.40 claim for the approved EMEDA computer and associated expenses. Chairperson Losing said she has an upcoming meeting with attorney Rich Batterman where she will discuss the specifics of keeping an EMEDA purchased computer at a board member’s private residence. The claims totaled $30,719.09, $29,299.69 of which would come from the construction loan.
Hugo asked if the fencing work has been completed at the childcare site. Steve said it has not, but the claim can still be approved and the check will be held until the work is completed. It was specified that the claim from Mike’s Plumbing was only for work at the Head Start facility. Regarding the total claims, Hugo asked if EMEDA had the money to pay them all. Steve reported $361,042.93 still available with the construction loan as of 10/8/24. With these new claims, $331,743.24 would be remaining. The board chose to take up the claims based on which accounts they’d be paid by.

  • MOTION (Hugo Bumgardner): To approve claims 79-82 for a total of $29,299.69 to be paid by the construction loan.
  • SECOND: Cookie Zenko
  • VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. EMEDA will pay, with the construction loan, Claim 79 to Direct Electric for $123.19, Claim 80 to Griffith Excavating for $5,922.50 and Claim 81 to Loyal Shepherd Contracting for $9,239 and claim 82 to Mike’s Plumbing for $14,015 for a total of $29,299. Claim 81 to Loyal Shepherd Contracting for the fence work will not be paid until the work is completed.

The Board then took up claims 77, 78 and 83. Treasurer Karol Zachmann noted the remaining bank balances in each account: $5,627.33 in the Bank of Baker Childcare Account, $36,304.34 in the regular checking account and $11,808.66 in Savings.

  • MOTION (Hugo Bumgardner): To approve claims 77, 78 and 83 for a total of $264 to be paid from the Bank of Baker Childcare Project account.
  • SECOND: Steve Zachmann
  • VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. EMEDA will pay, from the Bank of Baker Childcare Project account, Claim 77 to Carrie Schwartz for $20 for necessary fingerprinting, Claim 78 to Carrie Schwartz for $89 for the annual PO Box key deposit at the post office, and claim 83 to Rachel’s Accounting for $155 for payroll and accounting services for a total of $264.

The board then too up Claim 84 for the EMEDA computer purchase.

  • MOTION (Steve Zachmann): To approve claim 84 to Karol Zachmann for the purchase of a computer and associated expenses for $1,155.40.
  • SECOND: Cookie Zenko
  • VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. EMEDA will pay claim 84 for $1,155.40 to Karol Zachmann for the purchase of a computer and associated expenses for EMEDA.

Construction Supervisor Report: Construction Supervisor Steve Zachmann presented his report, noting progress on the fencing, sod and water. Chairperson Losing suggested splitting or paying Head Start’s full water bill for now, until there is water to the EMEDA unit also.
Steve mentioned some issues with the concrete work by K&K Construction, noting slower progress than expected. He also noted some cracking and will have a discussion with K&K, but will not pay the remaining balance unless the cracking is fixed.
Steve also noted the outlet on the north wall of the Head Start facility was not working. Direct Electric fixed it and Steve said US Modular will reimburse that expense to EMEDA.
Steve continued his progress report on the repairs to Unit 1. Chairperson Losing requested a copy of the email saying that Sheridan Homes approved that the damage to the unit was not significant enough that it would affect its structural integrity. Steve will share that email with Tasha.
Steve wrapped up his report noting that Sheridan Homes will come to the site for painting once the inside sheetrock is completed.

Construction Timeline (added to agenda by Chairperson): At Tasha’s request, Steve gave an estimated timeline for completion on Unit 1. Estimating the inside would be completed by the end of October and the Unit able to inspect for occupancy on November 15. There was discussion on topsoil in front of the building. Tasha said there may need to be a board work day.

Childcare Director Report: Carrie Schwartz reported that she has 22 kids on her waitlist already. She discussed with Julie at HRDC about removing the marriage wall between the two smaller classrooms, noting that it would increase capacity by at least three and also help with staffing. She also noted that the kitchen area can count towards square footage for licensing as long as the kitchen is used for projects for the kids. Steve estimated a $2400 expense to pull out the marriage wall between the two classrooms if he can get help with the demolition. Vaughn noted that income from three additional slots, and less staff required, would more than make the cost of removing the wall.

  • MOTION (Hugo Bumgardner): To remove the wall.
  • SECOND: Steve Zachmann
  • VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. The marriage wall between classrooms one and two in the EMEDA facility will be removed. Steve Zachmann offered an estimate of $2400, contingent on board assistance.

Conversation turned to Carrie’s request for plumbing into the infant room for a changing station. A portable sink could also be an option. Steve said he would get information on the cost of running plumbing into the infant room.
Carrie then presented an idea for a photo booth for the Childcare Project at the annual Trunk or Treat. She requested $20 to purchase a backdrop. Vaughn showed Carrie optional backdrops that the SMART Community Theater would let her use. Carrie will proceed with that option.
Carrie also noted that she would need storage for all of the donated items for the childcare facility by this Saturday. The board discussed options. It was decided to hold off on requesting more donations of items until more storage is available.
Carrie then moved on to budget considerations. There was discussion. Carrie asked for clarification as to which insurance the childcare business would be responsible for. It was generally decided that the business would be responsible for any insurance involving personnel, and EMEDA would be responsible for any insurance involving the buildings.
Carrie asked if the building could be rented out for birthday parties. The board advised against that. She also asked if the facility could provide ready-made meals for families to purchase as a way to generate additional funds. The board generally agreed that would be okay.

Executive Directors Report: Vaughn noted that the Head Start facility had a successful grand opening and encouraged the board to congratulate themselves on that success and the hard work that went in to getting that phase of the project completed for Fallon County.

Old Business:
Landscaping and Fencing Decisions as Needed: Discussion on acquiring rock from a local church for landscaping purposes. Tasha requested a board work day to help move and place the rock. Vaughn noted that SMART had been working with Linda Kennel, who is in charge of community service, and that he would contact her to see if there was anyone available to help as part of their community service requirements.

Further Discussion: Before adjourning, Steve noted for the board that once the bill from Weave Construction comes, EMEDA will need addition financing to complete the project, estimating potentially a $345,000 expense for Weave.

8:53pm: Cookie Zenko left the meeting

Steve continued with more discussion regarding construction at the site.

8:56pm: Cookie Zenko returned to the meeting

Having no other business to attend to at this time, Hugo Bumgardner made a motion to adjourn. Steve Zachmann seconded. All present in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:56pm.

The next EMEDA Monthly meeting is scheduled for November 5, 2024 at 7pm at the Visitor Center.

             s\ Tasha Losing, Chairman                                            s\ Vaughn Zenko, Executive Director
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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving