10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Fair Board Minutes – October 28th 2024

Fair Board Minutes – October 28th 2024

Monday, October 28, 2024
PRESENT: Matt Plaisted, Chairman, Wendy Wagner Vice-Chairman, Derrick DeHaan, Leighton Bilbrey, Justin
Koenigsfeld, Jennefer Wheeler Fairgrounds Manager
GUESTS: Julie Straub, Kevin Braun, Dave Kirschten, Kodi Olsen
Matt Plaisted called the meeting to order.
Wendy Wagner motioned to approve the October 28, 2024, Fair Board Agenda. Justin Koenigsfeld
seconded the motion. The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
Justin Koenigsfeld motioned to approve the September 16, 2024, minutes. Derrick DeHaan seconded
the motion. The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
Jennefer gave them a list of the events coming up in the hall and barn. Jennefer asked if Matt would like to talk
to Bobby about sand removal or if she should. Matt stated it was on the schedule to be taken out on Friday,
November 1st. Jeff Frank had called and asked when we would haul Manure from here. He has a project he was
looking at doing with it. Matt said it’s on the board to get done also. Jennefer added an email from Eddie about
the WPRA Breakaway Trailblazer Award. She needs to RSVP is everyone ok with the Thursday ceremony. What
3-4 bullet points would we like sent in. We will need to do check book changes and officers also.
Dave gave some bullet points of the Fair recaps. They have a vacancy for their administrative assistant. He let us
know that the Livestock Committee voted and the 4H council agreed to remove the Vet Check from the policy. Is
the Board ok with this decision. It will revert back to the old ruling of having the grievance committee and the
Barn Super make those rulings. Wendy asked it the Barn Super was ok with this. Will you have a vet double check
anything if needed. Kodie said they (4H) want to get some plans and ides for the Barn in the future. Commissioner
Braun stated that it is a 4H barn. There was further discussion on what could be done to make it larger if needed.
Dave said that he will not come to every meeting but will be at the ones that are needed to discuss any topics and
if we need him to attend to please let him know.
Dave and Kodie left the meeting at
No one appeared for Public Comment
Grid United Grant-Jennefer added the ABC sign quote for the electronic sign. She would need a couple letters
from groups like Wild Game Feed, the Board or Commission. Wendy said she will try to get one from Wild Game
Feed and for Board by Wednesday. We can then put in for the sign at the front of the entrance on the May cycle.
Conventions: RMAF-who’s driving-Derrick and Matt are taking their own Vehicle. Can we add rooms for Friday
night of RMAF as the showcases go way later. Jennefer will see what she can do tomorrow.
IAFE-Wendy will drive herself.
PRCA-we will all travel together to Billings and back.
Quote on Lights for vendor area-the Board decided to hold off on that area for lights at this time. If in the future,
there is anything built that would not be a great decision. We can always look at it in the future.
Decision on Freckle Farms for 2025 Fair-Will they be at RMAF. We can talk to them there.
Decision on Saffire Renewal-Our contract is up and would we like to use them again. Matt entertained a motion
for the renewal.
Derrick DeHaan motioned to approve the renewal of Saffire Contract. Wendy Wagner seconded the
motion. The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
Decision on Agent-Wendy wants to look at conventions and see what we can do. Matt talked with
Dawson County and Richland County about their agents and talent.
Winter Event-Wendy thinks a Drive in would be fun in December. Jennefer did say they could do this
but she would not be here for it, but they can still do it. We can look at conventions too for another act
if we want to. Wendy talked about Escape Room also. Derrick said those may not be as popular as they
once were. The Bull riding people contacted Matt. Wendy said that she didn’t feel it was well attended
and didn’t feel we should do that again. The Board agreed. Leighton asked if it was cheaper, or different
contractor would we be interested. Currently the board feels they don’t want to do this event. Do we
want to ask about the Wild West Laser Show again.
Wendy Wagner motioned to approve asking Wild West again for 2025 Fair. Justin Koenigsfeld
seconded the motion. The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
Matt asked if any other new business. Leighton asked about using the Chutes for a receiving station for
Bowman Livestock and they explained that we don’t do that as then every business and what not would
be able to use it.
We need a motion to remove Eddie Coulter from the checking account.
Wendy Wagner motioned to approve removing Eddie Coulter from the Checking accounts. Derrick
DeHaan seconded the motion. The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
We need a motion to add Wendy Wagner to the checking accounts.
Justin Koenigsfeld motioned to approve adding Wendy Wagner to the Checking accounts. Derrick
DeHaan seconded the motion. The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
We need to nominate new officers. Matt stated he would do Chair again. Wendy said she didn’t have
time to do it. No further discussion Matt entertained a motion.
Justin Koenigsfeld motioned to approve Matt Plaisted as chair. Leighton Bilbrey seconded the
motion. The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
Vice Chairman was discussed and Justin Koenigsfeld was nominated. Matt entertained a motion.
Wendy Wagner motioned to approve Justin Koenigsfeld as Vice Chairman. Leighton Bilbrey
seconded the motion. The motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
Other discussion Derrick said that Will Bagley’s stall was all tore up. Had he stopped in. Jennefer
stated he had not and she would try to get a hold of him this week about it. Neil also got with Derrick
and gave them 4 different plans of ideas for the front entrance. Everyone discussed them and looked
that the plans. This would be no paint, no flags, or cement work on the quote. He could have them
done by June.
7:54PM Matt asked for a motion to go into closed session.
Derrick DeHaan made a motion to go into closed session. Leighton Bilbrey seconded the motion. The motion
carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
Matt asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Next Meeting: Monday November 18, 2024, 6:30 pm at the Fair Office
8:35PM Justin Koenigsfeld made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Leighton Bilbrey seconded the motion. The
motion carried. 4 Ayes. 0 Nays. 0 Absent.
s/ Matt Plaisted, Chairman
s/Jennefer Wheeler, Fairgrounds Manager

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving