10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

O’Fallon Museum Board – Meeting Minutes June 2024

O’Fallon Museum Board – Meeting Minutes June 2024

O’Fallon Museum Board


June 10, 2024

Present Absent

Toni Reetz, Trustee

Linda Rost, Secretary

Melissa Rost, Curator

Curt Williams, Chairman

Ken Griffith, Trustee Cheyanne Dame, Trustee


The meeting was called to order by Curt at 4:15 pm at the O’Fallon Museum metal building.

Public Comment:  Time limit 10 minutes per subject.

Minutes: Read by trustees. 

Toni made a motion to approve minutes and Ken seconded. Minutes approved.

Accessions: (Motion to accept made by Toni and Linda seconded.)

  • Quilt – Ronnie Shepherd – must be on display and not tucked away – YES
    • Need a quilt rack

Discussion of Curator’s Report:

  • PAR – Everything is on track to be done by August
    • Community Development Block Grant due Oct. 1. – Maybe Historical Society
    • Brandon – SDI
  • History Walk Grant – AARP grant was awarded to SMART – $1000
    • Metal signs at historical sites with QR and acknowledge AARP
    • Pick ten to start with, then add more; must be walkable
    • Old School Brew Pub, Lakeside, Baker Furniture (Pearce), Mom’s Laundry (Baker Hotel), Corner, Coffeehouse, Junction 39, Louise’s Barbershop (Lang and Son’s), Thee Garage (Stable), The Legion (Operahouse), Russell’s (Midland Lumber)
  • MOMSI – 24 people signed up; Goal was 100 
  • Jayda started May 28 and is great – deep cleaning and doing inventory; helping with events; painted railings, jail door, railings from Willard school
  • Schedule Traci 3 days/week – helping in office with guests; accessioning
  • Heritage Fest – ~350 people (not as accurate counting as last year because of grant);
    • People from Ekalaka, people who traveled
    • Marketed with Dickinson Press – newspaper and online ads – $1500; Radio, Fallon County Times, Eido, Flyers 
    • $660 donations – spent $500 on food – bought 160 hamburgers – $200
    • Use water bottles instead of lemonade mix might be easier.
    • Sold 42 items in gift shop – $36x
    • Over 200 volunteer hours logged
  • Summer programming –
    • Molly Stenberg – teacher at on Longfellow – want to spend one afternoon each week for summer school – June (Oceans), July, August (STEM theme)
    • Mia Hastig – preschool
    • OLLI Senior Citizens – Bozeman – cognitive stimulation – stopping at Museum 
    • Art Camp
    • Art Walk
    • STEM camps (2)
    • Guy from Taiwan is bringing students and will tour the oil field
    • Summer reading program
  • Lego Club – Midrivers sponsorship ($650 for startup)
    • Legos, storage cart, display case, idea book  
    • STEM competition in August
    • Fridays during school year
  • May visitors: 311

New Business:

  • Budget – Due June 10, 2024
    • Want Traci to have more hours – allow her to be there 3 days a week – 864 hours
    • Otherwise, no big projects planned until we know what is happening with the addition.
    • Motion to accept the budget proposals by Toni, seconded by Curt. Motion passed.

Next Meeting: 


s\ Curt Williams, Chairman    

a\ , Linda Rost, Trustee, Recording Secretary

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