10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Fallon County Council on Aging Meeting – May 2023

Fallon County Council on Aging Meeting – May 2023

Fallon County Council on Aging

Regular Meeting – May 2, 2023 – Baker Senior Center

The May meeting of Fallon County Council on Aging was called to order by president, Betty Mueller. Eleven members were present:  Betty Mueller, Rose Straub, Nikki Verke, Robert Boggs, Alice Kay Schweigert, Lyle Neary, Susan Newell, Erna Greenlee, Bonnie Newberry, LaVerne Schell, and Gary Lang. Also present were Carla Brown, Council on Aging Director and Marci Breitbach, Council on Aging Administrative Assistant. A guest at the meeting, Pat Ehret, was also present.

There being no additions or corrections noted for the February 15, 2023, meeting, the minutes stand approved as mailed.


The MDT Transit 5311 Operating Grant deadline for FY2024 was extended at the last minute to March 15. The grant was submitted prior to the new deadline.

Carla spoke briefly about the statistical data generated by the submission of the quarterly transportation reports.

An update on the vehicle trackers that are currently installed on two of our vehicles was given.

Setting aside their duties as the Transportation Program Lead Agency . . .


Carla will be ordering the new meal packaging system for home delivered meals shortly. In further discussion with the commissioners, it was decided that the Council on Aging will continue to purchase the trays directly and have them shipped to Fallon Medical Complex as the Dietary Manager stated that they will have room to store the extra trays.

Carla briefly spoke about the exercise programs that are held at the Baker Senior Center. The SAIL (Stay Active and Independent for Life) program is on hold through the summer and will resume in the fall. Due to this, the attendance of the early morning exercise program has increased.


Terms are expiring for the following board members: Susan Newell, Nikki Verke, and Rose Straub. Carla reminded members that they would be receiving letters from the Clerk & Recorder’s Office regarding this with forms included to indicate whether they wish to continue serving. All three members indicated that they are willing to remain on the board.

We received one meal bid, for the upcoming fiscal year, for the congregate and home delivered meal program. The bid received was from Fallon Medical Complex, for $13.50 per meal. Upon discussion, Rose Straub made a motion to accept the proposed bid. Lyle Neary seconded. Motion carried. Currently the bid is $12.25, so this constitutes an increase of $1.25.

A discussion was held regarding donation requests. In conclusion, Robert Boggs made a motion to raise the donation request for congregate and home delivered meals from $4 to $5 per meal. Susan Newell seconded. Motion carried. Upon further discussion, board members agreed that the suggested donations for all COA programs should increase in equal proportion to the meal donation increase. An additional motion to increase the suggested donations for the skilled nursing, personal care, homemaker, and foot clinic programs was made by Erna Greenlee. Susan Newell seconded. Motion carried. Donation request increases will be effective July 1, at the start of the new fiscal year.

The FY2024 budget is due to the courthouse on June 9. Employee hours are also requested through the budget process. There will be changes in that area as well. Staff from Action for Eastern Montana would like to attend the budget meeting with the commissioners.  

The monthly activity logs for February and March 2023 were discussed.


Carla stated that the Covid-19 Public Health Emergency will officially end on May 11. She is expecting to receive many client questions as the continuous Medicaid coverage that individuals were eligible for during the Public Health Emergency ends.

The Community Cupboard has been quite busy lately.     

Carla reported that the Baker Senior Center recently purchased a copyright license and is now able to show movies with no fear of copyright infringement.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.

A delicious lunch was served by LaVerne Schell.

-s-BETTY MUELLER                                                                 -s-MARCI BREITBACH

Betty Mueller, President                                                         Marci Breitbach, Secretary

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, June 27, 2023, Baker Senior Center, 2:00 p.m.

Hostess: Erna Greenlee.

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving