10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Fallon County Council on Aging Meeting – June 2023

Fallon County Council on Aging Meeting – June 2023

Fallon County Council on Aging

Regular Meeting – June 27, 2023 – Baker Senior Center

The June meeting of Fallon County Council on Aging was called to order by president, Betty Mueller. Eight members were present:  Betty Mueller, Rose Straub, Robert Boggs, Lyle Neary, Susan Newell, Erna Greenlee, Bonnie Newberry, and LaVerne Schell. Also present were Carla Brown, Council on Aging Director and Marci Breitbach, Council on Aging Administrative Assistant. Ruth Peck, Long Term Care Ombudsman, was a guest.

There being no additions or corrections noted for the May 2, 2023, meeting, the minutes stand approved as mailed.


Carla stated that the vehicle trackers on the main in-town bus and Honda Odyssey have been very beneficial. She reported that it has been decided to purchase an additional tracker for the 2010 Dodge Caravan. The cost of an additional tracker will be around $40-45 per month.

Carla reported that the shop recently took the 2010 Dodge Grand Caravan to Miles City to have a recall fixed.

ABC Glass recently fixed rock chips on the Honda Odyssey and Dodge Caravan. The cost was $50 for the first rock chip per windshield with an adjusted rate for each additional rock chip per windshield.

Carla reported that the FY 2024 grant was submitted prior to the application deadline. Currently the BlackCat Transit Data Management System website shows the status of the grant as submitted and under review.

Setting aside their duties as the Transportation Program Lead Agency . . .


Terms have been extended for the following board members: Susan Newell, Nikki Verke, and Rose Straub.

Carla recently attended a budget meeting with the Commissioners for the upcoming fiscal year. She stated that the biggest change in the budget was the cost of meals for congregate and home delivered meals.

The contract for congregate and home delivered meals has been signed by the Commissioners, as well as David Espeland, CEO at FMC.

Carla gave an update on the new meal packaging system for home delivered meals. It has been ordered and paid for. It should arrive on Thursday June 29 and will be delivered directly to the hospital. A year’s worth of containers has been ordered.


Election of officers was held. Currently Betty Mueller is President and Alice Kay Schweigert is Vice President.  Erna Greenlee made a motion to retain the current officers. LaVerne Schell seconded. Motion carried. Marci Breitbach, Council on Aging Administrative Assistant, will continue to provide secretarial services.

There was a brief discussion about activities taking place at the Baker Senior Center. Activities include showing monthly movies. An ice cream social has been scheduled for July.

Carla spoke about the Senior Companion Program that is coming to Baker. Fallon County has been approved for two companions. The Senior Companion Program brings together income eligible volunteers, aged 55 and over, with adults in their community who have difficulty with day-to-day living. Some benefits to becoming a Senior Companion include an hourly tax-free stipend, reimbursement for travel and some meals during service.

The monthly activity logs for April and May 2023 were discussed.


Ruth Peck, Long Term Care Ombudsman, gave a short presentation. An ombudsman spends time working to provide education, assistance and advocacy to long-term care residents and their families in an effort to ensure dignity and quality of life. An ombudsman helps residents in long term care facilities and their families and friends understand and exercise the rights they are guaranteed by law.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.

A delicious lunch was served by Erna Greenlee.

-s-BETTY MUELLER                                                                 -s-MARCI BREITBACH

Betty Mueller, President                                                         Marci Breitbach, Secretary

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, August 22, 2023, Baker Senior Center, 2:00 p.m.

Hostess: Susan Newell

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