10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Little Beaver Conservation District Minutes August 3, 2023

Little Beaver Conservation District Minutes August 3, 2023

Little Beaver Conservation District Minutes

August 3rd, 2023

Came to order: 5:30 pm

Present: Roddy Rost, Fred Houzvicka, Keith Rustad, Dirk O’Connor, Kodie Olsen, Melissa Foster, Michelle

Gorder (NRCS) o Kodie made a motion to excuse Quentin, Keith seconded, and the motion passed.

Minutes: The minutes from the July meeting were approved as presented.

Financial Information: Dirk made a motion to pay the bills as presented, Keith seconded, motion passed. The following bills were paid.

  • Molecular Research, LP -$1,250.00
  • WARD Laboratories, Inc. -$3,864.00
  • Kay Webb- $168.00
  • Boss Office Products- $1,041.90
  • Hwy 12 Equipment- June storage rent- $300.00
  • Mid-Rivers Communications- WiFi -$37.50
  • Federal Tax Deposit -$440.18 (online)
  • Federal Tax Deposit- $248.18
  • Montana State Withholding -$92.00 (online)
  • Rachel’s Accounting- $55.00
  • MACD- $35.00
  • Stephanie Crisler- July 2023 wages- $1,920.91

Old Business:

  • Stephanie mentioned that the city accepted our bid for the property. Once we gave them a check, they will get the deed paperwork going. Stephanie will take the check first thing in the morning.
  • Stephanie presented the insurance quote from RMIS. Fred made the motion to move fonuard with the company, Keith seconded. Motion carried.

New Business:

  • Stephanie let the board know that we received the administration grant, Kodie applied for in April
  • SET training in the end of August. Kodie made the motion for Stephanie to attend, Melissa seconded. Motion carried

Other Business:

  • DNRC-CBD: Veronica Grigaltchik (See Handout)
  • MACD: Roddy Rost
  • NRCS: Michelle Gorder (See Handout)

With no other further business Roddy adjourned the meeting. The next monthly meeting of the Little Beaver Conservation District will be held September 7th at 5:30 pm.

s\ Roddy Rost- Chairman

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