10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Fallon County Noxious Weed Board Minutes February 2024

Fallon County Noxious Weed Board Minutes February 2024


February 5, 2024

Members in attendance: Wanda Pinnow, Roddy Rost, Dave Kirschten, Bev Burghduff & Sara Berger

  • Wanda moved to accept the minutes from the previous board meeting, Dave 2nd – motion passed.
  • Bev asked where we post our agendas before the meetings – Sara explained that they are posted upstairs on the bulletin board on she tries to get them on the Facebook page too
  • Roddy asked what we still have for late bills – Sara noted that Pete Rising, Delores Elernbush and the City of Baker were still out. It was decided that Sara would call Pete and Delores and see if they had received them. Sara said she had spoken to Brenda Dietz with the City, and she was going to get a check to us right away.
  • Sara gave an update on the MWCA Annual Conference. She said that the presentations were really good and that she was one of the dual recipients of the Presidential Award. She also was re-elected for a 2nd term as the Coordinator Chair Support.
  • There was discussion on drone work and what can be done if we end up moving from spraying private to just commercial and contract work.
  • Summer of 2024 was a big discussion. It was decided that we need to send a letter out to current landowners that we spray for by April with the changes to what we can do for the summer of 2024. It should include what the department will be doing moving forward with the new rules and regulations and how we will still be helping landowners moving forward. Sara will draft a letter and have a list of customers for the March meeting.
  • Dave threw out an idea for a grant of applying for a drone to look into mapping
  • It was talked about doing a booth at Heritage Days
  • We will plan on working on the County Weed Management Plan at the March meeting which will be March 4th at 7pm in the Extension Office

s\ Roddy Rost (Chair)                                                              s\ Sara Berger (Secretary)

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