10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Fallon County Noxious Weed Board Minutes – January 13th 2025

Fallon County Noxious Weed Board Minutes – January 13th 2025

January 13, 2025
Members in attendance: Lance Kono, Wanda Pinnow, Roddy Rost, Sara Berger & Dave
Kirschten. Bev Burghduff called in.

-Called the meeting to order at 6:51pm
-Wanda moved to accept the minutes from the December meeting, Lance 2nd motion
passed .
-Sara updated everyone that 18 tires had been purchased for the trucks and the
road department will put them on over the next few months as they have time.
Sara updated on bills. She was advised to send out the reminder letter to landowners who haven’t
paid yet and to reach out to BLM.
-Sara had a handful of weed management plans for everyone to look at and approve. Wanda moved to accept the management plans, Lance 2nd- motion passed.
-Sara brought up the MWCA Annual Conference. She got permission to take her
personal car and will be taking Paul, Damien and Wyatt. She was wondering if
anyone on the board was able to go and she would get them registered. None of
the board could go.
-Discussion was held on Absinthe Wormwood and making it a county listed
noxious weed. Sara said she would talk to some of the people at conference and
find out what we need to do to get it listed. Roddy asked about the Poison
Hemlock and after discussion it was decided to send out a newsletter about
Wormwood and Hemlock to educate landowners and have them look out for
-Sara will also talk to Greta Dige with MDA and see if she can do a newspaper
article on weeds in town that we can place in the paper for more education for
everyone in Baker since we struggle to reach them currently.

The next meeting will be Feb 3, 2025 at 7pm .
Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm

s\ Roddy Rost (Chair) s\ Sara Berger (Secretary)

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving