10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

FMC Board of Trustees Meeting December 2022

FMC Board of Trustees Meeting December 2022



Wednesday, December 7, 2022

MEMBERS PRESENT                              

Betty Mueller, President

Doug Varner, Vice-President

Rich Menger, Secretary                             

Alice Kay Schweigert, Board Member

Curt Arnell, Board Member

Bryant Steen, Board Member

Elaine Stanhope, Board Member

            OTHERS PRESENT                      

            David Espeland, CEO

            Marjorie Losing, CFO

            Marissa Skogen, Recorder


Betty called the meeting of the FMC Board of Trustees to order at 5:30 p.m. in the FMC Community Room. 

Susan Stevens expressed a concern about how she feels that some members are not working in the best interest of the corporation. According to her math, the number of members who voted in favor of purging the board in July is less than 2% of the total 7,200 people living in FMC’s service area.  She asked why the board is making significant changes to the organization based on community opinion – and not fact – and why such a small percentage of the community is allowed to influence the direction of healthcare.  She further asked why there is a membership application if the board just approves any and all people who ask to become members.  She felt that people who have caused a hardship to FMC should not be allowed to be members.  She provided ideas for possible criteria that could be used in filtering applications.  Lastly, she felt that dues should be implemented for members, which would go to the foundation as a donation.

Discussion occurred regarding the September 7, 2022 Board minutes not having been approved yet; no decision was made until another discussion occurs with FMC’s attorney. No additions or corrections to the November 2, 2022 Board minutes as distributed.  Minutes stand approved as written.



Marjorie Losing went over the October 2022 financials with the Board of Trustees. October was a slow month with 7 Inpatient Days and 2 Skilled Days. October’s Gross Revenue was $748,727 while the budgeted amount was $909,559. Net Operating Revenue was $1,025,926 while the budgeted amount was $938,874. Expenses for the month of October were $879,406. Operating Gain for the month of October was $146,000 while the Net Gain was $178,001. Our AR days have decreased due to the new EMR being implemented. (Enclosure)


  1. Board Policies: FMC’s corporate attorney provided advice about board policies that reads, “Generally speaking a board can adopt policies as long as the policies follow articles, bylaws, and MCA.”  She then mentioned that the bylaws need to specify that the board can adopt a policy/criteria for membership.  FMC Bylaws state, “The members of the Corporation shall consist of all trustees and those individuals who apply for membership and fulfill the qualifications for membership which are established by the Board of Trustees.”  It appears that a membership policy is in line with the bylaws and MCA, but Elaine felt as though the motion made in September to accept the policy regarding “qualifications and letters of interest in being on the board” was not legitimate.  The board decided to ask the attorney for a final determination.


  1. New Website: David informed the Board that the new FMC website is up and running.
  • Business Office Changes: David explained the changes that occurred in the Business Office due to the implementation of Thrive. A position was eliminated as a result of the Thrive software doing more than Centriq, but the employee took another job in the department, so a layoff was not necessary.
  • Contract Renewals: Rich made a motion to offer Dr. Darryl Espeland a renewal agreement as a PRN employee. He is doing FAA Flight Physicals and DOT examinations as necessary.  Bryant seconded. The motion carried. Curt made the motion to offer MiKenna O’Donnell, Occupational Therapist, a renewal agreement. Elaine seconded. The motion carried.


The Board adjourned their regular session having completed the agenda.

s/ Doug Varner, V.P. (Presiding Officer)

s/ Marissa Skogen, Recorder

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