10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

EMEDA Commissioner Meeting – October 4th 2024

EMEDA Commissioner Meeting – October 4th 2024

Commissioner’s Special Meeting
October 4, 2024

Members Present:
Chairperson Tasha Losing, Vice Chair Steve Zachmann, Commissioner Hugo Bumgardner, Commissioner “Cookie” Zenko.

Members Absent: Treasurer Karol Zachmann, Commissioner Carson Beach.

Staff Present: Executive Director Vaughn Zenko, Childcare Director Carrie Schwartz

Public Present: Shawna Sargent, Action for Eastern Montana Head Start

Meeting called to order: 6:32pm by Chairman Tasha Losing

Approval of Agenda: Carrie suggested that the agenda item about obtaining a line of credit for EMEDA could include hiring Teja Dietz as well. It was decided that that discussion could be had at that time without amending the agenda. Meeting agenda approved with no objections.

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes: The minutes from the September 29, 2024 meeting were reviewed by the board. There was some discussion on updates from the Construction Supervisor portion of the meeting, but no edits. Chairperson Losing suggested that discussion could be continued later in the meeting.

  • MOTION (Steve Zachmann): To approve the September 29 October Monthly Meeting minutes as written.
  • SECOND: Cookie Zenko
  • VOTE: Three in favor, none opposed, two absent. The September 29, 2024 October Monthly Meeting minutes were approved.

Public Comment: Guest Shawna Sargent noted she was just on the Zoom meeting listening in to see if there were any contributions she could make to the discussion or to answer any questions.

Claim Forms Review: The board reviewed multiple claims and invoices. Chairperson Losing noted that the board hadn’t officially voted to hire K&K Construction. She also noted that their proposal needed to be edited to clarify that the customer was EMEDA, and not from Head Start. Though it is a separate agenda item later in the meeting, in the interest of time, she then announced that she would entertain a motion to hire K&K Construction.

  • MOTION (Hugo Bumgardner): To approve the hiring of K&K Construction for concrete work at both units.
  • SECOND: Steve Zachmann
  • VOTE: Three in favor, none opposed, two absent. EMEDA accepts the proposal, with the noted edit, and hires K&K Construction for concrete work at both Units 1 and 2 at the childcare site.

The board continued their review of the presented claim forms, numbered 71-76.

  • MOTION (Hugo Bumgardner): To pay claims 71-76, at a total of $15,658.61
  • SECOND: Cookie Zenko
  • RECUSAL: Steve Zachmann recused himself from the vote, as he has a direct interest in claims 74-76.
  • VOTE: Two in favor, none opposed, one recused, two absent. EMEDA approves claims 71-76 for a total of $15,658.61. Claim 71 to Loyal Shepherd Contracting invoice 1021 for $4,760 for 35% down payment on fencing both playgrounds. Claim 72 to K&K Construction Proposal 10-1-2024 for $2,518.50 for a 50% down payment on concrete work. Claim 73 to Loyal Shepherd Contracting invoice 1022 for $1,260 for a 35% down payment on sod at the childcare sites, Claim 74 to Steve Zachmann invoice 409 for $1,590 for his work as Construction Supervisor, Claim 75 to Steve Zachmann for Invoice 410 for flashing rim joist Unit 1 and 2 for $879. Claim 76 to Steve Zachmann invoice 411 for $3,750 for repairs to Unit 1.

Carrie Schwartz mentioned that EMEDA also needs to pay Brightwheel for the subscription. Tasha said this could be covered later in the meeting.

New Business
Approval of Concrete Contractor for Childcare Site: Addressed during Claim Forms Review earlier in the meeting.

50% Down Payment for Loyal Shepherd Contracting:  Addressed during the Claim Forms Review earlier in the meeting.

Obtaining Line of Credit or Credit Card for Childcare Start-Up Costs:  Chairperson Losing stated that EMEDA needed some funding to start paying non-construction expenses.  Director Zenko presented options for a Line of Credit.  He estimated roughly $45,996 in expenses through June. Obtaining a line of credit for that amount, in addition to the grant funding from Grid United, this would give EMEDA a total of about $76,000 to cover expenses through June.  Carrie said that she doesn’t think that will be enough.  Shawna Sargent noted that Action for Eastern Montana utilizes agency credit cards and still cannot get a credit limit over $5000, so a credit card would likely not be a solid option for covering expenses unless balances could be paid monthly.  

Chairperson Losing requested that Carrie Schwartz puts together a full business plan to take to a bank to request a line of credit, and that there be some division, possibly making the Childcare Facility itself the lender and EMEDA the guarantor. Steve Zachmann said he is looking into that possibility. Tasha requested a motion to form an ad hoc committee to create a proposal for a bank. Members of the committee were discussed.

  • MOTION (Steve Zachmann): That EMEDA form an ad hoc committee consisting of Karol, Vaughn and Carrie to create needs and a timeline to be presented to a lending institution, and anything else the committee feels needs to presented to a lender.
  • SECOND: Cookie Zenko
  • DISCUSSION: There was discussion on if there should be a limit to ask for with the line of credit, associated with EMEDA’s payback capability. Carrie asked if the loan payback will be EMEDA’s responsibility or the childcare facility’s so that she can adjust her business financial plans accordingly. Discussion generally thought that anything prior to opening should be an EMEDA expense, anything after that will likely be a childcare expense. There was also discussion as to how SMART can help. Vaughn said that SMART has a revolving loan fund, but it hasn’t been utilized in years and he would have to check with the board. He also mentioned that SMART does have a credit card that EMEDA could utilize for subscriptions for now, until they are able to obtain one of their own.
  • VOTE: Three in favor, none opposed, two absent. EMEDA has set up an ad hoc committee consisting of Treasurer Karol Zachmann, Director Vaughn Zenko and Childcare Director Carrie Schwartz to create a needs assessment and a timeline for those needs to be presented to a lending institution in association with potentially obtaining a line of credit for childcare operations.
    Regarding the credit card issue, Shawna Sargent recommended that EMEDA have an official fiscal policies and procedures guiding document.
  • MOTION (Hugo Bumgardner): That the EMEDA ad hoc committee also research potential credit card information.
  • SECOND: Cookie Zenko
  • VOTE: Three in favor, none opposed, two absent. The EMEDA ad hoc committee working on the loan information will also gather credit card information to advise the board.

Chairperson Losing asked if there were any other issues related to start-up? Carrie stated her biggest concern was getting Teja started so that she could have the necessary training in before the facility opens. Vaughn suggested the potential for an internship. Carrie and Vaughn will check options with Job Service for paid trainings as well.

Old Business:
Landscaping and Fencing Decisions as Needed: Carrie will work with Steve on exact landscaping specifications needed for licensing. Shawna Sargent suggested planning on 7-10 tons of mulch, based on what she needed for the Head Start playground. There was continued discussion on mulch and also just using the existing Jaycees Park playground as outdoor playspace for now.

  • MOTION (Steve Zachmann): That EMEDA reach out to the Landfill and to the County to find out when they’ll chip their trees and if we can put that mulch on the playground.
  • SECOND: Cookie Zenko
  • VOTE: Three in favor, none opposed, two absent. EMEDA will reach out to the Landfill or Fallon County to find out when they’ll chip their trees and if EMEDA can put that mulch on the playground.

Having no other business to attend to at this time, Cookie Zenko moved for adjournment. Steve Zachmann seconded. All present in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:57pm.

The next EMEDA Meeting is scheduled for October 15, 2024 at 6:30pm to address claims, hiring and budgeting.
The next EMEDA Monthly meeting is scheduled for November 5, 2024 at 7pm at the Visitor Center.

             s\ Tasha Losing, Chairman                                            s\ Vaughn Zenko, Executive Director
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