10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Little Beaver Conservation District Minutes July 6, 2023

Little Beaver Conservation District Minutes July 6, 2023

Came to order: 5:40 pm
Present: Roddy Rost, Fred Houzvicka, Keith Rustad, Dirk O’Connor, Kodie Olsen, Michelle Gorder (NRCS)

Kodie made a motion the excuse Quentin and Melissa, Keith seconded, and the motion passed.

Minutes: The minutes from June meeting were approved as presented.

Financial Information: Kodie made a motion to pay the bills as presented, Fred seconded, motion passed.
The following bills were paid:
Powder River Conservation District -$204.12
WARD Laboratories, Inc. -$4,077.00
Rachel’s Accounting -$195.00
Ul Contributions Bureau -$10.94
State Payroll-$109.00
Hwy 12 Equipment-June storage rent-$300.00
Mid-Rivers-WiFi -$37 .50
Federal Tax Deposit -$497.26 (online)
Montana State Withholding -$98.72 (online)
Roddy Rost -$102.18
Dirk O’Connor -$35.37
Fred Houzvicka -$204.36
Keith Rustad -$196.50
Quentin Burdick -$220.08
Kodie Olsen -$159.82
Melissa Foster -$49.13
Stephanie Crisler-May 2023 wages-$1,784.04

Old Business:
Kodie discussed the water issue on the land. The board decided to not continue with that property and look for another one. There was discussion of another possibility.

Insurance: Rocky Mountain Insurance has all our info and will get back to us with a quote.

Kodie also gave an update on the Montana Community Foundation Grant Opportunity, they will look at the grant in November.

New Business:
The Board approved the Personnel Policy from DNRC Conservation District Bureau and signed it

Kodie mentioned having a tree order booth set up at the fair

Other Business:
DNRC-CBD: Veronica Grigaltchik (See Handout)

MACD: Roddy Rost

NRCS: Michelle Gorder (See Handout)

With no other further business Roddy adjourned the meeting. The next monthly meeting of the Little Beaver Conservation District will be held August 3, 2023 at 5:30pm.

s\ Roddy Rost, Chairperson
s\ Stephanie Crisler, secretary

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