10 W Fallon Ave Baker, MT 59313
Fallon County of Montana

SMART Board of Directors Meeting – Special Meeting August 2024

SMART Board of Directors Meeting – Special Meeting August 2024

Board of Directors Special Meeting
August 5, 2024
NOON – Fallon County Visitor Center

Members Present:  Jodi Varner (President), Krista Nemitz (Vice President), Karol Zachmann (Treasurer), Sharon Gookin, Deborah Walraven-Wenger, Mindi Murnion

Members Absent:  Kevin Dukart

Staff Present:  Vaughn Zenko (Executive Director), Alyson Lineback (Executive Assistant)

Public Present:  None

Meeting called to order at 12:00pm by President Jodi Varner

Public Comment:  None

Committee Reports:  The Pocket Park Committee reported on their meeting from July 29, 2024 where they discussed changing the date for the Park Dedication and various events to associate with it, including the previously mentioned Old Time Photos and kids’ paver blocks. They also had discussion on creating a mural for the park, suggesting either Jay Hoversland or Madison and Dale Butori.

12:03pm:  Mindi Murnion and Deborah Walraven Wenger joined the meeting.

The committee continued on the Pocket Park, touching on potential sponsors for park improvements as well as adding strings of lights between the buildings over the park.  They also discussed the potential for ivy or vines on the Baker State Bank Building wall, and checking to see if Prairie Rose Classics would be interested in having a mural on their wall facing the park.
Finally, Mindi Murnion brought up decorating the Park for Christmas. Vaughn suggested having businesses sponsor a box to decorate. The committee recommended $100 donation per business to decorate a box.

The board then joined the discussion. With no firm date on the completion of the entry gate from Baker Metal, it was decided to postpone the park dedication until September 28, the date of the Chamber’s Fall Festival in Baker.

New Business: 

            Employee Resignation:  Vaughn reported that Madison Butori had turned in her resignation and thanking SMART for the opportunity. The board reviewed Madison’s resignation letter.

• MOTION (Deborah Walraven Wenger): To accept Madison Butori’s resignation.

SECOND: Sharon Gookin

• Four in favor, none opposed, two absent. The board has accepted Madison Butori’s resignation letter. Her final date of employment was August 1, 2024.

            Hiring Decisions and Discussion:  Vaughn asked the board for permission to reach out to Melissa Lovec to fill the position vacated by Madison.  Melissa was another applicant.  The board agreed that Melissa should be contacted to see if she’s still interested.
The board also agreed that if Melissa declines the position, SMART should begin advertising again.

12:17pm:  Vice President Krista Nemitz joined the meeting

Old Business:

            Pocket Park Dedication Update:  Addressed previously in the meeting. The Pocket Park dedication will be moved to September 28, 2024.

            Other Old Business:

            Food Forest Update:  Mindi Murnion reported progress on the Food Forest now that Madison Butori has left the project.  Vaughn reported that he and Maddi had met with Seniors at the FMC Cafeteria to get their input on the project.

Having no other business to attend to at this time, Mindi Murnion motioned to adjourn. Krista Nemitz seconded.  Five in favor, none opposed, one absent.  Meeting adjourned at 12:37pm

The next scheduled SMART meeting will be August 27, 2024 at noon at Thee Garage Steakhouse

Respectfully submitted:

______________________________              ______________________________

s\ Jodi L. Varner, President                                   s\ Vaughn Zenko Jr, Executive Director

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