10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Fair Board Minutes – March 18th 2024

Fair Board Minutes – March 18th 2024

Monday, March 18, 2024
PRESENT: Matt Plaisted, Chairman, Eddie Coulter, Justin Koenigsfeld, Derrick DeHaan, Fair Board Members,
Jennefer Wheeler Fairgrounds Manager
ABSENT: Wendy Wagner-Vice Chairman
GUESTS: Kodie Olsen, Alissa Miller, Wanda
Matt Plaisted called the meeting to order.
Eddie Coulter motioned to approve the March 18, 2024, Fair Board Agenda. Derrick DeHaan
seconded the motion. The motion carried. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent.
Justin Koenigsfeld motioned to approve the February 20, 2024, minutes. Derrick DeHaan seconded the motion.
The motion carried. The motion carried. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent.
Jennefer gave the Board the past and present happenings at the Fairgrounds. There are 2 bids for cleaning
during the Fair in the folders. The one being a local Eddie thought that may not be a bad idea. Give them a try
for a year. They are willing to help after the Fair on Monday and Tuesday with cleaning up also.
Eddie Coulter motioned to approve Lisa Passmore’s bid for cleaning during the Fair. Justin Koenigsfeld
seconded the motion. The motion carried. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent.
Circle R sent over bid. They do not install them. Jennefer will request installers and get their bids for installation
on the walk-in door replacement.
Out West Events emailed over some information for advertising in their magazine. They cover a 5-state region.
Matt stated he thought it may help with our Ranch Bronc Ride to bring attendance. After a little discussion and
looking at the packages. Matt asked for a motion.
Justin Koenigsfeld motioned to approve taking out the 2/3-page ad in Out West Events. Eddie Coulter
seconded the motion. The motion carried. 2 Ayes. 1 Nays. 1 Absent.
Jennefer is still working on all the alarms in the Suppression Room. Direct can’t get the new batteries to
read and the company is out of business.
Darcy still has our 2 contracts.
Josh Lewis IT Department and Jennefer will be talking with the Sound Guy for the grandstands
Kodie Olsen 4H program coordinator started out with the news of Fallon/Carter Extension Agents will now be a
split position. Amanda Williams chose to go to Carter County. Kodie will send an update monthly with anything
that will need to be reported on. At the last 4H/Livestock meetings there was talk of Vet checks up to 7 days prior
to the Fair. They thought it could help the chaos and then our vet on site would only need to sign off they seen the
other check. The board thought that sounded like a great plan. Kodie is still working with vets, etc. Kodie asked
about animals checking out prior to Sunday. The board let her know that we discussed it at an earlier meeting and
said it would be decided case by case after the person presented at the meeting prior to Fair. Their next Livestock
meeting is April 8th at the Library Basement and 4H counsel is April 15 at Exhibit Hall. There are a few changes to
the Livestock Fair book. Mostly making more time for the Poultry Show. The Ambassadors would like to hold their
dance again on Wednesday evening. The board thanked them for all the updates. Kodie, Alissa, and Wanda left
the meeting at 7:03 pm
No one appeared for Public Comment.
By Laws
Everyone read through the changes Jennefer made to the by laws and resolution. If everyone agrees she will take
in the signed copies for the Commission to agree upon. Matt asked for a motion.
Derrick DeHaan motioned to approve the changed By Laws and Resolution. Justin Koenigsfeld
seconded the motion. The motion carried. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent.
7:09 PM 2024 FAIR
Rodeo Purse-Again the purse sheet was added to the folder to look over. Everyone decided to not to
Steer Roping this year as it coincides with Douglas, WY. So, of the 4 options for purse there was a great
discussion. As discussion proceeded, Steer Roping was voted to stay on Wednesday night. Douglas was
willing to move theirs to accommodate ours.
Justin Koenigsfeld motioned to approve the purse of Option 2 with Steer Roping included for the Fair.
Eddie Coulter seconded the motion. The motion carried. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent.
7:05 PM-Free stage Act
All are either recorded or waiting for Darcy to finish.
7:08 PM-February Event
Bar/Food Bids-Thee Garage will do the Bar and Bogey’s will be doing the dinner.
Ticket Sales-We aren’t getting a lot of sales. Eddie said that is typical and they will start closer to the Event.
Radio Ads-Jennefer got it on the Radio starting at the Tournaments. Vaughn put it on his feed over Tourney’s.
Karol has it on Talk Around Town. Matt asked if we got it in paper. Jennefer did not and she can see if there is
any way in morning but doesn’t think we will get it in there. We will put 2 tickets each under 4 chairs at Lasting
Impressions for the Night Shows to redeem. When is everyone available to set up? Friday at 6:30pm. Matt will
build a little stage area for him to be on. Speakers and everything are here. Josh and Jennefer will make sure
they are all up and running.
Covered Patio Quote-Jennefer printed the copy from Franks Arcs and Sparks. Derrick discussed that it’s a bit
more than originally thought but still is reasonable. Everyone discussed the plan and how it would look.
Derrick DeHaan motioned to approve of the Covered Patio quote. Eddie Coulter seconded the
motion. The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
Jennefer will get on the agenda to have the Commission approve the addition.
Matt asked if there was any other new business. Wendy asked if we decided on a prize besides the bootjack.
Eddie will ask Callie at MT Silversmiths for some ideas. He has the Mutton Bustin Buckles ordered. Eddie asked if
had the bank signatures changed over. Jennefer will get those picked up before next meeting.
7:24PM-Doors on Barn-Matt brought up the walk-in doors on the barn. Derrick said that Todd Griffith said they
have no supplier for that anymore. He mentioned maybe we could try ABC Glass. Jennefer asked if Frank would
have any contacts. Eddie asked if Jennefer would call maybe John Rieger. Jennefer did ask how they would feel if
they were crash opening type doors so if we do have an event or something we can lock them to deter people to
use the doors we have manned. Everyone said if they can be somehow yes that is a good idea. Jennefer will
contact John Rieger on the walk-in doors. Eddie said we will have a Ranch Bronc Ride on Saturday night after the
Rodeo then. Start about 7pm. Eddie said we will need a purse. After discussion on the amounts. Matt called for
a motion.
Eddie Coulter motioned to approve $25,000 for the Ranch Bronc Ride Purse. Wendy Wagner
seconded the motion. The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
Matt asked if there was anything else we needed to discuss. Matt asked for a motion to adjourn.
Still waiting on Darcy to finish addendum.
Other Ticket Prices stay the same Jennefer asked. Could we get a motion for that.
Derrick DeHaan motioned to approve the ticket prices all staying the same. Eddie Coulter seconded
the motion. The motion carried. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent.
Derrick brought up that him and Justin with 406 pressured up the lines in suppression room. All good but one ball
valve he will replace. He thinks the batteries are new but dead in box and Josh with IT can replace them. Jennefer
will discuss it with Josh and see if he can.
Matt wants to move the garbage cans up to the scoria until the weather breaks as the garbage truck is tearing up
the back bad. Derrick asked if they could be placed closer and Matt said he will move them to the scoria parking
lot. Discussed moving the stage to the back fence away from the front. The tires are bad but could go there.
Then it’s easier to move for next time.
Next Meeting: Monday April 15, 2024, 6:30 pm at the Fair Office
7:27 PM Justin Koenigsfeld made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Eddie Coulter seconded the motion. The motion
carried. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent.
s/ Matt Plaisted, Chairman
s/Jennefer Wheeler, Fairgrounds Manager

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