O’Fallon Museum Board – Meeting Minutes December 18th 2024
O’Fallon Museum Board
December 18, 2024
Toni Reetz, Trustee
Linda Rost, Secretary
Melissa Rost, Curator
Curt Williams, Chairman
Ken Griffith, Trustee
Cheyanne Dame, Trustee
The meeting was called to order by Curt at 4:08 pm at the O’Fallon Museum metal building.
Public Comment: Time limit 10 minutes per subject.
Minutes: Read by trustees.
Toni made a motion to approve minutes as read and Curt seconded. Minutes approved.
Accessions: Toni made a motion to accept and Linda seconded it. Motion passed.
- Eastern Star items- Lady’s group of Free Masonso
Signet- sign that lights up- 1920s- is from Baker
o Rug – very large – square with same star pattern – put a chair at each point - Could fit it over a window in the
- Mason’s items- Lew Price brought it from Diana Morrisee
o Pins, apron, book of common prayer - Lion’s Club stickers and postcards – Carl Hepperle – Will go good with Lion’s exhibit
Discussion of Curator’s Report:
- 6th graders here today and winter poems earlier in December
- Linda Rost did Lego Friday and cancelled the second one. Will have the 3rd one.
- Melissa is getting items ready to hand off.
o Last six years of board minutes and agendas.
o Did some cleaning in basement and organized. - Along west wall – school records that are accessioned
- Cleaned out trash
- There’s only a few items left that are accessioned but not on display
o Making a list of projects in progress - Grants that are still open
- Gravel outside that isn’t finished
- Trimming trees
- Some projects are Historical Society
o Standard Operating Procedures binder
Passwords and accounts- Building-level items for security, lights, electricity, etc.
- Museum vision/mission statement and bylaws, data, collections
management policy, website information – changed so it’s a dot.gov - Facebook – Steer Montana is “personal page” and then the Museum Page
Computer has been organized
Changes to museum curator position
o Curt and Toni told them to have a curator for 40 hours a week.
- Wanted to see the school still involved – Kenny agreed.
- The connnissioners didn’t say no.
o Started advertising on Monday
They called a meeting with Traci to figure out hours until they hire someone.
o Traci talked with Julie about expectations in the interim. She said Steve said 10
o The hours say that museum is open 10-4. The museum needs to be staffed for that
time. Traci ‘s hours should not be changed during the interim.
- Museum Director should be a contract position
o The person could do the job, staff the office.
New Business:
- Deaccession pile – we sorted the items into a destruction pile, a keep pile, a use for other
purposes pile, and a donate to other museums or to the Historical Society.
Next Meeting: January 29, 2025 at 4 pm.
Adjournment: 5:28pm
s\ Curt Williams, Chairman
s\ Recording Secretary, Linda Rost, Trustee