10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Fallon County Council on Aging Meeting – August 2023

Fallon County Council on Aging Meeting – August 2023

Fallon County Council on Aging

Regular Meeting – August 22, 2023 – Baker Senior Center

The August meeting of Fallon County Council on Aging was called to order by president, Betty Mueller. Eight members were present:  Betty Mueller, Rose Straub, Nikki Verke, Alice Kay Schweigert, Susan Newell, Bonnie Newberry, LaVerne Schell, and Lyle Neary. Also present was Carla Brown, Council on Aging Director and Marci Breitbach, Council on Aging Administrative Assistant. Absent were: Gary Lang, Robert Boggs and Erna Greenlee.

There being no additions or corrections noted for the June 28, 2023 meeting, minutes stand approved as mailed. 


Carla will be attending the annual Transportation Manager’s Fall Training in Lewistown, MT, on September 20 and 21, 2023.

Carla stated that there have been several out-of-town medical trips recently. This continues to be a much used and very beneficial service for our community.

Carla reported that the Honda Odyssey will be taken to Dickinson, ND, to have a recall fixed on the backup camera.

Setting aside their duties as the Transportation Program Lead Agency . . .


The SAIL exercise program will resume on August 28, 2023. There are two classes, one on Monday/Wednesday and one on Tuesday/Thursday. As SAIL is a 12-week course, this session will conclude the week before Thanksgiving.

The new meal packaging system arrived and is being utilized for home delivered meals. The kitchen staff likes the new system. The meals stay warmer, and the presentation has improved.

Recent activities at the Baker Senior Center included an ice cream social held in July, as well as monthly movie matinees. There are plans to have an open house in October.


The Fallon County Council on Aging bylaws were reviewed and accepted by the board.

Carla plans on attending the Governor’s Conference on Aging in Great Falls, MT on October 2-4, 2023. One of the events at the conference honors the state’s Centenarians. If anyone knows of an individual, 100 years of age or older, they are encouraged to let Carla know. The conference also offers many workshops which cover topics relevant to all people who are dealing with aging and disability issues.

The monthly activity logs for June and July 2023 were discussed.


Carla is planning to participate in the annual recertification for the State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) and Information & Assistance (I & A) in September. This will be a virtual event again this year. 

Medicare Part D annual open enrollment period is October 15 through December 7. This is the one time a year to change an individual’s prescription drug plans. Carla will be extremely busy during this time.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.

A delicious lunch was served by Susan Newell.

-s-BETTY MUELLER                                                                  -s-MARCI BREITBACH

Betty Mueller, President                                                        Marci Breitbach, Secretary

NEXT MEETING: October 24, 2023, Baker Senior Center, 2:00 p.m.

NEXT MEETING: February 27, 2024, Baker Senior Center, 2:00 p.m.

Hostess: Alice Kay Schweigert

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving