10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

O’Fallon Museum Board – Meeting Minutes June 2023

O’Fallon Museum Board – Meeting Minutes June 2023

O’Fallon Museum Board


June 25, 2023

Present Absent

Curt Williams, Chairman

Toni Reetz, Trustee

Ken Griffith, Trustee

Linda Rost, Secretary

Melissa Rost, Curator


The meeting was called to order by Curt at 3:35 pm at the O’Fallon Museum metal building.

Public Comment:  Time limit 10 minutes per subject.

Minutes: Read by trustees. 

Toni made a motion to approve amended minutes and Kenny seconded. Minutes approved.

Discussion of Curator’s Report

  • Heritage Fest – 460 people and 140 volunteer hours on that day
    • Added $10,000 line item for 2023-2024 budget
  • School and other groups: CSI case, four school groups, 1st grade dinosaur presentation, Superior Care, and Homemakers Spring Council.
  • Closed five days this month – MAM meeting in Lewistown
  • Budget meeting with commission – Linda and Ken
    • Decided to advertise for a summer position for 40 hours per week over summer
    • Met with agenda again and decided on a 30 hour per week – no eligible applicants
    • Would rather extend hours for Traci because it’s hard to train someone and keep a year round employee.
    • If no applicants by June 26, 2023, will ask for more hours for Traci.
  • Budget for 2022-2023 –
    • Took out $3000 to pay for Traci’s extra hours, but it was never put back in. That should have been put back in the budget.
    • Disputing a double charge from Terry Sukat.
    • Moved some things from operating supplies and took them out of donations (for Heritage Fest).
    • Giveaways from Historical Society – will reimburse those items back into donation fund.
    • We do not know which line items were over.
  • Montana History Foundation oral history grant – videos due June 15, 2023
    • If not turned in, then not in compliance or repay grant.
    • Edited videos from 605 Media and Entertainment in Spearfish had errors in names.
    • Jennifer Birnel – Montana History Portal – said she will make sure we’re in compliance.
  • EPEDC – Terra Burman is new director from Glendive – visited with Beth about grants.
  • Two summer reading sessions for June coming over from library.
    • Theme is “All Together Now” – how communities work together – make a paper quilt
  • May attendance – 301; FB insights post reach 15,151 and post engagement 1600 for 28 last days.

Old Business

New Business

  • Accessions – Those voted yes are indicated. Toni made a motion and Linda seconded. Motion passed.
    • Lew Price – blow torches- NO
    • Marjorette uniform from Baker – YES
    • Coin counter – YES 
  • Board position to fill – Randy Hanson, Lew Price?

Next Meeting: September 24, 2023 at 3:00.

Adjournment: 4:18 pm 

s\Curt Williams, Chairman     s\Recording Secretary, Linda Rost, Trustee

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