SMART Board of Directors Meeting – September 2024
Board of Directors Meeting
September 24, 2024
NOON – Thee Garage Steakhouse
Members Present: Jodi Varner (President), Krista Nemitz (Vice President), Karol Zachmann (Treasurer), Sharon Gookin, Mindi Murnion, Stacey Teter, Deborah Walraven-Wenger
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Vaughn Zenko (Executive Director), Alyson Lineback (Assistant)
Meeting called to order at 12:01pm by President Jodi Varner
12:05pm: Board member Mindi Murnion joined the meeting.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes: The board reviewed the minute from the August Monthly Meeting. The board requested the minutes be amended to show more clarification on the item of Angel Wyras renting space in the SMART building.• MOTION (Deborah Walraven-Wenger): To approve the August 27 meeting minutes with the noted change.
• SECOND: Mindi Murnion
• Five in favor, none opposed. Minutes from the August 27, 2024 Monthly Meeting were approved as amended.
Public Comment: None
New Board Member Application (Stacey Teter): The board reviewed the letter of interest in joining the SMART board from Stacey Teter.
• MOTION (Sharon Gookin): That Stacey Teter’s application to join SMART be approved.
• SECOND: Krista Nemitz
• Five in favor, none opposed. Stacey Teter has joined the SMART Board of Directors. Her current term expires in January 2025. There are two open positions on the SMART board.
Financial Reports: Vaughn presented the financial reports prepared by Alyson Lineback. SMART currently has $65,321.64 in in the general operating fund (+$4,485.21), $49,496.85 in the Restricted Funds account, and $150,881.59 in total bank accounts. Total assets were at $426,077.87.
In the Statement of Financial Position report, some liabilities/expenses were presented as negative numbers and others were not. The board had requested those negative numbers be changed to more accurately reflect the numbers. Alyson stated that the negatives were a result of payroll expenses being listed as negatives, and would work with Rachel’s Accounting to make the corrections.
12:12pm Alyson Lineback left the meeting
Committee Reports as Needed (Visitor Center, Pocket Park, Audit, Employee Policy):
The Pocket Park Committee (Krista Nemitz, Mindi Murnion, Deborah Walraven-Wenger) discussed plans for the L. Park Dedication on August 28. Vaughn noted that he had planned for a simple dedication, with a ribbon cutting ceremony and speeches by three members of the Price family. Deborah discussed plans for a mural on the South side wall, hoping to have it done by June of 2025 if funding can be obtained. She and Sharon have reached out to multiple muralists for the project.
There were no new reports from the Audit Committee (Karol Zachmann, Alyson Lineback), or the Visitor Center Committee (Jodi Varner, Krista Nemitz, Deborah Walraven-Wenger).
Director’s Report: Vaughn asked the board that attended the FUSION Conference in Bowman how the program was. There were all positive responses.
He was part of a panel discussion on September 18th for the Reimagining Rural Roadshow in Miles City, and SMART hosted a successful Montana Nonprofit Association Event on September 19th in Baker with 18 attendees.
He also noted that he guest hosted the Voices of Montana statewide radio talk show on September 3rd and 4th, with guests from the Office of Public Instruction, the Montana Nonprofit Association, the Montana League of Cities and Towns, and Senate Candidate Tim Sheehy.
He will be guest teaching in Ms. Gustad’s Composition Class at Baker High School tomorrow, teaching them about grant writing and nonprofits.
Vaughn also updated the board on the status of Angel Wyras’ request to rent office space in the SMART building. She will not be needing that space.
Finally, he reminded the board about the L. Price Park dedication on the 28th, mentioned he’ll be assisting the Baker Chamber and the EMEDA Childcare Project at the Fall Festival that day, as well, which is also the debut of the Baker History Walk, which SMART has worked on in association with the O’Fallon Museum and the Historical Society.
Old Business:
Signing Updated SMART Bylaws: The board reviewed the bylaws document with the requested changes to wording and formatting. Having already approved the document with the changes, the board signed the bylaws, taking effect on September 24, 2024
Food Forest Update (w/ Mindi Murnion): Mindi worked with Jessie Scott. The Food Forest Committee held a public meeting on August 27. There needs to be action on finding water and beginning landscaping. Any SMART board members available will meet at 5pm today at the Food Forest location.
Update on Hiring Process: Vaughn reported that SMART had only received one application so far for the open position. The board requested a bigger push to get the job out to prospective employees. Vaughn will attempt a new social media push and also move advertising to radio and newspaper if the social media campaign doesn’t generate more applications.
Update on Outsourcing for HR Services and Action as Needed: President Varner had not had a chance to discuss this with Bethany Williamson of Associated Employers. Item tabled until a future meeting.
Progress / Updates on Fallon County Community Foundation Start-up: Vaughn reported that he had received a bylaws template from the Montana Community Foundation for the Fallon County CF. He explained the start-up process and what would be required of the SMART board.
Other Old Business:
SMART Job Application Review: Karol reiterated that she would like to include an Application for all prospective employees, for SMART’s files. She noted that there was a draft copy of a new application she and Sharon had worked on, with some edits to the existing application. She did not that draft with her, but would provide it to Vaughn for the expanded recruitment effort.
New Business:
2024 Haunted House / Escape Room Budget: Vaughn requested $1000 for this year’s escape room. There were no objections. As this had been budgeted for under “Fundraisers/Other Projects, there was no vote necessary.
Community Theater Winter Production and Budget: Vaughn informed the Board that the SMART Community Theater would be performing “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” this year on December 13-15. He requested a budget of $546 for licensing of the play. There was no objection. As this is already in the budget, there was no vote necessary.
12:54pm Mindi Murnion left the meeting
Ladder Purchase for Roof Access: Vaughn requested $200 to purchase a ladder for SMART for access to the roof of the Visitor Center and Baker State Bank Building. The board had questions about adding a permanent ladder from the Visitor Center roof to the BSB roof and also insurance liability. Vaughn will check with insurance. No action was taken.
12:56pm Krista Nemitz left the meeting
Having no further business to attend to at this time, President Varner declared the meeting adjourned. There was no objection. Meeting adjourned at 12:57pm.
The next scheduled SMART meeting is October 22, 2024 at noon at Thee Garage Steakhouse
Respectfully submitted:
______________________________ ______________________________
s\ Jodi L. Varner, President s\ Vaughn Zenko Jr, Executive Director