10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

Minutes Baker Municipal Airport Commission February 8, 2023

Minutes Baker Municipal Airport Commission February 8, 2023

Convene: Called to Order at 1:00 p.m. by Chairman Dennis Twedt


 Mark Jacobsen, Member

 John Tronstad, Member

Roger Meggers: Airport Manager

Darin Meggers: Asst. Airport Manager

Dennis Twedt, Chairman

Sheila Ware, Acting Board Secretary


Rod Johnson, Member

Dale Hinton, Member

Minutes/Financials  Review & Approval:

Dennis Twedt inquired if there were any questions regarding either the Minutes or Financials.  Roger replied that they appeared accurate.  Mark Jacobsen moved to accept the minutes and Financials as written, seconded by John Tronstad.  All voted aye.

Airport Updates:

Mark Jacobsen queried if the new fuel system installation was completed.  Roger informed the Board members that completion of new fuel system is currently on hold.  Further work to complete concrete installation and reposition fuel tanks is expected to commence on April 1, 2023. 

Dennis asked if it  new concrete needed to be poured to support tanks or if concrete needed to be poured only around the perimeter?  Roger responded that half the concrete is completed and only half remains to be poured as well as install the new fence.

Unfinished Business:

Darin informed the Board that the parking lot repavement is also on hold, until the fuel tanks are placed in their final position. Mark inquired if Jason Wyrick will also be the one to pave the parking lot? Roger confirmed that Jason will indeed pave the parking lot once concrete is poured and tanks are repositioned.

 Roger also informed the Members that Jason Wyrick did not address the culverts in the fall, but that they would be completed in the spring of 2023.

Dennis queried if we were now up to date with unfinished business and proposed to move to new business.  All agreed.

New Business:

Roger notified the Board that Craig Canfield is in the process of obtaining an additional fuel grant to be applied to any outstanding costs associated with the new fuel system.  Expected reimbursement for these expenses should be next year, 2024.

Additionally, Roger also advised the Board Members that the State of Montana issued a grant in the amount of $16,000 for the new rotating beacon light. Roger informed the members that no bidding was necessary and the $16,000 was granted solely on quotes. The new light will remain in its current location on the hill where it is easily accessible.  Direct Electric will install the beacon light and be responsible for all maintenance going forward.  The Grant funds will be available after July,2023.

Mark asked if the beacon was an LED light? Roger acknowledged that is an LED light.  Mark inquired if the new beacon light would be low or high intensity?  Roger informed him that it will be a high intensity light to capitalize upon its range and visibility due to a more concentrated beam.

Roger mentioned the National Weather Service, specifically ASOS and the continuous updates.  This system was acquired by Gene Huntley in the 1980’s.  There will be an update to the phone system with satellite communications, in addition,  the power supply and transmitters will be updated. It will be roughly 2 years before the newly upgraded system will be available, at no cost to Fallon County.

Dennis responded how crucial it is to have an updated weather system.  Roger confirmed the importance of accurate and updated weather information.

Roger also informed the Board of the complications with the incomplete fuel system and the effects it has on the airport.  The inability to plow the snow in and around the construction site presents challenges with snow melt that runs onto ramp and freezes, creating icy ramp conditions.

Additionally, Roger mentioned that the new Toolcat snow blower was working quite well.  Mark inquired if the Toolcat was effective on hardpack snow? Roger replied that the Toolcat worked more efficiently than the plow, as it is such an aggressive blower.  Darin added that it is very hard to plug up the blower due to its serrated steel plates which funnel the snow to the center.  Dennis asked how wide is the Toolcat blower? Roger responded that it is a 7 ft wide blower. Dennis commented that a blower of that width must surely facilitate snow removal.  Roger confirmed the ease in which it allowed him to clear snow around the pumps and buildings.


At 1:25 p.m., John moves to adjourn.  Mark seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

The next meeting will be the second Wednesday of March, March 8, 2023, at 12:00 p.m.

   s\ Chairman, Dennis Twedt                                                                       s\ Act. Secy.,  Sheila Ware

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Fallon County Courthouse will be closed Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving