Statement from FCSO on Tester’s Fallon County Times ad
P.O. Box 899
Baker, Montana 59313
Telephone 406-778-2879 Fax 406-778-2815
Trenton Harbaugh, Sheriff/Coroner
Nic Eisele, Undersheriff
To all citizens of Fallon County-
I am writing this letter in response to an ad that was placed in the Fallon County Times, (October 25,
2024) addition. This full-length ad, states that Senator John Tester “secured funding for Fallon County
first responders. ” This statement is inherently false and I would like to take a moment to dispel any
First, as the Sheriff of Fallon County and true to the virtue of this profession, it is imperative that
regardless of political affiliation, we as the Fallon County Sheriffs are non-bias and do not support
candidates and/or proposed measures and/or laws. Individuals may, on their accord, support individuals,
but it is my stance and mission to not meddle in these affairs and ensure at all times that I am preserving,
protecting and upholding the values of all citizens in Fallon County.
Second, as the Sheriff, I am a steward of tax paid dollars and therefore always attempt to procure funding
through grants to alleviate the financial burden on Fallon County taxpayers. In response to Senator
Tester’s statement of “securing funding”, this is unequivocally false. I had discussions with our county
commissioners and treasurer’s office and was advised Fallon County Sheriff’s Office received $0 dollars.
So, Senator Tester your statement is erroneous, and I demand your acknowledgment of this being false.
This is absolutely unacceptable for the Fallon County Sheriff’s Office to be used as a political puppet
for Senator Tester’s gain. The men and women of the Fallon County Sheriff’s Office, work tirelessly to
ensure that all citizens are heard, protected and the pursuit of justice is in the forefront of each call of
service. As Sheriff, I demand that Senator Tester cease and desist immediately the use of the Fallon
County Sheriffs in likeness and by name. It should be noted that no one from Senator Tester’s office
reached out to the Fallon County Sheriff’s Office. Furthermore, Senator Tester’s office used an image of
one of our patrol vehicles from 11 years ago, that was posted on You Tube channel from the vendor that
we purchased it from. The link will be provided,
If anyone has any questions and/or concerns, my office door is always open, please do not hesitate to
reach out.

s\ Sheriff Trenton Harbaugh