10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Fallon County Council on Aging Meeting – August 2022

Fallon County Council on Aging Meeting – August 2022

Fallon County Council on Aging

Regular Meeting – August 23, 2022 – Baker Senior Center

The August meeting of Fallon County Council on Aging was called to order by president, Betty Mueller. Newly appointed board member Gary Lang was welcomed.  Nine members were present:  Betty Mueller, Rose Straub, Nikki Verke, Robert Boggs, Alice Kaye Schweigert, Susan Newell, Bonnie Newberry, Lyle Neary, and Gary Lang. Also present was Carla Brown, Council on Aging Director and Marci Breitbach, Council on Aging Administrative Assistant.

There being no additions or corrections noted for the June 28, 2022 meeting, minutes stand approved as mailed. 


The vehicle trackers that were purchased for the main in-town bus, as well as the Honda Odyssey have arrived. The county shop will install them. The cost for both trackers is $65/month with a one-year contract. The trackers will assist in monitoring various aspects of the vehicle usage.   

Carla will be attending a mandatory, in person, FTA Drug and Alcohol Training in Billings, MT, on September 26-27, 2022.  The training will include information about Drug and Alcohol testing programs utilized by both the county and state.

Carla and Marci will be attending Transportation Manager’s Training in Billings, MT on October 5-6, 2022.

The National Transit Database Report is coming due.  The Federal Transit Administration uses the information contained in the NTD report to apportion funding to urbanized and rural areas throughout the U.S.

Setting aside their duties as the Transportation Program Lead Agency . . .


Representatives from Action for Eastern Montana hosted a public meeting, Aging In The 406, at the Baker Senior Center on July 26. Participants were asked to express their opinion on what aging programs, that are currently unavailable, they feel would be beneficial to the community. This information, along with similar information from other locations across the state,  is compiled and when reported to the state is used to develop the state’s Four-Year Plan for the aging population.


A kickoff meeting for the SAIL Fitness program will be held at the Baker Senior Center on September 21at 2:00 p.m. SAIL, which stands for Stay Active and Independent for Life, is an evidence-based strength, balance, and fitness program for adults 65 and older. The program will be offered at the Baker Senior Center.

The Governor’s Conference on Aging will be held in Butte, MT on October 4-5, 2022.  This will be an in-person conference but will also be available online. The conference covers topics relevant to all people who are dealing with aging and disability issues.

The monthly activity logs for June and July 2022 were discussed.


Carla is planning to attend a virtual training for the State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) and I & A annual recertification. 

Medicare Part D annual open enrollment period is October 15 through December 7. Carla will be extremely busy during this time.

Ruth Peck, Area I Agency on Aging Ombudsman, was scheduled to be a guest at this month’s meeting, however she was not present.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.

A delicious lunch was served by Nikki Verke.

-s-BETTY MUELLER                                                                 -s-MARCI BREITBACH

Betty Mueller, President                                                         Marci Breitbach, Secretary

NEXT MEETING: October 25, 2022, Baker Senior Center, 2:00 p.m.

Hostess: Rose Straub

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving