10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

SMART Board of Directors Meeting – April 2023

SMART Board of Directors Meeting – April 2023

Board of Directors Meeting
April 25, 2023
12pm – Thee Garage Showroom

Members Present:  Jodi Varner (President), Karol Zachmann (Treasurer), Kevin Dukart, Sharon Gookin

Members Absent:  Krista Nemitz (Vice President), Sandy Kinsey

Staff Present:  Vaughn Zenko (Executive Director), Shannon Johnson (Assistant)

Meeting called to order at 12:01pm by President Jodi Varner

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:  Kevin motioned to approve the meeting minutes from the March 30, 2023 general meeting. Karol seconded.  All in favor, meeting minutes approved.

Public Comment:  none

Financial Reports:  Vaughn presented the Financial report prepared as by Shannon Johnson.  SMART currently has $396,296.82 in total assets, an increase of $19,207.84 over March.  SMART has $119,807.01 in the general operating fund. This is an increase of 14,894.84.

SMART still has $11,088.19 in the COVID Relief Fund.  There had been discussion of changing this account to the Community Fund, though no action was taken. Vaughn mentioned that he is slowing working towards establishing a Community Foundation in Baker, so leaving the money in the current fund for now could help provide a small endowment.  No further action was taken. 

Director’s Report:    Vaughn reported that he and Shannon will be attending the Montana Nonprofit Association Eastern Montana Leadership Summit on April 26th.  EMEDA is paying the travel and registration fees. 
Vaughn has also been invited to be a mentor in the Montana Childcare Business Connect Mentorship program, with a kickoff event planned in Billings on May 2-3.  Only eight business leaders from around the state were selected as mentors for this inaugural program paid for with a grant through DPHHS, so it’s an honor that SMART was selected. 
Vaughn will also be attending the 2023 Montana Housing Partnership Conference in Helena May 15-17 along with Steve Zachmann on behalf of EMEDA. 

Vaughn also presented a document from Montana Main Street that required signatures from the Mayor, City Attorney and City Clerk in order to proceed on the Main Street Grant for the Worlds Best Pocket Park. Kevin took the document and will get the necessary signatures.

Old Business:

                Wells Fargo Bank Accounts Closure:  Vaughn and Karol traveled to Dickinson on April 14 to officially close the SMART account with Wells Fargo.  The money was transferred to the Bank of Baker general operating fund.  The Baker Beautification Committee account will remain with Wells Fargo, as it is not a SMART account.

Interlocal Agreement with City of Baker for Community Food Forest:  Vaughn presented the board with the draft agreement with the City of Baker for use of the land for the Community Food Forest. He also presented a draft MOU with Lacey Berg for her use of the land.  Jodi suggested that since it is a draft agreement, the SMART board take no official action on the agreement or the MOU until it becomes official.  No further action was taken. 

Sandy Kinsey Status on the SMART Board:  Having missed several meetings, Sandy was unable to attend this month’s meeting again.  President Varner said she will send a letter to Sandy asking current personal matters prevent her from serving any longer on the board. If Sandy agrees, it was decided that SMART will vacate her position on the board at that point. If not, then the board will vote on Sandy’s status at the May general meeting.
Sharon made a suggestion for a possible new board member.  The candidate would have to submit a letter of interest to SMART before the board can vote.

Community Theater Update:   SMART received a $5,000 sponsorship from Mid-Rivers to help fund the Community Theater. This will make Mid-Rivers a presenting sponsor and their name and logo will be associated with all advertising for the musical.  Vaughn said rehearsals are going well, but they still need more volunteers both as actors and behind-the-scenes. He said the board members will likely need to assist on the nights of the performance both with concessions and taking tickets.

New Business:

Bids for Visitor Center and Worlds Best Pocket Park: SMART advertised for two weeks in the Fallon County Times and received no bids for either project. Vaughn has spoken with two interested local contractors, though has received no official bids yet. SMART will advertise again in May for two more weeks.

Other New Business:  Vaughn received a letter from the Classic Cruisers Car Club for their annual Car Show.  Last year SMART donated $100.  Donations are included in the budget, so no action was necessary other than signing the check.

Having no other new business, Karol motioned to adjourn.  Sharon seconded.

Meeting adjourned at 12:44pm

The next scheduled meeting is May 23, 2023 at noon at Thee Garage Showroom

Respectfully submitted:

s\ Jodi L. Varner, President                                          s\ Vaughn Zenko Jr, Executive Director

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