10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

EMEDA Commissioner Meeting – September 29th 2024

EMEDA Commissioner Meeting – September 29th 2024

Members Present:
Chairman Tasha Losing, Vice Chair Steve Zachmann, Treasurer Karol Zachmann (via phone), Commissioner Hugo Bumgardner, Commissioner “Cookie” Zenko.

Members Absent: Commissioner Carson Beach,

Staff Present: Executive Director Vaughn Zenko, Childcare Director Carrie Schwartz

Public Present: Shawna Sargent, Action for Eastern Montana Head Start

Meeting called to order:
6:32pm by Chairman Tasha Losing

Approval of Agenda:  Meeting agenda approved with no objections.

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:  The minutes from the September 10, 2024 meeting were reviewed by the board.  Steve Zachmann noted some edits to some wording.

• MOTION (Hugo Bumgardner): To approve the September 10 meeting minutes as edited.

• SECOND:  Steve Zachmann

• VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. The September 10, 2024 meeting minutes were approved as edited. Minutes will be edited and signed at the next EMEDA meeting.

Public Comment:  Guest Shawna Sargent had no comment. Commissioner Hugo Bumgardner brought up several questions regarding the Childcare Project that he had been asked personally by the public.  Steve addressed the questions. There was some board discussion.

Financial Report:  Treasurer Karol Zachmann presented the EMEDA financial report showing EMEDA currently with $36,304.34 (+$203.07 over Sept. 10) in the operating fund, $11,733.96 (-$7,664) in savings, and $6,453.27 (-$856.97) in the Bank of Baker Childcare Account.  She said she had not checked the Childcare account at Grasslands because she did not have online access to the account. Vaughn noted that the Grasslands account has $581.05. Karol also requested information on the dedicated grant funds. Vaughn noted that $35,800 came from the Grid United grant for childcare, and $1,251 from Grid United was dedicated to the Coldwell Field sound system.  There was discussion about the Bank of Baker childcare account and moving money to different accounts.

• MOTION (Hugo Bumgardner): To transfer $35,800 from the EMEDA operating account to the Bank of Baker Childcare account.

• SECOND:  Steve Zachmann

• VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. EMEDA will transfer $35,800 from the general operating account to the Bank of Baker Childcare Project account.

The board continued on to discussion on moving $1,251 from the operating account to savings for purposes of the Coldwell Field sound system grant.  After discussion, it was decided that money did not to be transferred, as there already was $1,251 in savings to account for the grant funds.

• MOTION (Hugo Bumgardner): To transfer $35,800 from the EMEDA operating account to the Bank of Baker Childcare account.

• SECOND:  Cookie Zenko

• VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. EMEDA will dedicate $1,251 already in savings for purposes fulfilling the grant requirement of purchasing a sound system for Coldwell Field.

Before moving on in the agenda, Vaughn suggested the board address granting Karol access to the Grasslands Childcare account.

• MOTION (Hugo Bumgardner): To grant Karol online access to review the Grasslands Childcare account.

• SECOND:  Cookie Zenko
• DISCUSSION:  Steve and Karol Zachmann abstained from the vote as it directly involves them.

• VOTE: Two in favor, none opposed, two abstaining, one absent. Karol Zachmann, as Treasurer, is granted online access to review the Childcare account at Grasslands Federal Credit Union.

Monthly Claim Forms Review:  Steve noted that one claim approved at the September 10 meeting had already been paid and had been corrected.  He then presented two new claims, involving multiple invoices.  Claim 69 to Direct Electric for $2,216.75 to set up electricity the Childcare site and $5,118.45 for installation of light poles.  Claim number 70 to Griffith Excavating for $800 for positioning the two childcare unit halves, $7,935 to trench water and sewer on the site and $2,520 for leveling topsoil.

• MOTION (Steve Zachmann): To pay claim 69 to Direct Electric and Claim 70 to Griffith Excavating.

• SECOND:  Hugo Bumgardner

• DISCUSSION:  Carrie asked how she should handle the approved expense of the Brightwheel subscription. It was suggested a claim form still be filled out.
• VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. EMEDA approves a total of $20,806.95 in claims.  Claim 69 to Direct Electric for a total of $9,551.95 and claim 70 to Griffith Excavating for $11,255.00.

Construction Supervisor Report:  Steve noted that he had met with Anthony and Britney Richison regarding sod and fencing, reporting a quote of $13,596 for fencing and $8,160 to sod half of the Head Start playground and all of the EMEDA playground.  Childcare Director Carrie Schwartz noted that the playground would need to incorporate fall protection for any play equipment over 36 inches.  There was a discussion on the cost of mulch and a request for Steve to check in on costs of Richison’s doing half of the EMEDA playground with sod and half with mulch.  Richison’s were noted as operating under the name Loyal Shepherd Contractors LLC.

• MOTION (Hugo Bumardner): To approve sod expense up to $6500 for half of each play area.

• SECOND:  Steve Zachmann

• VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. EMEDA approves the sod quote from Loyal Shepherd Contractors LLC up to $6,500 with the amendment that half of the EMEDA play area be sodded instead of the full area.  Steve will request a quote on using a minimum of 6 inches of mulch for the remainder of the play area.

The board then addressed fencing.

• MOTION (Hugo Bumardner): To approve the quote for $13,596 for fencing of the play areas.

• SECOND:  Steve Zachmann

• VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. EMEDA approves the fencing quote from Loyal Shepherd Contractors LLC for $13,596 for fencing the play areas of units 1 and 2 at the childcare site.

Steve then brought up that Anthony Richison had told him that he would be willing to also work on repairs for Unit 1 at a rate of $50 per hour, and that Steve could work together with him to expedite the repairs.

• MOTION (Cookie Zenko): To accept Anthony Richison’s quote of $50 per hour to assist on unit 1 repairs.

• SECOND:  Steve Zachmann

• VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. EMEDA approves the quote of $50 per hour from Anthony Richison to hire him to assist Steve Zachmann or repairs to Unit 1.

Steve continued with his Construction Supervisor Report, including updates on the walkway to the Head Start unit, timeline for after topsoil is placed, installation of fiber optics by Mid-Rivers, and plans for areas not covered by asphalt.  Chairman Losing mentioned that the Baker Community Church is removing some river rock and is willing accept donations for it.  Shawna Sargent mentioned that Head Start may be willing to contribute some funds for landscaping expenses.  Tasha suggest Steve call Toni (sic) Reetz at the Baker Community Church to check on square footage of river rock available and if it would work for the childcare facility.

As Executive Director Zenko had to leave the meeting at 8:00pm, Chairman Losing moved to proceed to the Director’s Report for time.  There was no objection.

Director’s Report:  Vaughn reported that during EMEDA updates with the Fallon County Commissioners on September 23, at the request of Vice Chairman Zachmann and Chairman Losing, he had reached out to the Commission about contributing to the expense of widening Texas Avenue, as had been brought up at a previous meeting between Steve and the Commissioners. The Commissioners stated that the expense was not in the County budget.

7:54pm  Executive Director Vaughn Zenko left the meeting.

               Childcare Director Carrie Schwartz assumed the duty of keeping meeting minutes.

Commissioner Losing moved that the board return to the Childcare Director Report on the agenda. There was no objection.

Childcare Director Report:  Carrie with construction.
Sign – for both centers under Nelson Sign. Baker Childcare and Early Learning Center okayed.

Carrie will look into sign for BCELC with Baker Metal.

Shade areas discussed. No motion.

Changing tables and water.  No motion. Carrie will look.

Budget – went over budget for the Center.  Shawna Sargent mentioned it would be good to stop at Boss. 
The board went over the budget with Carrie.

Zono Cabinet – Shawna stated she uses something like a dishwasher.  Carrie will look in to that.

RO System – Add RO System

• MOTION (Steve Zachmann): That the board solicit grants for all needs for Baker Childcare.

• SECOND:  Cookie Zenko

• DISCUSSION:  Look into books and art supplies grants. Shawna indicated she may be willing to donate some supplies as well. Ask for donations.

• VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. The board will solicit grants for all needs for Baker Childcare.

Discussion continued.
Carrie presented working budget.

8:35pm:  10 minute recess

Karol Zachmann left the meeting

8:47pm:  Meeting resumed

Old Business

            Finalize and adopt EMEDA FY25 Budget:  The board reviewed the final budget prepared by Vaughn based on the board’s recommendations from the September 10 meeting.  Steve asked about $3,600 SMART assistance. After discussion, it was decided to leave it in, no motion necessary.

Insurance okayed.

• MOTION (Hugo Bumgardner): To approve FY2025 Budget as presented.

• SECOND:  Cookie Zenko

• DISCUSSION:  Steve said construction work overlapped into this budget. He wants to put bills in before next meeting. He wants to approve as is, but if changes are made, it must be done formally with public.

• VOTE: Three in favor, none opposed, two absent. The EMEDA Fiscal Year 2025 budget is approved.

8:57pm:  Karol Zachmann rejoined the meeting via phone.

            Head Start Lease Committee Report and Action as Needed:  Shawna Sargent wants to pay lease at end of the month. 
Water bill will be under EMEDA’s name.

October 1 start date for water, sewer, garbage.

Snow removal – split costs at will call. 
Steve will look for snow clearing

Karol can put on Talk Around Town and put on social media.

Vaughn will take applications at the SMART office.
Shawna and Carrie do not want responsibility for checking snow levels and calling for removal.

Shawna will be signing lease when in building

• MOTION (Steve Zachmann): For preliminary approval of the lease agreement upon Shawna’s approval.

• SECOND:  Hugo Bumgardner

• VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. EMEDA gives preliminary approval to the lease agreement with Head Start, pending Shawna’s approval.

            Hiring Committee Report and Action as Needed:  The board discussed the hiring committee’s recommendations after interviews with three prospective hires on September 25.

• MOTION (Hugo Bumgardner): That EMEDA immediately hire Teja Dietz at $15.38 at 40 hours per week pending a background check.

• SECOND:  Cookie Zenko

• DISCUSSION:  Karol wants to know how EMEDA is going to pay Teja with no income before childcare starts.

• MOTION RESCINDED (Hugo Bumgardner)

• NEW MOTION (Hugo Bumgardner): To start background checks.

• SECOND:  Cookie Zenko

• VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. EMEDA will immediately begin background checks on prospective employees.  Further discussion is next meeting.

            Purchase of Computer and Printer (w/ Karol Zachmann):  Karol will bring the board different computer quotes next meeting.

New Business

            External Hard Drive (Hold and Maintain Meeting Recordings):  The board held discussion on purchasing an external drive to store meeting recordings.

• MOTION (Hugo Bumgardner): To purchase a 2 TB external hard drive for recording meetings and saving.

• SECOND:  Steve Zachmann

• DISCUSSION:  Vaughn will look into

• VOTE: Four in favor, none opposed, one absent. EMEDA will purchase a 2 TB external hard drive for purposes of recording and storing meetings.  Vaughn will look into options.

            Head Start Grand Opening:  The Head Start grand opening event will be October 10 from 3-6pm.  Karol will put on the Talk Around Town.

            Montana Nonprofit Association Help Build Policies:  Chairman Losing would like to use a group like MNA.  She would also like Board Member job descriptions.  There was no formal action.

Having no other business to attend to at this time, Steve Zachmann moved for adjournment.  Hugo Bumgardner seconded.  All present in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 9:51pm.

The next EMEDA Meeting is scheduled for October 15, 2024 at 6:30pm to address claims, hiring and budgeting.

The next EMEDA Monthly meeting is scheduled for November 5, 2024 at 7pm at the Visitor Center.

                 s\ Tasha Losing, Chairman                                                                                        s\ Vaughn Zenko, Executive Director

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