SMART Board of Directors Meeting – Special Meeting July 2024
Board of Directors Special Meeting
July 3, 2024
NOON – Fallon County Visitor Center
Members Present: Jodi Varner (President), Krista Nemitz (Vice President), Karol Zachmann (Treasurer), Sharon Gookin, Deborah Walraven-Wenger (via ZOOM), Mindi Murnion
Members Absent: Kevin Dukart
Staff Present: Vaughn Zenko (Executive Director)
Public Present: Priya Nemitz
Meeting called to order at 12:03pm by President Jodi Varner
Public Comment: Priya Nemitz said that she will assist with set up for the Baker Art Walk on July 13.
Old Business:
Approval of Amended Job Description for Development Specialist / Visitor Center Director Position: The job description was amended at the July 1 committee meeting to include a note that some light maintenance of the Visitor Center and Park will be required as well.
• MOTION (Mindi Murnion): To approve the job description amendments recommended at the July 1 committee meeting.
• SECOND: Krista Nemitz
• Five in favor, none opposed, one absent. The job description will be amended to include the recommendations of the hiring committee.
Hiring Committee Recommendations and Action on Hiring New SMART Employee: The committee interviewed two qualified candidates on July 1, Melissa Lovec and Madison Butori. After the discussion, the Committee recommended hiring Madison Butori. Specifics of the offer letter were discussed, including hourly wage, raise schedule and a probationary period.
• MOTION (Sharon Gookin): To offer the position to Madison Butori at the wage discussed, with a six-month probationary period.
• SECOND: Mindi Murnion
• Five in favor, none opposed, one absent. SMART will send an offer letter to Madison Butori for the Development Specialist / Visitor Center Director Position.
New Business:
Committee Formation: President Varner discussed the need for Committees to oversee major SMART projects. She proposed the committees meet frequently, and are re-established on a yearly basis. The committees will report during each SMART Monthly meeting.
Formation of Visitor Center Committee: The Visitor Center Committee will consist of Jodi Varner, Krista Nemitz and Deborah Walraven-Wenger.
Formation of Pocket Park Committee: The Pocket Park Committee will consist of Deborah Walraven-Wenger, Sharon Gookin and Mindi Murnion.
Recommendations on SMART Job Application: Karol requested that an official job application be required for future applicants, as opposed to simply accepting a resume. Vaughn presented a job application template that SMART had used previously. After discussion, Karol and Sharon will review the job application presented and make recommendations at a future meeting.
Other New Business:
General Discussion: The board concluded the meeting with general discussion on use of the Pocket Park for activities, getting vending machines for the Visitor Center and the recent changes to overtime rules regarding nonprofit salaried employees. There were no actions taken.
Having no other business to attend to at this time, Krista Nemitz motioned to adjourn. Deborah Walraven-Wenger seconded. Five in favor, none opposed, one absent. Meeting adjourned at 12:36pm
The next scheduled SMART meeting will be July 22, 2024 at noon at Thee Garage Steakhouse
Respectfully submitted:
______________________________ ______________________________
s\ Jodi L. Varner, President a\ Vaughn Zenko Jr, Executive Director